!Sex Shop(Mindless behavior L...

By Deannasuper

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This is how Deanna gets out of the sex shop with the help of prodigy he is not from mb but he is a model for... More

!Sex Shop(Mindless behavior Love)
Cast call
For the cast
You have to understand
I can get you out of here
Dates,mates and Drama
Dates,mates and Drama part 2
Better lives
It's your choice
It's Official
Job Job Job
Should we?
Am i?
The Dresses
Wedding Day
Pressing Charges
The truth
Getting close to each other
Lil Za
The return of Crystal
Happy Birthday
I'm killing all of you
I know what you did
What really happend
Just Memories

The crash

115 3 1
By Deannasuper

Prodigy's pov

It's been 2 years since we all been happily dating,and Prince and Julio have been married for 1 year and ½.It seems like everything is so perfect.We are all on a plane to go to Hawaii.Mylah had her baby and it was a girl they called her Naomi,she is the cutest thing in the world.Anyway so where on the plan and the view is amazing.

Mylah:Finally a nice vacation away from all the Drama.

Deanna:I know right

Ray:I'm just happy we're all here together.

Julio:Do you hear that

Deanna:Yeah what is that

Flight Attend=FA

Fa:Everyone remain calm

Mercedes:What's going on

Roc;I don't know but I don't like it

Prod:Oh my god look

One of the wings on the plan fall off

Fa:Everyone put on your gas masks

Everyone puts on their gas mask

Prince:Were not going to make it are we.

Ray:It doesn't look like it

Naomi:Daddy what's going on i'm scared

Mylah:Its ok baby everything is going to be fine.

Fa:We only have 3 parachutes

Deanna:I don't want one give it to Naomi

Naomi took one

Prod:Ray Mylah take it

Ray:I can't do this,I can't leave you guys

Mercedes:We will be fine

They plan starts falling


The 3 of them jump of the plan.

The plan crashes onto an island.

Ray,Mylah and Naomi.

Naomi:Daddy go help them

Ray:Mylah stay here with Naomi

Ray runs to the plane and sees Prodigy and Roc trying to get everyone out.

They got all of their friends out except for the rest of passengers because they died.

Ray:Is everyone ok

Deanna:Yeah but we need to get supplies from the plan

They get water and a couple of their clothes and Lots of canned food.

Mercedes:Ok let's get back to Mylah and Naomi

They go back to them

Mylah:Is everyone ok


Prince:It looks like we're going to be here for a little while

Prod:Yeah let's get setup


Unexpected..very,will they survive.

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