
By KelseyJWilliams

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Kori is a Chimera, she has absorbed her twins in the womb. Yuck! She has been injected with growth hormones s... More

Chapter 1 (present day) Meet the Chimera
Chapter 2 - Escape
Chapter 3 -Un-Loc-ed
Chapter 4- Shopping after a fight
Chapter 5- Welcome to our home
Chapter 6- The wrong Loc
Chapter 7- Loc-smith
Chapter 8- The other brother
Chapter 10- Whats mine is yours, right?
Chapter 11- No body loves me but everyone wants me
Chapter 12 - Kidnapped
Chapter 13- Up the Creek
Chapter 14 - To Escape or not to escape that's the question?!
Chapter 15- conflict of interest
Chapter 16- Scarlet
Chapter 17 - Don't ignore me!
Chapter 18-Things never go according to plan
Chapter 19 - Rebellion
Chapter 20-Meet the Chimera...Ugh...Again?
Chapter 21- R.I.P.
Chapter 22 - Can you make it out alive?
Chapter 23 -Drowsy
Chapter 24- ZOMBIE
Chapter 25-Plans don't work out
Chapter 26- Freedom? What's the cost?
Chapter 27- Justice or Justin?
Scarlet's Story

Chapter 9 - friend or foe

17 1 0
By KelseyJWilliams

After breakfast of cold pizza, apparently these guys didn't cook, she was no closer to an answer than before. Though she was seriously thinking about leaving. 

"Turn her in. There is no question about it. She needs to go back to the facility or Dad will have your hide, mine and everyone else's."

"I am not going to give her over to those lunatic scientists." Loc replied.

They really didn't care if she overheard.  While she was grateful that she wouldn't be blindsided; she was horrified they were discussing her like a stray dog, in the other room. With every word Lash uttered she got angrier and Loc got louder.

"That's it." She growled. 

With a hand on her shoulder, Dax asked her to stop. She slapped him off. He stood shocked with a look of surprise. Instantly she felt regret. A hurt  look followed across his face. Why did she do that. Reflex? No one had really ever touched her before except her mom. Loc sleeping with her had been a huge step last night. He stepped further away when she started to apologize,  "I'm sorry Dax," She really wanted to say more to him but she needed to vent too,"if I'm not welcome here, I can't stay any longer." 

He started to form a protest but she stormed out of the kitchen. It was harder top push past the two brother's who were nose to nose in the living room. Rye was up next to the ugly one, holding him back from slugging Loc. She didn't spare a glance. Ignoring Loc's, "Where are you going?"

 No one immediatly followed her. The walls muffled the male voices as they continued their argument. Upstairs she gathered up her dirty clothes from the laundry hamper in the bathroom. Then made her way to search Rye's bedroom for the back pack of clothes Loc had bought her yesterday.

"Uhem, looking for this?" 

With dirty laundry under one arm, she spun.

Loc stood there with her back pack in one hand and the other on the door jam. She pushed forward with the intent of snatching it out of the air. He held it back out of arms reach, causing her chest bump his and nose almost hit his chin. Where she was soft he was all hard planes. Suddenly she was very aware of her own body. Heart beat wild and racing under heated skin. Her eyes dropped to his lips then back to his emerald gaze. She shied, backing away from him as his eyes twinkled and mouth kicked up with mirth.

"Not Loc." 

His smile grew, "Nope! Good try, huh?" Rye waved the back pack in front of  himself as she made a hasty retreat to safer ground. It dangled off his pointer finger, palm facing up. She didn't go for the bait this time.

"Why are you up here and not down there?"

"Because you're not down there."  Closing the door behind him, Rye blew a raspberry.  She backed up as he made his way to the edge of the bed, flinging her back pack and plopping down next to it. He patted the bed next to him. She folded her arms in silent protest.

He rolled his eyes and stretched out before flopping back. She didn't know what to think of him. Choosing to ignore him, she made another move for her backpack. As she reached for it he wrapped his arms around her and flung her onto the bed next to him before resuming a nonchalant pose again.

"What is your problem?" Frustration caused her to raise her voice. 

He shrugged noncommittal, eyes sparkling. This was a game to him.

She blew a damp strand of black hair out of her eyes and pulled herself up.

"You are so immature." She snatched her backpack close and quickly crammed her dirty laundry inside. She was almost to the door before he was behind her again, grabbing around her middle.

"That's it!" She swung her leg low and wide. He tripped not expecting a fight back.

Casper appeared behind him, "What did I miss?"

He fell back on his butt hard. Kori took the opportunity to fling the door open and kick his long legs out of the way. She was to the top of the stairs before he was on her again. Thankfully, Casper warned her with a shout of, "Watch out!" before she stopped a topple down the stairs.

Straddled on top of her, he pointed a finger in her face like a naughty dog, "NO!"

The furious voices downstairs hesitated for a moment before they took up again.

"I'm leaving." She yelled. 

"Get back in there." He pointed to the bedroom. 

"Seriously?"  What? He expected her to listen?  "Uh, NO!" Not going to happen. She stuck her tongue out at him. Which she would later admit was very immature before, she kneed him in the groin. 

"UGH! MOTHER F&#*@% !" He squealed like a stuck pig and fell over.

She moved to bolt down the stairs.

"Wait!" He whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Did he just say sorry, after you kneed him?" Casper interjected. Kori hesitated, her hand hovering above the rail.

"I think he did just apologize." Kori said to Casper. Rye smiled painfully as if she was talking to him.

"Don't go. I'm supposed to keep you busy while Loc finishes up downstairs. I should have told you." He grunted as he went cross-eyed trying to stand up. "I will beg your forgiveness if you stay."  

"Wow, dramatic much?" She gave him a hand, feeling sorry for him, "Do you always give people a hard time?"

Nodding, "It's fun," he grunted, "usually." and crab walked back to the bedroom. She followed him curious now that she had an explanation for his behavior. Well and the fact he couldn't do anything with his equipment. That made her feel good too. Like she got all the pent up rage out in that one kick.

"Quit Smiling like that. I may think you like touching my -"

"And he's back!" Commented Casper from her perch on the dresser.

"Shhh." Kori hissed at the spirit.

"Not in your life." Rye said, he didn't hear her directing it to the ghost or follow her gaze as he settled himself.

"Well I'll go see what's going on downstairs; unless you want me to Stuper-vise you and cutie here?" Casper asked.

"No. Go on, get me the deets!" Kori said. 

 Casper winked and proofed out again.

"Excuse me?" Rye rolled into a fetal position. Then shifted with a grunt to make eye contact.

"Wasn't talking to you." Kori rolled her eyes at his pitiful state. "Do you want me to get some ice, uh... for that?" 

"No, I want you to stay put so I can tell Loc I did what he asked. While he and Lash have a huge stupid fight over you." He huffed cringing a little, "What do you mean you weren't talking to me?"

"The ghost, she was here."

"For real? Like seriously? There's a ghost?" His eyes roamed the room.

"She's gone now. Probably watching your brother's duke it out." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and folded her arms around her middle. "Why should I stay put?" Kori prompted.

"Loc asked me to keep you up here until he can ditch the drama queen."

"Are you always so nice when you talk about your brothers?"

"I don't show favoritism." He smirked.

"Do you even care what happens to me?" She retorted. 

"No, not really." 

"Your Stupid if you think I'm going to sit up here with you while they decide my fate. No thanks."

"Wow stupid huh? Says the girl who thinks she's sooo mature." He mocked in a high pitch imitation of her.

She reached out to swat at him and he flinched back. "Don't Touch me!" He squealed jerking his hands closer to his chest, knees to stomach. Since he was already in fetal position it was almost to funny to watch. 

"Well, as entertaining as this is. I don't want to have to wait for a band of your father's 'Looney Toons' to come pick me up if Lash wins the fight downstairs. So, if you don't mind I'll go."

"He won't win."

She raised eyebrows at him.

"My brother Loc has this whole Alpha vibe going, if you haven't noticed." He uncurled from the fetal position and sprawled out onto his belly. His large fists fit under his chin.

If she stayed she didn't know how this would end. She didn't trust the sexy beast on the bed any further than she could throw him. Admit it, she thought, he is sexy. 

Another part of her stepped up to argue, Loc was sexy on the inside too. Wasn't she attracted to Loc's inside and outside. 

"What are you smiling about?" He asked.

She blinked, caught up in her own thoughts. At her startled expression he barked a laugh.

"Caught-cha day dreaming didn't I?" He scrubbed his chin and the hairs stuck up, just like Loc's did when he did that.

"Was it about me?" He watched her face studying her for a reaction. "Or Loc?"

Her jaw dropped.

"Cause if it was Loc than it was about me too. Because we're twins." He was reading her facial expressions. Horrible poker face. 

Spinning away from him she muttered, "SHUT UP."

He chuckled and that made her toes curl. It was the first time anything had happened when he talked to her. She wanted to wrap it around her. Not good, "Stop it!" She snarled.

"Awe did Loc not play with you last night?" He started to roll off the bed. She heard it and pivoted putting her back to the door. He was on her in an instant.

"I could kick you again."

"You know you don't have to like me, to be attracted to me." He moved into her space. His body crowding hers. She didn't push him away. Wanted to; didn't she? She liked Loc, was attracted to Loc. There was no trust with Rye. Yet she felt her trust was broken or close with Loc as well. She wasn't sure being here wasn't a set up of some kind yet. He waited like a good predator. His hands were on either side of her waist against the wood behind her, not touching. His body lined up. She had to crane her head to look up at him. 

"Do you even like me?" She squeaked. 

"Oh, yah." And he scooted closer so she could feel how much his body liked her...It wasn't what she meant but what did she expect? He apparently thought with his pants not his head. 

It was too much. REALITY CHECK! She pushed him at the shoulders and he allowed it, his smile quickly turned into a frown.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I think I've started becoming attracted to you because of  Loc?" She crinkled her brow. "It doesn't feel the same as when I'm with him though. I like Loc. A lot. But I'm so confused at what's going on right now I really think it would be better for me to go."


"I said, I'm Sorry."

"No don't apologize again... I was just trying to distract you from leaving in all honesty." He scratched his skull backing up a couple steps. His blonde hair curled, just like Loc's slightly around his ears.

"Well it worked." She sighed.

"Not well enough." He grumbled.

She coughed out, "I do think you are interesting Rye. Maybe we could be friends?"

He gave a gruesome look shuddering. Then clutched his heart dramatically.  "I don't think I've ever heard a woman say that before." 

A woman? She'd never really considered herself a woman. A girl. A teenager. Not a woman. It was...Nice. 

"I don't know why I'm still standing here. Maybe because, your like a cat, your only out to entertain yourself. For me, it's like watching to see if the cat really does have nine lives. Will the cat try to get himself killed again? Try to get kicked in the ba-private's again?" She caught her self laughing softly. Only a day in their presence and her language was changing.  With a deep breath she continued, "I don't think you care if anyone likes you. But for what it's worth, "She paused dramatically raising her chin, "I think I do... I mean, what guy could get kneed in the baaalls" She stumbled on the word with a half smile, "and still be willing to talk to said person?! Anyway, Truce?"

Something real crossed his face. The permanent smile was gone. He looked, thoughtful. The smile was a mask. She noted, filing that tidbit away.

"Well I like you too. Obviously." He pointed down at his crotch, deflecting whatever real thoughts he had had. His jeans were riding low on his hips. She couldn't help but follow his gesture with her gaze. Then mentally smacked herself. 


"I don't know how to be serious." He smiled back benignly. It was a real smile, soft at the corners of his mouth. Softening her quick lit anger again. 

In some weird way they had come to some kind of agreement. They would be friends. Kori knew if she gave the slightest hint that she wanted more he would be all over that too. But for now, they could be friends. Maybe she could talk to him while she waited for Loc. Where could she go anyway? What could she do right now other than run? What good had running done yesterday, other than exhaust her. He studied her while she stewed mentally. He was first to break the silence of course. An extrovert naturally. 

"Sooo, you like Loc."

She snorted, "Really? How about you help me come up with a plan."

"Ruin my fun." He shrugged, "Well, you can't stay here."

"My turn to say it, OUCH!"

Sexy lips kicked up but his smile was gone, it was predatory, "Do you want my help or not?"

"Yes, I just didn't know you'd rip the band aid off."

"You were ready to leave a moment ago."  He differed. Good grief! He had no buffer or filter to deal with the human race. 

Her turn, "I know.  But I'm a girl, I'm aloud to not know what I want."

He chuckled it was the same one Loc did and it did things to her. "Stop that!" He laughed out loud this time as she swatted at him playfully.

"Wow, we really do affect you huh?"

"Shut up! Stay on subject."

"Alright, Loc can take you to a Hotel, no don't look at me like that. I'm serious. If he takes you to a hotel you wont be under the scrutiny of Lash and if your with Loc..." He dragged out the 'O' in his brother's name as he looked at the ceiling in thought, "Dad wont send people after you. Also it'll give Loc time to search and remove a tracker on you if you have one."

She raised an eyebrow. That was the second brother to mention a tracker. With some worry her imagination provided mental images from movies of little computer chips under her skin. Deal with it. She mentally chided herself. Not much she could do about it at the moment. And yet a small part of her felt violated. 

"Would he?"

Not that she could lean on this new found friendship with a bucket full of trust. She still felt if it was in Rye's best interest to help Lash vs. Loc. He'd switch sides. What if Loc wasn't really on her side either. She hadn't established that either. She lifted her face heavenward. 

"What is it?" Rye asked seriously. 

"Rye, I don't know who to trust. In all honesty if I had somewhere to go, I wouldn't be sitting on my hands up here waiting for Loc." She shrugged the reality of her situation stressing her out. "Rye I don't want to go back. But I want my mom. In order to get her, I have to go back. I think? Unless there's another way? I don't know how. I don't know what to do next. I don't know who to lean on. The only person I know for sure is on my side is a half alive spirit that gets me into more trouble than she helps me out of. Yet, she's all I got!" 

A small panic attack started to build up. Breath...Breath...She put her hands down on her knees blowing a breath out and sucking another in threw her nose. Tears threatened her vision. Don't you dare cry. She berated silently. 

Gentle hands reached out and surrounded her. Pulling her into a comfortingly awkward hug. "Okay... Friend." The word seemed foreign. He was trying to be funny as he said the word 'Friend,' with a shudder. She half laughed half sobbed into his shirt. 

 "I don't have any money." She whispered. Ashamed. 

"Shhh... No need to get out the violin and play such a sad song." He thumped her back like a guy would another guy. He was making an effort she knew it. So she let go first.There was a few moments of silence. Allowing her built up emotions to be tucked safely back into the box. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't-" 

"Oh, now don't be sorry. I get it your a girl and you gotta share your feelings." He smashed his face into a dramatic sad look. It struck gold and she giggled. 

"Money is not an object." He snorted, slapping his knee, "We may live in a small townhouse together but that's because we tried the mansion thing and we don't like to clean. It was a mess in a week, on top of that Loc fired the maid. Before you ask why, No I didn't... Well, I might have slept with her." He looked abashed. "We live here because it's more convenient and it's not living with, 'The Man!' "

"You have a mansion?"

He shook his head side to side, "Had, it's dad's really. What we do HAVE  is a lot of money."

"Oh right because your heirs to the 'Clonedom'!" Her voice was defensive. 

"Now, now. We earned our money." He stomped his foot. "Okay, yah! We might have had to work at the...What did you call it? Clonedom? That's kind of fitting... But we got paid to be studied at first. Then we became the helpers. Or the entertainer's when visitors would come. Who wouldn't want a tour of the-'Clonedom' with their own Clone?"

Was he serious? Tours?

"So your like a monkey in a suit. You dad says jump and you do it?"

"NO!" He shook his head adamantly.  Then his head tilted to the side, shoulders slumping defeated, "Well, maybe a little bit."

No morals...

"You're the one going off subject now. What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to leave the state? Country? Get a new identity? Because if you don't tell Loc what you want, he's going to tell you. Yes, you can trust him. The man would die for any of his brothers and the way he's starting to look at you. I would be willing to bet that his chivalry would encompass a poor damsel too. That man tries to carry the world on his shoulders alone." 

"Yah, I kind of figured that." She motioned to the stairs, where her self appointed white knight was arguing for her. The words buzzed threw the walls. None of them coherent. 

"Rye, I want to find my mom. I think they have her at the facility. I mean that's where they took me. Why wouldn't they take her there too, right?"

The look he gave her was pity. "Kori, what if she's Dea-?"

The knock on the door stopped him. Kori was grateful. She didn't want to face that question anymore than he wanted to say it. She'd thought about it. Her mom would do anything for her. Including give up her life. But she wasn't dead. She couldn't be. Kori put her head in her hands pushing on her eyes with her fists. No more crying. 

A warm arm went around her back. She knew instantly from the tenderness it was Loc.

"Thanks Rye, I got it from here."

The door shut softly behind Rye. Loc scooped her up and she let the tears go. The tension and everything she'd shoved into that black box leaked out. He held her on his lap. It allowed her mind to ponder all of the fears she'd been shoving to the sidelines for the past twenty-four hours. 

"Hey, I know it's been an emotional two days." He stroked her back.

She didn't say it out loud she didn't dare. It might make it come true. The blackest thought rubbed against her brain like a cactus. If she said it she might jinx it. His hand moved softly as sobs racked her body. He spoke soothing words almost none of which she heard. 

After a good cry she shuffled around, sitting next to him, instead of on top of him.  A tissue appeared under her eyes. Kori didn't want to know why there was a box of tissues and bottle of lotion on the night stand.  Not when she'd just barely come to respect Rye.

Casper's voice came from her other side, "There, you feel better?" Kori couldn't feel her hand on her but she figured the tingling was Casper rubbing her back.

"We need to leave." She told Loc.

"We don't have to. I've got 24 hours to figure something out. Lash wont do anything before that, he promised. I think he's hoping I'll change my mind." He shifted back, rubbing her arms up and down with his rough palms.

"No, we need to get out of here. What if he changes his mind? I can't take that chance Loc. Take me to a hotel, please?"

The 'please' got him or maybe the tears. That undid a lot of strong guys, right? Made them all soft and protective.

"Alright." He said hesitantly, holding her eyes to make sure she didn't change her mind, "I'll go tell the guys. If you'll get your stuff-" She held up the forgotten back pack and his mouth kicked up on the one side, "My room is across the hall. Will you pack me some clothes?"

"Oooo we get to go in his room?" Casper clapped soundlessly. Kori laughed and Loc raised an eye brow. Kori repeated the ghost's statement out loud and Loc looked around the room.

"Oh, forgot about her." He mumbled.

"He what?" Casper became indignant.

"Nothing!" Kori jumped up, "I'll go pack." She slipped around him and he followed pointing to his room. Then he trotted down the stairs to declare war again.

"He better hope I don't forget to pack his underwear. Or give him only one sock." Casper grumbled. 

"Really Casper? He can't see you. How's he suppose to know when your around?" Kori stopped inside the bedroom. It was not what she expected. Not at all.

"Oh no, you don't go defending him. I'm rightfully mad. And- " Casper stopped next to her. With  mouth open at the sight before them. HOLY COW! 

"HE'S GAY!" Casper crowed.

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