Horror Character's Scenarios

By StraNgeloveXoXo

520K 9.3K 3K

Includes Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface, Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates... More

First meeting
After you meet (his POV)
When he asks you out
First Date
When you see him kill/ First kiss
Getting to know him better
AN~ Now taking requests
When he does something sweet/is affectionate
Introducing Patrick Bateman
Introducing Dr. Heiter
When you're sick
When he's jealous
Your love song
When he wants to cuddle
First "I love you's"
Your nicknames
Seven Minutes in Heaven
AN~ Prom?
Freddy Krueger's Prom Scenario
Jason Voorhees Prom Scenario
Michael Myers' Prom Scenario
Ghostface's Prom Scenario
Leatherface's Prom Scenario
Hannibal Lecter's Prom Scenario
Norman Bates' Prom Scenario
Patrick Bateman's Prom Scenario
Dr Heiter's Prom Scenario
How you sleep together ♥
When you get scared
AN~ I am ashamed + New chapter list!
Moving in together
Freddy Krueger's Lemon!!
Jason Voorhees' Lemon!!
Michael Myers' Lemon!!
AN~ Where Have You Been?
AN~ We are continuing!!
AN~ Last Author's Note I Swear!
When he thinks you're cute
Ghostface's Lemon
Leatherface's Lemon
Hannibal Lecter Lemon!!
Norman Bates Lemon!!
Patrick Bateman Lemon!!
AN~ Don't read it if you don't like it!
Dr. Heiter Lemon!!
His favorite things about you
AN~ The Winners!!
AN~ Remake, coming soon
AN~ It's up!!

Second meeting

14.9K 347 190
By StraNgeloveXoXo

Freddy Krueger~ I'm not dealing with this again. I'm done with it. I stared at the terrifying man as he came close, stopping inches away from me. Instead of reacting the way I usually did at this time, I relaxed my muscles. "What do you want from me?" I asked in a soft voice. His eyes lightened for only a moment when he smirked, his face turning hard again. "Let's take that pretty look off you voice.." He trailed off, softly stroking my cheek with the rusty knife in his glove. I snorted at his comment, crossing my arms over my chest. "What look?" I asked. I knew I wasn't the most attractive girl, but did he have to be so sarcastic about my looks? He rolled his eyes, creeping closer to me. "You know what I'm talking about, why don't girls like you ever admit it?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him, starting to get angry. Now he was just being plain old rude. "Hey, you need to cut it out." I snapped, poking him sharply in the chest with my finger. "I already have issues with my self esteem, I don't need assholes like you ruining it more than it already is." His eyes went soft again. He pushed me up against the wall, his hands pinning my shoulders to the surface. "I wasn't meaning it like that. I meant, you are just about the most gorgeous girl I've had to terrorize. Now, enough with the teases. I'm Freddy, what's your name?" My eyes went wide before I answered. "..YN.." He grinned wider, pulling away from my frame. "See you soon, YN." He called out as I sprung back into reality.

Jason Voorhees~ You sat uncomfortably on a tree stump, staring out at the sparkling lake and looking fairly forlorn. You couldn't sleep, it was much too cold out here to sleep. You sighed softly, standing to stretch, when you saw something out the corner of your eye. It was the man from before, looking at you intently. "Hello.." You called out, making your way towards him. He went rigid as you smiled, shivering loudly. It was quiet between you for a long time, making you uncomfortable again. "I should be sleeping right now, but I can't. It's too cold." You were attempting to make small talk to the best of your abilities. You bit your lip, looking up at his intimidating mask. "I'm YN, what's your name?" You asked. He didn't reply, he only continued to stare. I guess he doesn't talk much. You looked at the ground, rocking back and forth on your heels. It stayed like this for three minutes, before the man finally talked. His husky, yet soft voice asked "Aren't you scared?" You looked up at him, surprised by his question. "Yes, I'm very scared. I don't know what you'll do to me, and you know, I don't care. I'd take my chances to talk to you than let another lonely soul go unnoticed." You justified with a warm smile. The man nodded at your comment, relaxing a bit. He set his machete down, taking off his heavy jacket, showing his set of pale, scarred muscles. He handed you the jacket before picking his weapon back up. "Goodnight YN." He said, turning to the forest. "By the way, it's Jason."

Michael Myers~ Your stomach hurt again. No food in the house. As always. You filled the translucent cup with tap water, hoping that it would satisfy your stomach for tonight. Darkness clawed at the windows as you quickly drank the water, suddenly feeling watched. You whipped around, cup in hand as the man from last night stood in your kitchen with you. This time without his knife. Your eyebrows arched as you set the glass down on the counter, tiptoeing on the tile to come closer to him. "Hey.." You said, looking up at him. You gave him a half smile, continuing to talk. "I'm sorry, I can't offer you anything to eat. I would if I could." You reassured him. He nodded again. "I'm YN, who are you?" You asked. No response. You looked around, trying to find some type of answer, when your eyes read the name tag on his uniform. Michael. "You're Michael, aren't you?" You asked him. He nodded slowly. You tried to think of something else to talk about, but the pain of hunger in your stomach couldn't make you think straight. "I'm sorry, but I need to get some rest.." You trailed off, holding your abdominal. You walked from the kitchen and to the door of your room, feeling as if you would pass out, when you looked behind you. Michael had followed you to your room, and only stopped a few feet away from you. You giggled at this, shaking your head. "No no no, we can't sleep in the same bed. That's improper. You can sleep in my bed tonight." You smiled. He shook his head no. "It's alright, really. I'll sleep in my mom's bed, she's not home anyways." You shrugged.

Ghostface~ "What the hell!" You screamed, dodging the masked man. He was shorter in stature, and wore a black robe. A white, drooping mask covered his face as a small buck knife was gripped in his gloved hand. "Just stand still YN. This'll only take a second.." He mumbled. It was a familiar voice. A voice you once thought kindly of. "Ghostface?" You asked, stopping in your tracks. You had talked to this guy on the phone half a week ago, now here he was in your living room, attacking you. He stopped after hearing your soft voice, standing upright again. "Hey YN.." He said in a guilty tone. Your eyes narrowed, frightened and confused. "What are you doing here? And..why are you trying to hurt me?" You asked. Ghostface tipped his head back, sighing audibly. "YN, darlin' I'd never want to hurt you. I just need to get rid of you, that's all." He shrugged "Why?" You asked. He was silent before saying "I'm afraid I'll catch feelings for you. But I unfortunately, I already have. You're just..so damn perfect." He mumbled, heading to the door with his head bung in shame. You watched him with wide eyes as he opened the door. "Oh, and uh, YN?" He asked. "Yeah?" You replied, eyebrows still raised. "You're not mad at me..are you?" His voice sounded broken at this point. You stared at him for a moment before shaking your head from side to side. "No hard feelings, man." You smiled as he nodded, leaving your house quickly and running off the front lawn. "Dork.." You giggled to yourself, watching him trip and fall over his robe in the process.

Leatherface~ You twirled yourself around the tire swing in your backyard, the hot sun burning your cheeks and thighs. You weren't allowed to take a lot of your things with you during the move, your dad wanted to lessen the load. Therefore you didn't have much to do anymore, with all your movies and art supplies now gone. You were pretty surprised though when you found the swing, it gave you instant joy. You smiled, swinging faster, when you saw a blur of a person in front of you. You stopped yourself by stomping your barefoot into the soft grass, lunging forward. Before you was the same man from the other day, his hands folded in front of him. "Oh, hey there..what's your name again?" You asked, knowing he never told you his name in the first place. "Leatherface." He croaked out in an imbecile voice. "That's a nice name..I'm YN." You added. He nodded shyly, making you smile wider. "Do you like it?" He asked. You looked at him confused "Do I like what?" You asked him, gripping the rope tighter. "The swing..I tried to make it the best I could..is it alright?" He asked. Your jaw dropped at this, he made this for you? "You put this here?" You implied. He nodded awkwardly, turning from you and walking down the street. "Thank you very much Leatherface! You called out to him as he continued to walk. What you didn't know on the other hand was that he had the biggest grin on his face under that mask.

Hannibal Lecter~ " You need psychiatric help my dear." A voice purred in your ear. It was a dark night when you were walking home, this frightening voice giving you chills. You turned around to see the familiar man, anger touching your features. "No, you need help!" You screamed, backing away from him. He chuckled, inching closer. "Is it wrong to be following such a beautiful young women?" He pressed. You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts. "Besides, I've never seen someone with so many fears." He snickered. "How do you know about that?" You asked, eyes wild. "I know everything about you dear YN. Absolutely everything. Like I said, you need psychiatric help, phobia of failure, spiders, the dark, natural disasters, commitment, you list never ends, does it dear?" He asked. You backed away again, beginning to get freighted. "Don't hurt me.." You squeaked, making him touch your face softly. "I'd never do that to you YN. I want to cherish you, not hurt you." He mumbled. You pulled away from his touch. "What's your name?" You asked. It was only fair, how should he know yours yet you not know his? He grinned at you before answering. "Hannibal. Hannibal Lecter." His blue eyes stared into yours intently as you nodded, continuing your walk. "I'm sorry Hannibal, but I must get going." You said before running off. Hannibal only staring smiling to himself "I can wait YN. I can wait.."

Norman Bates~ You grabbed your bag quickly, ready to check out. You needed to get going, you had to visit your grandmother in less than two hours. You rushed out of the room, immediately bumping into the man from last night. He steadied you before looking into your eyes sadly. "Are you l-leaving so s-soon?" He asked. Your heart tensed under his words, it hurt seeing him so unhappy. "I'm afraid so, I have to see my grandmother soon.." You said. He hung his head sorrowful, making your eyes soften. "Well, her nursing home is very close by. I could spend another night tonight, and probably many nights after that, if you want me to?" You asked. He smiled widely, before nodding very shyly. You smiled back at him as he stared down at you, delight filling his dark eyes. "Here's thirty, unless the room cost more?" You asked, extending the money out towards him. He shook his head pushing your hand away. "N-no, that's quiet a-alright. You d-don't have to p-pay anything..unless I can k-know your n-name?" He asked. You giggled before answering "YN. What's yours?" "Norman. N-Norman Bates." You smiled and nodded as he continued to stare. "You..uh..I-I like y-your dress." He blushed darkly. You giggled again, softer this time. "Thank you very much." You replied politely as he reached for your bag. You traveled silently as he helped put the suitcase in the trunk of your car. "I'll see y-you to-tonight?" He asked. You nodded yes with a kind smile before driving off, excited to see him again.

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