Love Without A Timer

By Michellescontent

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WARNING ⚠️: STUDxSTUD insta//michellescontent snap//aribxtch Thanks and EnjoyπŸ’« More

Re-Write Available
Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: Goodbye's aren't always granted
Chapter 3: I can't let you in
Chapter 4: The Shot
Chapter 5: The Mission
Chapter 6: One Fat, Slimey snake
Chapter 8: Gone, but never forgotten
Chapter 9: I'm drowning...
Chapter 10: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 11: Lost but not Forgotten
Chapter 12: I need her
Chapter 13: Sorry...not sorry
Chapter 14: Always Us
Chapter 15: I love you
Chapter 16: Im back
Chapter 17: No
Chapter 18: Missing Piece
Chapter 19: Yes

Chapter 7: Tit for Tat

3.6K 189 33
By Michellescontent

Shereen pov

Jasmine just began to wake up. She stirred a bit before she opened her eyes. She looked over to see me sitting in the chair at her bedside. We held all three of them in separate rooms. Jasmine of course being guided by me. Kiara being guarded down the hall by one of the guys, Jym. Lastly, Jasmine's mom, was being held in the living area by herself.

"Omg, Shawna, you have to help us! Someone kidnapped us!." She whispered frantically, afraid that whoever kidnapped her would hear. They heard, loud and clear. How the fuck is she an Asesino? She is so dumb. It actually made me laugh, out loud. She narrowed her eyebrows at me. She took a better look at me," Did they do that to you too?" She noticed the scars that Kiara gave me. I bit my tongue and chuckled slightly.

WHen I stopped laughing I finally responded, "Sorry Jasmine, I guess you missed the memo." I spoke still chuckling a bit. This whole thing was hilarious.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned, looking me up and down. I stood up and walked over to her. She backed up slightly, almost hesitant to let me near her. She should be afraid. I pulled my gun out, lying it inbetween her eyes.

I laughed at her frightened look, "I'm not on your side" I stated calmly.

Her face contorted into anger as she lashed out at me, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. Her yelling was starting to give me a slight headache. I sighed.

"Ay" She continued yelling," AY CALM YOUR VOICE THE FUCK DOWN." I yelled back at her, ignoring her question. She doesn't need to know my reasons.

"FUCK YOU" She spat at me.

I smirked, "I know you would love to babes." Her face twisted into disgust. To add on to her performance, she even began gagging. I simple just straight faced her.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked again, glaring at me.

Why am I doing this?


"STOP STOP!" I screamed.

Masked people had came in and began attacking my brother. Two people held me back while I watched one person with long curly hair continuously punch him and kick him. He was too weak to move out of the line of fire. Sp badly, I wanted to get up and help him fight, but their grip on me was too strong.

I put my head down. I couldn't stomach seeing him like this. One of the people holding me back yanked my head up. They wanted me to see my only brother die in front of my eyes, fucking monsters. With each hit he got weaker and weaker. My brother began to move trying to fight back. He lifted his hand ripping off her mask. It was a girl. He looked her in the eyes, spitting out the blood in his mouth onto her face. She wiped her face slowly, then elbowed him in the face. I felt that. He turned to me..."I love you" he mouthed. Before I even got to reply, she snapped his neck. My eyes widened, and my heart broke.  His head facing towards me and his eyes staring as if looking into my soul. I closed my eyes. I couldn't look at him anymore, I couldn't do it.

"Well this was fun. " she spoke in humor, as if she hadn't killed my brother. She looked at me and smiled and began walking towards me. She used her hand covered with my brothers blood and stroked my face. "Keep your mouth shut, or else you will end up just like your brother." SHe straightfaced me. I just stared in her eyes, not saying anything. SHe began laughing and walked out the door. The two men holding me threw me on the ground and followed her.

I curled up to the wall and brung my legs up to my chest. I cried and cried, my sobs shaking my whole body. I slowly lifted my head and peeked at my brother. He laid, lifeless, still staring at me. I crawled over to him and hesitantly reached out. Softly touching his hair I began sobbing again. I threw my body onto his and began bawling out loudly. I held him and rocked back and forth.

Pulling back slightly I looked at his face. "I love you too" I told him. I reached my hand out and closed his eyes, my hands shaking. Right then, I vowed to kill her. I owed it to my brother.

He was all I had. My parents up and left us once he was legally old enough to care for me. They didn't give a rats ass about us. I hated them too. They were the reasons I began to have a cold heart.

I'm no longer searching for love. All of my family left me. I'm just out for blood.

First up. My brother's murderer.

She. Will. Die.


"We found out her name," Derek said after I told him what happen," Jasmine Centina. Apart of the Asesinos. Blasian. 16 years of age." I didn't respond, I just left his office and went to search her up myself. Typing in her name on our computer software, a picture popped up. That's her. She doesn't live too far.

I went back to Derek's office.

"I want to go after her." I started," take someone she loves like she did me."

"Ok I will have some people look into her personal life." Derek replied to me.

*A week later*

"Ok we found out she only has her mother and father" Derek said" but only her Dad is apart of Asesinos."

Mhm ok.

I gathered up a few guys after we found where her dad was located now.

We were in a van, me being in the passenger's seat with my pistol.

We saw him and another guy standing next to a car talking.

"Drive by slowly" I told Dave, my friend behind the wheel. I didn't care that I was about to take some mans life, I just saw red. I needed her to feel my pain. Once we pulled up we all pulled the masks over our face. I leaned out of the window and shot six times.

"Go!" I screamed as I watched his body drop to the floor. The person he was with dropped to the floor trying to save him. He is gone. I have no care in the world anymore. Driving away, I wanted to take more. Killing her dad wasn't enough. I need her blood on my hands.

*present day*

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, WHY?" I yelled my anger rising. Tears threatening to spill.

"You killed my brother in MY FACE and just left....LIKE IT WAS FCKING NOTHING." I seethed to her. I then smiled, feeling as of im about to stomp on her heart once I reveal who killed her father.

"But I hope I got you twice as hard." I spoke, twisting my face into a taunting smirk.

Her face fell. "Wait what are you..." She paused. Realization hitting her as her face turn red.

"You....YOU KILLED HIM!!" She screamed.

I smiled unbothered,"and enjoyed every second" I responded.

"YOU BITCH",she tried to jump up. She was chained to the wall so she couldn't get to me, but I punched her in the face anyway. Why not?

A few minutes later she calmed down staring at me.

"Then why am I here, you already took my father what else could you want?" she said lowly.

"Oh, you know killing your dad was just something to hurt you, but to avenge my brother I want go straight to the source" I spoke, taking a step towards her. I raised my gun again. Her eyes snapped away from me then returned to my face. She no longer look scared.


I was knocked to the ground, I looked up just in time to see her punch me in the face.


I know what they meant now when they say they see stars.

She punched me again, and I was out.

Kiara pov

I woke up on the floor with my head pounding. I looked around the bare room and noticed a guy staring at me. He held a shot in his hand, ready for me to make a move so he could take me out. We stared at eachother a bit before he turned around. I looked down at my hands, there were little scratches that painted my palms. I noticed that I wasn't chained or tied up at all. Instead I saw the rope in a pile, underneath his seat. I put my hands back down, hoping he didn't notice. We both heard screams and his face twisted into confusion. He turned his back away from me and put his ear against the door. I walked behind him slowly and snapped his neck. His body slid down the door and I dragged him out of the way. I pulled on the door but it didn't budge. Fuck, its locked.

I went back over to the guy and picked his pockets. I found the keys in his pocket and unlocked the door. Peaking my head out first. It was barely any sound but I could hear low distinct voices. I went towards them.



I started running until I got to the door.

I still had the keys. I moved slowly to keep the attention away from me, I began to unlock the door. Only, opening it only enough for my body to fit through. I saw Shereen with the gun. Jasmine's eyes met mine before she looked back at her. She lifted the gun to Jasmine's face. I panicked.

"NO!" I tackled her and punched her in the face. Then punched her again knocking her out. I went over with the keys still, taking them out of my pocket to unlock Jasmine. Before I could speak, she kissed me. I moaned as her tongue grazed my lip. I opened it, now fighting for dominance. A thought popped into my head and  pulled away. Where's her mom? "Thank you," She whispered and pecked my lips.

"No problem" I smiled," now we gotta find your mom." She nodded and we walked out to begin our search. We left searching every door with the key. There were only three others besides Jasmine's and mine. The last one we figured she had to be there. But I felt as if there was a guard, we had to be careful. We knocked on the door. No one responded. We kept quiet and stood on the sides of the door. We knocked again but heard a soft whisper "help". With that, I figured no one was in there and I unlocked the door. I rushed over to unchain her, checking for any damage.

"MOM!" Jasmine yelled running over, crying, to hug her.

"Sorry" I felt bad interrupting, but we can't risk getting caught," but we have to go before Shereen wakes up."

"Shereen?" Jasmine questioned.

Shit, I forgot she didn't know. "Yeah, her real name is Shereen Jenkins not Shawna." She squinted her eyes at me. I prepared for her backlash.


"Look--" I cut her off, "I would love to sit here and get my ass chewed out but we need to get home." She sighed and nodded her head. We walked out of the room and quickly made our way to the front door.

"Where the hell do you think your going?"



A/N: Hey guys thanks for reading! Please make sure to vote and comment. I added some more scenes and background to the story, then what I originally had. I hope you guys enjoy.

Message me If you guys have any questions or suggestions💜

Add me on instagram: @official.atai

Add me on snapchat: @aribxtch

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