Worlds Colliding (The Origina...

De heartofice97

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All rights go the creators of The Vampire Diaries and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots... Mais

characters & trailer
character theme songs (main) & outfit links
chapter 1 - Rebirth
chapter 2 - Alive and Kicking
chapter 3 - Every Mother's Child
chapter 4 - Live and Let Die
chapter 6 - Wheel Inside the Wheel
chapter 7 - Chasing the Devil's Tail
chapter 8 - The Brothers That Care Forgot
chapter 9 - Map Of Moments
chapter 10 - Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire
chapter 11 - Brotherhood of the Damned
chapter 12 - Sanctuary
chapter 13 - The Devil is Damned
chapter 14 - I Love You, Forever
chapter 15 - They All Asked For You
chapter 16 - Save My Soul
chapter 17 - Exquisite Corpse
chapter 18 - Night Has a Thousand Eyes
chapter 19 - When the Levee Breaks
chapter 20 - City Beneath the Sea
chapter 21 - Fire With Fire
chapter 22 - Ashes to Ashes

chapter 5 - Red Door

927 16 11
De heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 "Always and Forever", in the Quarter, Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah were sitting on the bench.

Hayley: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)"

From 1.22 "From a Cradle to a Grave", outside the plantation, Cassie/Esther and Vincent/Finn stood by Esther's grave.

Kassandra: (voice over from 1.22 From a Cradle to a Grave) "We should have known our mother would not be bound by anything as obvious as death."

From 2.03 "Every Mother's Child", in the dining room of the compound, Vincent/Finn looked at his siblings, feigning offense. "Oh, you mean you don't recognize me?"

Kassandra looked at him in realization. "It's been a long time, Finn."

From 2.01 "Rebirth", outside the record store, Kaleb/Kol held his hand toward Davina. "I'm Kaleb."

Davina shook his hand. "Davina."

From 2.03 "Every Mother's Child", in the back of Lenore's store, Hayley and Mikayla stood on either side of Auria, looking at Lenore/Esther angrily, protecting Auria.

"Esther," Auria told her.

Later, Hayley, Mikayla and Auria were gone.

Lenore/Esther looked at Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah. "I have come to heal our family. For you, I will undo everything that has been done, thereby giving you a new life."

From 2.03 "Every Mother's Child", in the living room of the compound, Elijah and Kassandra were talking.

"What could be possibly more important than the return of our mother?" Kassandra asked.

"Our father," Elijah told her. "I saw him."

From 1.22 "From a Cradle to a Grave", in the attic, Davina made Mikael bow to her.

Elijah: (voice over from 2.03 Every Mother's Child) "He was enslaved with some spell cast by Davina."

From 2.04 "Live and Let Die", outside the cabin, Kassandra grabbed the staff, turning toward the cabin, throwing the staff like a javelin toward the window, shattering through the glass.

Inside, Davina and Kaleb/Kol ducked out of the way of the staff and the shattering glass.

Davina hit her head on a nearby table, falling unconscious.

Kaleb/Kol was checking on Davina.

Mikael gripped his throat. "Release me."

Kaleb/Kol grabbed Davina's wrist, touching the bracelet, chanting.

Davina's bracelet started to glow.

Mikael closed his eyes, feeling the power of the spell lifting.

from 2.04 "Live and Let Die", outside the cabin, Mikael walked outside to face Klaus and Kassandra.

"I will. Never. Walk. Away," Kassandra told him.

Mikael managed to flip Kassandra onto the ground, grabbing the white oak stake from next to them, trying to drive it into her heart. Kassandra kept it away at arms' length with all her strength. Mikael managed to stab the stake into her shoulder instead of her chest.

Klaus appeared from behind Mikael, stabbing Papa Tunde's blade through his back, into his heart.

Mikael screamed in agony and shock, falling to the ground next to Kassandra, on his stomach.

The blade forced its way into Mikael's body the rest of the way.

Kassandra looked up at Klaus gratefully, sighing, catching her breath. "You stayed, even while he was trying to kill you."

Klaus stepped closer, using her words against her. "I will never walk away."

From 2.04 "Live and Let Die", outside the cabin, Klaus and Kassandra put Mikael's body in the trunk of Kassandra's car, closing the lid of the trunk.

Mikael regained consciousness, fighting the pain from Papa Tunde's blade, groaning in agony. He took several deep breaths to steel himself, reaching into his chest, finally pulling the blade out of his body.

From 2.04 "Live and Let Die", in a crypt, Elijah awakened to find that he was in one of the crypts. He was chained with his hands above his head. He looked around the room, taking note of the dozens of lit candles surrounding him.

Lenore/Esther walked closer, smiling.

"What do you want?" Elijah asked angrily.

Lenore/Esther stopped in front of him. "I only want us to be a family again, Elijah." She held his chin in her hand, looking at him sadly. "But, I'm so sorry. In order for that to happen, you must be purified."

Lenore/Esther turned around, walking out, leaving him bound in the crypt.


Elijah's Nightmare 


A girl with long, wavy brown hair who was wearing a long, white dress frantically ran for safety toward a red door at the end of the hallway.

Elijah was shirtless and covered in blood, slowly stalking her.

The girl whimpered in fear, desperately trying to open the door. She turned around, revealing that it was Hayley, looking at Elijah in sheer terror, continuing to pound on the door to no avail.

Elijah grabbed her by the arm, turning her to face him.

It was no longer Hayley. It was Nicola Salvatore.

Elijah was surprised to see her. Nicola looked at Elijah for a long moment, leaning closer to kiss him slowly but sweetly at first, building up in passion and hunger and heat. Elijah returned the kiss at first, grabbing Nicola by the hair, turning her neck toward him, transforming, biting her, feeding. Nicola looked as if she enjoyed feeding him until the pain became too much, screaming in pain.



Day One

Same Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

Elijah awakened from his dream to find that he was still chained by his wrists in a crypt, confused as to what had just happened to him. He mustered up all of his strength, struggling against the chains as hard as he could to try to free himself, but they wouldn't break.

Lenore/Esther calmly walked in, drinking a cup of tea. "Have you forgotten where you are, son? Save your strength. My chains don't break so easily." She pointed above his head, where a large poppet hung from the rafters, magically fortified so that the chains could not be broken. "Having sweet dreams?"

Elijah tried to lunge toward her, but the restraints wouldn't allow him to. "Get out of my head."

Lenore/Esther smirked. "I'm not in your head, dear. You were dreaming." Elijah glared at her. Lenore/Esther remained unbothered by his aggression. "Go ahead. Get your bearings. We have much to discuss."

Lenore/Esther walked out, leaving.

Elijah tried to break through the chains to no avail.


Worlds Colliding (The Originals)



 Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt  

Lenore/Esther returned to the crypt, looking at Elijah. "Who were you dreaming about ripping apart when you woke earlier? Was it your new little plaything Hayley? Or was it someone else? Nicola Salvatore, perhaps? One of the Salvatore girls you and your brother were drawn to in Mystic Falls. The other being Kaylin Salvatore, who your brother fell in love with and never stopped loving. Nicola is someone else that you see in Hayley, which is why you are reluctant to pursue a relationship with her because she reminds you of Nicola. And the fact that she is the mother of your brother's child." Elijah tried to lunge toward her angrily, but still couldn't get any closer. "Oh, stop fighting, Elijah. I brought you here to listen, and you're not going anywhere until I've spoke my piece."

"So speak," Elijah told her furiously.

"I want you to rejoin our family, but as a witch," Lenore/Esther told him. "I want you to leave behind the grotesque savage vampirism has made you. Take the body of a mortal, and we can all be happy again. Start over."

"You do you know you're entirely demented, don't you?" Elijah asked.

Lenore/Esther chuckled. "Am I? I'm not the one who pulls the wings off of every beautiful butterfly that he finds." Elijah continued to try to break through his chains. "Like the women who flit across the edge of your nightmare."

"Let me go," Elijah told her angrily. "Now."

Elijah transformed.

Lenore/Esther was unfazed. "Hmm. How quickly you slip back into your more savage self." Elijah was stunned into silence by this response, looking almost ashamed as he let his face return to normal. "The moral son I raised is now but a mask worn to hide ancient demons."

"You know nothing," Elijah told her.

"See, that's where you're wrong," Lenore/Esther told him. "I know more about the secrets you carry than you do. Shall I list them? I can begin with the first two little butterflies you destroyed. The sweet young sisters from our village who you and your brother set your sights on when you were still human." Elijah shifted uncomfortably. Lenore/Esther smirked in satisfaction. "Ah, you remember them. Of course. How could you forget the girls to ever still the hearts of both brothers? They of mystical blood, the Petrova Doppelganger, Tatia, and her sister, the Wraith, Clara."

"I did nothing but care for those two until the day you took their lives," Elijah told her.

Lenore/Esther smiled. "I know that's what you believe. Which is precisely why you are here." She picked up a candle from the table, holding it in front of Elijah. "I need to show you the monster you really are. When I do, you will beg for salvation, and happily, I shall provide it."

Lenore/Esther cast a spell on the candle, transporting Elijah into a flashback.


Flashback 1 - 10th Century

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Night - Village

A celebration was underway in the village.

Meat was being cooked over bonfires.

Villagers were dancing around together, wearing festive masks.

Tatia and Clara were dancing around the fire happily together.

Elijah and Esther (in her original body) were watching.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "It was Samhain, when we danced and killed the best of our livestock to appease the Gods for a new season. After you and Clara had a falling out, and you broke apart."

Tatia raised her mask, looking toward Elijah, smiling.

Klaus joined Clara. 

Clara turned to face Klaus, smiling.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "And Tatia and your brother had broken up, as well. And after a short while, you and your brother were willing to move on with the other sister."

Klaus and Clara kissed passionately, pulling away after a moment, looking into each other's eyes, smiling. They began to dance together.

Elijah walked away.

Tatia watched him go.



Elijah walked toward a nearby pig pen, affectionately petting and feeding one of the pigs.

Tatia joined him. "Do not tell me you came to save Loki the pig from his fate."

Elijah stood. "No. I'm afraid Loki the pig's fate is to be food."

Tatia looked at him sympathetically. "And you? Fated to watch from the shadows? The noble martyr?" Elijah looked at her in disappointment. "Fate does not dictate my heart, Elijah." Tatia paced in front of him. "I was fated to throw myself on a pyre after my husband died in battle, but I did not. I chose to live. And, I chose to give my heart once more. To someone strong, protective, fierce and yet noble, and gentle." She placed a hand on his cheek. Elijah took it in his own. "I choose you, Elijah." Elijah smiled, leaning forward to kiss her. Tatia giggled, pulling away shyly, smiling. "And you choose to have our first kiss where your mother slaughters the pigs?" Elijah smiled. "Not very romantic."

Elijah placed a hand on her head, pulling Tatia into a kiss. They kissed passionately for a few moments, pulling away.

"Perhaps we should set Loki the pig free?" Elijah asked. "It seems one's fate can change, after all.

Tatia and Elijah continued to kiss.



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

   Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt  

Lenore/Esther blew out her candle, bringing Elijah out of his flashback.

Elijah stumbled, trying to regain his bearings.

"But that was just the beginning," Lenore/Esther told him. "A brief moment of happiness. That is how it always begins. A butterfly lands upon your finger, unaware that it will lead to her tragic end."

"Tatia and Clara's tragic end came when you drained their bodies of blood," Elijah told her. Lenore/Esther closed her eyes, sighing in frustration. "All for a spell to smother the wolf within Niklaus, if my memory serves."

"Actually, Elijah, your memory doesn't serve you at all," Lenore/Esther told him. "You just don't realize it yet." She put a hand on his cheek. "But, by the time we are done here, you will."

Elijah pulled away angrily, glaring.


Davina's Cabin

Cami and Kaleb/Kol were checking on Davina.

Davina was still unconscious from falling and hitting her head in 2.04 Live and Let Die.

Klaus and Kassandra stood outside in the doorway, unable to get inside without an invite.

Klaus had the white oak stake in his hand.

"We should get her to a hospital," Cami told them.

Kaleb/Kol looked at Kassandra. "Oh, hello, darling. Are you here to keep your pet wolf of a brother from huffing and puffing and blowing the house down?"

"You know, it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat," Klaus told him.

"Hey, he's just a kid," Cami told him. "Give him a break."

"Yeah, she's right," Kaleb/Kol told him. "You know, you may want to try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for stuck-up pillocks with anger issues."

"Hey," Kassandra told him. "Shut it."

"I promised not to kill Davina," Klaus told them. "I said nothing of this insolent sod."

Kaleb/Kol smirked.

Cami stood, leading Klaus further onto the porch. "Hey, come on." Kassandra looked at Kaleb/Kol, looking as if she knew she felt something familiar about him. Kaleb/Kol looked at her as if he was waiting for her to figure it out. "A minute ago, you and your sister had the opportunity to kill your father with this thing, and you didn't. You're not going to kill this kid with it, either."

Klaus looked at Kaleb/Kol, sighing. "Fine."

Cami sighed in relief. "Thank you."

Klaus reluctantly handed her the stake and the keys. "Go get the car. Let's take her to the hospital."

Cami smiled, walking away, leaving.

Kassandra looked at Kaleb/Kol in realization. "You've got a way with words."

"Well, I've traveled," Kaleb/Kol told her, walking closer.

"You seem to have crossed continents in order to weasel your way into Davina's good graces, thereby meddling in my family business," Kassandra told him. She smiled. "Strange, isn't it?" Kaleb/Kol smirked, knowing she figured it out. "Unless it's your family business. You know, ever since my mother and Finn, I was wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol."

Klaus walked closer in surprise.

Kaleb/Kol laughed, bowing dramatically. "Then the jig is up."

Kassandra smiled. "I knew it was you. I would know that smirk anywhere."

"Hello to you, too, sister," Kaleb/Kol told her. "Seems like you're happy to see me."

"Well, happier than I was to see Finn," Kassandra told him.

"I believe that he has that effect on many, Kassandra," Kaleb/Kol told her.

Kassandra smiled.

Klaus seemed indifferent. "It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living. It's just that you're making all the wrong friends, brother. And I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are."

"But you're not going to do that, are you?" Kaleb/Kol asked. "Because your little blonde friend told you to leave me alone." Kassandra chuckled. "I'm curious. Does she take one of those little baggies out when she takes you for a walk?"

Kassandra hid a smile, looking away.

Klaus raised his voice, clearly annoyed. "Cami? I changed my mind. I am going to kill him after all."

Kassandra gave Klaus a disbelieving look.

Kaleb/Kol smirked. "I believe you may have to go through our dear sister Kassandra to do that. And if her fighting our father earlier was an indication, that will be very hard to do."

Kassandra shrugged, tilting her head.

They still hadn't received a reply from Cami.



Klaus turned around, walking off of the porch, toward the car. "Cami?"

Kassandra looked at Kaleb/Kol for a moment, turning around, watching Klaus go.

The driver's side door of the car was open. 

The window was smeared with blood.

Klaus rushed around to the trunk.

The trunk was open and empty.

Mikael had taken Cami.


Kassandra tried to call Elijah only to get his voicemail. "Elijah, where are you? Mikael is loose with the stake and Papa Tunde's blade, and Cami is a hostage, and Nik and I are weaponless and in need of reinforcement. Urgently."

Klaus looked inside to Kaleb/Kol, gesturing to the still unconscious Davina. "Wake her up. Tell her to get Mikael back here, now."

"Well, let me--let me think about that," Kaleb/Kol told him, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "No. In fact, you should probably get going, Nik. Mikael, he's probably jonesing for a restorative snack about now. It'd be a shame to find, uh, Cami, is it? Nothing more than a bloodless husk."

Kassandra hung up, pointing at Kaleb/Kol. "We're not done here."

Kaleb/Kol smirked.

Klaus and Kassandra walked away to find Mikael and Cami.



Kaleb/Kol stood, putting a pillow under Davina's head, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "It'd be really useful if you woke up about now. I kicked a few familial hornets' nests, and we really need a scarper." 

Kaleb/Kol's phone rang. He checked it, seeing that it was Vincent/Finn calling, silencing it, pocketing it again. His nose started to bleed. He wiped it away. His phone rang. He pulled it out, seeing the Caller ID.



Kaleb/Kol reluctantly walked out onto the porch to answer his phone. "Did you have to do that?"

Vincent/Finn was in the lycee, in the middle of doing a spell involving a bowl and a small pouch. "I despise voicemail. Do you have the white oak stake?"

"Hit a bit of a snag, truthfully," Kaleb/Kol told him.

"Is that what you'd like for me to pass along?" Vincent/Finn asked.

"Tell her that I've got everything under control," Kaleb/Kol told him. "I'm keeping an eye on Davina. She's working on a spell to unlink her mates from Klaus' sireline so that she can kill him without them dying, too. I'm sure the stake will come back into play when she's ready."

"How close is she to completing the spell?" Vincent/Finn asked.

"Well, she's joined Mother's linking and sire bond spells in reverse," Kaleb/Kol told him. "It's quite clever, really."

"Huh," Vincent/Finn told him. He was clearly intrigued. "What's she using as a binder?"

"I'm not sure," Kaleb/Kol told him. "I'm still trying to work that one out."

"Work harder," Vincent/Finn told him. "Mother needs Klaus alive and connected. So may I suggest that if you can't find that stake... you either kill the girl's spell or you kill that girl?" 

Kaleb/Kol was frustrated, making a face, hanging up.



Mikael was dragging a terrified Cami through the woods near the bayou.

"They will find you," Cami told him.

"Oh, they will," Mikael agreed. "But I will be ready."

"How?" Cami asked. "I've seen the kind of pain that blade causes."

"I have fought more pain than anyone, living or dead," Mikael answered. He held Papa Tunde's blade in one hand and the white oak stake in the other. "But, once I feed, I shall be restored." Cami was afraid, trying to run away. Mikael grabbed her arm to stop her, sighing impatiently. "Not you." He held the blade against her neck. "You, my dear, are leverage. Once I threaten to dismember you in front of Klaus, he will hesitate. And, in that moment of weakness, I shall end him."

"He won't be alone," Cami told him. "Kassandra will be with him. She won't hesitate."

"I can handle myself against Kassandra," Mikael told her. "I'll kill them both if I have to."

"This is crazy," Cami told him. "Your family, going round and round trying to kill each other? You're obsessing over death of someone whose fatal flaw is that he was fathered by another guy. And to get to him, you'll have to go through your own children like Kassandra, and you are willing to kill them to do it."

Mikael was enraged. "Hush! You are the enabler of the weak. No wonder he seeks your company." He paused. "I hear music. And, where there's music, there's food." 

Mikael dragged Cami further into the woods. 

(Song:) Black Iron Lung - The Gods of Macho

They came upon a group of several dozen people, all of whom were wearing various Halloween masks and partying around a large bonfire. 

Mikael grabbed Cami by the head, forcing her to look at them. "Well, well, well, well... What have we here? Hillbilly Halloween. Oh, perfect."

Mikael dragged a struggling Cami toward the crowd.

(Song Ends)


Davina's Cabin

Davina was still unconscious.

Kaleb/Kol took the opportunity to look around at Davina's notes on the spell she was creating. He found a root pinned to a page, taking it down to look at it. "You used Kandahar root as a binder. Now, where'd you find that?

Kaleb/Kol gripped the root, closing his eyes to cast a spell on it. 

The root began to turn black as if it was dying.

Davina awakened, looking around in confusion, wincing, touching the injured part of her head in pain.

Kaleb/Kol walked toward her, sitting down across from her to check on her.

"What happened?" Davina asked.

"Davina, you're awake," Kaleb/Kol told her. "I was starting to freak out. Are you okay?"

Davina sat up, groaning in pain, rubbing the back of her head. "My head..." She suddenly remembered what happened before she was knocked out, starting to panic, turning to Kaleb/Kol frantically. "Kassandra?"

Kaleb/Kol played dumb. "Angry girl with the deadly aim? Yeah, she smashed the place up, and then she and a man left."

"Where'd they go?" Davina asked.

"To hunt down your pet serial killer friend," Kaleb/Kol answered. "Listen, not to be Mr. Judgmental here, but I'm starting to question the company that you keep."

Davina considered this information for a moment, standing, looking around, pacing. "The white oak stake?"

Kaleb/Kol frowned. "It's gone, I'm afraid. The serial killer one took it."

Davina became overwhelmed by this news, grabbing her bracelet. "Mikael? Mikael? Mikael?" Nothing happened. Davina became frantic. "Why isn't this working?"

Kaleb/Kol led Davina back to her chair. "Sit down, all right? You were out for quite a long time. Maybe that's got something to do with it." He poured her a glass of water from a pitcher. "Here. Have some water."

"No, you don't understand," Davina told him. "If Mikael's free, he can kill Klaus, and then my friends die, too."

"Well, if I understand all this, Mikael's being trying to kill his children for eons," Kaleb/Kol told her. "How are you going to stop him?"

Davina considered this for a moment, shaking her head. "I'm not. I need to finish my spell, now."


Marcel's Loft

Marcel poured two drinks, turning to face Auria, walking closer. "So, saw you talking to a guy at Rousseau's the other day." He handed her a glass, teasing her. "I don't have anything to worry about, do I, Auria?"

Auria smiled at his teasing tone, taking the glass. "I'm sorry?"

"What?" Marcel asked. "He's mysterious and broody."

"Well, I've already got my mysterious and broody personnel to last a lifetime, Marcel," Auria told him. They smiled, clinking their glasses, drinking. Caitlin and Noah walked in. Auria looked at them in surprise. "Noah. Caitlin. You think you two were gone long enough?"

"What happened?" Marcel asked. He looked at Caitlin. "I heard your cryptic phone call." He looked at Noah. "And they way you took off..."

"Nothing happened," Noah answered. "She just had a life-altering realization and we hung around Algiers. That's it."

Auria nodded. "Where's Josh?"

"Getting to know his new prospect," Caitlin answered, sitting down on the couch, smirking. Auria and Marcel were confused by Noah and Caitlin's amusement. "Oh, and, by the way, we have two visitors. Hayley, Mikayla!"

Hayley and Mikayla walked in.

"Hey," Auria told them.

"So, those werewolf kids you helped get out of the Quarter made it to the safe house up north," Hayley told them.

Caitlin smiled.

"Great," Noah told them, sitting down in the chair next to the couch Caitlin was sitting on. "My good deed for the decade."

Caitlin tilted her head at Noah, smirking, rolling her eyes playfully.

Noah smirked.

Marcel held a drink toward Hayley or Mikayla.

Mikayla held up a hand, shaking her head. "No, I'm good. Maybe the vampires and us free wolves can work together after all."

Marcel smiled. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Auria took a drink.

"Anyway, thanks," Hayley told them. "For helping."

"I was just happy that I did get to help," Caitlin told them. "Sure, it was to get one of the getaway cars while you all got to do the fighting, but..." 

They smiled.

"Don't thank us," Auria told them. "Thank Elijah."

Hayley frowned. "I would have, but I can't get a hold of him. I went to the compound, thinking he'd be there, but..."

"Really?" Caitlin asked. "I thought you always have tabs on him."

"I mean, we haven't really been on the best terms lately," Hayley told them. "He wouldn't just disappear, though."

"Uh, last I knew, he was gonna keep the wolves distracted," Noah told them. "Your boy Oliver was gonna help."

Mikayla started to worry. "I couldn't track down Oliver, either." Auria and Caitlin looked at them in confused concern. "If they're both missing..."

Auria walked toward the other room.

"Where you going?" Marcel asked.

"To do a locator spell," Auria answered, walking out of the room, leaving.

The others exchanged a confused, concerned look.


Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt. He was dozing off.

Lenore/Esther returned. "You're hungry, aren't you? It's been hours since you fed. What an awful thing, to feed upon the blood of others. For this, I blame myself. And your father. We tried to make you children strong. But instead, we cursed you all."


Flashback 2 - 10th Century

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Day - Woods

Klaus had triggered his werewolf gene the night before. He sat in the forest, naked, covered in blood, surrounded by the dismembered corpses of several men that he had killed while he had been transformed into a wolf.

Elijah found him, looking at him in horrified sympathy.

Klaus struggled to hold back tears.

"Brother?" Elijah asked, handing Klaus fresh clothes.

Klaus took them from him, but otherwise didn't move to get dressed. He became even more overwhelmed by everything that had just happened to him. "What am I? How many..."

"Six," Elijah answered. Klaus covered his face with his hands in horror and disgust at himself. "You slaughtered six men, brother. You tore them apart as though they were nothing at all."

Elijah helped Klaus to his feet.

Klaus was horrified at the thought of killing their little brother, Henrik's, one and only love. "And Luna? During the spell she was trying to use to bring Henrik back... I fed from her. Is she... is she..."

Elijah looked at him in concerned sympathy. "She's dead, brother."

Klaus could barely whisper. "What have I become?"

"You seem like the wolves in the village, cursed to turn when the moon is full," Elijah told him. They embraced. "Listen to me. Father is beside himself with rage. It seems this... affliction... can only be passed by a certain kind of conception..."

Klaus sniffled. "And do our our siblings share this affliction?" They pulled away. "Do you share this affliction?"

Elijah hesitated, shaking his head. "No. We don't."

Klaus was devastated. "He is not my father, is he?"

Elijah placing his hand on the back of Klaus' head to make him meet his gaze. "You listen to me. This changes nothing. For any of us. We are here for you, as we shall be always."

 Klaus looked as if he was about to cry. 

They heard the sound of someone approaching them. It was Clara. 

Clara saw that Klaus was covered in blood, surrounded by bodies, quickly becoming terrified, turning around, running away in fear.

Klaus was flustered, about to go after her, horrified by what she had seen and what she would think of them now. "Clara? Clara! Clara!"

Elijah stopped Klaus. "No. No. You take care of this. I will go after her."

Elijah chased after Clara.

Klaus was left distraught.



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.  He glared at Lenore/Esther. "I fail to see your point here. I compelled Clara to forget what she saw, and she did."

"You'd only been a vampire for a few days," Lenore/Esther told him. "You hadn't yet learned compulsion."

Elijah shook his head in disbelief. "No. I remember that. Clearly."

"Do you?" Lenore/Esther asked. "You thought there were still lines you wouldn't cross." Elijah looked at her, visibly distraught by the thought of what she was suggesting. "People you wouldn't hurt. Things you wouldn't do. But you're wrong. That is what I'm here to show you."


Flashback 2 - 10th Century

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Day - Woods

It was a continuation of the last flashback.

Clara continued to run in fear, seeing her sister in front of her some distance away. "Tatia! Tatia, help me!" 

Tatia grabbed her arms to stop her, holding them in her hands comfortingly in confused concern. "Clara, what is it? Tell me. It is okay. You can tell me."

"We have to flee," Clara told her. "Now."

Elijah ran toward them. "Clara!" Clara was terrified, grabbing Tatia's arms, pulling her along in a run. "Tatia! Wait! Wait!"

Tatia stopped running in confusion, wanting to know what had happened, what had her sister so terrified.

Clara, still holding her sister's arm and still trying to run, was brought to a stop, making her trip and fall to the ground.

Elijah caught up to them.

"What is happening?" Tatia asked. "I don't understand."

Clara stood, taking Tatia's arm in hers, backing away from Elijah, pulling her sister with her. "Stay away from us."

Elijah raised his hands in a harmless gesture. "I won't hurt you."

"What have you become?" Clara asked incredulously.

"I'm what I've always been," Elijah told them.

Tatia shook her head in confusion.



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.  

Lenore/Esther continued with her version of the story. "You knew how special they were. I always thought you would protect them. That Tatia would be your wife and Clara would be your brother's. That one day I might call them daughters. I once also believed that about Kaylin and Nicola Salvatore. Instead--"

"I didn't hurt them," Elijah told her.

"You've taught yourself to hide from who and what you are for a thousand years," Lenore/Esther told him.

Elijah angrily struggled against the chains in a feeble attempt to lunge for Lenore/Esther. "I did not hurt them. I could not."

Lenore/Esther was pleading for him to see the truth. "But you did!"


Flashback 2 - 10th Century 

Mystic Falls, Virginia 

Day - Woods

The flashback continued from where it had left off.

Tatia and Clara continued to look at Elijah in fear.

"Your mother asked for our blood," Tatia told him. "She said nothing of the dark magic that would turn you into a monster."

"Look at me," Elijah told them. "I'm not a monster." He stopped, looking at the blood that was welling from a wound on Clara's palm, smelling the scent. He tried as hard as he could to resist the bloodlust, but he transformed involuntarily. He breathed heavily, making it fade. "Please..."



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.  

Lenore/Esther took his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. "Oh, my beautiful boy. No more hiding. It is time, now, for you to remember it all."


Flashback 2 - 10th Century 

Day - Woods 

Clara slapped Elijah across the face in hopes of protect herself and her sister.

Elijah leaned forward, massaging his jaw. "I said I will not hurt you. I don't want to."

Elijah transformed. 

Tatia and Clara backed away in fear.

"What..." Tatia trailed off.

"Run," Elijah told them.

Tatia and Clara backed away, turning around, running away.

Elijah ran after them, unable to resist the smell of blood.



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.  

Lenore/Esther was still telling the story. "You didn't want to hurt them. You used to be with Clara, and you loved Tatia."


Flashback 2 - 10th Century 

Mystic Falls, Virginia 

Day - Woods

Elijah grabbed hold of Clara, pulling her closer, seeing the blood flowing from the wound she had sustained when she had tripped and fell earlier. He pulled her head to the side to expose her neck, making her cry out. Clara struggled against him to no avail. Elijah bit into her neck, feeding, making her scream in pain.

Tatia stopped running in denial and devastation. "No! Clara!"



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt 

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.  

Lenore/Esther was still telling the story. "But, you couldn't fight what you had become. What I had turned you into."


Flashback 2 - 10th Century

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Day - Woods

Elijah fed on Clara until she died in his arms. He let her fall to the ground, blood staining his lips. 

Tatia looked at him in horror, crying, turning around, running away.

Elijah ran after her, learning how to rush toward her with vampire speed because of his need for blood to quench the thirst, grabbing hold of Tatia, turning him to face her. He pulled her head to the side to expose her neck, making her cry out. He bit her neck, feeding from her, making her scream in pain.



Night - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt 

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.  

Lenore/Esther was still telling the story. "A predator. And they became your prey."

Elijah struggled against the chains and out of her grasp, glaring. "This was you. You murdered them for their blood. And then, you used it to cripple Niklaus for centuries." Lenore/Esther merely looked at him. Elijah took a step back, struggling on his restraints. "I won't listen to another word."

"You don't have to listen to me, son," Lenore/Esther told him. "All you have to do is remember."

Elijah continued to glare.



Klaus and Kassandra managed to track Mikael and Cami to the party in the woods, but it wasn't a party anymore.

Mikael and Cami were gone now.

There were smears of blood on a nearby tree.

Klaus and Kassandra followed the trail to the bonfire.

A group of people were standing completely still, silent, wearing masks.

"Did you honestly think you could stand together to defeat me?" Man 1 asked.

"That you could hold me with a blade forged from pain?" Man 2 asked.

"Unlike the weak, unlike the two of you, I gain strength from pain," Man 3 told them.

"Soon, you will know the taste of white oak as it pierces your heart," Man 4 told them.

Kassandra looked around in amusement. "It's very clever, Mikael! Compelling the locals to say to our face what you dare not? Enjoy the theatrics. It's not wonder where I get it from. I just learn from the best. But, I've come to learn what you have not. They only delay the inevitable."

Man 2 ran toward Klaus to attack. Klaus easily disarmed him, using his ax to kill him.

The other compelled guests ran toward Klaus and Kassandra.

Kassandra snapped Man 5's neck, letting him fall. Man 1 tried to hit her with a wooden staff made from a tree branch. Kassandra caught it, using it to hit Men 3 and 4, making them fall to the ground.

Klaus ripped the heart of Man 6 out of his chest, letting the body and the heart fall to the ground.

Klaus and Kassandra looked at each other, surrounded by the compelled guests that wouldn't be able to lay a finger on them before they laid them to waste.


Marcel's Loft 

Auria was setting up a locator spell, putting a map onto the table while the others gathered around. She looked at Hayley and Mikayla. "Okay, uh, is Oliver a blood relative?"

"No, just in the same pack," Mikayla answered.

"And since you're not blood to Elijah..." Auria trailed off, turning toward a bowl of water, taking a rose, pulling off three rose petals, dropping them into the water. They watched in curiosity. Auria took a knife, cutting into her palm, ignoring the pain, letting the blood drip into the water. "Ma te ak san sou ki a lumiere le fuis. Ma te ak san sou ki a lumiere le fuis. Ma te ak san sou ki a lumiere le fuis."

The bowl shattered.

Caitlin backed away in surprise.

Auria sighed.

"What the hell was that?" Noah asked.

"There's a cloaking spell on both of them," Auria answered.

"Esther?" Caitlin asked.

"More than likely," Auria answered. "So I guess I'm just gonna have to go find them myself."

"Not alone, you're not," Marcel told her.

Auria gave him a look. "Marcel."

"Auria," Marcel replied.

Marcel walked out of the room, going to get ready.

Noah turned to Caitlin. "I need you to stay here."

"Of course," Caitlin told him. "Just go with them, Noah. 'Cause if Marcel makes one mistake and gets himself killed, I'm dead, too."

Noah smirked. "That's not gonna happen, Caitlin."

Noah walked out of the room, going to get ready.

Hayley watched them go, looking at Auria and Caitlin, smiling a small smile. "They're really protective of you two."

"I understand why Noah's so protective of Caitlin," Auria told them. "But I think Marcel is a little too overprotective of me considering the fact that we all know I can take care of myself."

Caitlin smirked. "Well, there's only one place to start looking. The place where we know they were last. The parking garage."

"Wish us luck, Caitlin," Mikayla told her.

Auria, Hayley and Mikayla walked out of the room, going to get ready.

Caitlin watched them go. "Good luck."


Davina's Cabin

Davina was poring over the notes she had pinned to the wall.

Kaleb/Kol looked through other notes nearby. "Um, perhaps we should hold off on this."

Davina turned to face him. "No, I have everything I need. Combine a knotting spell with a sire bond spell." She looked through her things. "I just have to combine them the right way."

Kaleb/Kol held a piece of paper toward her. "And do them in reverse. That's pretty advanced for a wee girl like you."

Davina took the paper, giving him a look. "You know, I can give you a list of people who have underestimated me." Kaleb/Kol smirked in amusement. "Not one of them has done it a second time. But I didn't come up with all of this alone. I took some of the spells from the Mikaelson grimoire, and for the rest, I learned from Auria. She helped with the notes. She helped with the herbs. She helped with everything, even if she didn't know it."

"Well, perhaps I should help you," Kaleb/Kol told her. "I'm pretty good at stuff like this."

Davina chuckled. "I don't think so. It's not just saying the spells backwards. It's changing the verb tense into--"

Kaleb/Kol interrupted her by chanting. "Nemo unus animabus camem et sanguinem de ista duo." Davina looked impressed. "Like I said, I'm good at what I do. It's never paid to underestimate me, either."

"Okay," Davina told him. "Let's do this."

Davina led him into the next room.

Kaleb/Kol watched her go, smiling.


Day Two

Morning - Abandoned Warehouse

Mikael dragged a struggling Cami into the run-down warehouse.

"I used to try to convince Klaus that there was good in everyone," Cami told him angrily. "That you really did care about him, deep inside, once." Mikael pushed Cami to the floor. Cami looked up at him. "He told me I was naive, that I could never fathom how deep your hatred ran."

"I didn't always hate him," Mikael told her. "When Klaus was born, I was overjoyed. I thought 'This one? This one has the eyes of a warrior. He will be worthy'. But, my hope was short-lived. And, when I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious. But, that passed with the knowledge that we was begat of a beast."

"His mother's infidelity was not his fault," Cami told him.

"Everything that followed was because of Niklaus' obsession with the wolves," Mikael told her. "He ventured out to watch them turn under the full moon, and he took my youngest son, Henrik. He was but a child, and he was torn apart."

"It was an accident," Cami told him.

"An accident?" Mikael repeated furiously. "When Henrik's love, Luna, tried to revive him with magic, Klaus ripped her throat out. Was that an accident? He murdered my wife! His own mother! Who sought to cleanse him of his beast-like nature. He betrayed me. He turned my entire family against me. And yet, you defend him?"

Cami became so overwhelmed by anger, standing, looking him in the eyes. "I have desperately tried to convince him and Kassandra not to kill you. That the bloodshed in your family does not have to be an endless cycle." Mikael pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "And, after centuries on this earth, do you really not see that all of your violence is pointless?"

Mikael looked as if he was crying for a moment, but in fact, he was actually laughing. "Let me hazard a guess. You are one of these alienists, right?"

Cami was completely frustrated, wiping the angry tears on her cheeks away. "We're called therapists these days, and, to be honest, you could do with some couch time."

Mikael walked toward her. "Actually, my dear, since my wound does not appear to be healing, what I could do with right now is some food."

Cami's anger was quickly replaced with fear. She backed away from Mikael. "You--you said you wouldn't."

Mikael smirked. "Yes, I did, didn't I? And although the blood of a full belly makes for good fodder..." He transformed hungrily. "In times of need, even the devil eats flies."

Mikael hissed, biting Cami in the neck, feeding, making her scream in terror and pain.



Klaus was feeding on one of the partiers.

The only partier left alive stumbled toward Kassandra, trying to attack.

Kassandra simply took his weapon away from him. "Are you done feeding, Nik, or can we go find our father now, and this time, you listen to my advice in killing him?"

The man in front of Kassandra stepped forward to attack. 

Kassandra hit him in the head with the weapon she had taken from him, making him fall to the ground.

Klaus' phone rang. He let the woman he was feeding on go, letting her fall to the ground, answering his phone. "Uh, I'm a tad busy. What is it, Hayley?"

Hayley, Marcel, Noah, Mikayla and Auria were in the parking garage where Elijah and Oliver had fought against the werewolves in 2.04 Live and Let Die.

Hayley was holding her phone. "Something has happened to Elijah." Kassandra turned toward Klaus, listening. "He was supposed to be our decoy last night, and now he's vanished." Marcel and Noah were investigating the death scene. Auria seemed to be in the middle of a spell, standing next to the pool of blood that seemed more like a river, her eyes closed. The blood at her feet was bubbling from magic, as if she was using the blood to try to locate Elijah and Oliver. "There's blood everywhere, werewolf and vampire." Mikayla walked toward Hayley. "There's a trail. I need you and Kassandra to help us track it, because Auria's locator spells are going nowhere."

"Well, as much as we might like to help you find our brother, we have more pressing matters at the moment," Klaus told her.

Kassandra gave Klaus a look.

The man tried to reach for the weapon in Kassandra's hand.

Kassandra kicked him in the face, making him fall onto his back.

"What's more important than your own brother?" Hayley asked.

"Our lives," Klaus answered. "Davina had Mikael on a magical leash, and it broke. Now Mikael has Tunde's blade and the white oak stake, and Cami." Marcel stood, angry at this news. Noah was exasperated. Mikayla was worried. Auria stopped her spell when it didn't work, looking at their reactions in confusion. "We're gonna get her back." The man tried once again to attack Kassandra. Kassandra grabbed him by his throat, pulling him off of the ground, letting his feet dangle in the air. "And then, we're gonna end this. One of us will be ash by day's end. And if you do find our brother, please, tell him we could do with a hand."

Klaus hung up.

Kassandra continued to squeeze the man's throat until she decapitated him, letting the body and the head fall to the ground, irritated and determined. She looked at Klaus from over her shoulder. "Let's go find our father so we can go save our brother."

Kassandra led the way on the trail to find Mikael.

Klaus was impressed, following her.


Parking Garage

Hayley hung up, turning to face the others.

Auria walked closer. "What's going on? Not everyone has vamp hearing."

"The magic that Davina had to make Mikael listen to her is broken, and Mikael has Tunde's blade, the white oak stake and Cami," Noah answered. "Klaus and Kassandra are going after them, and one of them is going to die."

"Then we better get there fast and make sure it's not Klaus or Kassandra," Mikayla told them.

They nodded in agreement.


Davina's Cabin - Study

Davina and Kaleb/Kol were surrounded by lit candles, sitting cross-legged across from each other on the floor, quietly chanting. "Sanguinatum venetus barkael meh..."

"Stop," Davina told him. "Stop. This isn't working."

Davina started to mess with the ingredients of the spell.

Kaleb/Kol started to panic when he realized that Davina was getting close to figuring out his identity. "Well, maybe you're just... doing it wrong?"

"No, we have to do this right," Davina told him. "Josh, Marcel, Noah and Caitlin? Their lives depend on it." Kaleb/Kol looked at her in concern. Davina sighed in frustration. "Look, just stop chanting." She took his hands in hers. I'll chant and channel your powers."

Davina started to channel, receiving visions. 


Flashback - Night Before

Night - Davina's Cabin

Kaleb/Kol gripped the root, closing his eyes to cast a spell on it.

The root began to turn black as if it was dying.



Day - Davina's Cabin

  Davina and Kaleb/Kol were surrounded by lit candles, sitting cross-legged across from each other on the floor.

Davina still held his hands in hers, still channeling him, frowning in confusion, opening her eyes to look at Kaleb/Kol in suspicion. She closed her eyes once again.


Flashback - 2.04 "Live and Let Die"

Night - Davina's Cabin - Study

Kaleb/Kol was checking on an unconscious Davina.

Mikael gripped Kaleb/Kol by the throat. "Release me, or I will kill you right now."

Mikael dropped him onto the floor.

Kaleb/Kol grabbed Davina's wrist, touching the bracelet. 

Davina's bracelet started to glow.

Mikael closed his eyes, feeling the power of the spell lifting.


Flashback - 2.05 "Red Door"

Night - Davina's Cabin

Klaus and Kassandra stood outside in the doorway, unable to get inside without an invite.

Kaleb/Kol stood on the other side of the doorway.

"I was wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol," Kassandra told him.

Klaus walked closer in surprise.



Day - Davina's Cabin

 Davina and Kaleb/Kol were surrounded by lit candles, sitting cross-legged across from each other on the floor.

Davina still held his hands in hers, still channeling him. She let him go, looking at him angrily in horror. "You're one of them." Kaleb/Kol looked guilty. Davina stood, using magic to throw Kaleb/Kol against the wall. "You liar!"

Davina used magic to throw Kaleb/Kol against another wall.

Kaleb/Kol used magic to pull Davina toward him, pushing her against another wall. "That hurt." Davina cast a pain infliction spell on him. Kaleb/Kol grabbed his head in agony. "Okay, okay, okay, okay."

"You ruined the spell, and now my friends are gonna die because of you," Davina told him angrily.

"My mother said, 'Kill the spell, or kill her'," Kaleb/Kol told her. "And I happen to like you."

Davina glared, both furious and skeptical of his claims. "Oh, please."

"Listen," Kaleb/Kol told her. "You don't disobey mother dearest without some consequences. Yes, she brought me back to life, but she's mad as a hatter. And that man you've made your pet, my father? Well, he's more of a lunatic than she is."

"What, so you just unleash him?" Davina asked.

"You're the one who brought him back to life first, love," Kaleb/Kol told her.

"I had him under control!" Davina told him angrily.

"Yeah, right up until the point you didn't, which is when he threatened me," Kaleb/Kol told her. "He wanted freedom, so I freed him. You wanna know my secrets?" He held his arms toward Davina, surprising her. "Then here you go. Go on. Have at it. Yes, I'm a Mikaelson, but I've got just as much reason to loathe the lot of them as you do."

Davina looked at his wrists, rolling her eyes, trying to brainstorm a new plan. She reflexively grabbed her bracelet. "You deactivated my bracelet. How?"

"It's a dark object," Kaleb/Kol told her. "I know a little something about creating and destroying them."

"Show me," Davina told her.

Kaleb/Kol relaxed a bit, nodding. "All right."

Davina turned to head into the next room.


Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.    

Lenore/Esther was still speaking with him.

"You're distorting my memories," Elijah told her angrily. "It was you who killed Tatia and Clara."

"Oh, I used their blood to bind the spell that suppressed your brother's werewolf aspect," Lenore/Esther told him. "But, by the time you brought them to me, they were already dead."

Elijah looked at her in horror and disbelief. "You can't rewrite history."

"No, I cannot," Lenore/Esther agreed. "And I did not. Not until I had your consent."


Flashback 3 - 10th Century 

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Night - Village

Esther was by the pig pen, cleaning a knife with a cloth.

Tatia's body was laying nearby.

Elijah approached her, carrying Clara's body .

Esther backed away from him, terrified.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "When you became yourself again, you brought them to me."

Esther took Tatia's body from the ground.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "But, too late. I told you you were a good son, to let me take care of it. That I could help make it all go away."

Esther and Elijah put Tatia and Clara's bodies inside their home.

Elijah was absolutely devastated, falling to his knees in horror.

Esther closed the wooden door to their cottage behind her, the wood stained with red blood.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "And then, I said to you, 'You will not suffer from this memory, or be torments from the guilt of your misdeed. What goes behind that door shall stay there and be forgotten'."

Esther returned to see Elijah.

Elijah was still kneeling outside the cottage.

Esther whispered in his ear.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "I told you to clean yourself up, that if you were clean, no one would know what you are or what you'd done."

Esther handed Elijah a washcloth.

Elijah used the washcloth to wipe the blood from his face.



Day - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt. He shook his head in disbelief.

"And you did exactly that... and more," Lenore/Esther told him. "You created a place in your mind to put your victims. You began to believe that as long as your suit was immaculate and your hands were clean, you could look in the mirror and tell yourself it's all okay. No one need know what's behind that red door. But, a thousand years is a long time, Elijah. And a place meant to hold one unforgivable sin is now full to bursting with your most monstrous deeds. Everything I showed you was just Tatia and Clara. What of your other loves? Katherine Pierce. Celeste Debois. Nicola Salvatore."


Elijah's Nightmare 


Hayley, looking at Elijah in sheer terror, continued to pound on the door to no avail.

Elijah grabbed her by the arm, turning her to face him.

It was no longer Hayley. It was Nicola.

Elijah was surprised to see her. Nicola looked at Elijah for a long moment, leaning closer to kiss him slowly but sweetly at first, building up in passion and hunger and heat. Elijah returned the kiss at first, grabbing Nicola by the hair, turning her neck toward him, transforming, biting her, feeding. Nicola looked as if she enjoyed feeding him until the pain became too much, screaming in pain.



Day - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.   

"You do remember Nicola, don't you?" Lenore/Esther asked. "It wasn't that long ago you started to fall for her in Mystic Falls." 


Flashback  - Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) - 3.14 "Dangerous Liaisons"

Night - Mikaelson Mansion - Foyer

The ball was in progress.

Nicola walked in in her red ballgown, beautiful.

Finn, Kol, Rebekah, Kassandra, Elijah and Klaus were on the staircase, in their ball attire.

Elijah noticed Nicola, looking toward her in awe.

Stefan, Kaylin and Damon Salvatore turned to follow his gaze in boredom, in their ball attire.


Salvatore Boarding House - Outside

Elijah walked Nicola home, up to the front door, stopping on the porch.

Nicola turned to face him, looking at him curiously.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "You were bonded over the fact that you were the smart ones, the more cautious ones in each of your toxic families, the peacekeepers. The only things that kept the Mikaelsons and the Salvatores from imploding."

Elijah and Nicola looked at each other for a long moment. Elijah leaned closer to kiss her lightly, gently, sweetly, for a long moment. He pulled away. 

Nicola opened her eyes to see that Elijah had disappeared.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "And though you cared for her, you didn't want to start anything that you couldn't finish because you felt guilt ridden about what happened to her."


Flashback - Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 2.14 "Crying Wolf"

Night - Salvatore Boarding House - Library

Damon and Kaylin were chained to their chairs, wooden spiked collars around their necks.

Nicola was chained to her own chair. 

Stevie the werewolf stood behind Nicola's chair, holding a knife up to her neck, placing a hand on her shoulder, starting to cut into the left side of Nicola's neck, making her gasp in pain as he cut to the right.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "But her mother had been sick with a cancerous tumor that she passed the availability onto her daughter, and that one life-threatening attack was enough to cause her to get as sick, more sick than her mother had ever been. And you were sworn to protect her and her family and her friends."

Elijah walked closer to Stevie, taking the knife he used to cut Nicola from his hand, quickly and harshly slashing it across his throat, killing him in the way he had tried to kill Nicola. He let the body fall to the floor, letting the knife fall onto his body.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "Had you had just come to her rescue just a little sooner, and her life would have never been in so much danger."



Day - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt. He leaned closer to Lenore/Esther angrily. "Nicola lived on. She survived, like she always does."

"You didn't think that she would have," Lenore/Esther told him. "And once you saw her again, you used her as a pawn to get to her family to free a serpent from their control."


Flashback - Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) - 4.18 "American Gothic"

Day - Alley

Elijah and Nicola were standing together when he had her to negotiate Katherine's freedom.

"When I left Mystic Falls after everyone learned of your sickness, the night I used your family... " Elijah trailed off. "I thought that the last time I would have seen you was the night of the ball. I thought you would die. I underestimated you, Nicola. The strength, that compassion you have for the things you believe in... It continues to impress me."

Nicola scoffed silently, pushing away from the wall, turning to face him, using the words from his letter to her in Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 3.15 All My Children. "'Your compassion and strength are gifts, Nicola. Carry them with you. As I will carry my regret, as you will fight for your life. Always and forever'. I remember reading that in a letter once."

Elijah smiled a small smile, impressed she had remembered. "Well, the writer sounds positively gifted. I'm sure he meant what he wrote."

"I'm sure he did," Nicola told him. "I hated him." Elijah looked toward her knowingly. "And it felt good to hold that letter over an open flame and let it burn."

Elijah pushed away from the wall, walking toward Nicola. "I can hear your heartbeat, Nicola." He stepped in front of her, looking down on her. "It rises when you're being dishonest. I heard it rise over the words 'I hated him, and 'let it burn'." Nicola didn't answer, looking down. "So, tell me. How close did you come to letting that letter burn?"

Nicola didn't answer, raising her gaze to meet his.


Flashback - Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 5.11 "500 Years of Solitude"

Day - Woods 

The grave had been dug up. The safe was opened.

Nicola sat up from inside of it, confused. She coughed, breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath.

Elijah stood on the other side of the safe. "Hello, Nicola."

Nicola looked at him in shock. "Elijah."

Elijah took Nicola by the hand, helping her stand. Elijah lifted Nicola from inside the safe, placing her on the ground outside of it. Nicola sighed in relief. Nicola looked and Elijah looked at each other, smiling small smiles.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "To make up for that last time, when you returned to Mystic Falls, you saved Nicola's life from Valentina Petrova."



Nicola and Elijah looked at each other for a moment, lost in it. Nicola leaned closer to kiss him hesitantly, slowly and softly, slowly building up in passion. Elijah returned the kiss. They pulled away, looking at each other for a long moment, kissing again with less hesitancy and more passion for a long moment, pulling away.

Lenore/Esther: (voice over) "You cared for Nicola a great deal."



Day - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

 Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt.     

"But you're the reason that she nearly died," Lenore/Esther told him. "And even while you were half-in-love with her, you turned on her like a serpent. How long would it have taken for you to kill that girl and put her behind that red door. And she would just be another forgotten memory."

Elijah was completely overwhelmed, furious. "Stop!"

"How long before it's Hayley's corpse behind that door?" Lenore/Esther asked.

Elijah whispered desperately. "Stop."

"You must be afraid that--that loving you will destroy her," Lenore/Esther told her. "As it destroyed Celeste. Tatia. Clara. Nicola. Take my offer. Both of you. In new bodies, you will be alive again. You could give her a child, to replace the one she lost. Or you can decide to be with Nicola, if that's where your heart leads you to."

"You will not break me," Elijah told her determinedly.

"Oh, you are already broken, my dear boy," Lenore/Esther told him. "But not beyond repair. I am here to fix you. I am here to fix you all."

Elijah continued to glare.



Davina and Kaleb/Kol were walking through the woods in search of Mikael.

"Bleeding power from a dark object is tricky, so it does help to know what kind of object it is," Kaleb/Kol told her.

"The white oak stake," Davina told him.

Kaleb/Kol looked at her in disbelief. He realized she was serious. "You want to drain the white oak stake, do you?"

Davina sighed, shrugging. "It's a dark object. If I can't stop Mikael, I have to stop that stake from working."

"See, usually, I like a girl with ambition, but this is just beyond mad," Kaleb/Kol told her, starting to walk away.

Davina grabbed his arm to stop him. "Just show me the spell, Kaleb! Kol, or whatever your name is."

"The problem's not the spell, love," Kaleb/Kol told her. "It's the white oak stake. It's too powerful. You can't just drain it. Best we can hope for is to disable it, but just for a bit."

 Kaleb/Kol started to walk toward the car. 

Davina followed. "If you don't want to help, fine. Just teach me the spell and me the keys."

Kaleb/Kol looked at her in amusement. "And what are you going to do? Just drive around until you bump into them?"

"You may have messed with my bracelet, but I made sure months ago that I would always be able to find Mikael," Davina told him.

"All right, fine," Kaleb/Kol told her. "Your funeral. I'm still not going to allow you to drive my bloody car, though."

Davina frowned, looking at him suspiciously.


Abandoned Warehouse - Outside

Klaus and Kassandra wandered about in search for Cami and Mikael.

"Just so you know, I will be heeding your warning this time," Klaus told her. "I will kill Father, and I will need your help to do it."

"Mikael nearly bested the both of us last night, Nik," Kassandra told him. "Who's to say that he won't succeed this time around?"

Klaus turned to face Kassandra, making her stop. "He won't. If anyone is good enough to give the punishment that either of our parents deserve, it's the two of us."

Kassandra smiled a small smile. "The big, bad wolf and the fierce, loyal lioness."

Klaus smiled. "Let's end this, shall we?"

They continued on, seeing a rock with blood.

Klaus barely touched the surface of the rock, realizing it was Cami's blood.

Kassandra saw a shovel nearby, breaking it over her knee, walking into the building.

Klaus followed.



Mikael was holding Cami, a knife over her throat.

Cami was weakened by blood loss, barely able to stand.

Klaus and Kassandra walked in.

Klaus pointed at Mikael. "You're gonna pay for hurting her."

Mikael let go of Cami, letting her fall to the floor.

Klaus watched her in concern.

"Aw, how sweet," Mikael told him. "The cur whines for its bitch." He held Papa Tunde's blade in one hand, the white oak stake in the other. "I'll be sure to drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes, just before you burn."

Klaus jumped toward Mikael furiously, tackling him to the floor. They both quickly stood in defensive positions.



Davina and Kaleb/Kol had just arrived to the building in Kaleb/Kol's car.



The fight had been going on.

Mikael had Klaus pinned against the wall, struggling to stake him in the chest.

Kassandra stood from the floor.



Davina ran toward the building.

Kaleb/Kol followed her.



Kassandra rushed toward Mikael, pushing him away from Klaus, holding him by his shoulders, kneeing him in the stomach, spinning to kick him away from her. Mikael tried to punch her. Kassandra pivoted back to make him miss. Mikael rushed toward her, tackling her through the concrete and brick wall behind her into the next room.


Main Room

Kaleb/Kol and Davina continued to walk.

Kaleb/Kol grabbed her arm to stop her. "Wait. We need to do this together."

Davina shook her head. "I'm strong enough on my own."

"No, you're not," Kaleb/Kol told her. "Listen, I know you don't trust me, and that's fair enough. But these are your mates we're trying to save here. The only way that we can do this is if we work together." He took one of Davina's hands in his, holding out the other for her to take. "You need to trust me. All right? Take my hands. Take my power. Channel me."

Davina hesitated, taking his other hand in her own.


Other Room

Klaus helped Cami stand.

Kassandra kicked Mikael to the floor, stalking closer. Mikael tried to stake her in the heart with the white oak stake.

Kassandra caught his wrist, turning it around, trying to break his grip. "Not all of your children are as weak as you think we are."

Mikael took Papa Tunde's blade from the floor next to them, throwing it into Klaus's back behind them, the way that Klaus had done to him in 2.04 Live and Let Die, making him scream in agony and fall to the floor.

Kassandra looked up when she heard him scream.


Main Room

Davina and Kaleb/Kol were holding hands, chanting together. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."


Other Room

Mikael took advantage of Kassandra's distraction, flipping her to the floor below him, taking the white oak stake back, plunging it into her heart, making her scream in pain.

Klaus looked up from the floor as the blade made its way to his heart, angry and terrified. "Kassandra!"


Main Room

Davina and Kaleb/Kol were holding hands, chanting together. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."

 A wind started to blow around them forcefully.


Other Room

Mikael pulled the stake out of Kassandra's chest.

Kassandra gasped in pain, desiccating.

Mikael watched her emotionlessly, stalking toward toward Klaus.

"No!" Cami told him.

Mikael backhand punched Cami in the face, making her fall to the floor.


Main Room

Davina and Kaleb/Kol were holding hands, chanting together. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."

The wind continued to blow around them forcefully.  


Other Room

Mikael knelt next to Klaus' writhing body, plunging his hand into his chest, retrieving the blade, pulling it out. He staked Klaus in the heart with the white oak stake, making him scream in pain.

Kassandra continued to desiccate, watching as Klaus started to desiccate in pain.

Klaus looked at Kassandra, desiccating.

Kassandra slowly closed her eyes, neutralized.

Klaus slowly closed his eyes, neutralized.


Main Room

Davina and Kaleb/Kol were holding hands, chanting together. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."

The wind continued to blow around them forcefully.  


Other Room

Mikael looked from Kassandra's body to Klaus', becoming concerned when nothing happened.

Cami cried in shock.

Mikael growled. "Why aren't you burning? If you were dead, you would burn. Burn!"

Mikael heard Davina and Kaleb/Kol chanting in the warehouse.


Main Room

Davina and Kaleb/Kol were holding hands, chanting together. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."

The wind continued to blow around them forcefully.  

Davina was so overwhelmed by the force of the spell that she was forced to stop chanting, looking at Kaleb/Kol frantically. "I can't hold it!"

"Just trust me," Kaleb/Kol told her.

Mikael walked toward them. "Is this your doing, little witch? Then you will undo it. Return the power to the stake."


Other Room

Cami crawled over to Klaus' body, looking at the stake in his chest. She grabbed it, trying her hardest to pull the stake out, though it barely budged.


Main Room

Davina and Kaleb/Kol were holding hands, chanting together. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."

The wind continued to blow around them forcefully. Mikael approached them furiously. He suddenly held his head in pain, screaming. Davina and Kaleb/Kol looked behind them in confusion to see Auria. Auria walked closer, around them toward Mikael, casting the pain infliction spell.

Davina looked at her in surprised relief. "Auria."

"Keep going," Auria told them.

Davina and Kaleb/Kol continued to chant. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."


Other Room

Cami continued to try to remove the stake from Klaus' chest.


Main Room

  Davina and Kaleb/Kol were holding hands, chanting together. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois." The wind continued to blow around them forcefully. Mikael looked up at Auria, glaring, trying to stand. Auria used magic to break his leg, making him fall to his knees and scream, still casting the pain infliction spell. Davina and Kaleb/Kol continued to chant. "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois."


Other Room

Cami finally removed the stake from Klaus' chest.

The color was starting to return to Kassandra's skin.


Main Room

Davina and Kaleb/Kol felt that the white oak stake was no longer in play, letting go of each other's hands, no longer casting the spell. 

The wind died down into nothing.

Davina and Kaleb/Kol looked at Auria.

Auria looked at them, nodding to Mikael.

Mikael healed, standing, trying to lunge toward them.

Davina, Kaleb/Kol and Auria thrust both of their arms out toward Mikael, using magic to throw Mikael across the room into the concrete and brick wall leading to the other room, making the wall crumble from the strength and making Mikael fall into the other room.


Other Room

Mikael fell to the floor among the debris from the wall. He stood, turning to see that Cami had taken the white oak stake out of the Klaus' chest, walking closer. "What do you think you're doing?"

Cami sat up, turning toward Mikael, gripping the white oak stake tightly in her hand, pointing it at him. "Stay the hell away from us. Or, I swear to God, I'll kill you myself."

Color was returning to Klaus' skin.

Mikael was only mildly impressed. "You have a warriors heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir." He tried to grab Cami. Marcel rushed closer, pulling Mikael away from Cami, hitting him over and over so quickly that Mikael was too disoriented to fight back right away. Mikael pushed Marcel onto his back on the floor, grabbing a makeshift stake to point it at Marcel's heart. "Now, enough! This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you."

Kassandra woke with a gasp.

Cami helped Kassandra stand, holding her standing until she was strong enough to stand on her own.

Mikayla and Hayley arrived behind Mikael.

Mikayla threw a chain around Mikael's neck.

Hayley caught the other end of the chain as it wrapped back around toward them. "Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it."

Mikayla and Hayley pulled on the chain so hard it made Mikael fall to the floor.

Mikael pulled free from the chain.

Mikayla used the chain to hit Mikael in the face.

Auria, Davina and Kaleb/Kol walked through the hole in the wall that they had thrown Mikael through, confidently walking toward the others, prepared to use magic to help if necessary.

Klaus gasped awake.

Cami and Kassandra helped Klaus stand.

Mikael stood, catching the chain, pulling Mikayla and Hayley closer until they were close enough to rip their hearts out.

Noah appeared behind Mikael, grabbing him, pushing him down onto the floor, punching him repeatedly in the face, overwhelming him in his already weak state. He stood, backing away toward the others.

Hayley, Mikayla, Noah, Cami, Klaus, Kassandra, Marcel, Auria, Davina and Kaleb/Kol stood together, looking at Mikael, smirking, knowing they finally had the upper hand.

"It's over, Mikael," Kassandra told him. "You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life?"

Mikael laughed, standing. "You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have your family, fools, women and children fighting your battles."

Mikael threw the makeshift stake toward them, rushing away, leaving.

Klaus and Kassandra sighed in relief, looking at their family and friends that had helped save them.



Kaleb/Kol sat on the hood of his car. 

Davina stood in front of him. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, a bit light-headed," Kaleb/Kol answered.

Marcel and Auria walked closer

Marcel looked at Davina. "You are lucky to be alive, young lady. You wanna tell us what the hell you were thinking?"

"Can we not do this right now?" Davina asked.

Marcel rolled his eyes. "Are we gonna embarrass you in front of your friend?"

Auria looked at Kaleb/Kol in confusion. "Who the hell are you, anyway?"

"Oh, we've gotta stop meeting like this," Kaleb/Kol told them.

Auria looked at him in confusion, suspicious.

"He's my friend, and he's helping me," Davina told them.

"Helping you do what?" Marcel asked. "Wage war on Klaus, and help Caitlin, Noah, Josh and me get killed in the process? You nearly got him and Kassandra both killed."

"I just saved their lives trying to protect you," Davina told him.

"Yeah, from a psycho vampire hunter that you brought back to life," Marcel told her.

"All right, enough," Auria told them. "I mean, we're all friends here, and we're all okay, aren't we?" She looked at Davina. "Just stay here till we get back." Davina looked away. "We'll handle Klaus and Kassandra."

Marcel and Auria walked away, leaving.

Kaleb/Kol looked at Davina. "We should get out of here. Trust me, my brother and my sister are not the forgiving kind. Kassandra might not kill you, but even if you did help out back there, Nik's hatred and betrayal outweighs Sandra's sense of gratitude."

"I'm not afraid of them," Davina told him, pulling the white oak stake out of the inside of her jacket, showing it to him.

Kaleb/Kol was surprised, incredulous. "You out to get yourself killed?"

"I'm out to get even with Klaus," Davina answered. "And you're going to help me." She handed him his car keys, smirking. "But first, you're right. Let's get out of here."

Davina got into the car.

Kaleb/Kol hesitantly followed her.



Klaus was tending to Cami's wounds.

Cami looked pale and weak, noticing the stab wound in Klaus' chest hadn't yet healed.

Kassandra was sitting some distance away. Her wound hadn't yet healed.

Klaus winced, taking Cami's hand in his, grateful. "You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer, I would have been done for."

"It's the least I could do for telling you not to kill that bastard the first chance you had," Cami told him.

"Well, he hurt you," Klaus told her. "And he nearly killed my little sister. For that alone, I will kill him." He stood, walking toward Kassandra. "You know, in a thousand years, I think it's the first time I've seen him run."

Kassandra stood. "He was still weak."

Mikayla, Hayley and Noah walked in.

"And, he knew he was outmatched," Mikayla told them.

"We checked the perimeter, and he's definitely gone," Noah told them.

Klaus sighed. "I appreciate your assistance."

Noah smiled. "Well, hey, you die, I die. Marcel dies. Caitlin dies. Josh dies. Just call us selfish."

"Yeah, you die, and a lot of people die," Mikayla told him.

Klaus looked at his sister. "And a lot of people nearly died with you today, Kassandra. Not in a thousand years had I been so terrified for you."

"Nor I for you," Kassandra told him. "Just thank the witches that saved our bloody asses."

"Just hug it out, my God," Hayley told them. Klaus and Kassandra smiled. "But, guys... we have another problem."


Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

(Song:) Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier 

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt, kneeling on the floor, getting even weaker.

Lenore/Esther continued to taunt him.

"No more," Elijah told her.

"I'm afraid we've just begun," Lenore/Esther told him. "You will hang here, remembering. Every atrocity you've hid behind the red door will emerge to haunt you. And, as you grow weaker, you will be ripped of your strength, your will, your hope. And, as you rot here, alone, you will reconsider my offer. A way to be freed of your demons. A chance at peace."

Hayley rushed inside, biting Lenore/Esther on the neck from behind viciously, feeding, letting her fall. She looked at Elijah, blood smeared around her mouth, flipping her hair out of her face. "Huh. That's about enough of that. Don't you think? I would have ripped her heart out, but she would have just body-jumped." She walked toward Elijah, trying to break the chains. The spell kept them intact. "How do I get these off?"

Elijah looked up above them.

Hayley followed his gaze to the poppet hanging from the ceiling that was reinforcing the chains.

"The doll, up there," Elijah answered. "Break it. She's using it to bind me."

Hayley reached up, ripping the poppet down, tearing it in half. She tossed it aside, breaking the chains binding Elijah kneeling in front of him to check on him. "You have to feed."

Elijah was becoming worried about his lack of control over his bloodlust, turning his head away. "I can't."

"You're weak," Hayley told him, biting her wrist, offering it to him.

Elijah became even more anxious, looking at Hayley pleadingly. "I can't. I crave you. My hunger? It could overwhelm me."

Elijah gasped, trying to control himself, looking at Hayley's bleeding wrist with longing.

Hayley remained calm, holding her other hand to his cheek. "Look at me." Elijah forced himself to meet her gaze. "I'm not afraid."

Hayley and Elijah looked at each other for a long moment. Hayley leaned closer to kiss him slowly. They started to kiss passionately, still kneeling on the floor.

Elijah pulled away, starting to have trouble resisting her blood.

Hayley noticed the discomfort, leaning back, moving her hair to the side, exposing her neck to him.

Elijah transformed involuntarily, biting her on the neck, feeding.



Day - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt, sleeping. His eyes were still open, as if he was catatonic.

Vincent/Finn was waving a hand in front of his face.

Lenore/Esther walked closer.

Vincent/Finn was unnerved. "What'd you do to him?"

"I let him dream, giving him a dream close to what I did before," Lenore/Esther answered.

Vincent/Finn looked at Elijah, not sure if he was horrified on his behalf or happy to see him weak and vulnerable. "That's... considerate of you."

Vincent/Finn patted Elijah on the shoulder, standing to join his mother at the table, still looking conflicted.

"I cannot lead him out of darkness by simply exposing him to the horrors of his past," Lenore/Esther told him. "I have to let him bask in his version of a better world to come." 

Elijah's lip began to twitch.


Elijah's Dream

Day - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

Elijah was no longer feeding on Hayley, looking at her for a moment.

Hayley was breathing heavily in pleasure.

Elijah was still weak, still hungry, transforming. He began to feed from her once again.

Hayley held onto him tightly, letting him continue to feed on her.



Day - Lafayette Cemetery - Crypt

  Elijah was still chained by his wrists in the crypt, still dreaming with his eyes open.

Lenore/Esther and Vincent/Finn watched him.

"And by the time he wakes, he will know the only way to find peace is my way," Lenore/Esther told him.

Lenore/Esther watched Elijah dream.

Vincent/Finn looked at Lenore/Esther, looking concerned.


2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel" Trailer 

(Song:) Home - TJ & Cait 

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in the plantation house, Elijah tapped a few keys on the burned piano.

Kassandra: (voice over from 2.06 Wheel Inside the Wheel) "Where is Elijah?"

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in Marcel's Loft, Marcel, Noah, Caitlin, Hayley and Mikayla were talking.

"If we can save Oliver, then we might be able to find out where Elijah is," Hayley told them.

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in the bayou, Jackson walked toward Mikayla.

Mikayla was in shock. "Jackson."

Jackson seemed relieved to see her, but seeming ashamed. "Mikayla."

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in Rousseau's, Vincent/Finn and Auria sat at a table.

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", outside Rousseau's, Marcel and Noah were fighting with werewolves.

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in Marcel's Loft, Caitlin was sitting at a table, sketching a beautiful drawing of flowers and fire. She gasped suddenly at the pain as the link between her and Marcel made an identical wound in her arm. 

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", outside the plantation house, Kassandra tried to punch Lenore/Esther. Lenore/Esther disappeared.

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in the Quarter, Lenore/Esther slapped Klaus in the face.

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in the bayou, Hayley caught two arrows that were shot at her.

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in the cemetery, werewolves surrounded Hayley, Mikayla and Oliver.

"I don't want to do this the hard way," Mikayla told them.

"Then you die," a werewolf told her.

From 2.06 "Wheel Inside the Wheel", in the burned down plantation house, Elijah looked at Kassandra. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were worried."


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