X-Men Descendants 2

By TrayleMe10

4.8K 225 108

Kaley Pryde's name has went down into X-Men history now having an even bigger name then both her parent comb... More

The Morning Surprise
Start Of SophMore Year !!!
Danger Room !!
You Again!
The Ultimatum
The Meeting
The Inevitable
To The Rescue
Busy Busy Busy
Boiling Points
Choices & Consequences
Surfacing Secrets
The Unexspected
Mind Trip pt 1
Mind Trip pt 2
The Escape
Truth Hurts
The Epiphany
Falling Apart
If I Stay
A Matter Of Trust
Fight Till Sunrise
The Decision Part 2 (Final Chapter)
Updates !

The Descision Part 1

139 3 0
By TrayleMe10

I sit in silence with Kyrin fast asleep on my lap. Maintenance has installed some type of Skype software that will show me live feed of graduation that will start in a few moments. Right now I see all the parents and families loading up into the the auditorium. There's a knock on the door my head quickly snaps in the doors direction, "Come in" I call loudly. The door opens and it's Xander in his cap and gown, tears form immediately in my eyes. "I thought you might want to see me in person" her says with his arms stretched out turning around slowly. The cap and gown is solid black and around his neck sits a red cord and a gold stole. "Oh my goodness Xander, you look so handsome just like-" I quickly stop myself before saying what I about said. "Like dad?" He asks taking a seat on the bed next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me close into him. "I really wish they were here" he says in a mere whisper looking off into nowhere.

"Me too" I agree a tear falling freely from my face this time, I sniffle. "Kaley promise you won't do anything stupid" he tells me "Stupid ?" I question cocking my head sideways glancing over at him. He still stares off into space, "With mom and dad gone you and Kyrin are the only ones I have left" he says shaken, I sigh leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I can't loose you two either that's the last thing I want, you guys mean more to me then any diploma or stage" he tells me rubbing his hands through Kyrin's hair. "Earlier I know you were contemplating" he tells me, my heart quickly skips a beat. "How did you-"

"I'm your brother Kaley, I know you by now at the end of the day I know that your gonna do what you wanna do, and when your heart is set on something you're gonna go for it" he says. "Your so busy thinking about the world Kaley, but what about us? Your friends, your family it's not fair" he says "I know I sound selfish, but we need you too" he says I sigh. I've never thought about my friends, or how it could affect them. I just thought about the world and included them. "Xander" I say releasing a strong wind from my mouth, "No Kaley I don't wanna hear it, I want you to promise you want do anything stupid" he says. "Ok Xander I won't" I say nodding my head. He holds out his pinky finger and looks at me pitifully, "Xander your gonna miss graduation"  I say loudly glancing at the clock causing Kyrin to stir in his sleep. "Kaley I don't care! I don't care about that all I care about now is the two of you, walking across the  stage is mostly for our parents anyways signifying us finally becoming adults, and since they're not here I don't care" Xander says.

"But I do, Xander mom and dad weren't the only ones who wanted you to succeed in life. There are more people here who love you and want nothing but what's best for you in life" I tell him glancing up at the screen seeing graduates starting to enter the room.  "I'm not going until I'm sure you'll be here when I get back" he says, his pinky still held out, "Fine" I say intertwining my pinky with his, little did he know was underneath the covers my other fingers were crosses. "Oh I almost forgot" I say reaching on the dresser right beside my bed grabbing a big box. "Here it's for you" I say giving him the box. "What's inside?" He questions "Look and see" I saw the box is so big that he has to hold it with both hands, he tears it open and looks inside. "CONGRATULATIONS XANDER!" I say a little too loudly causing Kyrin to stir in his sleep. " "Whoa!" He says "Everything's color coated everything with a pink ribbon around it is mine, purple is from mom and black from dad, the drawings and toys are from Kyrin" I say with a giggle. He looks as if he wants to cry,the large box is filled to the top with gifts. He pulls out a black SnapBack with a photo of the two of us engraved in the front, it has a pink ribbon around it. It's from me. "KALEY!" He yells loudly causing me to smile "You like it?" I question "I love it!" He says loudly "Thank you Kaley" he says kissing my forehead "Yeah, where there's plenty more things inside" I tell him "I see ok gonna look at it all right now too" he says "NO YOU'RE NOT!" I say loudly "Why not?" He questions "You have graduation" I say "Oh yeah, I guess I should go now huh?" He questions. "Uhh yeah" I smile. He quickly hops out of the bed the rushes to the door pausing he quickly turns back around and places a kiss on Kyrin's forehead and another one on mine. "We'll open then together when I get back?" He says like a question "Um yeah" I lie I'll be here now GO!" I yell smiling.

A giant purple portal forms Xander quickly runs inside it and it disappears. I look at the screen and he's walking down the long platform smiling he's so happy now that he knows I'll be here when he comes back for me. I smile , later on both our smiles will be gone when I leave and when he comes back.


Emma POV

This is so sad. My head is rested on Preston's shoulder my arm is still wrapped in a cast and tears stream down my face while I sit and watch. I can barely focus though my mind is actually everywhere but here. A thought sits right in the back of my head I know it's important because it won't go away and I grow agitated because I can't remember. There's a large screen in the way back of the auditorium showing live footage of Kaley watching  everything happening. I never noticed how big their senior class is they walk in the auditorium slowly one by one behind the call of their names. Amber being the valedictorian lead the senior class and has the very first seat in the very first row.

"Xander Myles Christian Pryde" Professor Xavier loudly says. "Myles?" I question glancing over at Preston who chuckles to himself. Xander walk out looking cute as ever his black gown makes his skin tone seem much brighter he has three cords one red, another gold, and the last one white. His smile is big showing off his large dimples on both cheeks, and his pearly white teeth. His brown hair flows from his cap in short loose curls he holds both his hands up in the air as if he were a champion we all laugh he points up to where we sit    then smiles before taking his seat I glance up at the large screen showing Kaley who is smiling vibrantly.I swear I love Xander too death it almost feels like he's the brother I never had. The rest of the names are called and the graduates sit in rows in front of the stage where Professor sit.

"Welcome Graduates, parents, family, and friends to the graduation of The University of Gifted Youngsters graduating class of 2015" Professor says receiving claps from around the room all I see is smiles. "We've come a long way, and things haven't been the best but you made it and now your officially the grown men and women  that you weren't when you arrived here as freshmen and I'm proud we're all proud." He continues "So I'm going to have a seat and let you all have a word from this years valedictorian Amber Wagner" he says loudly everyone in the room begin to while Amber stands to her feet and begins to make her way to the stage. Her hair has been straightened and it looks longer then normal almost blending in with her black cap and gown. I smile. She looks beautiful.

The spotlight shines down on her illuminating her face, she smiles while her eyes scan the room. "Good Afternoon esteemed faculty, family and friends of my fellow graduates" she says "It's an honor to be standing here before you all this afternoon on our final day as college students" she says with a precious smile.

"Now I know you all know I'm shy so feel free to laugh with me or at me while I briefly highlight our final four years together" she says earning laughs and giggles from the audience. "I know that this is our last opportunity to say what we want or have to say to each other and I didn't want it to be just about myself, which is why I asked majority of you all about your experience." Amber says.

"I know you all think that we'll live forever and we're suppose to feel like that we're graduating, but we're not immortal and that's what makes life special, because it ends." She says a tear dropping down the side of her face. "And I say it because time it's- its luck" she says "So don't waste it being someone your not, make it mean something, pursue your dreams fight for what matters most" she says finally bringing me to tears.

"It's so easy to be faithful on an amazing day like this but there will be dark days ahead of us too and that's where faith will be needed the most do not ever be discouraged, keep your faith, find friends who have your best interest at heart. No matter how bad things get or how lost and lonesome you become promise me and yourself that you will Hold onto faith" she says "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and we must be stronger then what we endure" she says. I glance over at Kurt who is smiling proudly at his sister and Bobby and Sky who both watch in ah. My head is resting on Preston's shoulder he looks moved by Amber speech.

"My wish for you is to go out into this world and be the best that you can be, this life doesn't last forever become faith and like an old song says as we go on" she begins to sing "We'll remember all the times we had together, and as our lives change from whatever" her voice cracks and she bites down on her bottom lip to stop it from quivering. "Oh my gosh" I say quietly tears streaming down my face "We will still be friends.....forever" she says smiling at the end "Thank you" she says turning from the platform then walking from the stage. As she makes her way to her seat the crowd applauds loudly then Professor wheels himself to the front of the stage. I glance at the large screen seeing Kaley in tears, taking in everything.


Kaley POV

I seen saw Xander and Amber walk like I promised myself I would do. Amber's speech even brought me to tears making my decision even harder. I have to do this I have to go. "Amber Leanne Wagner" Xavier calls the crowd erupts into a beehive of applauding she smiles as she walks up the stage grabbing her diploma. She hugs Professor and more faculty standing on the stage before blowing a kiss then heading back down to her seat. I smile, I'm so proud of her.

I slowly scoot from underneath my baby brother he stir in his sleep but quickly falls back into whatever dream he's having. I pull the cover up to his chin then I stare for a few minutes. I can't believe what I'm doing, I'm actually going through with this. I kiss Kyrin's forehead "I love you" I say rubbing stray hair from his face then heading out the door.


Emma POV

Everyone has received their diplomas and graduation is about to end. "Before we come to a close would the class clown Xander like to have a few words?" Professor questions everyone's eyes shoot in Xander's direction and he's fast asleep. "Xander!" The graduates whisper yell he quickly shoots up, "What ?" He questions and everyone points to the stage. "Who falls asleep at there own graduation?" Preston questions me and I smile.

Xander walks to the stage he doesn't look like a class clown at all he has in his serious demeanor. He steps in front of the mic. "Now I know you all may think I'm coming here to crack a few jokes but I'm not" he says clenching his jaw. "I would like to have a moment of silence for everyone we've lost wether it be death or abduction I just want to give them the respect they deserve" he says taking of his cap then leaning down his head. We all do the same but the moment doesn't seem like a moment it feels like an eternity, especially thinking of all our parents while we wait.

The moment passes and Xander begins to talk again "Xander is hot" Sky says grabbing my shoulder "He is" I agree looking back at her earning a flare from Preston, "But not hotter then you" I tell him. He laughs then pulls me in close to him continuing to watch Xander. "Magneto may think he has us where he wants us but I assure you we will overcome this like Amber said earlier we must be stronger then what we endure" he tells everyone. When he says Magneto my mind instantly goes back to the thought lingering in my head. What the hell is it? I question myself searching deep inside my head. "Today May 27, 2015 and we made it"

A huge gasp escapes my mouth causing everyone to look back at me it even stops Xander in his sentence. May 27, 2015. 5-27-15. Those numbers,the numbers in my head it was the sign Mystique gave me the sign that The F.M.B. were coming for Kaley. I turn my head facing the large screen in the back and Kaley isn't there she's gone.

Kaley POV

I make my way up to the penthouse dorm to get a few things from my room I don't know what those things are yet though . I guess I'm purposely taking my time hoping someone would come and stop before I do something I can't take back. I sigh stepping out the elevator I phase through the door and inside our room. It's always so clean in here. I make my way to the stairs and I slowly begin to climb the all one by one, before walking into my room when the door opens its darn but u make out a silhouette sitting in my bed I flip on the light switch and someone with a hood comes into view. "Who are you?" I question the stranger reaches for the hood then pulls it off revealing Duchess.

Preston POV

"What?" I question her she just stands up in the middle of the auditorium looking off into space. Her mouth and eyes both wide open. "Emma?" I question grabbing her arm and shaking it, I glance up and Xander who looks around his eyes land on the screen and his eyes grow wide too. "No" Xander says lowly I glance at the large screen too and recognize there's no Kaley. Emma floats in the air then flies off Xander sprints off the stage then heads for the door Emma right behind him. She wraps her arms beneath his arm pits and lifts him up and they both fly out the door.

Emma POV

"She's gone, I knew she'd leave I shouldn't have left her  damn it!" Xander yells punching a wall while we fly past. "Leaving here is in Kaley's best interest because The F.M.B. Are coming for her today I don't know when but I know it's today" tell him "But Emma you don't understand Kaley isn't running from them Kaley wants to go straight to them, she feels guilty and she thinks turning herself in will make things better" Xander says. "But it won't it's a trap either decision Kaley makes Magneto will be the culprit" I say.

"What are you talking about Emma?" Xander questions. "About a week ago when Mystique was in restricted care Kurt and I snuck into her room to get more information about a comment Strange made about the Sentinels" I explain turning a sharp corner, I increase my flying speed on the straight narrow hallway. "Yeah" he says wanting me to continue, "Well when I went on a mind trip inside her head I found out that Magneto was in charge of both The F.M.B. we already knew he was in charge of the Brotherhood, he plans to egg on both sides both the humans and mutants and cause an all out war to let both sides destroy each other" I explain. "And when everything clears he will be seen as some sort of savior" Xander says catching on to the plan. "Right" I agree. "We can't let that happen we can't let him have her" Xander says. We turn another corner and our hospital room is right up the hall. I release Xander he lands on his feet then dashed to the room door I fly in behind him landing on the tile floor.
And like I expected she's gone.

"No" he says in disbelief his fingers clenched tightly around a fistful of his hair. "No no no no no no no no" he says devastated. "She promised!" He yells taking his fist and pounding it into the wall sending a web of cracks dispersing across the white brick walls. I glance over at Kyrin who is still fast asleep. "She's still here, I can sense her" I say glancing at him, his arm is still deep in the wall his head hangs in the locks of his shoulder. I watch as tears begin to hit the floor splattering against the tile like rain drops.

"I don't know if mom and dad are still alive so right now these two are the only ones I have left, so I promise with every last breath in my body I'm going to find her" he says I slowly approach him from behind placing my hand on his shoulder. "I know Xander we all feel that way your not alone, but if we stay here we may loose her, for good" I tell him he sniffles pulling his hand from the wall "Yeah, your right" he wipes his face with his arm before pulling me into a hug. I hug him warm and tightly, I hug him as if I we're Kaley.

He finally released "Thank you Emma " he says looking down on me "for everything" he continues I don't know what he's thinking me for exactly, but I say thank you. "You ready" I question "Yeah let's go!" He says we rush for the door but it slams shut before we can get to it. "WHAT THE!"  I loudly say glancing a around. "Is Magneto here already?" Xander questions. "No I don't feel him near" I say "Well who else could it be?" He ask. "I'm not sure" I tell him real easing a telekinetic wave that does absolutely love the door.

Kaley POV

"I knew you still hadn't changed, I knew you were that same Duchess I hated" I tell her and she smiles "Yeah and your still that weak Kaley I despise too" she replied to me "GET OUT!" I yell pointing to the door "Me, get out? I should be telling you to do the same thing you should've listened to me a long time ago, everything that happened this school year is your fault" she tells me "You try so hard to save everyone but end up causing more trouble and putting everyone into more danger" she says to me with a smirk on her face. "If you really want to save us all then leave Kaley that's the only way you can fix what you've done, and redeem all that lives that were lost in your name" each word she speaks breaks me down as if I were a building. Each floor being slowly set afire, until I'm engulfed in flames. Normally I'd retaliate but I can't this time her words are very true. 

I sigh grabbing the necklace Bobby gave me, then turning off and walking out the door.

Emma POV

Frost spreads across the metal door, it doesn't take long until the door is frozen solid. It doesn't take long for me to realize it's Bobby on the other side Xander and I slowly back away then the door falls to the floor shattering into pieces. As soon as the door hits the floor Xander dashes out the door Bobby jumps back in shock while the others stand and watch in shock. I dash out behind Xander "What's going on ?" Bobby questions "No time to explain we have to find Kaley before it's too late!" I loudly say turning the corner "Bobby you come with us the rest of you split up, whoever finds Kaley do whatever it takes to make her stay if it means using your powers against her" I say dashing past Preston his hand wraps around my wrist stopping me in my place he turns me around facing him. "Emma what's going on?" He questions looking down at me "Where you trying to go without me?" He questions his hand moving from my arm and wrapping them around my very own. "I'm trying to stop Kaley from making the worst decision of her life" I say "What are you talking about?" He questions "I can't explain right now I have to go!" I say loudly starting to dash off but he still hold my hand and pulls me back I spin back around and when we're chest to chest he pulls my face to his lips then places them on mine. "Promise me you'll come back with Kaley both of you in one piece" he says "I promise" I say pecking his lips one more time. Preston and I then dash down hall with Bobby, Lance, Kurt, Amber and Sky close behind.

Kaley POV

The door to the elevator parts and I walk out slowly. My hair hangs in front of my face, I take my finger and tuck it behind my ear. My hands are stuffed deep into my pockets and my eyes are glued to the carpet beneath slippers. Why do things have to be so complicated, in the beginning of the year I never thought I be here. I can't believe I'm actually doing this, I haven't left yet I can still change my mind it's not too late.

I shut my eyes to clear my head so there are no more doubts in my head. I'm going to do this whether I like it or not, innocent live can be spared with just a simple decision that I, Kaley Pryde has to make.
I hear a lot of ruckus up ahead it almost sounds like a stampede, "What's going on? Is she in trouble?" I hear. It's Bobby and their heading right in my direction, I can't let them see me if they get ahold of me I'll never be able to leave. I use a new power the Cerebro gave me and I turn invisible just as they turn the corner.

They rush past me unknowingly rush straight past me, I stand pressed against the wall watching them as they past . Xander leads the group his gown unzipped and wide open flailing behind him exposing his formal wear underneath. Preston is on his right and Bobby is on his left Emma is in a he back she flies high behind them all. Then she pauses in the air turning around staring hard in my direction, does she see me? She probably does, if she doesn't see me then she probably senses me here.

"Emma!" Preston calls her head quickly snaps in his direction, "Coming!" She yells glancing over and my direction once more before flying off. A exhausting sigh escapes my lips and I continue walking down the hall. After a few moments I walking out the back door of the University. My friends are looking for me so I'm going the way I know I'm least likely to run into anyone.

I walk slowly across a tall platform not too tall just higher then the grass beneath. The warm outdoor breeze is slow but still takes my hair in the gust as it brushes past my face. I really wonder what I'm getting myself into or where I'm even going for that matter all I know is if I'm separated fro
Professor for too long I won't have to find Magneto he'll find me.

After a few minutes I'm in the front of the school and I'm basically gone at this point considering I don't have to dunk or dodge anymore. I feel confident about making it out then I hear my name called it sounds like it's being questioned. "Kaley?" I turn around to see Sky standing at the top of the stairs that lead into the lobby. Her hair hangs into long loose blonde curls both her lips are tucked in her mouth and she hugs herself as if she was cold. She just might be from her outfit which is a pretty white dress that stops a few inches above her knee, with pretty brown sandals. "I don't know what going on, but everyone's looking for you" she tells me running her fingers threw her hair tucking some behind her ear.

"Yeah" I pause "I know" I say lowly my eyes looking down at the concrete sidewalk beneath my feet. "Sky please do me a favor and not try to stop me" I say glancing back up at her we both share a long stare "I wasn't going to stop you" she tells me. My eyes shoot open wider then I ever thought possible. "Your-your not?" I question tossing my head to the left throwing my loose brunette hair behind my shoulder. "I know I should be, but I can't- I won't Kaley like I said before I don't know what going on and I don't think I want to" she says innocently

"But it must be important from what everyone's going through to keep you here and if you still want to leave knowing what everyone's going through and how much the others care for you this has to be something your heart wants" she tells me her voice even cracks at some points. It's not so much my heart, it's my conscience I won't be able to live with myself knowing the damage that is soon to come was all because of me.

"Just promise me you'll come back" she says looking down at me "Sky I can't promise you that" I tell her "You could lie" she suggests "Look where lying has gotten me" I say turning off then heading down the sidewalk. "KALEY WAIT!" Sky yells.


She turns around and I quickly rush down the stairs and hug her. She won't promise me we'll see again so I hug her like we won't. I can't stop her from leaving either way it goes I know Kaley is leave whether she wants to or not. From the few months I've known her I've picked up in her traits her heart, and it's beautiful. She's noble she's kind, gentle, she beautiful inside and out, very outspoken, stands up for what right, and when she has her heart set on something.....just like know she goes for it. And I'm not gonna stop her.

"Sky take care of Bobby for me" she tells me turning off then heading down the long driveway that leads to the parking lot. I stand and watch her while she walks away, until the fog around us consumes her and I can no longer see her anymore. When she disappears I still don't move I stand and wait hopping she'll change her mind and turn around, but she doesn't. I sigh turning off on my heels then starting back up the stairs.

Then I hear this loud noise that quickly stops me in my tracks. I stand in the middle of the stairs trying to calm down. Bright lights soar threw the air, there are a dozen of them they almost look like shooting stars they fly so fast, before landing directly in front of me about 200 meters out.

The wind reflecting from the ground sends my long blonde hair flying savagely around my face, the light is so bright that I can't see a thing. I shield my face with my arms out inches in front of my eyes. Students slowly begin to flood out the lobby and pack onto the stairs next to me. Students of each grade level even graduates that still wear their cap and gowns, I glance quickly to my right seeing a girl I've never met before my eyes quickly fixate back on the fleet hovercrafts.

"Watch Out!" Lance yells dashing at me he tackles me out the way as the door to the hovercrafts slam to the ground F.M.B. Officers flood from the hovercrafts blasting everything in their paths not looking to see what. Just blasting. The sound of the people around me dropping like flies and screaming in agony seems to silence things around me.

"What's going on!" I yell Lance quickly snatches me from the stairs he grips my hand tightly and pulls me from the fire zone. With his opposite hand he lifts it in the air causing a large bolder to rise along with his hand we both quickly hop on top, shots are flying in from every direction, missing us by inches. From the distance I see more lights resembling shooting stars there are a dozen of those as well which lands on the ground as well. When the doors to the new hovercrafts drop mutants swarm out and they begin to attack The F.M.B. Officers. "It's The Beotherhood" Lance says monotonously I gasp loudly holding on to his waist. I've been here long enough to know who The Brotherhood is. But why are they helping us ?


Chapter longer then expected, so I've broken it up into two parts! Hope you enjoyed !

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