X-Men Descendants 2

Von TrayleMe10

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Kaley Pryde's name has went down into X-Men history now having an even bigger name then both her parent comb... Mehr

The Morning Surprise
Start Of SophMore Year !!!
Danger Room !!
You Again!
The Ultimatum
The Meeting
The Inevitable
To The Rescue
Busy Busy Busy
Boiling Points
Choices & Consequences
Surfacing Secrets
The Unexspected
Mind Trip pt 1
Mind Trip pt 2
The Escape
Truth Hurts
The Epiphany
Falling Apart
If I Stay
A Matter Of Trust
Fight Till Sunrise
The Descision Part 1
The Decision Part 2 (Final Chapter)
Updates !


91 3 0
Von TrayleMe10

Lance POV

I wait in the waiting room along with the other who hold Kaley and Emma closet to their hearts, Preston, Bobby, Xander, Wenston, Amber, Kyrin, Sky, Professor, and loads of other students. The only people missing were their families, their parent's who were taken away with Strange, who still controls their minds. All that plays in my mind is the loud gunshot heard across the school, a shot that silenced everything leaving Strange the opportunity to escape.

"I can't take this much longer" Bobby says standing from his seat "I'll be outside" he says turning off and walking out the door. I know how he feels we all do, it's not a feeling we want to feel it's one that comes every now and then, but lately it's been a little too often. I sigh before standing from my seat, I know I'm gonna regret this but oh well I'm gonna do it anyways. I walk through the hospital lobby and out the front door. It takes me awhile to spot Bobby but when I do I give him a light smack to the back. He doesn't budge or show one bit of emotion, he slowly turns his head looking at me for a mere second "Oh you" he says dully looking up at me. "You ok man?" I question his groan answers that question for me, "I'm fine" he simply replies. "Oh alright I was just making sure" I say tucking my fingers into my jean pockets starting back inside the building "Wait, were you trying to comfort me?" Bobby questions emotion etched across his face, "If that's what you wanna call it dude" I answer stopping in place "Well I appreciate it man" he tells me.

"You know Lance I was wrong about you, I never actually thought we'd ever be sitting having a conversation with eachother" Bobby says sitting on top of a picnic table looking off into the distance, "Your alright yourself Drake" I tell him in shock at my response "Drake, I guess it's time to clear the air, I never thought you and I could be friends and I don't know why, but for so many years I've had problems with trust, and anger which hindered my social life, but the only person I've ever cared about is Kaley and she's basically yours, which is why I hated you so much" I pause Bobby is finally looking back at me "I was jealous" I say "And I was wrong, but you treat her perfectly a way I never could and now I respect that, I don't care if your together anymore I just want Kaley in my life, I have to have her somewhere wether she's my girlfriend, my best friend, or just a friend I need her near, she keeps me stable" I say looking up at the moon.

Bobby POV

"You know I'm not even upset about anything you just said, I know Kaley. She has this magnetic personality and everyone just attracts to her, she's an amazing person and I know I can't just keep her to myself, or be selfish. Kaley is like a light she can save us all" I speak starring off into nothingness "I love her" I say a smile appearing on my face, "Don't we all" Lance smirks "Well let's make a pact! Starting now, we'll protect her with our lives we'll never let anything like this happen again" I say standing from the bench facing Lance and meaning every word I speak. I hold out my hang looking in his eyes "Alright man" Lance says smacking my hand pulling me into a quick bro hug.

Kaley POV
My eyes open slowly, my vision isn't reliable everything is blurry. Everything's so bright that it hurts my pupils, my eyelids snap shut as I silently brace myself for the reveal of the world around me. One, two, three. Both my eyes snap open and I shoot up. Where am I ? Never mind I know this place, I usually always end up here. I look around noticing my surroundings I'm in an all white room, white everything. White wall, white tile even my outfit is all white. I'm in the hospital, pain in my stomach is the first  feeling I felt when my eyes opened, it's excruciating, causing my to buckle in my hospital bed. I slowly begin to lift the bottom of my shirt just moving my arms hurt, when the bottom of my shirt is lifted up to my chest I look down to see a thick layer of gauze wrapped around my stomach a blood stain the size of an apple sits right in the center. 

I don't know what posses me to touch it but I do, it stings so bad, a whimper escapes my lips. It hurts me when I realize there's no one here for me to open my eyes too, "K-Kaley?" I hear I glance in the direction the voice came from turning over to Emma. She lays on her side facing me her hands combined as if she were praying and her head rested on top of them, she's in a hospital bed too wearing the same thing  as me. We wear a loose white hospital shirt with loose matching white pants. How did I not see her earlier? "Emma!" I say she doesn't move anything just her eyes, "Hey" she says "Hey, how are you feeling?" I question cringing at the pain, "I don't know" she says slowly blinking her eyes, "My arm feels better then it did last night, it still hurts just not as bad as it did" she answers.

"Oh" I nod slowly glancing at the ceiling, "But what about you how you doing?" She questions. I sigh, there's her answer. The door knob rattles and both our heads snap to the left, Professor walks and instantly what happened comes flooding back into my head. I was shot last night, bright and early this morning actually "Thank Goodness your awake" he wheels himself over to us hugging us both tightly. "Don't worry yourselves everything is perfectly fine-"

Professor POV

"DON'T" Emma says loudly before pausing, tiredness fatigue is evident in her voice. "Lie, Professor things would be more easier if we're all honest with each other, I don't think I can take another lie" she says almost weakly laying on her side. How did she know I was lying? Emma is a stronger telepath then I've thought, possibly even stronger then I in the future. I sigh as I look into both of their eyes staring intently at me, this is honestly gonna hurt me more then it hurts them. "Good news or bad news" I simply say looking away from them I can't see their faces when I tell them this. "Xavier- Professor this isn't a game just tell us" Kaley demands, the good news won't be pleasant to the ears anyways especially compared to the bad. I sigh once again "Dr. Strange is alive he escaped last night shortly after he.......shot you Kaley" I tell them that's the 'good' news. "The bullet you were shot with however contained small traces of the cure. "WHAT!" Kaley screams to the top of her lungs "No" she sighs shaking her head in disbelief, "I thought it was a bullet, the cure shouldn't have hurt that much" Kaley said "My thoughts exactly The Cure was infused with a bullet, Kaley your powers are gone" I say.

"The nurse says that the dose of The Cure wasn't strong enough and I'm waiting to hear from her because things may very well be temporary" I explain watching defeat spread across her face. I swallow so aggressively it hurts.
"What about Wenston? Where is he? He was there" Kaley questions, I instantly hurt at the mere mention of his name. "Wenston is gone, Dr. Strange took him shortly after he shot Kaley him along with your-" I stop myself, "Your Parents" I say causing them both to gasp. "At the rate things are going I'm not even sure there will be another school year, or that this school will even exist anymore after this at all" I honestly say. Things are already too dangerous and with my son and his cerebro powers being held captive everything's been taken up a notch higher. And before I put anymore of my students in danger I would gladly shut down the premises.

"You can't shut down the premises" Emma says loudly reading my thoughts, "What would that accomplish?" She questions sitting up from her bed. "Splitting up is what Strange wants, doing that would make it so much easier to take us out one by one." She says looking stern at me with those emerald eyes of hers. "United we stand and divided we fall is what I've learned so far as a student here, this is our safe haven we have here, if we don't have anywhere else to go, We have the numbers and I say it's time to stop running and time to shut the F.M.B. down once and for all." Emma speaks.

And she's absolutely right, I've work too hard to establish this foundation and I'm not giving it up as easily as I was just about to it's not going down without a fight.

Kaley POV
I lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling. It's amazing how uninteresting things can be when your not feeling the greatest. I sigh. "Are you going to graduation tonight?" Emma questions turning on her side facing me, I almost forgot that It's graduation day, I know I don't sound excited at all.

With everything that's going on graduation doesn't seem like anything worth celebrating. "I wish, I'm bed written I don't even think I can move, but I want to someone has to be there too support Xander especially with our family gone someone's got to be there too support him." I say throwing stray hair from my face. "Yeah" Emma sighs. "Can you believe that tomorrow is check out day? Our sophomore year is over ?" Emma says with a small smile on her face. I don't think I can summon up the courage to even smile at this school year it's brought me so much trouble and tears. "Yeah it really has" I speak finally noticing my long pause of silence.

This year was a mess to be truthfully honest, so many secrets, so many altercations, and so much drama. "What was your favorite moment this year?" Emma questions "Umm" I think to myself. "I would say meeting Bobby's parents, and miss Sky" I say speaking of her I wonder if she's alright, I sure hope she is.

Bobby POV
There they are!" I say.

We walk over to there table when they spot us their faces instantly lights up. "Bobby!" My dad yells rushing over to me. He claps my hand and pulls me into a hug. "Hey dad what's up?" I question he doesn't really get to answer because mom rushes up and swoops me into the most giant hug ever. "Hey mom" I say "Honey I've missed you so much you have to tell me how you've been" my mom says "Ok ok ok mom but first I want you to meet my girlfriend Kaley" I say grabbing her hand and bringing her forward. "Um hi" she says bashfully my mom gasp deeply grabbing Kaley's hand "Gosh she's beautiful Bobby" my mom says rubbing Kaley's shoulder.

"Are you sure this is love Bobby has to have some kind of spell on you" mom jokes causing the others to laugh. "Why are you so surprised Miranda our son is very handsome" dad says giving me a head nod I smirk back at him "Yeah mom it's called game" I say Kaley nudges my shoulder and I laugh.

"OH! I almost forgot, mom dad these are my other two good friends Preston" I point out he waves quickly as if he were shy "And, E- SKY!" I yell loudly Emma's face quickly changes from smiling to a very surprised look that consist of wide eyes, and an opened mouth, a wide opened mouth to be exact. "Uh I think you mean Emma ?" She says but I dot really pay attention because I see my old-friend Sky walking out of bathroom.

[Flashback Ends]

Kaley POV
Emma burst out laughing "Oh my goodness" she says through strains "That goes way back, that was actually pretty funny" she says "Mmhmm, and when he called you Sky your face was priceless" I tell her actually giggling this time. "What was your favorite moment ?" I question her. She gasp already knowing what to say. "It has to
Yesterday actually" Emma answers "WHAT!" I yell loudly, is she being funny, "No! Not that part of yesterday, Preston and I snuck off to that beach we went to when we were freshmen" she answers. "Awh!" I say "What happened!"


Preston POV
"Where we going?" She questions "Shhhh, we're almost here" I tell her making a turn, she begins to play with her hair sitting back in the seat I glance over at her and smile before looking back on the dirt road. "We're here" I say loudly waking her up she nearly dozed off, When her eyes adjust to her surroundings she gasp so loudly it sounds like it hurts.

Emma POV
It's a beach, not just any beach the beach we all snuck off too the night before our parents and most of our siblings got shipped off to the Cerebro Revolution. "PRESTON!" I yell happily I jump up and pull him into a hug, "Ugh! you should've told me I don't have anything to wear" I say "Well we could go in naked" Preston says with a snide smirk on his face "Really Preston" I say placing my hand on my hip rolling my eyes.

[Flashback Ends]

"OMG !" I yell "that's so sweet".
"I haven't even gotten to the best part" Emma says with a smirk. "Ooo, continue" I say smiling.


Emma POV

Preston and I walk along the beach shore hand and hand, and no not naked. I'm so tired, the sun is setting off into the horizon sending beautiful streaks on analogous colors in the air, it almost looks like a portrait, if only I can capture this moment.

I wear Preston's hat with a towel wrapped around me, there's a freezing cold breeze that sends chills down my spine. My mind is preoccupied but when Preston slams into a stop almost as if he were slamming on brakes, "Preston are you ok?" I question he has this look in his eyes, almost bashful or shy.

He walks from my side standing directly in front of me he's so close to me that I can feel his warm breath cascading down my skin, his light brown skin rubs softly against mine. "Emma you know I love you right?" He questions I look up in his eyes "Yeah Of course I know" I answer, "Well I don't know how to tell you this, truth is I've been practicing this in front of the mirror for hours-" Preston rants.

"Preston, just say it" I tell him. He sighs before running his finger through his hair, he then gets down on one knee, holding a small black box in his hand. "Whoa whoa whoa, Preston don't you think this a bit too early" I say hating I have to shoot him down, "Wait! What ? No this isn't what you think" he blushes "I mean it's a ring, not an engagement ring though" he says scratching the back of his head. "Oh" I sigh "Phew!"

He takes the ring out and slips it on my finger "Emma this is a promise ring, it's been passed down through my family for generations, with this ring I promise not to let anything happen to you" he tells me "I'll always be here for you Emma you don't even have to ask, I'll be right by your side no matter what your going through I'm here, and in the end we'll make it through this together" he says he stands from his knee, I grab both his cheeks with my hands pulling him into a kiss, the kiss last for what seems like hours he wraps his arms around my back, and his promise already hits home because I feel more then safe in his arms.

[Flashback Ends]

Kaley POV
I squeal so loudly my throat quickly feels sore. "Awh that was cute, where's the ring?" I question she holds it out on her finger and it's beautiful. "That looks like an engagement ring to me, I wonder how that one would look?" I say "Yes girl me too!" She says loudly. The door knob rattles and both our heads snap in that direction. When the door opens Kurt, Preston, Amber,Lance, Sky,Bobby, Xander, and Kyrin walk through the door all baring gifts.
Emma POV
Kaley and I both gasp at once. "You guys!" We both say loudly as everyone flows inside. "We hope you guys are feeling better" Preston says handing Kaley and I  bag of junk food and planting a kiss on my forehead, then leaning on the side of my bed.Kyrin squeezes through everyone and manages to climb on top of Kaley's bed "KYRIN!" Kaley yells pulling him in a hug, "Where've you been?" She says almost sounding like a whisper, "He was in mom and dads room under the bed" Xander speaks walking over to Kaley. "Mom and dad told him to stay there, before whatever happened" he duly says. "He was scared to death, I had to pull him from under the bed" Xander says.

Kaley POV

I look down at Kyrin who's head and chest is buried in my chest his face looks out the window, I plant a kiss at the crown of his head. Feeling his trembling vibrations travel through my body. I stroke his brunette hair also patting his back. Everything grows silent while we reminisce on last night. "Thank you guys for the gifts" Emma says quickly changing the subject, "Thank Sky it was her idea" Kurt says while everyone begins dispersing find and using anything they could find as a seat. "Thanks Sky" Emma says "Are you alright? Hadn't  seen you all day yesterday" I say glancing in her direction, I scoot over giving Bobby room to get in the bed with Kyrin and I.

"I'm fine, I actually got locked in my room yesterday" she says sitting on a recliner. "I'm glad your alright" I say giving her a smile, "You too Lance, Kurt and Preston" Lance walks from the door and gives me a hug, it's warmer then normal and less tense. "Don't worry about me I'm just glad your alright" he says standing over me. I give him an embracing smile and he takes a seat next to Sky, Kurt walks up and hugs me as well before taking a seat as well. "How was Grad Bash Amber and Zeke?" Emma questions. "It was alright" Xander says nonchalantly "I had a great time" Amber says.

"I almost forgot how many Senior friends I have, because I'm always with you guys" he continues making everyone laugh. "Well you don't have to worry about that anymore you guys are graduating tonight" Preston says sitting on the edge of Emma's bed. "Oh yeah, we are" Xander says followed by a sigh "Aren't you excited?" I question from the tone of his voice. "Dude you don't sound excited at all" Bobby says next to me on the bed.

"I mean graduation day is suppose to be happy...." He simply says "And I feel depressed" he finishes causing silence to fall over the room. "Me too Xander, but we have to be happy for ourselves especially if no one else is, I feel depressed too,but today is our day." Amber says pulling Xander's head on her lap. "And you know we're happy for you too" Kurt says.Everyone chimes in saying "Yeah" and Amber and Xander both smile and the room falls back into another pause of silence.

"So um before you guys walked in Kaley and I were playing a game" Emma says glancing over at me. "Um we were ?" I question "Well not necessarily but since everyone's here we might as well turn it into a game, I mean everyone's so sad we should have some fun" Emma says "She's right our time together is limited today might be our last day doing something like this" Lance says "Lance" I say in shocked, he's finally warming up to them. He gives me a head nod and a smile and I give a smile back. "How do we play ?" Sky questions sitting up in her seat.

"Ok so the point of this game is to reminisce on our entire school year, it can be last year too, so one person will be randomly chooses and asked their most favorite or worst moment. The person chosen shares there moment then they choose someone else and ask them and it goes on like that,I don't know if everyone will go twice yet but everyone has to go" Emma says I'm smiling already this game instantly takes my mind away from the entire world around me, finally putting me at ease.

"Xander your first!" Emma says loudly "WHAT! Why me? It was your idea!" He whines "I said it would be random" Emma giggles "Nope that's a little too random" he says "Fine pick a number one through ten" Emma says rolling her eyes. "Alright got it" he says, "It's ten now go" she says. "WHAT! SHE READ MY MIND!" He says loudly causing everyone to laugh, Bobby and I die with laughter in the hospital bed. "This is some bull-" is all I hear he mumbles the rest under his breath. "Xander what is your favorite moment of all four years here?" Emma questions. He lays stretched out across the couch all tall and lanky, his head rested in Amber's lap looking just like dad. I sigh. "My favorite moment was when I met snookems right here" he says referring to Amber her bright brown skin flushes red and her face instantly finds the floor.

"How did that even happen, according to me you guys have been together for three years and you've never brought her home?" I question. "How would wanna come home with me and have to meet you" he says chuckling I give him a quick sharp look "Apparently Chad" I say say sounding almost like a mumble he hears it and almost falls from his seat. "I never came with him because my parents always wanted to see me as well" Amber says "And she's hella shy" Xander  says.

Kaley POV

"Ok how'd you meet?" Emma questions, "Well if you'll let me tell the story!" Xander practically yells "NEXT!" Emma loudly interrupts. "I didn't even start" he complains "Well hurry up" I chime in rolling my eyes. "Ok ok ok" he quickly says.


Xander POV

"Mr. Pryde if you wanna see a joke you'd look at your grade" Storm says causing the class to erupt into laughter. I sigh glaring at my smart mouthed teacher who sternly stares at me, "Mr. Pryde you never cease to amaze me with how you manage to act a fool in my class especially when your mother and I are close friends" she says "Passing my class is mandatory especially if your planning on advancing next year and with the looks of your grades it doesn't look like you are, so see me after class and we'll discuss what I have planned for you" she tells me. "Ugh!" I grunt slamming my head down to my desk. The bell rings and students flood out the door.

"Mr. Pryde things aren't looking too good for you I would give you extra credit but that won't do anything, especially with all the assignments your behind on, and not to mention you learning everything by the time the end of course test comes around" she rambles around stressed running her fingers through her hair. A loud smack catches our attention Storm and I both turn to face the direction the noise came from and its Amber. She sighs whispering a few things I can't quite make out before squatting the gathering her things. I jog over squatting
Down and helping her. "Um thanks" she tells me taking her index finger swiping her loose black hair behind her ear. "AMBER!" Storm practically yells  "Yes ma'am" she quickly tenses, "You've completed all your assignments for the year do you mind helping Xander play catch up?" Storm questions.

[Flashback Ends]

Kaley POV

"So to make a long story short Amber turned the offer down.......repeatedly" Xander says getting small laughs from most of us. "She eventually couldn't resist my charms anymore and accepted to tutor me" Xander says I can't tell if he's joking or not. "Hahaha very funny that was not even close to the case, I felt bad for you and I thought you were kinda cute and I didn't want you to fail, you did me a favor and I returned it back" Amber says."So like I said you fell for my charms" Xander says. Amber smiles then playfully rolls her eyes.

"Awh that was actually cute" Emma says "Yeah almost like a scene from a movie" Sky agrees hashing in. "Kurt what's the funniest moment you had here?" Xander questions. Everyone's head snap in Kurt's direction, "Uhh" he thinks with a smirk on his face. "Last year when I snuck up behind Kaley at that festival and she slammed me" he says. "Oh my gosh" I gasp holding in laughter. "Dude you got slammed by a girl ?" Preston questions in disbelief. "And how is that funny?" Lance questions.


Kaley POV

I walk down the long boardwalk of the fair grounds, but I don't see a thing did they just come and go, or are they just toying with us. Whatever the scenario was, The brotherhood was here and they needed to be found. "Hey, Kaley" A familiar voice says tapping my shoulder and triggering my battle senses. "HEEYA!" I scream grabbing the hand, I spin around twisting the arm I just grabbed slamming it to the ground. "Ugh!" I hear as a loud thud echoes across ground causing people to stare. I soon recognize who it was, "OMG! Kurt!" I yell covering my face and mouth. "What are you doing here?" I asked helping him up, "Damn Kaley you sure pack one slam!" He says standing next to me. "I'm so sorry" I say helping him up then we began down the boardwalk.

[Flashback Ends]

Kaley POV

"Oh wow I never knew that happened" Bobby says with a smirk. "How'd it feel?" He teases "It hurt like hell" Kurt says causing everyone to laugh. "Everyone knows that Kaley is a black belt" Lance says "Apparently Kurt" Emma jokes.

"Preston!" Kurt loudly says causing him to jump. "What's your scariest moment from the past two years here?" Kurt questions he whistles. "I actually have two" he says "Even better" Kurt says. "Well my first one was asking Emma out" he says "WHAT!" She screams "Why were you scared?" Sky questions "Because I thought she'd reject me I've never done anything like that before I didn't know what would happen" he says tugging at his collar.


Emma POV

I sigh as I stand in line I guess I was wrong he doesn't want me, who wants a prissy dumb ginger, well brunette. My train of insecure thoughts are broken by someone grabbing my shoulder then pushing and pinning me against a wall then crashing there lips unto mine.

It was Preston.

It all happened so fast that I can barely react I hold up my hand up and he grabs it intertwining our fingers together then pinning it against the wall beside my head, he cups his other hand on my cheek which I grab with my hand, While he continues his hardcore assault on my lips. At first my eyes where opened so wide they could have shot out, I wasn't sure I was believing what I was seeing or feeling, but I know it felt so good. He pulls away.

"Emma!" He yells out loud for the whole cafeteria to hear, they waste no time quieting down. It's silent and now it seems like it's just the two of us, "Im so sorry, I'm sorry for being so- so blind, so stupid, an- and so dumb and wrapped up in my feeling to actually tell you how I really feel about you, your my everything, you've help me overcome and get threw so much Emma" he says loudly looking me directly in the eye not leaving them. for a second. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't care what anyone thinks anymore , I LOVE YOU! And I wanna be with you, I want to hug you kiss you and most of all" He yells, standing on top on an empty table "I want you to be my Girlfriend, will you Emma, be my girl?" He asked holding his hand out to me I give my reply by flying from the ground and tackling him off the table we roll across the ground the final roll being me on top of him, I stare into his eyes smile, then kiss him, I guess this is it, he's finally done it and in front of all these people. All for me and now he's my boyfriend.

[Flashback Ends]

Kaley POV

"Awh!" Everyone childishly yells while Emma hides her face in her pillow. "I never knew it happened like that" I say smiling. "Yeah you missed it, Preston had liked Emma for the longest he just didn't know how to ask her I had been telling him just to tell her the whole time" Bobby says "Damn just put me out bro" Preston says "Well it doesn't matter she's yours now" Amber simply says.

"Amber what was one of your happiest moments here?" Preston questions completely skipping his second memory. "Umm when I met Kaley and Emma for the first time" Amber says "Awh" Emma and I sigh in unison. "It was because you guys saved me" Xander says his head resting on Amber lap. She giggles "it wasn't just that I was just happy that someone finally found us in all that wreckage" Amber says.


Kaley POV

I slowly walk threw the pile of loose scrap metal being very observant. That's when I step on something. "Ouch!" Someone yells I look beneath my feet to see a silver hand. I quickly lift my feet and the hand snatches back and flies under a pile of scrap metal. The pile shakes and a body converges upwards as if raising from the dead I jump back and squeal I catch a glimpse of a face I know all to well a face that quickly soften when its lays eyes on me, a face that I call my brother, Xander.


"Wait us?" I question cocking my head to the side, "Yeah me and Am- " Xander says but is quickly interuptted by Emma screaming a purple portal appears in front of us and Emma flies out of it. "What the heck?" I say hopping to my feet, "OMG, there's  some crazy girl in the other room who just sunt me threw some warp" she says, standing up quickly as well. "Guys chill its just Amber" Xander says , why does that name seem so familiar ? I think for a second when this beautiful mixed girl walks from the other room. She had long black curly hair that went straight down her back and shoulder with another ponytail in the back she had light blue eyes and those similar huge dimples that seem to show without a smile . When I look at her I immediately know who she is, Amber as in Kurts older sister. The one he told me about earlier this morning before we, well you know.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry you scared the heck out of me" she says in their battle outfits, she looks amazing. "Well I'll say" Emma says dusting herself of with the roll of her eyes I nudge her her arm with my elbow, she reminds me so much of my old self. "I'm -" she begins "Amber " I cut her off, "You know me?" She says well obviously I say inside my head. "Well I know your brother and the two of you look just alike" I say and she smiles. "How is he?" She asks I smile "He great" I say deciding to surprise her later.

[Flashback Ends]

Kaley POV

I can't help but smile at that one. That was the day everything changed. "Yeah I was so happy to see you guys even though Emma was rude" Amber says with a laugh. "I was?" Emma questions "You were" I say resting my head on Bobby's shoulder. "I didn't realize that I'm sorry" Emma says "No worries" Amber smiles. "Sky, what was your most romantic moment so far here?" Amber questions earning "Ooooo" from
Everyone, everyone except me because of its Sky I know where this is going. Her eyes widen with surprise, "Ummm mmmm" she sighs "Just say it" Xander rushes, she glares over at him. "My most romantic moment was when Bobby kissed me" she says.

"WHAT!" Everyone in the room yells. I glance over at Emma who slowly shakes her head. Bobby sighs "It's not what you think?" He says "Shh" let Sky tell it. "Sky, do tell" Preston says getting nudged in his chest by Emma. "Ouch, what'd I do ?" He questions. "Ok here's what happened"


Bobby POV
I don't know anymore. I feel broken, broken into a million tiny pieces. I walk with Sky close by my side, nothing that anyone says matters not even her. I may be sad but I'm more frustrated then anything, she takes up for him over me. "You know you have to talk about it sooner or later" Sky says with her arms crossed staring straight forward. "Well I don't feel like talking about it" I answer coldly.

"So what're you just gonna hold all that stuff in!" Sky yells stopping in her tracks turning around facing me. "What am I suppose to say Sky, she doesn't love me anymore! She doesn't want me!" I yell tears start to gather in  my eyes "I can't see myself without her Sky I love her and I-I don't know what to do" I say "Yes Bobby but I love you too!" she yells back grabbing my hands in hers, "You can't get so hung up on her, Bobby if she doesn't want you she doesn't want you Bobby." She says.

"You can't just linger there" she tells me and she's right. It's Kaley's decision, and if she doesn't want to be with me I can't make her love me. "Yeah your right Sky" I admit looking down at her. The moon cast a faint shadow over her body, magnifying a glow in her eyes. I sigh she looks so beautiful and I can't help what I do next. I kiss her. The kiss lasts for a few seconds well until I realize what I'm doing I slowly pull away.

[Flashback Ends]

Emma POV

I just sigh, I was there when that happened. Well I saw it, Bobby saw me too she didn't though or else she would've said something. Kaley just stares off into space biting her bottom lip, "It was just a quick kiss he was confused" Sky says.

We all sit silently for a few moments. "Ok, um Lance what's a moment from so far that you treasure the most?" Sky questions he purses his lips turning them to the side, he glances to the side of his eyelids as if he were lost in thought. "It would have to be the night when I made my decision on being good" he says I glance over at Kaley who smiles running circles on Kyrin's back. "I treasure it because of it weren't for Kaley that night I don't know where I'd be" he says with an actual smile on his face this causes me to smile as well. I've never seen a smile this big on Lance's face he looks handsome and seeing him happy makes me happy as well.


Kaley POV

him, I slowly walk over to the cliff sitting down beside him. My feet dangle off the edge of the ledge we're actually pretty high. The Scenery looks majestic there's a huge bright glowing full moon that cast a glimmering sparkly reflection over the crest of the ocean. "What're you doing out here? are you ok?" I question looking up at him "Yeah" he simply says "I just came out here to get some peace and quiet and think about some things" he says "Like what?" I question "You" he says causing every muscle in my body to tense.

The bright lighting of the moon seems to magnify all his handsome features being in the institute really brought back his handsome. After I left him back at home he seemed to have let himself go now he looks the way he did before I left him. His once long curly has now been trimmed down. It looks better which almost formed waves on the top of his head that which was always covered by his old red baseball cap that he usually wears backwards, he has a new black SnapBack and his brown hair flows threw the hole in the front, his eyes an even darker shade of brown like coffee. He actually has strange eyes there never the same color for too long, he has so many eye colors till I think I've lost count of them. He has big ears, but not too big I actually like the size of his ears. On a hot days I always joke how his ears lend me shade in the heat, his reaction is always the same with the furrow of his eyebrows and some smart remark on the size of my head.

He laughs. "I'm just joking" he smiles the dimples on his right cheek seems to pop out more than ever. "Oh" I sigh "I don't know Kaley" he sighs "I don't really know where I belong" he says lowly looking off into the distance a breezing chilly wind snakes between each individual strand of my hair blowing it gracefully to my right and on Lance's shoulder. "It seems hard for mutants like me these days" he continues he doesn't look my direction at all his eyes stay forward. "Lance" I say "Yeah" he questions finally glancing over at me revealing his handsome face in the light.

"What do you mean mutants like you?" I question. He clenches his jaw I see a muscle tense from the little light the moon offers. "Useless, pathetic, worthless" he speaks as if his own words don't bother him. "A good for nothing, a lair, a back bitter-" Lance goes until I stop him. "Relax Kaley" he says "It's alright I've faced my flaws and conquered all my demons and you know what?" He questions "What?" I whisper "It feels damn good" he says I can't help but smile at how accomplished he feels at least he isn't ashamed of it anymore "I think it's time for a fresh start, I wanna change Kaley" he says looking down at me, "Will you help me" he says grabbing my hand. His handsome smile makes me blush I lean my head on his shoulder looking off into the distance "Lance I though you'd never ask" I say with a sigh smiling at his beautiful sudden change of heart.

[Flashback Ends]

Emma POV
Awh that was so sweet, it obviously meant the world to him because he chose this memory over anything. I smile glancing around at everyone, "I know I may seem soft right now but I don't care I'm glad I'm here" Lance says. "We're glad to have you here too bro" Preston says everyone hashes in agreeing "So Bobby I guess" Lance says "What's something from the past two years that you'd take back if you could?" Lance asks. Bobby thinks for a moment "if I could take back anything it would be the day I let Kaley touch the Cerebro" Bobby says earning a gasp from Kaley "if it wasn't for that then none of the events this year wouldn't have happened" he says.


Kaley POV

There it is" I gasp as we walk closer it, "We found it!" Bobby says, "Remember Wenstons in there" I say and Bobby nods his head, "Who's Wenston?" Xander asked cluelessly "Long story man" Bobby says as I slowly walk closer. The lightening that surges around the Cerebro stops and in slowly floats to the ground in front of my feet.

Bobby POV

I stand there on edge, something isn't right, I hear banging and look behind us to see Kurt yelling I can't hear him, but I can tell hes yelling No. Whats he talking bout? Oh no Kaley! "Kaley No! Don't touch i- " I yell but its too late she touches it she huffs dizzily she places her hand on her forehead then groans before falling too the ground. "NO!" Xander and I both screaming to aid her. "Kaley!" I say placing her head on my lap shes not responding the red that usually surrounds her cheeks has faded away leaving behind nothing but paleness.

[Flashback Ends]

Kaley POV

Wow he went way back. I sigh that was the worst mistake Ive ever made, like Bobby said if I hadn't touched it none of this would have ever happened. I wouldn't be carrying the dreaded Cerebro gene sought after by both Magneto and The F.M.B. We hadn't noticed how time was flying and before we knew it there was a knock on the door it was Professor asking for Amber and Xander. "Well, we'll see you guys tonight" he says standing from the couch then gently pulling Amber from the couch as well.

"This was fun we should do this again sometime" Amber says glancing back at us all. "Yeah only you and Xander won't be students anymore" Kurt says and she smiles proudly, "Young or old we still have the memories" Xander says, before walking out the door. After that everyone slowly leaves one by one to get ready for graduation leaving Kyrin who's still fast asleep in my lap, and myself alone.

I think this game was good for me, while playing this the whole time I was contemplating on the decision I've ran from all year long. I don't know if I should feel bad for using this game for my own selfish purposes rather then to truly reminisce. Instead I sat back listening to everyone's moments too see if the good outweighed the bad, and it does. The past two years have been great no matter our ups or downs we're still here and we're alive. We've each been hurt and beaten down but we're here and I'm grateful for that. But I'm also scared. All the beautiful things we have shared honestly mean a lot to me. However in order to keep things beautiful like the things we described today I don't see myself in the picture. In order to keep things this way I have to go.

So this is it my mind is set I'm gonna leave, while everyone is at graduation not thinking of me at all I'm gonna sneak out and go. But too who Magneto? Or The F.M.B....,

To be continued.....

A/n out of every X-Men Descendants chapter I've written this one is my complete favorite. It takes you down a walk through memory lane while also answering the question I'm sure many of you were asking. Thanks you for everyone who's read this book to the end every vote, comment, and read is greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to post the final chapter of X-Men D2 for you guys!


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