Juliet saved the Bad Boy (COM...

By esemdeaye

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"Fuck my life.." I grunted. I can't believe my last words were going to be useless. I half expected it to be... More



145 3 0
By esemdeaye


Here I am currently hauling my ass to my room after physical therapy. I'm really thankful that the hit wasn't that damaging. I managed to get away with a few broken ribs and temporarily numb legs but I can deal with that- I'm still fighting my way through physical therapy every day. After a few weeks, I will be discharged. For the first time, I'm actually excited about going to school. And thank the heavens I was able to keep up with their demands, I want to go out of High School already and go to college. I've been looking up colleges near us and I'm already sure what program I want to take- Education. Jeremy was set to take pre-law and law afterward. Mom was so happy to know that we already made up our mind about college because we all know we can't afford a gap year, come on we're not rich.

Unconsciously, my mind drifted off to Luke. We've been hanging out excessively these past few months and I must say we've gotten closer. He was actually funny and entertaining so it doesn't suck to be stuck with him for a day when no one was available to watch me. I shook my head at the thought because there was a much more pressing matter right now.

I aged a year, yep, you read right. Today's my birthday! I've never celebrated it spectacularly because I always celebrate it with my family and Tamara and it was nice, though this year I don't know how we're gonna manage to do that. Everyone was busy with their own thing. Mom was working, Tamara and Jeremy were at school and of course Luke was there too. So I'm basically left alone for today.

I gripped on the doorknob and twisted it open, and walked with my cane in hand to my room. "Happy birthday!" A greeting welcomed me.

I saw my mom, Jeremy, Tamara, and Luke there with smiles on their faces and a birthday hat on their own.

"All of you look ridiculous." I snorted and rolled my eyes at them as I walked to my bed with Luke wanting to assist me but I refused because I wanted to do it on my own, I missed being on my feet.

I sat on my bed and moved around so that I can lay comfortably.

"Happy birthday baby," Mom said and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks, mom" I answered as I smiled at her. They prepared a few dishes, my favorite-

spaghetti, some nuggets and two boxes of pizza. It was perfect.

"I was supposed to buy you a cake-because duh, it's your birthday but they told me you hated it," Luke said with a shy smile on his face

"Yep, I hate them with a burning passion," I said and chuckled at him

"I got you these instead, your mom told me these were your favorite," He said and handed me a bouquet of pink carnations.

The last time I received one was from my dad, on my 13th birthday. He said it was a perfect gift for a girl who just entered her teenage years and he wanted to be the first guy to give me one. That was the last time I ever saw him. I couldn't help but well up in tears when I reached for the flowers.

"S-something wrong? Don't you like it? I can run to the shop and ex-" I stopped his rambling and looked up at him.

"n-no... it's perfect. My dad was the first person to give me one." I said and sniffled.

"Aww baby" I heard my mom whisper holding her own set of tears too.

It was a bittersweet memory.

I wiped my tears and smiled at them and said my thank you's.

"I got you this perfect dress!" She gushed as she took out this cute dress from the packaging and laid it on her body as she modeled it for us.

"It's cute, thank you, Tam," I said and smiled at her.

It was Jeremy's turn to give me a gift. He began to unwrap it and I didn't have to see it fully to know what it was.

"OH MY GOD!" I shrieked like a schoolgirl and snatched the package away from him.I clutched it to my chest

"You didn't," I said with a shocked expression on my face

"I did," He said with a smile and watched me unwrap it.

I knew it! In my hands there laid the Mythology book by Edith Hamilton! I'm a sucker for Greek mythology, the very reason why I wanted to be a teacher!

"Thank you! I love you!" I said and spread my arms for him to hug me.

After giving me my presents we settled and ate the food they brought over.

"Mom said you're doing well in your therapy," Luke said while munching on his own slice of pizza while tapping on his phone.

"Oh really? That's good news!" Mom said slightly clapping her hands looking at me

"Yeah, you could be out in a week or two. Seeing that you can now get up with your own two feet and doing well with your cane and even without" he replied as he fluttered his eyes at my direction with a soft smile

"ah at last! I'm getting tired of all of your faces! I need to be one with the people" I dramatically said placing a hand over my forehead like an actress

"Yeah, as if," Jeremy said and rolled his eyes at me with a snort, I just shot him a playful glare.

"yay! After all of this Hospital drama, we can go to a party!" Tamara said excitedly

"You do know what happened to my last one right?" I said and gave her a flat look

"yeah, parties won't be good for her. let's wait for a month or two before you girls go fooling around" Mom said sternly with a hand on her hip wanting to appear strict

Tamara just groaned while I laughed at her.

"Miss Julie, can I take Juliet out tonight?" Our banters were cut off when Luke suddenly spoke. I swear, I almost dropped from my bed.

"What" Tamara whispered

"Can I take her out tonight?" He asked again putting his phone away and looking at my mom hopefully.

Damn, even I was speechless.

"Out? On a date or take me OUT out of Earth?" I asked him with my eyes wide open

"You do realize that I asked your mom for permission right? Surely I won't ask her permission if I was to kill you" he said with a smirk and rolled his eyes only to be met with my mom's pointed stare "Which by the way- have no plans of doing, EVER" he said emphasizing the last words.

"Awww, sure honey. " Mom said gushing over us.

Jeremy remained silent watching all of us interact with a hard look.

"So it's settled, pick you up at 8. Wear something comfy okay? See ya" He says as he stands up and shots me a smile and to my family and goes out.

Once he locks the door, Tamara quickly makes her way in front of me.

"If you weren't my best friend and if you weren't injured, best believe I would've yanked your hair by now!" She said hyperventilating "Luke fucking RIVERS. LUKE FUCKING RIVERS!! ahh, lucky bitch" She says and shots me a glare playfully.

"I know you like him, I don't LIKE him that way, Tamara. He's just a friend" I said nonchalantly and sipped on my juice

"Yeah yeah keep lying, I mean have you seen the guy?! EVEN JULIE ISN'T OBJECTING. BECAUSE THAT YOUNG MAN IS SO FINE. My mom would leap out for joy if I was you" she said and settled on my bed pouting

"He is a good guy, I mean- he's been taking care of Juliet these past few months. And besides, it's only a date." Mom said while cleaning up

"mom" I groaned

"Whatever you say, sweetie." Mom said amusement laced in her voice.

"Can we have a moment? I just.. need to talk to Juliet" Jeremy said seriously which caused our heads to turn to his direction. Even mom felt the urgency and desperation in his voice.

"Come on Tamara, help me pick things up from the grocery." She said and snatched Tamara out of the room wearing a worried expression on her face.

Once they were out of the room, Jeremy started pacing in front of me.

"Why did you agree to go out with him?" he asked anger seeping through his words.

"Because he's a friend Jeremy, he's a good one.. believe me," I said trying to calm him down

"You seem to forget what happened to me, Juliet." He said shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

"I won't forget Jeremy." I told him, he still looked at me like I was a part of the group that hurt him " he's just mixed with the wrong guys, he's the good one out of those assholes. You can't blame him for something he didn't do. He's just associated with a few assholes but I'm sure he isn't one" I said convincing him- almost pleading.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW HE'S NOT LIKE THEM?!" he said enraged, he was raising his voice at me. A thing he rarely does because he is like mom.

"Because I've seen him, I talked to him, I've been with him," I say

"And that's enough to prove that he isn't an asshole? We're different!" He says frustrated flailing his hands

"How is that making a difference?!" I said equally as frustrated as him because he won't listen to reason.

" BECAUSE IM GAY! YOU'RE NOT!" he bursts, "You think he treats people like me the same way they treat you? Juliet don't be fucking blind! They don't, they spit us out the minute they find out!" He says slapping me with the harsh truth.

My voice failed me, I couldn't think of an excuse. And what bothered me most was the fact that I was defending Luke Rivers- of all people. Before I'd take my brother's side, in a heartbeat. But since knowing Luke, I've seen different sides to this human being. It was fun having him around, I liked having him around.

"How sure are you he didn't take part in it, Juliet, how sure." He says as he grabs his jacket and walks out of my room with a bang.

I've never felt at loss for words. One sentence was all it took to break everything I've been believing these past few months. And the fact that I know it would break my heart if worst comes to worst, scares the hell out of me.


"Woah," I said as I dug my feet deeper in the sand.

This is what Ariel must've felt like right?! Now I understand her fascination with the land. I missed everything the outside world has to offer- damn, I walk like one of those Big Brother Housemates.

"Knew you'd like it, I remember you saying you wanted to go to the beach." He said his hands still in the pockets of his ripped jeans.

He wore a big thin sweater that almost ate his figure up- in a good way. He looked good under the moonlight. While I wore the moss gray silk string dress Tamara brought me and I paired it with my sandals.

"Thank you for getting me out of there," I said as I looked up at him.

He was looking at me like I was the last person on earth, and that look didn't do me any good. Not with all the questions flooding in my head.

"Let's go?" He says and offers me his hand to take

I placed my hands in his as he guides me to a small blanket laid on the sand with a picnic basket beside it, and a few electric candles for light.

I heard the waves crashing, the gentle blow of the wind, I felt the heat from his hands and the sand on my toes. I've never felt happier, I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts when I realized I was still holding his hand. I quickly let his hands go and slowly settled myself on the blanket and breathed in the fresh scent of the sea.

"Bought you your favorite hot chocolate with honey this time," He says handing me a large cup of my favorite local hot chocolate.

I gripped unto it and looked at the cup and him, I watched him as he busies himself with the food he brought for us and I didn't notice I was smiling. He stopped fussing over and paused to look at me

"Do I have something on my face?" He asks

"Nothing, just.," I said and raised my hand to place it on his cheeks, he tensed first but then leaned into it after a few seconds. "Thank you for this, for making me happy," I said to him He grabbed my hand and held it in both of his hands.

"Well, I have to beat the dates you'll have in the future right? Gotta have a head start." He says and smiles widely at me as he settles on his spot still looking at me.

At that moment, I was sure of it- there's no pulling me out of the rabbit hole Luke Rivers has pulled me in.

𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒𝒹..

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