Warrior (Completed)

By SeleriaCook

248 10 1

Julia Cook (18, 5'0, tan skin, long black hair, and hazel eyes) I lived in Seattle and now I live in Rosewood... More

Ch. 1: The Move
Ch.2: Trouble
Ch. 3: New Friends
Ch.4: Getting Too Close
Ch. 5: Beaten/tortured
Ch. 7: Feeling Free
Ch. 8: Unbroken

Ch.6: The visit

21 1 0
By SeleriaCook


(I woke up to my alarm clock going off and the smell of food; I felt confused, I opened my eyes to notice I was in my room. I got up and took a shower put on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt with blue diamond buttons in the front that were layed out for me on a chair next to my bed; I put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs, I went to the kitchen and saw my dad cooking eggs and bacon)

"Sit" He Said.

(I was too scared to protest so I sat down on a stool; he put eggs, bacon, and toast on a late and sat it in front of me. I looked at him)

"Eat it, you need it and you're going back to school today" He said.

(I sighed; he came behind me and putting his arm on both side of me which terrified me)

"And this time if you talk to anyone trust me I'll know and I will do worst then you could ever imagine for your punishment" He said. (Darkly)

(My blood ran cold when he said that; he moved away and watched me eat, I didn't look at him the whole time. Soon I was done and I got my stuff and put my shoes on; we walked out and I looked over at Ty's house and he was coming, he looked over but didn't even smile at me. He looked away like he didn't even know me; he got in his car and left. I felt hurt but I know it's my dad's fault; we got in the car and drove to my school, I looked out the window)

"I'll be picking you up after school today and every day after this ok" He said.

(I nodded; he put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it hard, I hissed in pain)

"Words Julia" He spat.

"Y-yes s-sir" I stuttered.

(He let go and I sighed; I wiped a stray tear, soon we were at the school. I hurried and left out; I walked into school, I went to my locker and saw Tyler there. He saw me and smiled; I felt much better knowing he don't hate me, he hugged me and I hugged him back. I missed him so much; we pulled apart, he was about to talk but I put my hand over his mouth and shook my head. He looked confused; I just took his hand and fast walked to our class, we were the only ones there because we were early. We sat in the back and I wrote on my note pad)

Me: My dad don't want me talking to anyone and I think he bugged my clothes

(He looked at the note and looked up at me; he started writing)

Ty: It wouldn't surprise me, I came over Monday after school to see if you were ok since you didn't come to school and your dad answered; he threatened me and said if I ever come near the house again he'd shoot me

(My eyed grew wide "I hate him so much" I thought)

Me: I'm sorry Ty

Ty: Hey don't worry about it, we can find a way to keep talking to each other

(I looked up at him sadly)

Me: I'm sorry Ty we can't be friends I can't let you get hurt by my dad and trust me he was serious about shooting you

Ty: But you're worth that and so much more

(I looked at him and kissed him; I pulled away, tears stared to form in my eyes)

Me: I'm sorry Ty I really can't

(He looked so sad and hurt; he just got up and moved to another seat on the other side of the class room, I silently cried until the students came in. I wiped my face; some students would look between me and Ty and look confused, soon the bell rang and short after the teacher came in. She took attendants and got to my name)

"Julia stay after class ok" Mrs. Hemmings said.

(I sighed and nodded my head; she talked and wrote notes on the board, we took notes and soon class was over. Everyone was walking out; I just sat in the back watching Ty leave, I sighed and looked at the teacher. I got up and went to her)

"Julia how are you feeling" Mrs. Hemmings asked.

(I looked confused)

"I'm fine" I said.

"That's good; the principal called your house on Monday and you're dad said you were sick with a little stomach bug" Mrs. Hemmings said.

(I wanted to roll my eyes so bad but didn't "Of course he'd say that" I thought)

"Well um I'm fine now, can I go" I said.

"Yea, oh here's some notes and homework you missed, don't stress about the homework you can turn it in by the end of the week" Mrs. Hemmings said.

"Thank you" I said.

(I left and went to my next class; Mr. Caffrey was already, he walked up to me. He looked at me strangely I couldn't tell the emotion)

"Hey Julia hope you're feeling good" He said.

(I nodded and smiled)

"Good; you don't have to worry about an essay the rest of this week because we're still on hamlet" Mr. Caffrey said.

(I just nodded and went to sit in the back of the class; students came piling in and the bell rang)

"Alright settle down class today I'll be picking the people that will be acting out a scene from Hamlet, when I call your name stand up" Mr. Caffrey said.

(He got a big bowl in his hand; he drew names out six names out)

"Elizabeth, Jake, Mike, Katy, Alex, Alessia, and Melissa" Mr. Caffrey said.

(They all stood up)

"The six of you come get your scripts" Mr. Caffrey said.

(They did and sat back down)

"Alright the rest of you at the end of the week you'll be the audience you'll be writing down what you notice about the actor, criticizing how they act, if you liked it or not, and what did you notice about the scene, the rest of the class period is free today" Mr. Caffrey said.

(I pulled out the homework Mrs. Hemmings gave me and started working on it; few minutes passed and I felt someone staring at me, I looked up and it was Mr. Caffrey. He just smiled but there was something behind his eyes that his smiled didn't seem so friendly like last week but I gave a small smile back and continued with my work; soon after the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and walked out; I felt him stare at me as I left, I just shook it off. I went to my math class; the class went by fast do to the fact Kimmy wasn't here, the bell rang for lunch)

"The hardest part of the day is finding somewhere to go now" I whispered. (To myself)

(I sighed and got up and went to the library; I sat my stuff down at a table, I picked out a book called Fatal Attraction. I started reading it was good starting off; after I was on chapter 3 I heard the doors opened and I looked up and saw Talia and Tyler, they came up to me and Talia grabbed my hand and Ty grabbed my stuff and rushed me out the library. They took me into an empty computer room; I mouth "What the hell is going on" to Ty but he just shrugged while Talia was looking at the buttons on my shirt, she pulled off the top button and smashed it with her foot)

"Why didn't say anything to us about not being able to have friends" Talia said.

(I glared at Ty)

"I never said I couldn't have friends I told Ty that I couldn't be his friend because he's a boy" I said.

"Well then your dad won't mind if I come over then" Talia said. (Smirking)

(I panicked)

"NO!" I yelled.

"Why not" Talia said.

"My dad is just really protective of me ok can you just drop it" I snapped.

"Look Julia if your geting abused by-" I cut Talia off.

"I'm not getting abused by anyone can you two just leave me alone" I snapped.

(I grabbed my stuff and walked out down the hall; I felt bad for yelling at them but I'm mad at myself because they figured it out and now I'm going to be in more trouble if they tell someone, I walked out the school and stopped right in my tracts)

"Hello little sister" Jace said. (Smiling)

(I was feeling whole lot of emotion relief, happy, angry, and afraid. I ran to Jace and hugged him)

"I miss you h-how did you find me and where is Chase" I asked.

"I'll explain on the way to the house" Jace said.

(He led me to his car and we got in)

"Ok we tracked you down by black mailing Salix you remember him" Jace said.

"Yea dad was talking to him on the phone a few day ago saying to not let I'm guessing you and Chase take me away from him" I said.

(I looked down still ashamed about what happened)

"What did he do to you Juju bean" Jace said. (Softly)

("I miss him calling me that" I thought)

"If I tell you, you're going to kill him Jay, I may hate him but that's the last thing I want" I said.

(His hand tighten around the steering wheel to the point his knuckles are white)

"Tell me now Julia" Jace said. (Angry)

(I sighed)

"Well he beaten and tortured me for three day for talking to someone; he chained me up to the basement wall" I said.

(As I was telling him everything Jace pressed his foot more on the accelerator and I'm pretty sure we were going 100mph; I'm surprised he didn't crash soon we slowed down in front of the house, Jace got out the car and slammed the door. I jumped a little but got out and Chased opened the door and I ran to him and hugged him)

"I missed you" I said.

"I missed you two and I'm so sorry we left you" Chase said.

"I forgave you two a long time ago" I said.

(He put me down; Jace walked in the house angry, Chase and I followed him)

"What's up with him" Chased asked.

"Tell him Julia" Jace spat.

"No, it'll only make things worse" I said.

"Tell him now or I will kill the son of a bitch" Jace snapped.

(I sighed and told him everything that happen for the past three days, Chace looked more angrier than Jace did; his eyes darkened it reminded me of dad's eyes so I just looked down and shifted uncomfortably on the couch)

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, it's just I don't know how he can keep doing this to you and worse" Chase said.

(I shrugged)

"Um did you guys come here with a plan, like where are you taking me and can we go before he gets back" I said.

"Oh yea for now were stay at the Radley Hotel until we can find somewhere to live so you can finish school" Jace said.

(Jase and Chase took all my stuff to the car and I thought of something)

"Where are you going" Chase asked.

"Dad always hid stuff I need to know if mom kept journals or something that tell me how she died, I at least deserve that much if he's going to keep blaming me" I said.

(I ran upstairs and went to dad's room; l went straight to the closet, I looked high and low but couldn't find anything, I looked under his bed nothing. I felt something metal under his rug; I moved it and lifted the metal part to reveal a big box I grabbed it and ran downstairs)

"Ok I got it come on" I said.

(As all of us was walking out dad's car pulled up)

"Get her in the car now" Chase said.

(Jase rushed me to the car and opened the door; I got in the back seat, as dad got out his car and came up to Chase)

"You're not taking her" Dad yelled.

"The hell we aren't you've abused her enough" Chase yelled.

(I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood could hear the commotion. Dad looked livid and tackled Chase and punched him; Jace got dad off Chase and threw him into his car, Jace and Chase hurried to the car and drove off as dad hit the hood and was yelling. I looked back and saw dad pull out his phone)

"I think he's gonna call Salix" I said.

"Doesn't matter Salix can't do anything without getting himself in trouble" Jace said.

(I sighed and looked at the box; I opened it and saw a lot of paper's and pictures of mom, she was beautiful dad was right I did look like her)

"Maybe you should wait until we get to the hotel and look through that, you should get some rest" Chase said.

(I put the picture back but before I did I saw a necklace it was sapphire and it was beautiful; I picked it up and put it on, it's the only thing I have of hers. I placed the box on the floor under the seat and curled up in ball and fell asleep; I woke up on a soft bed, I heard whispering so I got up and went to the door)

"We can't tell her she'll be pissed and heartbroken" Chase said.

"She has to know it's her right" Jace said.

(I took that as my cue to come out of the room; I walked out and saw them at a table)

"What shouldn't I know" I said.

(Chase sighed)

"Come here you should read this" Jace said.

(I went to them and sat down; he passed me mom's journal it was already open)

Dear, Julia

I love you so much that it hurts to say this but Vincent is not really your father you have to understand by now he's a cruel man and I'm sorry I left you with him along with your brothers, I had cheated on Vincent with someone else and Vincent found out about the affair and killed your real father. He never knew that you weren't his but he was pissed, he only saw me as a possession he beat me sometime when the boys were at daycare , he wasn't always like that but I guess something switched in him and he became a monster, I was getting ill when I was having you and the doctor gave me a choice either kill you or give birth and I die, I wanted you to have  life so I gave mine for yours, I know it may seem I just left you with a cruel man but I really did love you, I knew your brothers would protect you the best they can.


You're stronger than you think baby girl I know you can face anything the world throws your way you just have to believe it.

Love, mom

(Tears came down my face Chase was right I was heartbroken and pissed; all I could do is stare at the page and soon I broke down Chase and Jase both hugged me)

"H-he was r-right I should've died" I cried.

"Don't ever say that Juju bean" Chase said.

"But she gave her life for mine, it is my fault" I said.

"No it was her choice to die you can't blame yourself for that" Jace said.

(I sniffed)

"Thank you guys I love you guys so much" I said.

"We love you two sis" They both said.

"How about a late night breakfast like we use to do" Jace said. (Smiling)

(I smiled; I loved our late night breakfast we'd always find a 24h diner to go to and eat pancakes, we all got up and put on our shoes. We walked out the room; I jumped on Chases back and he gave me a piggyback ride all the way to the car, we got in and drove to the nearest diner which luckily was I-Hop. We walked in and we got seated)

"Hi I'm Alice I'll be your server today here are your menu's can I start you all with some drinks" Alice said.

"Yea, I'll have a small coffee black" Jace said.

"I'll have orange juice" Chase said.

"Me too" I said.

"Alright I'll be right back with your drinks" Alice said.

(She left and we looked at our menus)

"So Julia, Jase and I were thinking you might want to take classes online to finish high school" Chase said.

(I shook my head quickly)

"No, I finally made friends I want to stay in school" I said.

(They sighed)

"Ok, fine it's just we'd have to hire a body guard for you because Chase and I have to work most days and won't be able to pick you up from school" Jase said.

(Alice came back with our drinks; we told her what we wanted and she left with our orders)

"So what do you guys do now any way" I asked.

"We own a lingerie company called Adore me" Chase said.

(I rolled my eyes)

"Of course and whose great idea was this" I said.

"Mine of course" Jase said. (Smirking)

"Yea I should have known well I'm proud of you guys" I said.

(Alice came back with our food and we ate and they told me about their experience in college; it sounded fun, soon we left and went back to the hotel. I fell asleep in the back of the car; I felt someone lift me, my eyes opened a little)

"Chase" I said.

"Hmm" he said.

"Do you think Vincent will come for me" I said.

"He might but I promise you, Jase and I will protect you no matter what now shhh and go back to sleep juju bean" Chase said.

(I did as I was told and I went to sleep)

A/N: Thanks for reading!!

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