Scary Stories

By XxxfoodloverXxx

6K 269 66

None of these stories belong to me. I give full credit to the makers of these stories. Enjoy😉 More

Piggy back
Hide and Seek
The Hitchhiker
Clown Statue
The Flying Dutchman
Bloody mary
Cows Head
The Cursing Of Colonel Buck
Fifty-cent piece
The Flying Canoe
Ghost Handprints
Tunnel of Terror
Tunnel of Terror part 2
Tunnel of Terror part 3
Tunnel of Terror part 4
A House Of Terror
Baby blue
Don't Turn on The Lights
Doggy lick
Rose Marie
The Boy With The Brass Buttons
The Birth of the Jersey Devil
The Evil Doll
Scary Room
Colonel Walker
The Lady In The Bathroom
The Mysterious Photo
Great Grandma
The Hook
The Church Nightmare
The Farm Vistor
Axe Murder
Black Aggie
Black Magic
Bloody bones
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary Returns
Bloody Mary Whales
The brick wall
The Brothers Revenge
Burnt Church
The School Bus
Oujia Board, Oujia Board
The Dog
Dancing With The Devil
Death Waltz
Devil On Washington Rock
Don't Turn on The Lights
The Face
Goblin of Easton
Golden Hand
Ghost in the alley
Hairy Toe
Hatchet Man
The Hook
Jack O'Latern
La Mala Hora
No Trespassing
Playin' Piano
Raw Head and Bloody Bones
Screaming Jenny
Shifty Shift
Storm Hag
Vampire Hermit
White lady
White wolf
Warith of the Creek
No Trespassing
La llorana


16 2 0
By XxxfoodloverXxx


11 More Scary Stories to Make You Wet Your Pants

Madeleine Davies

10/31/15 5:30pm




I'm sorry. Did you really think we would limit ourselves to only ten of your scariest stories this Halloween?

As a follow up to yesterday's Never Sleep Again: Your Ten Best Stories of Absolute Terror, here are more reader submitted tales to keep you up at night.

Are You a Bad Ghost? by Hailey Kathryn:

I thought I would share a story of my dad's. Our family has many stories where none of us can quite explain it, to non skeptics we believe we are definitely clairvoyant to some degree. My parents tell me stories from when I was younger, I'm not as in tuned to it as they are but this story of my dads is from his days growing up in a small town outside Toronto. The boys in the story, many of them now fathers and grandfathers refuse to discuss this story unless they are all together, had a few beers, and the lights are all turned on. Other then that it is not talked about. The house I am going to refer too has two parts to they story.

1. My dad and his friends had gathered in the basement of Jason's house (I have changed all names for privacy,) and were doing what kids at the time did, smoking cigarette butts that they stole from the ash tray and playing with games and toys. One of the boys had found a Ouija board. With little else to do they decided why not play it.

They began with silly starter questions, like does this girl at school like me, will I pass the English test, and then they decided to get more brave.

"Is there a ghost down here?"

"Yes" the Ouija board led their hands to the answer. All the boys giggled thinking this was fantastic.

"Are you a nice ghost or a bad ghost?"

"Yes" the Ouija board said back. Jason smacked the question asker in the back of the head, explaining that they need to ask a single questions.

"Are you a nice ghost?"


The boys got quiet and one of the lights in the basement let out a loud pop before the corner of the basement went dark. This is the mid 60's and this home was pre-world war 1. Light bulbs are going to pop.

"Are you a bad ghost?"


A second light popped on the opposite room, only one light remained in the basement above the boys head.

"What's your name?"

They watched as the board began spelling out letters, with one of the boys keeping track, 'William, it says William!' the boy yelled out, they felt a flood of air surge through the room and the next part none of them can explain.

The air moved the Ouija board across the room and all the boys stood up, and backed across the room, staring at a lone mirror in the room, only they didn't see their reflection, they saw an older man with dark black eyes and a long beard and circular lenses staring back at them. They all started yelling 'go away' and the mirror slid of the wall and shattered before the last light went pop.

The boys went back upstairs and refused to play in Jason's basement ever again.

2. Flash forward to many years later, Jason's mom had sold the house and moved across town and Jason and my dad were left to pack up the home.

That included the basement.

My dad kept loading boxes, and people had been in and out all day helping. He got downstairs where a man was standing by a washboard. Not doing anything just standing. Naturally he asked the man if he could lend a hand. The man stared back. He seemed to have a glowing look to him but my dad chalked it up on the basement lights. The man said nothing so my dad continued grabbing boxes and taking them upstairs.

He saw Jason and told him there was some weird old man downstairs. Jason was white as a sheet and said 'The moving truck isn't back no one is here but us.'

They both went back downstairs and saw the same figure only it was slowly walking from corner to corner of the basement with its back turned.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Jason asked, before the man began screaming. My dad describes it as a deep yelling that got louder and higher pitched, like a kettle screeching on a hot stove with the lights flickering.

Both of them couldn't find their feet, and stood there, and suddenly it all at once stopped as soon as it started. They turned to look at each other and back at the figure only instead of being at the other end of the hall it was standing right in front of them, they could smell something that reminded them of sick, and could see every line on this mans face but there were no eyes.

They finally turned to run and let the movers return and do the rest of the work. They only shared single glances and they were reminded of that night as children when they are sure they saw the same face with black eyes. When Jason was unpacking boxes he found an old photo album and flipped through it, he saw a picture he had never seen. His mother told him that was his great uncle William who had lived at the house a long time ago, William had gone crazy and drowned two of his three children (the daughter was with the mother,) and when his great aunt Shirley came home she found him in the basement where he had hung himself, but over his face were scratches where his eyes had been.

there is no doubt in their minds that they had seen William, and one of the reasons why Jasons mom finally decided to move was that in the bathroom, quite often she would find water all over the bathroom which she thought was apart of faulty plumbing, but the boys are sure that it was William.

It Wanted Us Gone by Turd Ferguson:

This is a story of a crazy haunting that took place over 9-10 years, so there's a ton of detail I could put into it. Heck, every bit of it could be its own haunted horror story. Just writing it gives me flashbacks of the terror.

In all seriousness, I used to laugh at ghost hunter tv shows and I openly mocked people who believed in ghosts. My husband was one of them. I thought he was just a loose nut about those things. Then when I was pregnant, things began to happen to us -well, me- in the house, all slowly and all very explainable at first. Cold drafts. Doors opening. Lights turning on or off. Footstep sounds. Smells. Shadowy figures. I was just so set in thinking that ghosts were not real, that for every event I had some kind of scientific explanation for it. After all, the house we bought was built in 1823 with a fieldstone foundation and remnants of the old knob and tubing electricity, the floors weren't level and the walls had new cracks so there had to be some shifting and settling going on.

As the weirdness began to ramp up, I started running out of explanations. Footprints in the snow and mud leading up to our house, but not walking away. Finding things in and around our house that we didn't have, didn't buy, didn't put there orwouldn't have put there because it makes no sense. The bedroom door slamming shut with nobody touching it. The front door swinging wide open in the middle of the night, despite having been locked.

After my baby was born, things turned terrifying. Things would be moved around the house. Knives were thrown and stuck into our door. Tarot cards with terrifying meaning were found on my baby's crib pillow. My baby would begin crying in his sleep every night between midnight and 1am, but not wake up. We kept the baby in our bed, between us, because it felt safer than having him all alone in his crib. Upon waking up to my baby's cries, I would fall into this heavy, irresistible sleep, yet I was fully conscious as though I were not sleeping. Then my husband would experience physical events - scratches, being pulled up out of bed, or having his arm pulled. I could hear him and I would feel the bed move from his movements, but no matter how hard I tried I was unable to open my eyes or sit up until after the event was over.

We had the house blessed, we had investigators come in, we had people pray and we had psychics clear the space. The strange events stopped, the midnight crying, the sounds, the things appearing in our house, everything stopped really quickly. The investigators never told us what they heard on recordings. I'm not sure I ever want to know and I hope that whatever was haunting us is gone for good.

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59.6K 901 8
Read at your own risk I do not own these and I have not wrote them. I have not even read all of them so please do not take offense.
10 0 3
I do NOT own any of these stories. Simply just fan.
155 0 28
this is a book about creepypasta and all the credit go's to the people who have come up with the story's i'm not taking any credit what so ever but c...
1.5K 13 27
A collection of creepypasta stories. I don't own any of them.