Come Back Home

By live-laugh-and-5h

8.4K 296 50

A distraught Lauren does everything in her power to win the girl of her dreams, and save their marriage.. She... More

Come Back Home (Chapter 1)
Come Back Home (chapter 2)
Come Back Home (chapter 3)
Come Back Home (chapter 4)
Come Back Home (chapter 5)
Come Back Home (chapter 6)
Come Back Home (chapter 7)
Come Back Home (chapter 8)
Come Back Home (chapter 9)
Come Back Home (chapter 11)
Come Back Home (chapter 12)
Come Back Home (chapter 13)

Come Back Home (chapter 10)

510 21 5
By live-laugh-and-5h

Chapter 10

Lauren ran out of the hospital, she felt the cold air hit her face like an explosion.. she felt like she had gotten punched right in the stomach, " She.. she lied to me...".. Lauren constantly repeated to herself.. she placed both of her hands on her head.. " I'm gonna fucking lose my mind..", if karma was real.. this was probably just the beginning..

" Hey, Jauregui..", the loud rough voice came from behind her..

Lauren turned back around to face him, " See how pathetic you are.. the first chance you get to be free, you run off, like the coward that you are.. I knew you'd never change.. you just love getting Camila's hopes up..", he repeated.
Lauren stood still, unable to speak, all she could do was hold still..and try to catch her breath...

" Well, aren't you going to say anything? this isn't like you.. you're usually such a bitch to anyone that says one simple word to you..", he mocked her, and she hated it.

" Oh, don't tell me you're crying because Camila lied to you about who the real donor was? just face reality... after all, if you really think about it..she's having my child, not yours..."

Lauren couldn't even speak all she could do was cry.. she hated him.. she never thought it would be possible to hate someone as much as she hated him.

" You know i used to be so intimidated by you.. Camila thought the world of you.. in her eyes you were perfect, with your infidelities and all, but she saw no flaws in you.. and as much as i hated the thought of her loving you with everything in her, i ironically admired you.. i admired the fact that you could have so many women on you day in and out, and still have the most beautiful, most unselfish girl waiting for you at home.. You failed her, but i will pick her up, i will take care of her, and that child the way you will never be able to.. I'm gonna go be with her now.. if you ever really loved her.. leave.. leave, and never come back.. trust me, it'll be the best for her..the best for Ava.."

" You... you will never love her the way that i do.. and she will never in her life, not even if her memory was erased, or if she was born in another lifetime, she will never love you... I am her beginning, i am her end.. She is mine.. her heart, and her soul are mine too... You could never understand that, i don't expect you to, and i do not care if you do.. That is my wife, and that is my child.. you will never be able to feel Ava kick when she can't fall asleep, and it drives Camila crazy... you will never kiss, and rub her belly first thing in the morning, and lastly before you close your eyes.. as for Camila.. you will never come home to her after work, and feel her lips on yours.. never the way i felt them.. You will never know what she fears most, nor what takes her breath away at 6am.. you don't know Camila Cabello.. you don't know her at all, as much as you like to pretend... she's in love with me.. she would travel the earth back and forth if it meant she'd be with me.. you know this, i know this.. for god sakes the child inside her knows it.. she feels our love.. you should see how much she moves when i tell her i love her.. you say you'll 'have my family' but you will never have them the way i do.. Camila and Ava are mine.. and there's not a damn thing you could do to stop that.. ", She wiped her tears off and her skin became pale.

" You keep telling yourself that you're whats best for Camila.. but you're not.. You're the worst thing that could've ever happened to her.."

" It's not about me.. it's about Camila.. and about our child.. I would do anything for the both of them.. one more thing, not that i have anything to explain to you, but i need to ask my mom some questions.. she's not answering her phone, so i'm gonna go look for her.. Camila is resting, the nurse is with her.. so if i ever asked you for a favor, it's to please let her rest.. she doesn't need extra stress.. I'll be back soon..", Lauren turned around, and began to walk towards her car.. she was still heated, and couldn't believe she had held herself from breaking his face.

" It's best if you don't come back, Jauregui... i knew you'd walk away from your responsibilities... just like your dad walked out on you..."

Lauren stopped..she took a deep breath.. she closed her fists, and felt her throat on fire, "Give me one good reason why i shouldn't break your fucking face in pieces... This isn't the time, nor the place.. You don't know me, nor my life.. and as for Camila? she is my wife, and she will always be.. Now fuck off.."

Lauren finally managed to walk back to her car.. she had to find her mom quickly before Camila woke up not to see her there... She could care less what Rudy had to say to her, she just needed to find her mom.. and see if what he said was true.. Lauren didn't want to believe it was true, she couldn't.. There was no way she could ever doubt Camila, but she had to find out the truth..

" I need to calm myself down... breathe, Lauren... just fucking breathe even if all you want to do is run over that asshole with your car... just breathe..", Lauren took one last breath before starting her car, and getting back on the road to go find her mom.. once at a red stop, she placed her hands inside her pocket as she reached for her phone...but instead of finding her phone, she found the note she had found outside of her house a few days before..

" Don't give up..", she read it out look as she smiled and realized that she had been in such a rush that she grabbed a pair of worn jeans..

" I won't give up.. not on my wife, not on my child.. not on my little family..", Lauren couldn't help, but smile once more.. " I need to get back to Camila... this can wait..".. she patiently waited till the light turned green so she could make a U turn, and return to the hospital.. after all, she wasn't that far to begin with.. Lauren eagerly held on to the steering wheel, all she wanted was to run up to Camila and kiss her.. kiss her so so much.. kiss her until Camila pushed her off because she was annoying.

Lauren, and her mind were somewhere else.. she was addicted to her wife, and she wanted her to know that, but in a matter of seconds her life changed.. her life flashed before her eyes.. as a truck hit her from the side... all she remembered was the pounding in her head, the warmth running through her body, the blur in her vision... and the image of her wife, and her child.. she closed her eyes, and lost touch of reality..

It was pitch black.. there was no view.. there was nothing.. her world had gone dark, and silent.. Lauren had become unconscious..

Back at the hospital Rudy had finally managed to make it into Camila's room.. he walked inside slowly, careful to not make noise and wake her up... he probably didn't want to confront her about what he said to Lauren, not knowing that she would eventually find out.. he noticed her parents hadn't gotten to the hospital yet, which he found oddly strange, but in this case it was best to have her for himself..

He walked towards her, all he could do was stare at her set of red lips.. he wanted to kiss her, but he more than anyone knew his lips would never mean anything to her..the thought of Lauren made him hate her even more.. once he finally stood next to Camila..

he gently pressed his hand on her cheek, and caressed her skin... she flinched as she was unknown to his touch, her face didn't seem to be comfortable with him either, " You're so beautiful.. what do you even see in Lauren.. if only you'd give me the chance.. i'd prove that i can love you so much better than she could ever.. i'll take care of you, and your baby.."

He stood eagerly next to her, hoping she'd hear him, but instead Camila was silent.. her eyebrows flinched, as she made another face of discomfort.. he noticed her breathing became heavier than when he first walked in.. her lips tried to form words, but he wasn't sure if she was having a bad dream..

Suddenly her eyes opened.. they opened wide, and they were in fear.. " Lauren..!", Camila yelled.. she yelled over, and over as her arms, and body began to tremble.. her eyes filled with tears, and her voice cracked as she somehow managed to sit up.

" Camila, you need to calm down.", Rudy placed his hand behind her back hoping she'd settle down.

" No, I want Lauren! where is she..", she cried even louder.. and harder..

" She... she's gone.."

" what do you mean..gone.. I need her..", Camila closed her eyes.. and laid back down as her lower back began to ache, and contractions started up again.. This time twice as hard.

" I.. told her to leave.."

" What? what the hell did you say to her? why would you tell her to leave?

" Because you, and i both know that Lauren isn't good enough for you... do you really think she's gonna take care of you, and that baby? and that she will ever change? "

" What the fuck did you do to her..? I need my wife..", Camila tried her best to calm down, but she couldn't.. the pain was slowly draining her..

" she's not here, but i am.. i'll take care of you..", he played his hand over her hand.

" I don't want you, i want my wife! i can't do this without her.. what did you say to make her leave? "

" I told her i was the father of your baby.. meaning that i was your donor.."

" did what? ", Camila became angry, she pushed his hand away from hers, and looked like she was ready to either kill him, or pass out..

" I had to.. to get her out of the way.."

" Why would you ever think of such a cruel lie to hurt her.. get the fuck out of my room! get out before i rip your fucking throat out!", Camila yelled, and then screamed in pain..

" Face it Camila.. she's gone.. and i'm not going anywhere.. whether you like it, or not.."

" Fuck.. fuck you!", Camila could barely speak let alone walk, but that didn't stop her.. she slowly got up, she had to find Lauren, and tell her the truth.. She couldn't stand the thought of Rudy being there, and thinking he could ever replace her one true love..

" Where are you going? you can barely walk..", her tried to sit her back down on the bed, but she resisted.

" Don't fucking touch me! i don't want to see you ever in my life.."

" You are close to giving birth, where do you think you're going? "

" To find the woman that i love.. and the only one worthy of holding my hand when i'm giving birth to her child.. Ava is Lauren's baby.. she is ours.. i don't know who you thought you were, but you wont be a part of my family.. i want nothing to do with you.. my wife was right about you all along.. "

" Wife?", he sarcastically laughed, and it angered her more.

" Yes.. my wife.. her and i are not going through with the divorce.. but that's nothing that concerns you..."

" So you're okay with her constantly lying, and cheating on you? "

" That was the past, get over it... she loves me, with the same intensity that i love her.. and this child that i am carrying inside me is a product of our love.."

" What do you know about love.. you were so determined to get a divorce, and run off with me.."

" No.. i was never going to run off with you.. and i know more about love than you can even imagine.. love.. love is waking up next to Lauren for the rest of my life.. i just made it simple for you to understand.. "

" you think i don't know what love is? i sure as hell know that Lauren doesn't love you.. "

" And how exactly do you know that? are you gonna go based on a mistake she made in the past? because that's exactly what i did.. i blamed her for everything.. and i hate that i did... But i got to see the real Lauren... the Lauren i first met, and the one i missed so much.. i got to see how passionate, and caring she still is.. how she did everything she could to save our marriage, and the way that she loves our daughter.. it is the most beautiful feeling in the world, and i want that forever... the love i've lived with Lauren is enough to last me for the rest of my life.. that type of love can never be replaced.. not by you, not by anyone.. There is nothing like being loved by Lauren Jauregui.. i was just too blind to see what she was trying to show me all along.. that she had changed, she did it for me.. for her child.. for her family.. I love her.. i'm not giving up on her because she never gave up on me.. I am going to go find my wife even if every bone in my body breaks.. but i will find her.. ", Camila took one last breath as she walked along with the machine that her IV was connected to.. it was difficult, but she wasn't going to give up..

she walked towards the door, eager to leave and find Lauren, but instead she found her mom with a look of shock, " Mom.. mom, i need to go find Lauren.. "

" Oh, Camila..", her mother covered her mouth with her hand, and her eyes began to water.

" What.. why are you crying mom.."

" You need to go back and lay down, please, Camila.." her mother begged, but Camila stood still..

" No.. i need to find my wife.. i need her..", she began to tremble.

" Camila.. Lauren's mom just contacted me... she..", she took a deep breath, and paused.

" She what? "

" I don't even know how to say this.."

" Mom what the hell are you talking about? what are you trying to say? "

" Lauren... Lauren was in an accident... she's being rushed to the hospital right now.."

" No... no that's not true... my wife can't be hurt..", Camila's eyes were filled with tears, she trembled even harder as if she were stuck in a pool of ice cold water.

" I'm not too sure how she is doing now.. but i know it is critical.. "

" I need to go find her.. i need to be with her, and take care of her..", Camila was losing her mind, and the pain didn't make it easier on her.

" You need to lay down, Camila.. your contractions will only get worse.."

" No, all i want is my wife.. i just want her... she's all that i want... i can't do this without her..", she cried ever harder, as she placed her hands on her stomach.. hoping to find some type of comfort..

" You need to calm down, Camila..", Rudy thought it would be appropriate to finally speak..

" You need to get the hell out of my room, i don't want you near my child..", Camila turned to face him.

" Camila why are you speaking that way to him? after all that he's done for you..", It was obvious that her mom had no idea what was going on.

" He needs to get the fuck away from me.. and i need to get to my wife.. move out of my way, mom!", Camila was determined to get to Lauren.. she didn't know how, but she had to find a way.. she stepped into the hallway, holding on to the machine that held on to her IV.. she walked slowly and in pain, but nothing would stop her..

she stopped and looked up at one of the nurses, " You... you need to help me find my wife.. please.. please.. i'm begging you.."

" Wait.. Mrs. Jauregui, you're supposed to be laying down, your contractions are becoming more intense...look at how low your stomach is now.. "

" My wife.. my wife was in an accident.. you have to help me find her.. this is the closest hospital.. please help me..", Camila pleaded, as she shook.

" ok, please calm down.. i will look her up in our system and see if she's in one of the rooms already.. what is her name? ", the nurse quickly brought Camila a wheel chair.

" Lauren Jauregui.. please help me find her.."

" Yes... she's here...she's in intensive care.. you really shouldn't be in there.. especially in the state that you're in..."

" Please.. please i need to see her. Please she needs me.. she needs me as much as i need her.. our baby is kicking a lot, she needs her mommy.. please..", Camila began to cry even harder.. so hard that she couldn't even speak anymore.. the site broke the nurse, she couldn't say no to her.

" I'll take you with your wife.. ", she quickly pushed Camila's wheelchair to get into the elevator.. they made it to the third floor where ICU was at, and it made Camila even more nervous.. the rooms were a lot bigger.. She tried her hardest to not look around, but she couldn't help, and notice all the wires, and machines the patients had around them.. she feared for Lauren's life.. she was terrified.

Suddenly the nurse stopped pushing, and stood in front of her, " Look, Mrs Jauregui.. this is where she is, but i need you to please.. stay as calm as you can.. i know this is difficult, but you're about to give birth, and seeing your wife in this state can furthermore complicate your pregnancy.."

" I just need to see her please.."

" Okay..", the nurse quietly opened the door, and pushed her wheelchair in..

Camila looked up at her wife.. there were tons of machines around her.. and wires all over.. it killed her inside to see Lauren this way.. There was a machine that was helping her breathe.. her chest would rise, and fall back down... Camila's world went silent.. except for the sound of machines beeping.. She felt as if she had run out of tears to cry, but couldn't stop...

The nurse didn't wait for Camila to ask..she pushed her wheelchair closer to Lauren, " I'll be outside of this door when you need me.."

Camila stared at her for a few seconds before finally speaking, " Lauren.. baby, i'm right here.. and guess who else? Ava.. well, she's still in my belly.. she's being so stubborn, she wont come out unless you're next to us.. she loves you, baby.. she loves you so much.. she goes crazy when she hears your voice, i can't blame her..i go just as crazy.. i always have, and i always will.. You need to get better.. better so you can help me out with this baby, so you can wake up at 3 am and feed her... and so you can take care of me because who am kidding.. i need you, i need you so much, Lauren.. I am going crazy right now..seeing you like this.. i wish i could go back in time, and not let you leave my side.. then maybe you would be holding my hand in the delivery room instead of stuck with all these machines... I love you, i love you so much... thank you.. for being who you are, for fighting so hard to save our marriage.. it was all worth it, baby.. you and i are forever... nothing can possibly ever make me stop loving you, nothing.. i'm crazy in love with you, and you've know it all along.. i think i know where our baby gets her stubbornness from.. I love you, baby.. i'm right here, i'm not going anywhere... i know you probably can't hear me.. but just so you know, the contractions have somehow become less painful..", Tears kept rolling down Camila's cheeks.. she wasn't sure if Lauren could hear, but she held on to her hand as she rubbed her belly with her other hand.. the pain had become slightly bearable, and it brought peace to Camila.. although it killed her to see Lauren that way, she was at least content that she could see her, and she could only hope for her recovery..

" Once we're out of here, we're gonna go home, and cuddle in bed, with our baby.. and i'm gonna make breakfast for you every single morning, i know how obsessed you still are with pancakes and bacon, and i'm sorry that i got you so into it.. but can you blame me? I'm not sure if i've ever said it, but i will make it a habit to remind you every single day of how much i love you, and how happy you've always made me.. being married to you, has been the greatest part of my life, and now we have a new chapter.. there's no one else i'd rather live this life with, than with you.. the past is gone, my love.. we have a whole future together to look forward to.. along with Ava.. and all the other little monkeys we will one day have.. our little monkey's, our little family.. i want to be married to you...for the rest of my life. I need you, Lauren.. and i miss your voice, so much....", Camila couldn't hold back her tears, she was still a mess.. she continued to rub her belly.. then suddenly the door opened up again.

" I'm sorry.. who are you? ", a tall blue eyed paramedic walked in with a confused look on his face.

" I'm Camila.. i'm her wife.."

" You're Camila...", he was stunned as he heard her name..

" Yeah, that would be me.. and i'm a mess right now.."

" I'll tell you one thing... your wife is a fighter... she's one the toughest patients i've ever dealt with... she didn't give up... not once.."

" I'm not too sure of what happened.. my mom told me she had been in an accident... i'm actually supposed to be resting since i could give birth any time soon.."

" Let me guess they couldn't stop you from coming to the ICU floor to see your wife? "

" No, on one could ever stop me...", Camila looked back at her wife.

" She's a fighter.. although a few hours ago we weren't sure how this would turn out.. but i know she's gonna get well.. soon enough.."

" What do you mean you weren't sure? "

" She was hit pretty bad, on her head especially.. The left side of her car was pretty much destroyed, but the car was the last of our worries.. There was blood everywhere, and she was unconscious when we got to her, but after a few minutes, she slightly moved her lips.. only to form a few words.."

Camila held on to Lauren's hand, and she leaned down to kiss it, " What did she say? "

" She whispered two names... Camila.. then Ava.. her lips wanted to form a smile, but she couldn't... instead her heart.. her heart stopped beating.. and it took us ten minutes to bring her back.. we fought for her, but she fought harder... she fought for you, and for her baby.."

" i love you.. i love you so much..", Camila leaned down, and gently pressed her lips on Lauren's cheek.. there were tears all over.. it killed her to know how close she was to losing her.

" You know.. i've been through so much working as a paramedic, but i had never seen anyone fight so hard... so hard to come back home.."

" She never gives up... never.. not on what she loves the most.."

" You were always on her mind.. she was between life and death, yet all she could do was lightly smile, and say your name... i've never seen anything like it.. "

" That's Lauren Jauregui for you... my beautiful wife is a warrior.. "

" I have to get back, i just wanted to check up on her... also, if i may add, you should really get back to your room, Mrs. Jauregui.. your wife will get better, don't you worry..", the friendly man walked up behind Camila, and placed his hand on her shoulder.. although Camila had never met him before.. she didn't feel uncomfortable.. if anything she owed him Lauren's life..

" Thank you... for bringing her back to me...", Camila still couldn't properly speak without crying.

" No need to thank me.. it was all your wife.. may she have a speedy recovery, and may you both have your baby soon..", he smiled, and quietly walked out..

Camila took a deep breath, and looked back at her wife," Now i know why i felt as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest before i woke up crying out for you... i can't believe i actually lost you, and i had no idea.. you must have been in so much pain, not just with all of this, but thinking that i had lied to you all along.. baby, Ava is ours, yours, and mine.. only ours.."

She kept holding her hand, but made sure to be gentle, " Lauren.. there is no divorce.. i was a fool for ever considering it.. i don't want us to separate.. i want to wake up to you every single day of my life.. I'm in love with you, Lauren, and I will never leave you.. never.."

Camila gently rested her head on the side of Lauren's shoulder making sure to not put too much pressure on it.

Then suddenly Camila stood still, and her body grew chills as she felt a soft hand gently rub her belly up and down..
" Lauren...", Camila whispered..
thanks for reading! feedback would be nice! thanks! :) sorry for taking a while to update...I was going through some personal struggles...

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