
By Yours_truly_krys

119K 4.1K 644

In which she was considered the peculiar mute and he was considered the bad boy with no heart. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Im back!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

3.7K 114 59
By Yours_truly_krys

Jade walked through the doors of her school to the parking lot. Both fear and nerves dripping off of her. She looked every where ensuring that Kasper was no where in sight before she made her way through the parked cars until she reached Seth's. It was an expensive one, one she had no idea of the name.

"Hey beautiful, ready to go?" Seth approached her from behind startling her. Jade nodded her head after she had calmed down from her mini asthma attack Seth had caused her.

As Jade hopped into Seth's car her phone beeped. She sat down and got comfortable before checking the message she had received from her mom.

Mom: Hey hun, dont forget you have a meeting with your therapist today at 4. I suggest you head there now.

Jade banged her head against the clean leather seats.

"What's wrong, mi amor?"

Jade passed her phone over to Seth. He read the message and sighed disappointingly. He closed his eyes and slowly leaned back into his seat.

Jade knew he was upset just by his actions. She sheepishly grabbed his hand and interlocked her fingers with his.

Jade admired his handsome features as his eyes fluttered open and he raised his head from the seat. He was breathtakingly gorgeous she thought. He was a replica of the boy in her dreams and she couldn't help but hold onto his hand tighter as if he'd suddenly disappear.

It was in this moment that Jade realized she had a spot for Seth in her heart, it was small but as the seconds past by and he held onto her hand just as tight as she held onto his, it grew larger but she was also afraid, afraid that one day he would consume her whole heart.

She  looked up into his eyes to see that he was staring directly at her, but what she didn't know is that he felt the same way about her.

She looked away and loosened her hand out his grasp a bit causing him to snap out of his daze.

"It's ok, We can reschedule, but I was looking forward to hanging out with you today." Seth frowned and Jade wanted nothing more but to make him smile again.

She pulled out her phone and sent him a text.

His phone buzzed and as he pulled it out Jade glanced at the screen.

Future wife <3: I'm sorry, Seth I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Jade blushed at her contact name as Seth read the text. He smiled and nodded at her. " I'll hold you to that." Jade mustered up all the courage she had and lightly pressed her lips against his. He froze but eventually went along with it. It was a sweet and sensational kiss. Jade turned a deep shade of red as she pulled away and in that moment Jade hadn't noticed the flash of a camera going off near Seth's car, she was too caught up in him to notice.


Jade sat patiently waiting for her therapist to return. she had left to run an errand but didn't make it back on time. As Jade sighed in annoyance the door finally clicked open.

"I'm so sorry Jade, I had an emergency at home with one of my kids, but I'm here now so lets get started."


30 minutes into the session and jade wanted nothing more but to go home and sleep.

"Well Jade, since this is the first meeting, I'll let you out ea-" She was cut off by her cellphone ringing.

"Give me one moment please?" She didn't give jade a chance to answer as she had picked up the phone immediately.

"What is it now?" She watched as the calm woman she had spoken to moments ago turn into a stern but gentle mother which Jade admired.

Jade listened as the person calling explained what happened. She couldn't make out words but she knew that it was definitely a boy speaking. 

Worry etched across the woman's face but was quickly replaced with anger. "Kasper I left you in charge because you're the oldest and most responsible."

Jade froze and thought.

"Was this the  same Kasper from school that she was avoiding because she had no idea how to tell him she was no longer interested in him?"

She had zoned out during the conversation and was brought back by a snap of the fingers.

Jade blushed as she regained focus. "So sorry about that. I've got 4 sons at home, two 9 year olds, they're twins, a 15 year old and lastly an 18 year old. You should know him, he goes to your school he's tall and sweet but can be trouble.

"So it is him."

"I know I'm probably boring you to death so I'll let you go." She chuckled. 

Jade gave her a small smile and a wave. "Bye, see you next week."

"Don't remind me."


On the way home, Jade's mind drifted off to the two boys that were both vying for her attention.

Kasper was such a sweet boy and she did agree to go on a date with him. She had no feelings towards him but she wasn't heartless. She would feel bad if she ditched Kasper for Seth with no warning.

On the other hand, It was obvious she had began developing feelings for Seth but she can't help the feeling that comes with it.

She's afraid that one day Seth won't be there when she really needs him to be. Like he was suppose to be, before he was taking away from her in a second. 

Flashback ~ 11 years ago

"Wait for me!" Jade called after the boy.

"You're so slow, snails move faster than you do." He laughed.

Jade came to a stop and pouted. "That's not true." She said sadly.

After realizing his words had hurt Jades feelings he stopped running and turned around.

"Jade?" He called to her softly.

"What?" He hadn't responded to her until they were face to face.

"Are you angry with me?"

"Yes." The boy didn't know what to do. He's never had friends before, and he didn't wanted to mess this up.

"I'm sorry jade. Please forgive me." He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Before she had the chance to give the boy an answer.

She heard the rustling of leaves and a voice shouting out. "There he is!"

Jade held onto his hand knowing what was about to happen.

They were there to take him away.

A big tall man came running towards them. 

"You say one word to anybody and I will kill him."

Jade gasped and held onto him tighter  but it was no use as he was strongly ripped away from her.

And just like that they were gone.

He was gone.

End of flashback ~


So sorry for the long wait. I've been super busy but I'll try my best to update as much as I can.

I was going to delete this but after so many of you commented asking for updates. I decided to continue :)

This chapter may be confusing for some so I'll clear this up.

Basically this is just a look at what happened the day jade stopped talking.

You probably realized that a name was not given for the boy but that will be revealed later on in the book during flashbacks.

Btw thank you guys so much for all the love and support. You're amazing :)

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