Frerard : Never Let Them Take...

By frerardmonstermcr

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Frank Iero meets Gerard way after bumbling into him in the school hall way, it all starts from there, the bud... More

Never Let Them Take The Light Behind Your Eyes
Chapter 2- Vampire Money
Chapter 3- I Dont Love You
Chapter 4- The Collision Of Our Kiss
Chapter 5- Cemetary Coffee
Chapter 6- Still Into You
Chapter 7- Desert Me
Chapter 8- A Prophecy
Chapter 9- Scars Fade, But Not Memories
Chapter 10- Dead.
A/N: Sequel

Chapter 1- A Line Without A Hook

15.5K 302 730
By frerardmonstermcr




Ugh. My alarm beeps continuously in a worn out tone. The aim is to get me out of bed. Boy, it can try! But it wont succeed. I stretch out my arm closest to the clock and investigate with my hand trying to find the 'off' switch. Where is it for god sake?

A-ha! I chuckle to myself. Found it. A small black button on the right side of the digital tick machine. I press down, with the little energy I possess in the morning- and the annoying noise is silenced.

Though the silence is soon overcome by the harsh sound of footsteps towards my door. I slowly open my eyes slightly and the flicker like an old TV. Suddenly, my door swings on its hinges and a dirty beam off light strikes me down. I turn over, squinting from it, trying to nuzzle my face into my black and white bed spread, grasping and groaning.

The creaks in the floor boards awaken, as the silhouette tread into my room.

"Get up boy!" The darkness yells and shakes my shoulders violently. My dad. He shook me again, this time harder! arg! Can't he just leave me alone for once? I hate my dad. Yeah, I know, how typical of me to talk about him that way, i'm sorry- but he's one hell of a bastard. I wouldn't say it if i didn't mean it. I moan and wriggle away from his unnerving grip and tumble out of the other side of my bed. My dad rises on his heels, just stating the he's one of the 'pack' like an animal in the kingdom, a bird beefing up it's chesty feathers. Displeased, he looks upon me as if I don't belong in his fucking house, which I kind of agree with. I don't belong here- and I sure as hell don't want to be here! My dad averts his unpredictable eyes away and slams the door behind him as he leaves my now dark room. I struggle to my feet, gripping on to my bedside table to help me up. I walk over to the door and turn on my light that announces all of the shadows and whites. Gently I rub my drooping eyes and a small yawn escapes as I head to the bathroom.

I reach my 'on-suite' if you like, which has a modern edge, with white tiled walls and a white tilled floor. To my right is the bath/shower, it's all connected like it is in France y'know? Behind me is the toilet, and in-front is the sink. Above that lies a large square mirror that I'm automatically gazing into, staring into the eyes of my reflection. "i'm so not cool" I say out loud, and cup my hands under the running water. Slashing to refresh my face, the water doesn't only 'wash' my face, but the floor too! I was going to take a shower- but now I can't be bothered. I take off my comic style pajamas and drop them onto the cold floor then i'm running the water again. I quickly wash my self round with a flannel and bar of soap that, let's be honest, isn't mine and smells like my Nan- lavender and apple. So i try spraying ton after ton of Linxs deodorant to mask the nasty ass scent of baby whips and retirement homes. I do not want to be smelly for school. (that's just a general life rule) Or smell, if that's you thing, but it certainly isn't mine!

I go back into my bedroom, my walls are deep red- but funny enough you can barely see the deep red because my walls are covered in band posters; mostly form the Kerrang magazine- which I try to buy as often as i can... I don't get any money given to me, it's really a case if I find some money then I will try to save it up.

There's a double bed in the middle of my room, with white and black, spotty covers and pillows, I picked them out before my mom died...

Now i live with my dad. It's not the same, but why would it be? He's always been sour, so i don't know what i was expecting... I go over to my wardrobe which is jam packed with shit mostly! I start to question whether there are actually any clothes in here? I pull out a pair of baggy grey denim jeans, with rips in the knees and cotton threads a-stray every where (they ain't hip' jeans if you ain't got rips!), I then take out an old misfits T-shirt, a grubby black hoodie and skeleton gloves. Reaching down into the draws below, unveiling my boxers, belts and socks, I grab a pair of black boxers and grey-ish socks. Here I examine all that I have dragged out, and then start to get dressed. Once I am fully clothed, I creep downstairs trying not to make a sound, Quite honestly, I really don't want another encounter with my dad, that just ends in more 'waste of time' arguments... My eyes glaze over the area in my sights and I keep walking, quietly, quickly. When I reach the kitchen, I see a coffee that has already been made. It looks like it's waiting for me? Hmm, it's probably my dads, I second guess. But if i'm sneaky... Ah, screw it! I don't give a shit what he thinks, It's mine now! I grab the coffee that's conveniently in a take away cup! Mom bought him it for Christmas two years back. I move like a viper towards the door, snatching my bag from the radiator and my black converse from the porch. I close the door behind me. 'phew', what a fucking relief to be out of that hell hole! the silence freaking wigs me out sometimes. I sit down on the porch steps and force on my shoes (they're probably too small by now, but I know a new pair is out of the question! -Like my dad would cough up for that!) tying the lace, I toss my bag over my shoulder and take my luke warm coffee from the floor. Hmm, I love coffee, possibly a little too much! I cautiously press my lips down onto the slit at the top of the cup and take a small sip. Hmm!! It's so tasty! I take another sip, then start walking to the bus stop.

When I eventually make it down to the stop, I have finished the coffee. So I unzip my rucksack that's lent against the seats and squirrel away the cup for safe keeping. Before I know it, the bus is here. Bus 4. the most awesome bus ever, most of the people on it aren't complete shitheads or so I recall them, which is great! I get on the bus, yes, i'm looking down most of the time and I take a seat 3 rows in. More importantly on my own. In my back jeans pocket is my I-pod shuffle, I've had it for ages, it's green with a little sticker on the back of the black flag logo. I plug in my red headphones and press play with my thumb. While I am listening to the song 'My war', i'm reaching into my pocket again, and now I've got my black eyeliner! A red one as well, and white concealer. *Beauty tips with Frank!* I use the concealer first, all over my face to achieve a pale look, then put on the red and black eyeliner for a smudge effect under and around my sodden eyes, and there! I'm ready for school. I cant leave the house with make up on because my dad would go ape shit and call me a 'faggot' or a 'pussy'. I really do hate him, I wish he died instead of my mom. My mom died in a car accident when my dad was driving! My dad was hurt, but my mom died. I will never forget that day and i will never forgive him for that. Took her out and brought her back dead.

The bus arrives at school and everyone shoves to get off. I'm the last to leave the bus... fun. I always 'jump' off last, just in case I get something thrown at me or if I get hit from behind (which has happened before, some kid hit my with their lunch box). As I slowly descend down the widely spaced steps, i'd like to think as a prince at a royal ball, I see Mikey. He's my only friend around here. We don't get on the same bus, but we live quite close... I think. I've never actually been to his house before. He says he keeps meaning to invite me round, but his mom doesn't like having people round there (understandable, rebel teen causing a racket) She isn't home a lot because of work, so I get it. Mikey's wearing an iron maiden shirt and black skinnies, oh! and not forgetting his beanie that he wears every-goddamn-day! Ah and his glasses! -with this black rim and white bar across the top. I smile as I walk up to him and pat his back firmly.

"Hey Mikes!" He smiles, and pushes his glasses further up his thin nose with a single finger.

"Hey Fronkeh!" he replies. I hate it when he calls me 'Fronkeh'...

"Ugh, I hate it when you say that!"

"Oh... Okay Frankie-bear!" He teases and runs to the school gate, I chase after him and pull off his hat, waving it momentously in the air. I'm to short to successfully play this trick so I just chuck it back to him. He giggles and puts it back on.

"Enough with the names, okay?"  He shrugs and we walk into school.

My first lesson is math. I hate math, don't even get me started! I mean, who understands math! Apart from the really really geeky kids!? Well, i'm a little geeky, but not in the learning sense. i'm geeky as in i read comics and draw a lot, and play guitar, and play stupid games like guitar hero. I'm just weird i suppose, but i'm okay with that, i don't want to be like the others, all of them... I get into the class room, and immediately doze off into a deep sleep, i sit at the back of the class, and no-one really notices me apart from the odd few. before i know, the bell chimes loudly, awakening me from my dream. "Aaahh!" I exclaim, and a few heads turn towards me. i look down ignoring the faces and pack up my maths books. I didn't learn anything.

In the corridor on the way to my next lesson, as everyone speedily walks to their rooms, I accidentally walk into someone. ugh! i'm so fucking clumsy! he'll probably beat me ugh. i groans to myself, and saw the guy on the floor picking up the books that i just knocked out his hand, i crouch down too.

"Um.. Hi, sorry about that i didn't mean to--" I try to explain. I take in his appearance as he looks up slowly. wow. He was- He was something. His hair was jet black parted into a sort of side fringe, and his eyes were deep and hazel, his lips were perfect, and parted slightly and his black eyeliner accompanied his white skin perfectly.

"H-Hi- It's okay, Please don't beat me up?" he pleads as his face pulls back as his eyes turn into slits.

"I'm not going to beat you up!" i reassure him as he finishes picking up his books. We both stand silently in unison.

"So... What have you got next?" he asks, blowing up the quiet we once had.

"Um, I think I have History.." i sigh as i read out the word 'History' I hate history, almost as much as i hate my dad! He says my glum face and asks.

"Want to skip? I have History to" I glance up at his gleaming eyes, and smile.


So, The unknown guy and I went outside of the school gates, and sat on the concrete ground round the corner of a few brick pillars. no-one would find us here, nobody ever comes round here. as we both sat cross legged, i thought that i would ask his name, he still doesn't know mine either!

"So, whats your name" I ask looking up and twiddling my thumbs.

"My names Gerard, Whats your name?"

"Frank, Frank iero" i reply, still twirling my thumbs in circles. Gerard reaches his hands across to me and put them on my own.

"That's really annoying" He smirks then removes his hand. The warmth he had was just gorgeous, and i swear i felt a spark!... Wait what? Frank! you are not gay? You cant be gay oh my lord. I'm not gay am i? Gerard notices me in a deep trance from thought.

"Hello?" He waves his hand in-front of my face.


"you okay?" he asks staring into my eyes again.. ugh his eyes are so..s-so dreamy.! What am i thinking! wow...

"I'm good...." i manage to squeeze out as Gerard takes from his bag a small rectangle box. cigarettes.

"Want one?" he gestures the box towards me... i'm trying to resist the temptation, i used to smoke a little, but said that i would give it up, but how can i say no to Gerard?

"Okay.." Still unsure. Gerard hands me one and i place it in my mouth, he does the same with his. From his pocket he take a 'KISS' lighter and sets a flame to both our cigarettes. hmm.. I have needed this i smile as i release the fist puff of smoke that blows into Gerard's face. He giggles and waves his hand back and forth, trying to get the smoke away from his face. he gives out a little cough. aw... his cough is so cute.  Time passes by quickly and we both finish smoking. i drop my fag as does he, and we both grind the pieces left into the floor. Gerard decides that it's getting late and we should head back to go to 3rd period, i smile and agree with him. We walk back into school, and part, going to our classes.

"Meet me at lunch!" Gerard shouts down the hall.


"By this locker!" He shouts again pointing at a random locker.

"Sure!" i yell and go into my PSHE lesson. He-he, i can't wait till lunchtime... but what do i say to Mikey? that i cant have lunch with him because i'm hanging out with someone else? Hm...


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