Happiness (The Vamps And 5SOS)

By RunawaywithMcVey

3.5K 182 170

Zoe Simpson is 17 years old. Her brother Brad is in a band called The Vamps, Zoe tells Brad every secret she... More

Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2-Jack
Chapter 3-Who is Lucy?
Chapter 4
Chapter 5-The Big News
Chapter 6-Why did I leave?
Chapter 7-Why am I here?
Chapter 8-
Chapter 9- The Hospital
Chapter 10-The Memories
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-Wake Up
Chapter 14-No!
Chapter 15- This is it

Chapter 13-Am I dying?

186 12 6
By RunawaywithMcVey

Zoe's P.O.V
I managed to get to sleep but I woke up a couple of times because I had a nightmare that I died. Im so scared, Im like a ticking time bomb, one minute Im fine,the next minute Im destroying everything and everyone around me. I woke up not breathing properly, I grabbed my hand for Luke but I couldnt reach him. Whats happening to me? Am I dying? I grabbed my hand out towards Brad and he shot up, I couldnt breathe and I tried to signal that and he was screaming for the doctors, Ash,Cal,Mikey,James,Tris,Connor and Luke all shot up. All I could hear was screaming and shouting, i managed to breathe very quick short breaths. Around 5 doctors all darted in the room and rushed me off somewhere. Luke was running beside me holding my hand and Brad was on the other side of my rubbing my shoulder. Am I dying? Everyone around me was crying, Brad,Tris,Connor,Ash,Mikey, Cal, Luke and even James. James and Mikey were both trying to help me breathe by talking to me and telling me to just breathe slowly. I was panicking. I felt like I was drowning, I felt like everything around me was slowly fading out, as if everything had lost its colour.

Luke's P.O.V
Zoe had woke up not being able to breathe, she stretched her hand out and managed to get Brad's attention and he woke up and screamed and shouted for doctors. What if she is dying? We were told she had Lung faliure so it might happen. What if my best friend is dying? What if I never get to talk to her again? We were currently running through the hospital halls and doctors were rushing her somewhere. The doctors rushed her into a room which had dark, grey metal doors and the windows on the doors were blacked out. It looked like something from a horror movie, and just as the door was opened we were all about to run in but me,Brad,James,Ash,Cal,Mikey Tris and Connor were all pushed outside by doctors. What were they doing with her. By this time we were all in tears.

All I want is to hug my best friend again and tell her everything will be okay

(A/N Zoe is older than this and has brown hair but its the only pic I could find. Who remembers DerpCon?😂)

Luke's P.O.V
A doctor came out and told us to go into the room with the grey metal doors. I was terrified, what if its the last time I see my best friend?

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is short.
Im going to end this book quicker than my first book because I have had writers block but Ive managed to have ideas for another book xx


Love you xxx

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