Chapter 6-Why did I leave?

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Zoe's P.O.V
I woke up from my sleep, I wasnt at my house though, I was in Luke's house on the couch in the livingroo.. I quickly got up and tried to run out before he noticed me, I saw a sheet of paper and a pen and I wrote
To Luke,
Im fine,Trust me x Ive just went back home x
Love you
Zoe xxx
I managed to get out before he noticed, I stumbled out the door because I was trying to get out as quick as I could but also as quietly as I could.
I didnt know where I would go, but one thing I did know was that I couldnt go home,all the guys must hate me and also Luke probably told them about the cuts on my wrists, Luke has Brad's phone number so he probably text him or phoned him. I started walking down the street,not knowing where my body would take me, until I landed right outside my door (points for you if you knew that was from the Scottish song 500 miles) I saw Tris,James and Connor cars all parked in the driveway, along with Brad's. I reached my hand out for the handle and took a deep breath, I didnt have a clue what to expect.

I caustiously walked into the livingroom where I saw Tris,Connor, James and Brad all sitting along the couches, James and Brad both had their heads in their hands and Connor was hugging Brad while Tris was hugging James. I then heard Tris say "Guys,Its gonna be okay" then Brad said "No its not! My little sister is all alone and I dont know if she is okay, its all my fault!" Brad sounded like he was crying so I was about to walk in when I heard James crying and I heard him say "I loved her, and now she's gone,I will never get to tell her how beautiful and amazing she really is" I felt my heart melt and I slowly opened the livingroom door. Only Tris and Connor looked up and they looked so happy to see me, then they both nudged and said "You guys! Stop being rude" Brad then said "What do you mean?" His voice sounded very groggy and his head was still in his hands and then James said "The girl who we all care about is missing, I dont care who is there, I loved her man" Brad and James then looked up at me they paused for a minute then ran over to me and pushed me onto the couch hugging me. James then said "Wait how long have you been in here for?" "5 minutes, enough time to here you say you loved me" James' face turned red and he said "Zoe,Can I talk to you for a minute" "Of course".

We walked outside to the back garden, I was still wondering if James meant he loved me as just a friend or not. We had a massive garden because it was a flat, the garden had a tiny river running through it too. James then took my hand and looked in my eyes and said "Zoe Marie Cecilia Simpson,you are the most beautiful girl I know, will you go on a date with me?" I was shocked, my crush had asked me out. I stuttered out a "Yes" and wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me close and whispered "You're amazing Zoe, I was so scared when you ran away". We walked inside holding hands and all the boys said "ooohhhh,Jamesy and Zoe" I blushed and hid my head behind James back and then he whispered "Zoe,your blush is beautiful,dont hide it,theyre just jealous that I asked you out on a date first" I laughed and Connor said "James Daniel McVey, You traitor!!! I thought Jonnor lived forever!" James then said "Aww,Con,No one will break Jonnor" James then said "Meet me in 2 hours Zoe,wear something casual" I nodded my head and ran upstairs to get ready. I picked out a red and blue flannel shirt, a black 5 SOS tally mark top, Jeggings and black boots. I went in a bath and used my Zoella Soak Opera shower gel and shaved my legs and washed my hair then finally putting in a Lush bath bomb. I heard James leave because Brad,Connor and Tris all said "See you later James". I was in the bath for 30 minutes, it took me 15 minutes to dry my body and hair. I lightly curled my hair then smiled as it reminded me of when James curled my hair. I put on tinted moisturiser,Blusher, a light brown eyeshadow, a small amount of eyeliner, a lipstick that was close to the shade of my lips but it was a slightly tanned colour, and mascara. I picked up a small over the shoulder black bag and put my lipstick, chewing gum, earphones,money,keys and my phone in it. I headed downstairs and all the guys said I looked gorgeous. I couldnt help but feel nervous,Tris answered the door and said "Zoe,Your prince Charming awaits" I said by to Brad and he whispered "Zoe,be careful of him" I just nodded and walked outside with James. He opened his car door for me,he is such a gentleman. We headed off and he brought me to a park, there was fairy lights hanging from a tree at the top of a hill and there was a picnic underneath it. It was beautiful, James was holding my hand and I ran up the hill with him running next to me. It was truly beautiful. The night was full of food,stories,laughs,catching up and compliments. James took out his phone and put on an acoustic version of Voodoo Doll by 5 Seconds of Summer. I didnt care if they were my best friends, I loved their music, My favourite song is Voodoo Doll but my favourite version is the acoustic version. Me and James both stood up and we swayed from side to side and my head was leaning against his chest and he had his arms around my waist. I then whispered "I love you James Daniel McVey" and he said "and I love you Zoe Marie Cecilia Simpson" James drove me home at 11:30PM and I entered the house and Brad was lying asleep on the sofa, Tris and Connor had went home. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Brad. I put my favourite pyjamas on and quickly fell asleep thinking about how Perfect my night was, James is the one for me
Voodoo Doll is actually my favourite 5SOS song along with Broken Home, San Francisco,Girl Who Cried Wolf, Social Casualty and Rejects.

And my middle name is Marie and my confirmation name is Cecilia, by the way I didnt choose the name Cecilia because of the song, I didnt know it was by The Vamps and it wasnt popular at the time. I have a friend who whenever I see her she sings "Oh Cecilia, youre breaking my heart".


Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading, please Vote and Comment!

Love you guys!💕

Happiness (The Vamps And 5SOS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें