Valentine Grinch

Da StrayKat

755 44 37

All I see are happy couples. A SasuHina story. Altro

Valentine Grinch

755 44 37
Da StrayKat

The smell of strong perfume occupied our room throughout the day.

Today, the girls in Konoha High are so busy making themselves pretty. They'd better look at their best when they give their gifts and confess their feelings to their crushes. Meanwhile, the boys were also as excited as the girls.

The hallway was also decorated with an overflowing colors of pink and red.

Truly, the spirit of love is in the air today. But not for me.

I stared at the window to avoid seeing these people in love.

"Hinata, what do you have for Valentine's?" A pink-haired girl asked me.

I turned to her, "Nothing."

"You're such a boring person." Sakura rolled her eyes and walked away.

Glad she walked away. Her strong perfume is suffocating me. And how does being not in love make a person boring?

I stared back outside. I hate Valentine's Day.

This is the day which reminds me when Naruto-kun turned me down. From that day on, I promised myself that I won't ever fall in love with anyone ever again. I don't want to feel what I felt that day again.

Recess came and I went to the cafeteria to eatーalone. Seeing couples happily eating just makes me more lonely and quite irritated.

Go enjoy this day, love birds. You'll all go cry someday!

A group of boys sat on the table next to mine and as soon as they sit, a group of girls came to check on them on them.

Only one guy in our campus has tons of female followers and that is no other than Uchiha Sasuke.

I bowed while eating to hide my face. Naruto-kun is definitely with him. They're best friends.

The girls were like bees buzzing over them, like those boys are flowers.

"Eeeh. What about for me and Shikamaru?" I heard Naruto-kun speak.

"Oh, we're sorry we have nothing for you. But don't worry because Hinata right here will be confessing to you for the second time around. But we doubt you're gonna like it because nobody likes to be with a loser. Like who would dare to? Right?" The girls laughed.

"Hey, Hinata. You're confessing to Naruto again, right?" One of the girls leaned her arm on my table.

I replied with a smile but I was already killing these girls inside my head.

"Look she smiled! I bet she's really going to do it again!" They continued laughing.

"Hey, don't be so mean to Hinata-chan." Naruto-kun spoke.

"I'm fine." I smiled at him as I stood and walked away returning to my room.

I'm quite relieved that I'm not in the same class as these people, else, I have probably skipped school today..or forever.

Didn't he know he was the mean one? He even proudly said to his friends and to Sakura-san's group last year that he can't accept me because he was patiently waiting for Sakura-san to notice him. And eventually it spread fast over to more students like a disease.

Honestly, I have already accepted the fact that he will never love me and I had already moved on from that. But these girls really gets to my nerves! They love humiliating me, always slamming the fail confession on my face.

Somehow, I was able to get my thoughts out from what had happened earlier through focusing with our lesson. And this is what we are here forーto study. Not to look for a lover.

The bell rang and everyone was in a hurry to go out of the room for their 'after class' activities and that is to go out with their partners.

Okay. Enjoy your day happy couples!

Hmmm..maybe I should just buy a chocolate cake for myself before I go home.

Just the mere thought of it makes me hungry. Well, I don't need a guy to have something sweet to eat today. I can buy it on my own!

Yes, that's the spirit Hinata! Don't feel sad! The chocolate cake is waiting for you!

I grabbed my bag and went out of the room ignoring all the couples that I pass by. My thoughts are so occupied with the sweet treat I'm going to have minutes from now.

When I got down the stairs dark clouds overpowered my rainbow-filled thoughts as I met eyes with the girls who made fun on me at the cafeteria during recess.

One of them noticed me and shouted, "Look who's here! The loser Hyuuga!"

"Oh no! It's the Valentine grinch! Everyone move away or you'll get cursed and you'll end up just like her!" One of the girls screamed.

And so everyone did move away from me.

They're all afraid to be like me. Shame on these cowards!

"She's as pale as her love life!" And the group of girls laughed hard while other students were trying to conceal theirs.

"And look at her eyes they're so damn scary! That's why even Naruto won't choose you!" The other supported her friend.

"Awww look at her she's about to cry. Poor Hinata." One of them said.

I turned away and ran back upstairs. I ran back to our room, lucky it was empty.

I went to my seat. My heart sank while recalling what the girls have just said.

It hurts. It hurts because they were all true!

The happy noises of students outside reached the room and the orange ray of sun in the afternoon touching my skin makes it more lonelier. And with that, my first tear escaped my eye.

I know I shouldn't cry but it just hurts so much today.

I placed my bag over my table and burrowed my face into it crying more.

"I hate this day." I whispered to myself.

"Me too."

I was startled which caused me to immediately look up when I heard a voice.

"Don't look at me like that I'm not a ghost."

"U-Uchiha-san.." I wiped my tears.

Why is he here sitting on the chair infront of me? Most especially what is he doing in here?

"Why are you crying, Valentine grinch?" He asked, putting his arms over the backrest of the chair.

"Please don't call me that and we're not even close." I frowned at him. I've never really had a long and deep conversation with Sasuke-kun. I only talk to him when I ask where Naruto-kun is. That's all.

"Are grinch supposed to cry?" He chuckled.

Before I could talk back, he pulled something on my back and I closed my eyes when he suddenly smacked it in my forehead; the tape sticking on my fringe.

"It's been on your back since morning." He said.

I removed the paper and turned it around to read.

'Greetings from the Valentine Grinch!'

I crumpled the paper and threw it on Sasuke then slumped my face back on my bag.

"Why are you here?" I asked him with a tone of irritation.

"Nothing." He spoke.

"Then leave me alone." I demanded.

"Why are you crying?" He asked again.

"Are you here to catch some new things to gossip? Fine. I'm crying because what those girls were throwing on me were true. Nobody would love me. And I'm probably really a Valentine's grinch." I said still not lifting my head. "Now go!"

"Hey don't you know I'm probably just like you?" He said.

What he said got me really annoyed. "No, we're never the same. Nobody likes me while everybody likes you. The difference between us is so obvious."

"I don't think so." He chuckled. "If everybody likes me then I could've been with the girl I like."

I scoffed, "You're crazy. Why would you like the girl who doesn't even bother to notice you when there are tons of girls wishing to go out with you?"

"Ah. This is probably the similarities you're pointing out. That you can't get the girl you like." I continued while lifting my head to look at him.

He cupped his cheek and rested his elbow on my table. "Yeah. But I've never really tried confessing yet. I am waiting for her to do it but I think I'll end up waiting for nothing. Can you help me?"

"What?" I laughed. "You're asking a girl who got dumped to help you out? No thanks." I waved my hand infront of him.

"..." He just stared at me.

"B-But seriously, you can just go out there confess and ask her out. I'm sure she won't say no because you are Uchiha Sasuke. Only a crazy girl would dump Uchiha Sasuke." Well, I'm sure this are the words he would want to hear, right?

"That's the problem, I guess she is somewhat crazy." He laughed.

"Crazy in what way?" I asked.

"Like..hmmm.." He stared out the window.

Glad he averted his gaze. The more I stare at him, the more he looks attractive.

Wait, what am I thinking!

"She loves somebodyー"

I chuckled, "Then that's a big problemー"

"Who can never loved her back." He continued.

I paused for awhile, "R-Really? T-Then that girl and I are on the same boat! Hehe! Wow, I never knew I was never alone all this time. I wish I could meet her even once."

Should I be happy that I am not alone or should I be sorry because Sasuke felt hopeless? Aww, this is awkward!

"Sure." He said.

Why doesn't he seem happy?

"Uhmm. So what are you doing here yet? Go out there and ask the girl out!" I pointed at the door.

He returned his gaze on me, "Don't worry, I know where she is."

"Oh okay. If you have already gotten up courage to go where is, just go. I'm just staying here." I slumped back on the table.

Whatever. I don't care about your confession. I don't care whether you'll get accepted or not.

"Thanks for talking to me. Good luck." I closed my eyes.

Now leave me alone.

It was after awhile when I heard him stand and I felt something landed on my arm.

I looked up to my arm and to him whose back is facing me.

"Is this for her?" I took the red rose off my arm. "Don't worry she'll be happy to receive this."

I tapped the flower on his hand to return it. "Here."

He didn't respond. Didn't he hear me?

"Uchiha-san.." I continued brushing the flower on his hand.

He crossed his arms, "That's yours."

"Eh?" I stared on the flower and to his back.

"N-No you don't have to!" I stood and went infront of him. "I'm not really sad, just a bit upset. That's all." I poked the stem on the gap of his crossed arms.

He took the rose and grabbed my hand. "Then take it." He opened my palm placing the flower before closing my hand.

"You're her." He let go of my hand.

"What?" What in the world is going on?

"D-Don't try play pranks on me Uchiha-san. We're not even friends." I frowned and stared at him.

He smirked while he stared back. "Well, I don't plan being friends with you. I want something more than that."

My heart skipped, "W-Wait, I don't understand."

What is this feeling? Why is my heart reacting this way?

He took a step forward, "Does it really seem impossible for me to like you?"

Wait, what if this is just a trap. What if he is an accomplice of those girls?

"Hinata.." He leaned lower to meet with my eyes.

I stared back, "..." Why can't I say something? Not even a word can come out of my mouth?

"I'm serious. I love you." He said it without breaking our gazes.

Standing up straight, he scratched the back of his head, "I-I really wanted to ask you out and get to know you better b-but never really had the perfect time."

"W-Will you be my V-Valentine?"

"..." Somebody help me what to say. I feel like all the air was sucked out of my body.

"I was always waiting for the right time to confess but I always get second thoughts because I know you like someone else. B-But I'm not forcing you, you can say no. I'd gladly accept it." He chuckled a little on his last sentence.

"..." I stared on the flower in my hand. I've never heard him stutter before and he seemed really nervous. It's really something out of his cool and confident character.

"Okay." He bowed his head. "I guess I would take that as a no. Uhmm..Happy Valentine's" He smiled and walked pass by me.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt before he could go away further, "W-Wait. I haven't said anything yet."

He stood still and I breathe deeply, "Y-Yes."

He turned to me and I looked away.

"Thank you." He removed my hand on his shirt and I felt him kiss it making me pull my hand immediately.

"Yes!" His voice echoed in the room.

He ran towards the open window and shouted again.


"S-Sasuke-kun, calm down!" I went near at him.

"Sorry" He chuckled. "Y-Your face is red." He teased.

"Eh? D-Don't stare at me!" I covered my face.

"N-No. It's actually cute when you blush." He laughed.

"Please don't think I agreed being your girlfriend. I just agreed on being your Valentineーthat means it's only good for today." I laughed back.

"I know and I'm fine with that." He pulled my hand away from my face and wrapped it around his waist, bending my head to his chest with his hand.

He wrapped an arm on my back while his other hand patted my head. "Are you feeling better?"


I felt like I was under a spellーa love spell. It feels so warm in his arms.

"I love you Valentine's grinch." He whispered.

"Stop." I looked at him. "Stop calling me that."

He smiled and hugged me tighter, "Fine. But if I see you cry, I'm gonna call you that again."

"Oh my *asd%ffhfk@#!* what is going on?!!!" I heard a female voice.

I broke my embrace with Sasuke. I feel nervous, I know the sight of me with Sasuke is a total shocker.

"Oh my God! Sasuke-kun and.. the grinch!"

Ah. The witch girls has found me again.

One of them placed a hand over her heart, "Is the world ending already?!"

"T-This is unbelievable!" The girl continued.

He grabbed my bag and held my hand.

"Where are we going Uchiha-san?" I asked him as we passed through the girls.

"We're going out on a date." He said a little louder. "And not Uchiha-san, just Sasuke-kun."

The girls shrieked in enviousness.

And so we went out for a date.

I was able to eat that chocolate cake I have been craving for with a bonus treatーSasuke-kun.

We became good friends and went out several times after Valentine's day. We just found ourselves very interested with each other until we became officially in a relationship.

From then on, nobody dared to call me a grinch.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Hi everyone I'm back! (▽≦)/

This story was supposed to be published last week but writer's block-san dropped by and we had some little fun together. Lol. It's still February anyway. :)

I hope you like this story. |д)

Thank you for the on my previous stories and hello new followers ❤❤❤

Today's my birthday too! Waaa! I'm a year older again!

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