The Fourteen

By _TheGoldenbird_

4.4K 234 41

Welcome to the Four Kingdoms, a secret and magical land nestled inside the human world. For centuries, this c... More

Chapter 1: A Royal Welcome
Chapter 2: Meet the Gang
Chapter 3: There's Blood on Your Shirt
Chapter 4: The Lore
Chapter 5: Secrets, A Tale of Too Many
Chapter 6: Shattered Oaths
Chapter 7: Of Letters, Words, and Rhymes
Chapter 8: A Taste of the Full Moon
Chapter 10: We Interrupt this Meeting for-
Chapter 11: Confined
Chapter 12: We've Got Bigger Problems
Chapter 13: To Cast, or Not to Cast
Chapter 14 (Part One): Welcome Back
Chapter 14 (Part Two): Welcome Back
Boe's POV
Chapter 15: Look Down on the Rebels
Chapter 16: United by our Past
Chapter 17: Freed by the Bell
Chapter 18: Love. Him.
Chapter 19: Knife Combat Goes Bad
Chapter 20: His Book
Chapter 21: A Friend with a Tale
Chapter 22: The Dot in the Horizon
Chapter 23: It's Official. She's a Ninja
Chapter 24: On the Third Day, They Shall Come Again
Chapter 25: The Charm
Chapter 26: Northern Style
Chapter 27: And That's All They Get
Chapter 28: Discovery and Revelations
Chapter 29: A True Battle
Chapter 30: Words, the Most Powerful Thing
Mae's Guide to the Supernatural World

Chapter 9: Rise

124 9 2
By _TheGoldenbird_

Brooke had efficiently arranged for all pack members to gather at HQ after classes. When I arrived after shayman class, I immediately saw Boe and Brooke with their heads together at the dais. Meanwhile, Mike leaned against a Roman-style pillar, near the entrance.

"Hey pup," brown eyes flashed mischievously as he dipped his head in salutation.

"Hey Beta." I inclined my head to our roommates, "What's that about?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Mike sat down in a nearby chair. I joined him, sinking into the plush cushions.

"So you, Brooke, and Boe have been friends since the beginning of your pack days?"

"Yeah, we were all pups at the same time. Boe and I were paired together for dorms because we're both wolf skin-walkers."

"Wait! You just said skin-walker; you're a werewolf."

"I was bitten by a rouge werewolf about a year ago. He jumped my family over the holidays, biting my abdomen. My parents tried to get some wolfsbane on it, as it's an herb used to prevent lycanthropy.

Though, they were too late. We saw my wolf paw-print disappear that night. At first, everyone was frustrated. But eventually, I became accustomed to the change. As it turns out, my switch from skin-walker to werewolf was a rare occurrence; wolf skin-walkers were usually unaffected by a werewolf's bite."

Suddenly, Brooke addressed the pack. "I need all senior wolves in the Meeting Room."

Senior wolves: those that had been a part of the pack at least fourteen moons. Currently, there were about a handful of them.

They left through a heavy door, into a private room. I couldn't see what was inside; Mike had the door shut behind him before I could sneak a peek.

Now alone, I took up Mike's spot, against the pillar. From the shadows, I could hear the other non-seniors continuing about their business. My copy of the prophecy was soon resting in my palms.

Engrossed with its words, I didn't take note of someone sneaking up on me, until I heard a voice next to my ear. "What's that?" 

I started, looking down. The paper was swiftly hid back in my pocket, "It's nothing."

"I don't have to be a Zana to know that it's not nothing," I met Boe's gaze. Panicked, I scanned the rest of HQ; all the seniors had returned. Based on the occasional glances shot at me, I instantly knew the meeting's topic of conversation.

Eyes trailed on the floor, I replied. "I assure you, it's just nonsense."

"Can you look at me and say that?"

So I did. Nevertheless, he seemed troubled. The Gamma stuck close to me like glue.

Some other wolves flocked us, "So? I heard you were graduating today. First, congrats. Second, you should challenge for the Alpha position one day."

Boe narrowed his eyes, "You do know that Mae has to win the right to challenge the Alpha, right? She must prove herself in a one-on-one fight against the Gamma, as well as the Beta. Only when she beats us, can she challenge for the Alpha position."

I placed a hand on Boe's shoulder, "No need to worry about that. I don't want to become Alpha."

Those gathered gaped, "Why not? You could win."

After taking a long breath, I spoke. "Well, there's more to being Alpha than winning a fight. To be a good leader, you have to have courage. You must be brave enough to set trails for others follow. You must show calm in the face of tragedy and composure when all of your people's troubles rests on your shoulders.

Thus, a good leader truly has nothing, as they must give everything to their subjects. Every breath, every action, and every order they give has to be for their people. Because loyalty, is not given because of a title; it is earned through the proving of oneself.

In simplicity, I don't have what it takes to be an Alpha just yet; I'm still learning."

Those last sentences rang true to my heart. No one said a word in return.


At 7:00pm sharp, Brooke rallied the pack. Enthusiastic murmurs rippled among us.

Boe grabbed my arm and escorted me out. "Here's the rundown. There's a special clearing in the forest where we usually conduct ceremonies like this. Brooke will call upon Lady Luna to bless you and guide your path. Then, she will give you a pack name.

Everyone has one; it's like a nickname given to you by the Alpha. Mine's Sizzlefur; Mike's is Redclaw, and Brooke's was Silverfang before she became Alpha. Once she gives you a pack name, everyone's going to shift. Do not shift until she gives you a signal. The rest, you'll have to find out later," Boe instructed. "Got it?"

"Yes, Gamma!" I teased.

"No, no. It's just Boe to you," he winked at me.


We reached a beautiful clearing in the woods. A huge cliff, with a tumbling waterfall, deposited into a shimmering pool; both remained unfazed by the frigid temperatures. Large trees with spiralling canopies shadowed the edges of the clearing, creating one open hole in the centre. I could make out a precarious pile of boulders in the heart of the clearing.

Three russet coloured stones lay at different levels facing the pack. One was touching the ground; the other was slightly elevated above. And higher than the other two stones, an enormous moonlit rock jutted out.

Brooke ran up to the pile, and vaulted to the highest stone. From there, she gave the impression of a queen as she overlooked her assembled pack. Mike broke off next and sat himself casually on the second-highest stone.

The last rock remained empty. I snuck a glance at Boe; he shook his head at me. Then, he drifted off to join the ranks of the Alpha pack. I stepped into the middle of the clearing; the rock pile cast a silhouette over me.

Brooke brought her attention up. Moments later, a huge ray of moonlight purged the shadows of the clearing. It was beautiful. I could make out the pallid face of Lady Luna as she peeped through the small opening in the trees.

Alpha raised her arms to the moon. "I, Brooke Klazina, Alpha of WSBS' wolf pack, welcome you, Lady Luna, our beloved patron. Tonight, I present to you one new pup. It's been only three days since her arrival; and already, she has proved herself to you and the pack many times over.

Honour her Lady Luna. Give her strength on the battlefield, a love for her pack, and integrity in her services to you." She directed her next words to me. "Mae, do you swear to uphold the laws of this pack, strive to protect your pack mates, and live by Lady Luna's noble example?"

All eyes, my deities' included, were on me. "Alpha, with all my heart, I do."

Smiling, Brooke spoke to the heavens, "Then with great pleasure, I give you your pack name. From this moment on, you will be known as Lightheart. Your intuition and valour have served this pack well and your sound mind in the face of chaos has left many students in this school indebted to you. Kind, passionate, and selfless. Mae, yours is a true heart of gold."

My eyes were shining, "Thank you Alpha."

"Honouring the gift she granted our ancestors, we howl. Lady Luna, hear our call!"

Alpha shifted, the glint of the moon shone on her silver coat. Her muzzle lifted to the face of our patron, and she out a triumphant cry. Beta followed her, transforming into a massive blonde wolf; his howl was deep and throaty.

One by one, my pack mates shifted into an array of multicolored pelts. A warm tone, pitched perfectly together, resonated in the forest.

The silver wolf gave a nod to shift. Succumbing to my wolf, my human form vanished in a swirl of magic. I felt it, the desire to belong: the desire to prove myself to my pack mates, re-write any wrong ever done unto them, and vanquish all evil that stood in their way.

I stood tall and mighty, a massive four-foot tall wolf. My snout was sable, dappled with hints of blonde. The rest of my body was comprised of tan fur. My most identifiable marking was a rounded black saddleback, like a German Shepard. It was trait passed on in the Measquit family.

Once fully shifted, I joined my voice to the serenade. My love for the pack was transpired in my song; it burnt with a strong bond for these people.

At the end of the howl, Brooke leapt off her mound; then dove into the forest. Behind her, the pack followed in a steady stream of fur. Falling beside Boe's golden wolf, I butted my head against his shoulder playfully. He brushed his tail on my back in congratulations.

Several barks interrupted the pounding of our paws. Parting my jaws to taste the wind, I was swathed by a scent that set my brain in overdrive. Deer!

So the rumours were true. The forest encompassing the school was teeming with game.

Alpha tossed her muzzle and the wolves split into their sub-packs. Unsure of where to go, I ran to catch up with Brooke. Boe stopped me by lightly grasping my tail in his teeth and shoving me beside him.

Confused, I asked in Wolfish, "Does that mean I'm in the Alpha pack?"

Boe didn't respond. He simply gave me a look, ordering me to stick with him. Through the gloom of night, I could make out two stags hopelessly grazing on the barren land. The rich, musky smell they gave off was so tempting.

Alpha swished her tail in quick succession, a hand signal. The Beta pack circled around to get downwind from the deer. Upwind, the Alphas got into position. Gammas flanked on the opposite sides. It was the same maneuver we had practiced yesterday.

When everyone was situated, Alpha brought her tail down. Loud growls from the Beta pack had both bucks alert. They each took a sniff of the air.

Sensing the presence of wolves, they darted away as the Betas appeared from the undergrowth. Then the Gamma wolves materialized, herding them upwind.

Terrified, one of the deer slammed a hoof on a Gamma pack member; the other followed suit, using his antlers to keep the hungry hunters at bay. Both sub-packs were forced to break rank for fear of being mauled by the stags.

Snarling, the Alpha pack erupted from the undergrowth, and met the deer. Brooke's rough barking warned us all to watch out for the hooves.

She and Mike reached the prey before Boe's pack did. They each pounced on one of the deer. Alpha pack stopped just short of the rearing deer's range. The other pack wolves had backed off completely, allowing for Brooke and Mike to handle the situation. However, they made no headway with the stags.

Boe and I exchanged looks. Nodding once, we began to circle the deer. Mike and Brooke caught on quickly, and aligned themselves so that they screened the deer's faces. The bucks squealed in protest, violently knocking their heads from side to side. Boe shuffled his paws; we would only have one good shot at this.

I got in front of Alpha's deer, bunching my hind legs. When its head whipped back suddenly, I sprang forward, landing around its neck. Before antlers could pierce my pelt, I bit its throat hard. Flavour overcame my taste buds as deer blood rushed into my mouth.

The deer went down like a rock. Alpha and I had to scramble off hastily, lest we get crushed. Our pack celebrated as both stags fell dead.

Eyes closed, Alpha rested her head on my shoulder. Her breathing was ragged, as if her heart had stopped beating for centuries and was desperately trying to catch up.


It took a few wolves to drag the deer carcases into the main clearing. Some snow white hares had joined the pile. Respectful of pack rules, everyone waited for Alpha. When she arrived, she went right for one of the deer and ate her fill. I made my out of the clearing, ready to wait until everyone had been given their share.

But as soon as Beta was done eating, the Alpha stopped me in my tracks, "Lightheart! Wait!"

Hushed grunts from the senior warriors followed. Their eyes were lit up like the moon.

Quizzically, I turned around, cocking my head to the side, "Yes Alpha?"

"After discussion with the senior wolves, we've come to an agreement. We think that it would be wasteful to have someone like you at the bottom of pack hierarchy. If you choose to accept this role, we would like you to be the new Gamma of the pack."

My jaw dropped to the icy floor.

Boe confirmed. "The position is yours. I can't handle managing the Gamma roles and the duties I have with the Alpha pack. I will gladly hand the position to you."

Dumbfounded, all I could do was nod. The entire pack was hysterical, chanting my pack name. I smiled, padding up to Alpha. After bowing reverently at her, I went to the large deer we had taken down together. Bending down, I broke into the flesh of the prey, and ate. The pack continued to cheer, barking to the heavens.

Once full, I looked up to Lady Luna and offered a howl of gratitude. I thanked her for my friends, my new family, and my role as Gamma of WSBS' wolf pack.


(A/N: Just wondering: did anyone predict this beforehand?

As always, thank you so much for reading. You guys are the best! 

But now that Mae is officially part of the pack, things can finally shift gear. In the near future, prepare for a wrench in everyone's plans. Allow me to promise one thing: when we meet again, things will not be this happy....Stay tuned for more updates!

If you liked it, make sure to give it a little Golden star. Feedback and follows are also very much appreciated. And I update every Friday, so please, spread the word.

That's it! See you guys next time!)

~Megan :)

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