How I Fell For You

Por foxwinters

319 28 6

"The reason why black is a dark color was because we let the darkness itself exist in the first place." {Ongo... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

26 2 2
Por foxwinters

Kristen finished packing and took care of some stuffs. The last thing on the list was to ask Dylan out to a nearby coffee shop.

She had been too busy lately after reading the ads, she didn't inform both Becca and Cassie about her plan. As Kristen and Becca walked torward their chemistry class, they spotted Dylan leaning on his locker, talking to some random girls with cheap and crappy make-ups. And don't even mention their horrible slutty clothes.

'I got something to do, you should head back to class first,' Kristen suggested and Becca nodded before dissapearing into the crowds. She walked across, eyes focused on Dylan and finally noticed her walking torward him. He stood straighter than before and politely said bye to the girl beside him. He showed Kristen a friendly smile, looking awkwardly stiff.

'Hi, I was wondering if it is possible for you to, uh, have a cup of coffee with me after school?' She finally asked after gathering her courage. Dylan looked flattered and confused at the same time, he usually rejected dates, but hey, it was Kristen Harville.
He noticed the slight blush on her cheek, and felt bad if he rejected this sweet girl. It was just a cup of coffee anyway.

'Sure, I mean, we could probably hang out,' he replied with his cool and calm voice, which sent shiver down Kristen's spine. She handed out her number and informed him to call her after school. A thousand of mixed feeling terrored her for the rest of the hours.

Soon as her phone rang, she instantly knew that was Dylan and picked up with a simple greetings, informed him that she would be waiting in the nearest starbucks.

Her palms were trembling as she slides the white powders out of a small piece of paper into the Americano she ordered for Dylan. She watched as it dissolved into the hot coffee. She picked a love-seat at the corner of the room, which was the cctv's and waiters' blindspot. She did everything cautiously, she had gone too far to turn back right now. Now the final touch was to let Dylan gulp those coffee down.

After a few minutes waiting in cold sweat, the glass door swung open, and Dylan stepped in with a navy button-up shirt and jeans. Her heart skipped a beat, this is it, she thought as he spotted her and stepped closer every second.


'Hi,' he greeted with a heart-melting smile, which made Kristen trembled even more. She managed to greet back with the smallest smile.
He slid the wooden chair a few inches apart from the table, before slipping his feet between the chair to sat himself down. He wasn't even suspicious with her odd behaviours―touching her nose occasionally, breath pacing up―and thanked her for the coffee. He took a sip, and cringed as the bitterness swarm over his mouth.

'I assume you dislikes coffee?' Kristen asked with a polite smile. He shrugged it off, explained about how he don't dislike coffee, he hated the bitterness, how it represents life. Kristen wasn't even focused on what he was randomly talking about. The only thing filling her brain was him, and the Americano he sipped. Her palm was sweating, and her face paled.

'Dylan, uh I'm not feeling well, could you go grab a painkiller inside my car? Here's the key,' she rattled, fishing her car key out of her pouch and hand it to him. He looked concern, but soon, he dashed off. By this time, Kristen's heart rate slowly rise and she grew even paler. She traced behind him, slowly, and cautiously. She exited Starbuck precisely when he was just a few meters away from her car. She spotted him yawning and shaking his head a little, feeling sleepy.

It kicked in! The drugs are working!
He bend down as the car door swung open, and searched around. Kristen pattes his back. Swiftly, he turned around, shocked that she was behind him.

'I need to talk to you about something personally, could you get in the car? I'll drive,' she exclaimed as he gets dizzier. He nodded, finally felt odd. But what could possibly happen with to him with a billionaire's daughter?
She started the engine with her shaking hands, which draws Dylan's (who was half awake) attention. 'Are you alright Kristen?' He managed to asked her, ignoring a sudden sleepiness that hit him. Shouldn't stay up so late last night, he thought.

Dispite his concerning question, Kristen's gaze never left the road, wishing that he would be asleep as soon as possible. Please don't let him suspect anything, she thought. Unfortunately, he started to shake her a little, trying to get her attention. She got even more focused on the road.

'Kristen why-'

'Please just stop talking,'

He blink for a second, trying to keep himself awake.

'What is it that you wanted to talk about?' He asked a wave of dizziness passed his mind.

'Why do I feel so-' he was mumbling to himself, before Kristen cutted off.

'Just sleep Dylan, if you feel sleepy, you sleep, don't push yourself too far,' she ordered in a calm voice, which made him even more curious about what's happening. But indeed, his eyelids were so heavy, and he couldn't focus on anything, until the last word he heard from Kristen's mouth was,

'Sleep tight.'


She drove to the shore, with Dylan sleeping beside her. She was calmer by then. She took a brief moment to stare at his face.

The beach she arrived at was not one of those beaches people goes for fun. It was not crowded, there wasn't even ten person there, only some of the locals. She scanned around to see if the boat arrived. Soon enough, her phone buzzed to life, showing an unknown number.

She picked up anyway.


'Miss Harville? The boat you asked for is ready, please look at ten o'clock direction from your car, you may see a white boat with navy blue lines on both sides,' obviously a man's voice, and Kristen recognized the man as the one she called a few days ago. Blame her parents for not owning a boat.

'I see it, can you make sure that the boat is empty?'

'Yes miss, but do you really don't need any helmsman?'

'I am going on a vacation with my boyfriend, do I sound like I need a helmsman?'

'I understand, I will deliver the key for you right away, please drive torward the shore beside the palm tree and wait there,'

She hung up and lurched forward, feeling anxious even though Dylan was still sleeping heavily beside her. Soon, she parked at her destination and waited until a man around his thirties showed up. She slide open the window, signaling that she was right over here.

Adrenaline rush in her as the man nodded to her and hand over the keys with some papers, gestured Kristen to sign it.

Soon after she finished her bussiness with the guy, she sent him off, mind filled with the thought of how she was supposed to lift him to the boat by herself. But she managed to convince some of the locals to help her with her sleeping boyfriend, excused that she didn't want to wake him and she prepared a surprise to him.

Sure, they were conciced. And soon, both of them were on the boat with some locals which laid him down on a sofa.

She thanked them and started the engine as they got away, rambling 'happy holidays,' and stuffs like that. She took boating class a few years ago, but managed to get it all on hand as soon as she entered the controlling room. She heard the engine roar to life, satisfied at herself. Thank God I took those classes, she thought.

As scary as it might sound, Kristen prepared a baseball bat, in case he woke up before they got to their destination. There were dim and dull sound of the tiny consience she had on the back of her mind, trying to fight over and convince herself that she was mad, that all of this was not the right thing to do.

But it was no use, as the other side of her was strong-willed, she had gone too far to turn back at the moment. She stared to the vast and open sea, blinking under the sunlight. It was a beautiful sight, and somehow calming. She was scared, frustrated, and mad at the same time, but when she gazed to the beautiful view upon her, for a moment, everything was fine. But the feeling didn't stay long. Her mind was flooded with darkness once again, as she heard clattering sounds from outside the room. Slowly, her hands traveled to the smooth baseball bat beside her, and lifted it up gently, before tip-toed out of the room. Her breath paced up, face got even paler than before, adrenaline raced through her veins. She reached the deck when she saw Dylan standing there, confused. Without hesitating, she swung the bat, targeting his head even before he managed to turn back to check what was happening. He must had have a great confusion in his head by then. But of course, he dropped down to the floor, unconscious. Kristen was worried wrether she hitted him too hard, or enough just to knock him out for another few hours before the reach their destination.
Horror flushed in her mind as her little consience left in her tried to overpower her dark side, look at what you've become, she said to herself. She broke down beside his unconsious body as her knees goes trembling.
How did I ever reach this point of madness? she asked herself.

Everything―her life before she had gone mad―seems like a dream, like none of them were real. She never admitted her madness, she didn't even think that she was mad. But deep inside, she knew. She knew herself well.

Then it seems like a wave of her dark side flooded her mind, telling her that what she had done was the right thing. He loves you, Kristen.
She couldn't fight the thoughts, they were flooding her mind like the waves in the sea. Expressionless, she walked back to the controlling room.

The next few hours went silently. Kristen never fell asleep, she was too anxious to. The three hours ride to the island was the longest three hours in her life. But time was still time, and she knew it passed when she saw the golden sands not far from where she was.

'We arrived.'


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