Elora - Squeal

De AbbyTheAmazing

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Elora part two.... (Must read first book before reading the second) Mais

Lets talk...


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De AbbyTheAmazing


After smashing a numerous plates of food I decide to take my over stuffed ass to the movies. My waiter Nathan kept on bringing shit out for me to eat. The cook heard I was there and gave me all this good ass food for free!

It took me five minutes to get to my car since I was out of breath. I'm glad these overalls are roomy, my ass ate to fuckin much.

Even though I ate all that food I still had to have popcorn at the movies. There's this old movie theater called House of classics ten minutes from our house that shows throwback movies. Tonight they're playing Set It Off. I hate this movie so much but it's one of my favorites.

When I was in foster care I used to watch this movie all the time. Ivan and I used to watch it from the window of the house after I ran away, that's why I hate it so much. My foster home didn't have much. We only had set it off to watch. We'd all sit around on Saturday nights and watch it and even after I ran away I still sneak back and watch it with Ivan.

I knew when it was my time to leave when Cleo's car stopped in the middle of the street. A flashback of Ivan running away from the bank came to me.

This part is usually where I stop watching.

Cleo go out the car shooting and I looked away from the screen. I grabbed my purse and popcorn and got up out my seat. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and jogged down the steps. I don't know why I did this to myself.

Other people in the room were locked in on the screen crying their damn selves.

I left out the theater and went to my car. It's about one in the morning so I should head home anyway.


I came home from the club early. That girl followed me everywhere I went and I got tired of the shit. She took every bottle I ordered straight to the head. Security ended up taking her out the building since she started throwing up in the VIP area. After that I had to bounce, I don't got the stomach to look at that shit.

It's almost 1:30 and my baby ain't home yet. I been here for about two hours and she ain't nowhere to be found. I flipped through the channel trying to find something to occupy my time.

Let me let y'all in on a little secret. Well it's a big secret. And been holding onto this shit for a minute now.

I'm trynna purpose to El. I was gonna do it on Christmas but that shit seem corny to me. I talked to my brother about it and he said we to young to get married. And I agree.

I told him we way past the promise ring type shit. I wanna take the next step. We don't gotta get married tomorrow or nothing like that. We can get married when we're 50 but if that's when she want to get married, then so be it.

I'm so in love with Elora it's crazy. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. And I wanna show her that.

I looked over and El walked in the room and put her key on my dresser. 

She not gonna speak? She can't still be mad at me.

"You don't see me here?" Her ass just kept on about her business. "Elora." She went into the closet and I can hear her take her clothes off. She came out in one of my shirts typing away at her phone. "Who you texting?"

Like before, she ignored me and got in the bed. I took her phone and saw she was texting Corey, Andre's girlfriend. "Oh you can talk to her but you can't talk to me?" She took the remote from my hand. "You being childish as fuck."

"You ain't giving out no dick is childish as fuck." She scrolled through the guide and picked something.

"Tsk. Mannn. Get outta here with all'lat. That's why ya ass mad? Cause I'm not throwing pipe on ya?" She really is being childish.

"Yes I'm mad. You walking around her looking good and shit, I'm giving you hints and all you do is curve me." Curve you? What?

"Im not curving you, I'm just not trynna have you fall sleep on me while I'm trynna pound ya shit. That's not cool. Maybe if your ass wasn't falling asleep all the fuckin time I would be all up in ya shit. But since you wanna do the whole sleeping Beauty routine through every fuckin thing we do, don't feel it's necessary to be fuckin you."

She snapped her head in my direction.

Damn I shouldn't have said it like that.


I reached behind me and grabbed my pillow and started hitting his ass. "You worried about me falling asleep?!" I hit kept hitting his ass till my arms got tired. I chucked it at his head and got out the bed. "I'm trying to do the best I can and do everything I need to do for my health! I can't fuckin help that I gotta take all this fuckin medicine! I can't control that shit. I made the effort to change my dosage so I won't miss out on quality time with my boyfriend. I be stressed out all the damn time and I be looking for a way to relieve some of that shit and my nigga is playing games. You think if I was getting some dick I would fall to sleep? I'd be wide the fuck awake. You're so fuckin stupid. I'm trying ZeRico! I'm fuckin trying and you're not seeing that shit!" I grabbed my charger and took my phone from him and headed for the door. "Have fun sleeping alone tonight, I'm most definitely not talking to your ass now. At least that way I can't fall asleep on you." I walked out the door and made sure to slam that bitch closed.

"He got me fucked up." I Laughed it off feeling myself wanting to punch the teeth out his ass. 


"E come back. I ain't mean it like that." I got out the bed and left out the room and saw her walking towards the spare bedroom. She closed the door in my face and I heard the lock click. "I'm sorry. I ain't mean it like that."


Fuck man. I went back to our room and closed the door.

Why did I have to go and say all that shit. I'm stupid as fuck.

(next day)

Last night before Rico pissed me off Corey texted telling me she wanted me to meet her friends for the girls day sooner than later. So today I'm going out with them.

Which was perfect timing.

"Baby where you going?" Rico asked me as I put my shoes on. He's been irritating me all damn morning. Like I wanna slap the shit out of him.

I grabbed my bag and got my keys to my Benz off the hook. Rico grabbed my arm gently and pulled me to him. "Stop being mad and talk to me." All I did was look at him. He sighed and kissed my forehead. "I love your evil ass." He kissed my lips and opened the door for me.  I walked out and unlocked my car.

I'm meeting Corey up at Lenox for some shopping before we meet up with the other girls. I drove down the street and tried not to use my GPS this time. I'm trying to get familiar with the streets of Atlanta.

I know it seems like I'm being extra mean for no reason but I feel like Rico is being insensitive. I know he understands that I can't control the fact that I fall asleep randomly. But I made the steps in the direction to change that. I have the new medicine doctor Francisco gave me and it's working so far. I haven't had any tiredness or fatigue since everyone been taking it.

We haven't had in sex in a minute so how does he even know that i would fall asleep during sex?

Like if he would've told me he was feeling like that from the beginning, I would've been sucking dick or something to make up for it. I feel bad every second of the day that I put some much on his shoulders, I just don't see why he's still with me. The whole hospital situation and me trying to kill myslef, which I still don't remember doing, I know it's drained him and this just adds on to the weight I know I'm putting on him.

But he can throw a little bit of dick every now and then, shit.

I pulled up into the parking lot of the mall and put my hand on my chest. My heart was pounding hard, I need to relax I don't need to be worrying abour nothing right now. I reached into my bag and pulled out my heart pills and my emergency water bottle. 

If I start feeling stressed out or anything my heart will start doing these painful ass heart beats and I have to take one of these pills to calm it down. I tilted my head back and swallowed it. 

I put everything back in my bag and got out the car with my keys and phone in hand. Corey told me to meet her by Chipotle at eleven thirty before the shopping begins.

I made sure I took my time getting to the building. This medicine isn't working fast enough for me.


I watched El drive off down the street and instantly wanted her to come back. I gotta do some shit to make it up to her.

I'm being selfish as fuck and I'm only think about my dick at this point. Sex with Elora is crazy we can go at for hours. I feel more connected to her than any other time. And if I'm the only one enjoying it, it's not the same. That's like playing basketball with a deflated ball or eating pizza rolls with no ranch. It's just not the same.

I be seeing the hints that E had been giving me but I been turning them down. I wanna make sure she's good before I get to climbing on her fine ass. My baby got heart problems I can't forget that. Sex make your heart go crazy. You get to acting a fool when you having sex and I don't need baby girl having a heart attack or some shit. I'm just concerned about her even though when I said it, it didn't sound like but I'm worried about her constantly.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone to call a few connections I got. I'm not gonna let her come back in this house still mad at me.


"If you would shut the fuck up and stop playing you and Andre could've been married." Kara said. I raised my hand and highfived her. I met Corey's friends Kara and Demetri. They're really cool people I see why Corey asked me to hang out with them.

"Shut up. I'm trying not to strangle his damn neck all the time but he's making shit difficult. But doing what you said worked." I raised my eyebrows and flipped my hair dramatically.

"Well tell me the details." I grabbed my drink and sat back in my seat.

"What you tell her? I wanna know." Demetri asked. 

"I told her ass to ignore Andre when he wants to argue and when he's out of breath and the steam is done coming out his ear to hit him with "You're right" even when he's not." I motioned my hand CC to tell her story.

"Well after he came in from the club his ass wasn't drunk surprisingly. I had just walked in the door myself. I had to close the shop and I was too tired to talk to his ass. But of course he starts popping off at the mouth. He asked me if he made a decision yet. I told him I think we should go see my parents first since they're closer. Of course that shit made that whole argument from earlier start alllll over again. I listened to what he said, I let him yell, I let him throw shit. But once that ass calmed down I hit him with the "your right." Just like you said I grabbed my keys and left out his dorm room and carried my ass all the way to my apartment. Girl, at 3 o'clock this morning Andre was knocking on my door with all the apologizes in the world. Oh I wanted to call you up and thank you. We had a short, calm, conversation and I realized that he missed his family more than I thought, so we decided we'd have Christmas at my families house but right after we're catching a flight to Texas that same day." I sat my cup down and felt pleased with myself.

"Well I'll be damned." Kara said. "You cured months of problems. You know how long they been fighting over that shit? Problem solved with some reverse physiology shit. You hear that y'all?!" Everybody in the nail salon turned their heads.

"Kara hush." I said laughing.

"What? That just blew my mind. I had to tell everybody. How you figure that shit out?" She's a mess.

"I been dating the same guy for a minute now. We hardly ever argue but when we do it's not pleasant. I never had a cell phone until now." All three of them looked at me crazy. "It's a long story." I looked down and watched the woman paint my toenails white. "Rico was sick of me not being able to talk to me other than by the mail. We used to write letters back and forth since that's all I could afford since my landlord slash boss was taking all my money. So even if I wanted a phone i wouldn't be able to afford it. When Rico would come down to Florida he would offer me a phone and I hate when people buy me stuff, I hate it and at the time we were both struggling financially. So i saw no point in getting a phone. So we got in a huge argument. I mean he punched a hole in the wall and everything. That made shit worse since my rent was $900 a month and then I had to find a way to pay for this big ass hole in the wall. Rico was so mad he was red in the face. I was so stressed out about how about a whole bunch of shit. I just gave up on the argument and let him win. I said those two little words and he got quite. And ever since then when a argument gets crazy like that, which rarely happens, I drop the bomb and it stops us from killing each other." I shrugged. It's no ancient Chinese secret but bitches need to stop arguing with niggas out here because you're never going to win. So when Rico and I argue I just put myself on mute. That way I can't say anything to piss him off.

"Wow. I need to use that." Demetri said. "Enough about our niggas. Elora I have a question."

Oh Lord.

"Ask away."

"Tell me if I'm overstepping my boundaries since this is the first time we met, I just wanna know what happened to you? You seem to be the most talked about person in 2016 and the year just started. People walking past here right now pointing and taking pictures right now because you're in here." I looked out the window to see a man taking pictures of me on his phone and a woman pointing at me walking with a group of other woman. 

"No it's okay. I need to learn how to open up more on what happened." I looked around the salon to see it was us four and a old lady sleep in a message chair. I'm sure the workers don't give a Fuck about what I'm saying since they're talking amongst themselves.

"I was a stripper in Florida at a popular Club in the middle of nowhere, I started at 16 and it all stopped at 18 fresh out of high school. I got fired  from my job and kicked out my apartment. My initial plan was to make it to the bank to put my money in a account to get a phone and a apartment. I traveled on foot with over six thousand dollars, a outfit, and jewelry to sell, All in a duffle bag. Before that, the night I got fired I got hit by a car and I thought I just hurt my leg but later found out it was broken. I walked miles and miles with a broken leg till I finally  got to a gas station. I called a cab and told them to take me to a hotel. I made a mistake of falling asleep in the cab. When he stopped I didn't realize he drove me miles out the city.  Why he did that? I don't know. To make a long story short, Rico's mom called the police on me after I finally made it here. I get beat the fuck by the police, beat the fuck up and the shit kicked out of me by my cell mate on my first night. Then the offers at the prison labeled me as a danger to all the other prisoners and I kept getting my ass beat. They kept pumping my ass up with enough sedatives to knock out two bears to keep me from "harming anyone", which ended up giving me a fuckin heart problems." I shook my head and pressed the message button on the chair, I was starting to get angry all over again.

"Damn did you sue the prison?" Corey asked.

"Bitch I ain't have to. The judge gave me all this money once she found out what was happening. And she's still giving me money." I picked up my glass and drank some of my water.

I think I'm ready to talk to Oprah and the rest of the people who want to interview me. Everyone keeps wondering and asking about what happened. The more I talk about it, the more ready I'm becoming. I think it's time I say something publicly.


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