His Favorite Maiubo [ Murasak...

By ransuiz

47.7K 1.2K 268

Ever dreamed of dating Murasakibara Atsushi? Then, you have come to read the right book. (Y/N) is a tall girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Birthday Surprise [ Special Chapter ]
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

1.7K 52 9
By ransuiz

"(Nickname)-chin..? Why are you crying?" Questioned Murasakibara clueless-ly. He was unaware of what had just occurred to you nor where you were at moments ago. Though, you could barely see his facial expressions becoming stern, due to your blurry sight caused by your flowing tears.

"I-I.." You sniffed and rubbed your eyes, trying to get rid of the tears that were disturbing your vision. "I was going to get raped by a guy.. Or at least, that's h-how it seemed like.." You turned your head to the opposite direction. "D-Don't worry though!" You managed to smile, facing him again. "We can go to the cotton candy sto--"

"No way."

You were cut off by Murasakibara, who seemed extremely enraged at the moment. Was he concerned about you? You never had the ability to tell what this guy is thinking at anytime. He's really mysterious. But there's one thing you definitely could tell about him right now, he's inevitably the angriest person alive.

"W-Why?" Your eyes widened, you never expected him to reply in this way. "M-Murasakibara-kun! You said you wanted to go there with me!" You exclaimed as you furrowed your eyebrows anxiously.

"You're going to tell me who's the shitty guy first." He placed his palms on your shoulders, causing them to stiffen. "Tell me who is it, (Nickname)-chin?"

"L-Let's just ignore it, I'm fine, isn't that what matters right now?" You were certainly frightened at the moment. You just wanted to avoid getting Murasakibara angrier at all costs. Plus, you didn't want anyone to get hurt because of you, even if that person had hurt you in the first place.

"(Nickname)-chin. Don't argue with me, tell me who is it?" His voice has become louder by now and his tone has gotten 'thicker', meaning he was boiling with anger.

"It's me."

A new voice has appeared, and you instantly recognized it. It was Hanamiya, the guy who yearned to do nasty stuff with you. You turned your head and spotted him, while Murasakibara averted his gaze to the same guy.

"Hanamiya.." He mumbled.

"Ehh?! You know him?!" You looked at Murasakibara with a bemused expression, never expecting him to know such a guy.

"Yeah.." He replied, letting go of your shoulders and heading towards the black haired guy. "What's your problem?" He gritted his teeth. "Tch.. Filthy as always."

"How about you, Mister Titan? Just give me the babe already and we're done. I want nothing from you nor your face."

"Never." He snapped. "You better shove your balls in your pants and get away while I'm a bit calm, because if you didn't, I'm definitely crushing your skull."

"Hmph, I'd love to see you try." Smirked the thick-eyebrow-ed teen devilishly.

'Oh no! I'm sure that this creep is using his brain, unlike Murasakibara-kun.. He knows he can't get against him..' You suddenly thought while looking for something. Spotting Himuro and the others, your eyes widened.

"HIMURO-SENPAI! FUKUI-SENPAI! LIU-SENPAI! OKAMURA-SENPAI!" You screamed as loud as you could, just to get the attention of your upperclassmen and have them get Murasakibara out of trouble.

"(Name)-chan?!" You heard Okamura's loud voice; you then waved at him, struggling to get him and the others to approach you both as soon as possible. Fortunately though, he seemed to get your signals and for once, his teammates listened to him. They ran to your direction, accidentally pushing Hanamiya into the crowd and causing him to lose his track of both Murasakibara and you.

You then sweat-dropped and giggled at their doing. This was the stupidest thing you have seen so far, and the simplest solution to a problem in your whole life.

"What the.." You heard a voice above you. It belonged to Murasakibara. "Where did that coward go?"

"Who is it, Atsushi?" Questioned Himuro curiously.

"Hanamiya Makoto."

"That jerk!" You heard Fukui cussing.

"What thy have done?" Asked Liu nonchalantly.

"He just..." Your fingers twirled with each other as you converted your gaze onto your feet, blushing.

"He was going to rape (Nickname)-chin."

"EHHHHHH?!" You heard everyone yelling.

"IS THAT TRUE?!" Spoke Fukui loudly as he held both of your hands, squeezing them. "Y-Yeah.." You couldn't fix your gaze onto his face, you were really afraid at the moment. "But really, it's not a big deal. I'm fine right now."

"No. It is a big deal, (Name). That's very dangerous." Spoke Himuro in a stern tone, trying to convince you how serious the situation is. "And basically, we're responsible if anything happened to you, since we're the ones who invited you in the first place."

"Seriously, you guys. I'm fine, it's what matters and that's all. Let's cut this subject because it's ruining everything!" You accidentally yelled.

Your teammates' eyes widened in response, they never thought you had this side. They didn't want to make you feel that way either, nor ruin the day. Though, you couldn't blame yourself, since you really hate making others worry about you too much. After all, you aren't some sort of baby or a hopeless child.

"Listen, guys I'm sorry for shouting just now but really.. I don't want to make anyone worry about me." You looked at them in the eye. "After all, I'm the strong manager of Team Yōsen!" Exclaiming, you posed hilariously like those super heroes you saw on T.V as a child.

"Well, well. Whatever you say, (Name)-chan." Spoke Okamura, while ruffling your hair and chuckling at your actions.

"Shush, gorilla." Glaring at the captain, Fukui spoke.

"And here we go again." Whined Himuro, face-palming himself.

"Would you guys stop for once?!" You scolded them.

"You guys can go alone." Announced Murasakibara abruptly. "(Nickname)-chin and I are going together to the cotton candy store."

Himuro and the others couldn't argue with Murasakibara, due to his madness at the moment. They didn't want to make him get negative either, so they just agreed and went, leaving you and him alone. That left you shocked, very, in fact. You never had in knowledge that Murasakibara was very spoiled and stubborn.

The purple head male touched your right hand with his left one, holding it and intertwining his fingers with yours afterwards. You blushed at his precipitous action. Was this his way of being affectionate? Come to think of it, you never really knew how he was feeling towards you, did you?

You lifted your head up to look at his face, tugging his shirt, you questioned. "M-Murasakibara-kun, can I ask you a question?" He then nodded in response, yearning to hear what you were about to say.

"It's not j-just a question. I want to know many things about you and your a-actions. I'm getting confused every time.." You spoke softly, as your cheeks flustered crimson. "You're nice to me, and you seem that you c-care about me. I don't know why, or what did I do for you.. I don't think that I deserve all of your nice actions." You then stopped walking, still holding his hand though. "One time you're with Yuri, the other time you're with me. One time you don't give a crap about me, the other time you're super affectionate.. Are you by any chance using me?" Averting your gaze right into his purple orbs, you furrowed your eyebrows bitterly, face flustered, and tears drifting from your eyes. "Are you perhaps, playing with my feelings?!" Your voice became louder, as its tone changed into a sad one.


"I'm sure you're asking yourself why I am concerned about all of these 'simple' things.." You lost it at the moment, you didn't care about who was watching you or anything at this point, deciding to let it all go. "I know you're confused right now.. I'm just a friend to you after all.. But you know what? I don't care if you're going to answer me back or no. I had enough, I going to say it to your face!" You tightened your grip around his hands; and with a broken, weary voice, you yelled.


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