
De KrystiCat6

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After the heart-wrenching decision to leave his home is set in motion, Iris comes to find himself living in a... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

170 6 1
De KrystiCat6


Last night turned out to be an important night for me. After Sebastian calmed my fears of abandonment, I was finally able to tell both brothers what was in my heart. I think I've made some progress...

I woke up this morning, tucked into my warm and comfortable bed, to the sounds and smells of food cooking. I was cuddling with my tiger (who I have taken to calling Kisa, for no apparent reason), and I was so comfortable that I didn't want to move. I was close to falling back to sleep when I thought about Sebastian and Alexander waiting for me downstairs. I got up, stretched, and hopped into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I came downstairs, dressed, my hair damp, and was about to walk into the kitchen when I was tackled to the floor by Alexander.

"Well, this looks familiar."

I squirmed under his weight. His body was so much bigger than mine that the impact caused all the air to leave my lungs, and I was left gasping. Alexander shifted his weight slightly so that I could move enough to start breathing normally again, but he didn't get off of me. I wiggled myself around underneath him so that I could look at him. He had his Cheshire cat grin on his face that told me he was up to no good.

"Isn't it a little early in the morning for you to be attacking me?"

"It isn't 'attacking' when it's with the one you love. Then it's called 'entrapment.'"

I blush, noticing how our situation looks like with him pinning me to the floor like this. His face is hovering just inches away from mine, close enough that if I were to try and sit up, I could kiss him. Then I blush harder remembering that we're in the middle of the hallway right next to the kitchen! I squirm, trying to get out from under Alexander before Sebastian walks in on us and takes our, um, predicament the wrong way, but Alexander just pushes me farther into the carpets, not letting me up.


"Yes, baby?"

"C-Could you p-please get off of me?"

His eyes light up mischievously, and my heart skips anxiously.

"Of course I can. You just have to do something for me first."

I gulp. The way his voice deepened when he said that has my body reacting in ways I really wish it wouldn't -- not here anyway. All I knew was that if he didn't let me go, I was afraid that my body would give in to anything he suggested we do together. And with Alex, that was REALLY dangerous. When my voice comes out, it's a tiny squeak.

"W-What is that?"

"Say what you said to me last night again."


"You confessed something really personal to us last night. I want to hear you say it again."


I'm so relieved, and a little disappointed, to hear that that was all he wanted. But still... This is really awkward! Having him on top of me like this... I can't believe he's forcing me into this situation, and I'm even more annoyed with myself for enjoying it so much! I don't want to let him think that I'll cave in to him so easily. It was really hard for me to say those things last night, after all!

"I am not saying it. Get off of me, you psycho!"

Okay, looking back now, I can see that that was a bad idea. Alexander is the kind of person who likes to hold a lot of authority, so having me say 'no' like that, was like sparking a match in front of a bottle of gasoline. He has a hundred and one ways of getting a person to comply with him. But at the time, I figured, 'hey he already has me pinned, what more can he do, right?'

Instead of getting off of me, he forced my arms over my head with one hand, and started tickling my exposed belly with the other. I squealed in surprise, wiggling underneath him as his fingers danced across my skin. I tried freeing my hands to try and block him, but he just pushed me down harder the more I tried to struggle. Every time I tried to squirm away from his hand, he would just move it so that he was tickling me from the opposite side, and the longer I put off defeat, the harder he dug his fingers into my skin. I was laughing so hard I could barely suck in enough air to form my words of surrender.

"Alright, alright, ALRIGHT! You win! I love you!"  

He let go of my arms and lifted his hand away from my belly. I was gasping, and I just wanted him to crawl off me. He got up on all fours, his arms and legs forming a cage around my body. He hesitated and just looked down at my face. The kindness in his eyes stopped my heart; he was looking at me with love. I got up on my elbows so that we were face to face.

"I love you, too, baby."

My eyes were locked on his mouth. Those smooth, full lips... I leaned closer reaching to taste those delicious lips with mine--

"Well, what do we have here?"

"EEP!! B-Bastian! H-H-How long have you been here!?!"

"Long enough, little one. Alexander try not to corrupt our innocent little Iris without me, 'kay?"

"W-WHAT?! B-B-But...!"

Alexander laughed, and finally got off of me, leaving me laying there on the floor to rejoin Sebastian in the kitchen. My legs were shaky as I attempted to stand up. Jeez! What did he do me? I smoothed down my shirt, and fixed my hair, taking a few deep breaths before attempting to enter the kitchen where my attacker and his bystander brother were waiting for me.

Sebastian was at his usual spot by the stove making French toast, while Alexander was raiding the fridge for something to drink. Sheepishly, I slipped in next to Sebastian, making sure to keep him in between Alexander and I. He chuckled at my reaction and ruffled my still-wet hair.

"Don't worry, little one. Alex will behave himself, now."

Alexander turned to look at me, and gave me a wolfish grin that made my knees balk slightly. I grabbed onto Sebastian for balance, causing both of them to laugh at my reaction. I blushed and hid my face in Sebastian's shirt. I calmed myself down by focusing on his scent: sea air and cucumbers. He really did smell delicious enough to eat. Which reminded me...

"I'm hungry. Will breakfast be ready soon?"

Sebastian nodded, and gently pushed me towards the kitchen cabinets. I took my cue to set the table, and grabbed three plates, cups, forks, knives, and went to the dining room table to place them in their respective places. Alexander came out with me to set a pitcher of orange juice, and a jug of milk on the table alongside me. I looked over at him nervously, but he seemed to have calmed down enough to at least act civil. He smiled at me at pecked me on the cheek, then he walked back to the kitchen. I smiled, and covered the spot where his lips touched me with my hand, wishing I could tattoo his kiss on my cheek so it could stay there forever.

We ate breakfast in peace. I mostly stared out the window the whole time. The water looked so calm, and the waves were just shuffling one after the other onto the shore. The sky was cloudy from last night's storm, but the sun still broke through. Sebastian had been right about the heat: it did cool off a lot.

I was disturbed from my daydreaming by someone poking me in the side. I yelped startled, and turned to see Alexander narrowing his eyes at me.

"What was that for?"

"I know what you're thinking. You want to go swimming, but you can't. Today I'm teaching you how to ride a bike, remember?"

Oh, right.

"I don't see why it has to be today. It's so nice out..." I mumbled at my plate.

"NO. I'm teaching you how to ride. This stuff is important!"

It is?

I look over at Sebastian, expectantly. Sure enough, he's shaking his head, staring at his little brother pityingly.

"You never stop, do you?"


Sebastian sighed, and looked towards me with a 'what can you do?' look on his face. I giggled, and we started talking about other things.

After breakfast, I got up to go sit by the piano. Sebastian had picked me up some How To books about playing the piano, and I was going to test out what I learned. I made it halfway through the living room when Alexander grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Ah, ah, ah! You are not getting out of this. I told you I would teach you to ride, and that's what we're going to do. Don't even try to talk me out of it! Sebastian will tell you it's no use."

"It's true, little one. Might as well go along with it."

I squirmed in his grasp, trying to get more comfortable. I looked up and saw Sebastian waving at me from the kitchen, smiling.

"Fare thee well, little one!"

Then Alexander slammed the door closed, and I couldn't see him any more.


I really wasn't enjoying bike riding as much as I thought I would. I was fine when Alexander was having me ride on the handlebars while he took the two of us for a quick ride around the house, but when it was my turn to try and ride alone, well, I guess I need a little help with the balancing part. It was humiliating to keep falling over in front of Alexander, and I really just wanted to stop trying, but Alex wouldn't let me. He kept picking me up every time I fell over, and setting me back on the seat. For his part, I have to say that he was a really good teacher. He was very gentle with me, and he gave me some good advice so that I was able to ride a little bit farther before falling every time.

After maybe an hour, I was finally up and riding. I looked back expecting Alex to be behind me keeping me steady, but he was still standing by the house where I took off from. Startled, I lost my balance and landed on the pavement again. When Alex came over to check on me, I was smiling.

"I did it! For a little while anyway."

He smiled. "I know. It's fun isn't it?"

I nodded, and he lifted me off the ground, setting me back on the bike. "Try it again, and this time don't be scared that I'm not next to you."


I started pedaling, and amazingly, my balance kept. I was actually riding a bike! And I was enjoying it! I could hear Alexander cheering behind me. I turned the bike around and rode back over to him.

"Good work, kiddo. Aren't you glad you kept at it?"

"I only kept at it because you wouldn't let me off the bike. But, yeah, I'm happy about all this. Thanks, Alex!"

"Sure thing!" He hugged me, and we walked the bike back into the garage next to the others. When we came back into the house, I was still beaming. I could hear Sebastian talking in the living room. Probably on the phone. Just then, he came into the hallway holding (sure enough) his cell phone to his ear.

"Yeah, he's right here. I'll have him call you back." Hanging up, he pointed the phone at me. "That was Lila. She called to tell you happy early birthday."

It took me a few moments to digest Sebastian's words, but Alex jumped at me, grabbing me by my arms and shaking me back and forth.


"It's not his birthday. Tomorrow is his birthday."


"!" Alex was shaking me so hard, I could barely get my words out. Sebastian stepped in and separated us, but I was still too dizzy to speak right away.


"I-I don't know! I guess I just wasn't thinking about it. I-I mean I knew it was coming up, and all, but it just sort of slipped my mind. And I've had a lot going on lately. I wasn't even paying attention to the date--"

Luckily Sebastian held up his hand, silencing me, or I might have kept on rambling. Alexander was already running off a list on his fingers:

"Let's see, we'll need soda, snacks, invitations, a cake! We need to call Tami and have her bake a cake for us! What else do we need? Oh, decorations! We can have balloons and streamers, one of those bubble machines--"

"What are you talking about?"

"You've never seen a bubble machine before? It's one of those little robot thingies that blows air on the soap wand and sends bubbles flying everywhere--"

"I know what a bubble machine is! Why are you wanting to buy one?"

"You don't like bubbles?"

"They're fine! But why do we need bubbles?"

"Well, I guess we don't need them, of course. I just thought you might like them at your party--"

"Wait, hold on. PARTY? What party? I don't want a party!"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is-- well, why do you want to throw a party anyways?"

"To celebrate your birthday, of course."

"I don't want you to celebrate it!"

"What are you saying?"

I sigh, frustrated. Then, Sebastian walks over and places his hands on my shoulders gently. I look at him, and he seems troubled.

"Little one, why shouldn't we celebrate it? This is the day that you were born into this world. It's very important to us because you are very important to us. So, why wouldn't you want to enjoy it?"

"I-I just... I've just always looked at it as any ordinary day."

"You've never celebrated your birthday before?"

"Well, I guess I did when I was little, but I realized what a hassle it was, so I told my mom that I didn't want her wasting her money for presents or a party or anything else that I really didn't need. She usually managed to surprise me with a cupcake or something in the morning, and Lila generally goes overboard for this kind of thing anyways, so... Well, yeah. I never saw it as anything important, so I never found the need to celebrate it."

Sebastian and Alexander just looked at me.


"Just more culture shock, little one."

"Damn it, I really am going to cry this time!"

"Huh? Wait, but why... It's not a big deal! Please don't trouble yourselves--"

Alexander grabbed me again, but at least this time he didn't shake me.

"Listen, kiddo. We are going to throw you the best birthday party you've ever had, you got that?"

"Wouldn't this be the only birthday party he's ever had?"

"Dude, don't go bursting my bubble with your rational talk!"

"What is it with you and bubbles?"

"Just, hang on a minute! I already told you I don't want one--"

"Little one, you're better off just giving in. Alexander's stubborn beyond reason about ordinary things; he's never going to let something as important to him as your birthday go."

I looked over at Sebastian helplessly. The look he gave me told me that he truly believed what he said.

"Also, I really want to celebrate your birthday too, little one."

I sighed, defeated. "Fine, just please don't do anything fancy--"

"WOO-HOO! We're throwing a birthday party! Oh, no! Bastian, we need to get presents--"


The two of them turned around to look at me, surprised.

"I-I'm sorry for shouting. But, if you're dead set on throwing me this party, I don't want anything else from you, okay? Please don't get me anything. I don't want presents."

The two of them didn't look too convinced, so I folded my hands in front of me and gave them both my best Bambi eyes -- the same trick that cracked Sebastian on our third date.

"Please, you guys. I don't want anything. You've already done enough!"

Sebastian blushed and Alexander coughed embarrassed. I knew I had them now. Sebastian looked away and nodded his agreement. Alexander mumbled under his breath that he wouldn't get me anything. I smiled at them, and relaxed.

"We are going to have to make some calls, though." Sebastian said.

"Calls? To who?"

"To Tami, to let her know we need a cake. What flavors do you like, little one? Umm, to Fabian and the others. Oh, and we should get Lila a plane ticket, too."

"R-Really? You'll do that? You'll bring Lila down here?" Suddenly, this party doesn't seem like such a terrible idea after all.

"Of course we will, little one! She's practically your family."

I run to Sebastian and give him a hug, trying to cuddle myself as close to him as humanly possible, while he just laughs and squeezes me tight.



"Really, Alex?"

"Sorry. But seriously, why do you always get Iris's affection? Maybe I want a hug too, ever think of that?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes. I turned around and jumped up into Alexander's arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and nuzzling my face against his chest. Alex squeezes me closer, and I laugh trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He smiles down at me, and I melt a little.

"Just so you know, there is something that we can give you that you can't get mad at us about."

I stiffen. "Alex, no. I don't want any presents--"

"You're turning seventeen tomorrow, right?"

I narrow my eyes at him suspicious. "Yes..."

He smiled, and turned to Sebastian. "You know what that means, don't you, bro?"

"What? What is he talking about, Bastian?"

Sebastian comes over and leans in close to me. His eyes are flickering with happiness.

What's he thinking about that has him so excited? And what is Alex trying to give me?

"The age of consent in this state is seventeen."

It takes my brain a full ten seconds to work out what Sebastian just said. When it does, my whole body jumps with realization. The brothers laugh and give me kisses on my cheeks. I'm blushing crimson.

Age of consent, but that means...Oh, God! Am I ready for this?

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