Im Back Bitches

By welll_fukkk_meee_

370K 9.3K 2.3K

Taylor Evans was always picked on. She was the girl who everyone pushed around. She was the nerdy girl in the... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Authors Note
Not an update.
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
The End!

Chapter six

18.8K 470 82
By welll_fukkk_meee_


I woke up with arms draped across my body and I looked down to see a sleeping Taylor.

This feels so normal... Like nothing ever happened.

"Hey" I heard her soft, beautiful voice say and I looked down to see her smiling at me which instantly made my heart melt. God I sound like a fucking girl ...

"Hey Tay" I said and she sleepily pushed herself up onto her elbows

"What time is it?" She asked groggily in her sexy sleepy voice as she was rubbing her eyes

She had messy hair and mascara stains but honestly she still looked beautiful.

"Its like ten" I said casually, not caring one but that we're supposed to be in class right now and then a thought occured in my mind "Wait crap are you parents gonna be mad that I'm-"

"Luke chill my parents are in New York or something" she shrugged it off as she said it as if it was a normal thing.

"Wait what? They just left?" I asked and a frown appeared on her face

Her and her parents used to be so close?

"Yeah, it's no big deal, they gotta work I guess" she said with a shrug

"How long will they be gone?" I pressed for more information on what I had missed.

"I don't know probably a couple of weeks like usual." She mumbled distractedly and stood up heading towards her closet.

"Well then I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we had a movie night? Like old times?" I asked and she turned around to face me with a huge smile on her face now

"Definitely" she said with a grin.


"No! Not The Visit! That movie is freaky" she whined with that cute piut on her face and I laughed putting it back down.

"What about Saw?" I asked and she shook her head "Children of the corn?" She shook her head again "Poltergeist? The new one?"

She mulled over the thought for a few seconds beforenodding her head and giving in.

"Yeah but we need something else that's more scary" she said and I thought about our options.

"Poltergeist and... Um what scares you... Paranormal Activity?" I asked and she nodded vigorously with a huge grin

Freaking weirdo enjoys being scared.

"That sounds gre-" she got cut off by the doorbell "Be right back" she said and headed for the door


I opened the door to see Ally and Liam smiling at me

"Uh hey guys?" I said and they gave me questioning looks

"Hey we just wanted to check on you" Liam said and smiled

"Yeah you wanna hang out?" Ally asked and I internally cringed

"I uh kinda have company, were about to watch movies" I said and they raised their eyebrows


"Tay what's taking so l-" He said and stopped looking at who was in front of me "Hey I'm Luke" he said

"Taylor we need to talk" Liam said immediately ignoring Luke with a cold glare towards him

"Hey you look familiar" Luke commented sarcastically and Ally glared at him

"Yeah idiot we're her best friends, you met us already" she said and he nodded pretending to think

"Oh yeah!" He exclaimed sarcastically

"Taylor we need to talk" Liam said through gritted teeth and I swallowed my words.

"Okay" I answered shakily

"I'll go set up the movies see ya in a few?" Luke asked and I smiled and nodded while my friends glared at him, he gave me a kiss on the cheek- which completely shocked me- and headed back towards the living room.

"What the hell?" Ally asked obviously pissed

"Yeah Taylor what the fuck?" Liam shouted

"Look I forgave him, it wasn't his fault" I said and Liam just shook his head

"What do you mean it 'wasn't his fault'? Of course it was!" Ally shouted

"No it wasn't" I whispered sadly and Ally seemed to calm down a bit but Liam was fuming with rage.

"Whatever Taylor but when he breaks your heart again don't come crying to me" Liam said before storming out the door "Again." He spat harshly and I felt tears well up in my eyes

"Liam wa-" I started to say but Ally cut me off.

"Let him calm down, it will be okay" she whispered and hugged me.

"It really wasn't his fault" I whispered and she nodded in reply.

"Okay, I believe you but if he hurts you at all I'll kill him" she said and I nodded "Im gonna go calm Liam down, go watch your movies and I'll call you later, love you babe" she said and I nodded letting go

"Love you too" I said and she left while I just stood there

"Hey? Where'd the tag team go- Are you okay?" Luke asked as I turned around to face him

"I'm fine" I whispered wiping my tear stained face and as he was about to argue I cut him off "So, movies?" I asked cheerily and his smile lifted back up after having some sort of mental debate with himself as he grabbed my hand and led me to the couch he was previously sitting on

"Let's get started" he said with a grin.

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