The Overprotective Dad

By Angienoodler

510 47 11

Hayley has always done what's she's supposed to with no questions asked. Haden is a new guy in town that has... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Three

62 6 0
By Angienoodler

When Hayley got home she automatically put her stuff in her room and started to change her outfit so she could get ready for her date with Haden. Luckily her dad wouldn't be home for a while so she was able to stay at Haden's without him knowing she was hanging out with him.

She decided to wear a cute high waisted black and floral skirt with a black long sleeved crop top and some pink flats since some of the flowers had pink in them. She even curled her naturally straight hair and put on some make up.

When she knocked on his door and he answered, she noticed he had changed too. Before he was wearing jeans and a tee shirt, now he was wearing jeans and an open button down shirt with no shirt under it so his abs were showing. "Wow," he said while staring at how good she looked.

"Wow is right," she said while staring at how good he looked.

"Come on in. No ones home since my mom is out of town til next week. I just got her text," he said as Hayley sat on his couch. She noticed his house was spotless and there was no sign of the fact that Haden just moved here.

Instead it looked as if he had been here for months already. "I noticed you ditched school today," Hayley said as Haden sat next to her.

"Yeah I had to finish packing and set everything up for you," he smiled before heading to the kitchen.

"Are you thirsty?" He called as Hayley went in to take a look.

"No I'm fine," she said politely.

"Don't ask for any of mine then," Haden joked before grabbing a bottle of water.

"So are you usually home by yourself?" Hayley asked with interest.

"Let's play a game," Haden changed the subject.

"Okay," Hayley said before Haden ran to the living room and picked up two pillows. When he got back in the kitchen, he hit Hayley with one and threw the other at her before he ran out the kitchen and up the stairs.

"I'm going to get you for that!" Hayley yelled before picking up her pillow and chasing after him.

When she got upstairs, she didn't know which room he was in so she walked more cautiously.

First she checked the bathroom but he was no where to be seen. When she got out of the bathroom though, he snuck up behind her and picked her up. "Put me down!" She yelled while laughing.

"Okay!" He said before pulling down the stairs to the attic and carrying her up them.

When they got up there he threw her on his bed and then pulled up his stairs. "Wow your room is cool," Hayley said while getting off the bed and looking around.

"Not really but thanks," Haden said modestly.

Hayley automatically noticed his ribbons and metals that were on his night stand by his bed. "Wow. You win the science fair a lot," Hayley said while picking one up and looking at it.

"Yeah science comes easily to me I guess," Haden said while sitting in his bed watching her. "My dad was a scientist. He loved to do experiments with me as a kid. When he died I decided to carry on his ideas and put them into my science fairs," Haden said sadly.

"I'm so sorry," Hayley said before putting the medal down and sitting next to him.

"It's fine. Hey you want to see some of what I've been working on?" Haden asked excitedly.

"Yeah," Hayley said before they went downstairs and into the garage.

When Hayley saw his garage she was in shock. Parts were everywhere and there was a huge table in the middle with a half built jet pack in it. "It's a jet pack. I haven't finished it yet but once I figure out how to make it fly, then I can put it in the fair," Haden said with a smile.

"You're such a nerd. I love that about you," Hayley said amazed at how smart he was.

"I act dumb to fit in but I'm not," Haden admitted.

"Well I like that your smart," Hayley said as Haden gazed in her eyes. When he got closer to her, he moved her hair out her face and leaned into kiss her.

Just as they were about to kiss, Hayley got a phone call. As they broke apart, Hayley answered her phone. "Hello?" She asked as she answered.

"Come home now. It's important," her dad said angrily.

"I have to go," Hayley said before opening the garage.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Hayley said before kissing him on the cheek.

"Wait!" Haden said before taking her phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked confused.

"Now you have my number," Haden said before giving it back to her.

"Bye Haden," Hayley said before leaving.

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