Their Punishments [A Loki Sto...

By JuliaHCovers

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In Asgard, Loki knocks out Hiemdoll and comes to Earth. He spots a woman and decides to follow her, and fight... More

Their Punishments
Chapter 1- Meeting... and Pizza.
Brother?! -Part 1-
Brother?! -Part 2-
Chapter 4- Hide And Seek
Chapter 5- The Teacups
Chapter 6- Can I Stay With You?
Chapter 7- No.
Chapter 9- {Insert Mission Impossible Theme Song}
Chapter 10- ... Not Boring
Chapter 11- Looking through her history
Chapter 12- Busted Twice In One Chapter... Wow Loki.
Chapter 13- Welcome--Not-- To My Home
Chapter 14- Loki can cook...?
Chapter 15- Truth Or Dare?
Chapter 16- Sorry
Chapter 17- Left
Chapter 18- This Chapter Might Be A Little Depressing...
Chapter 19- The Thunderstorm -Part 1-
Chapter 20- The Thunderstorm -Part 2-
Chapter 21- The Test
Chapter 22- Heads
Chapter 23- The Final Chapter

Chapter 8- You Cried, and Now Get Out

1.4K 47 4
By JuliaHCovers

      Loki woke up, and stood up. He walked to the couch and fell asleep there. He started to have a bed dream, muttering and tears streaming down his face.

      Then Cody gasped and woke up, “Stry—oh.” She wiped the sweat off her forehead, and panted.

      Loki screamed and woke up, “Th-that dream again…”

      Cody got out of bed quickly and ran to the bedroom door, “Are you alright?!”

      He turned the other way and wiped the tears away, “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” he said.

      “Because you screamed and you were crying.” She replied, actually looking a little concerned.

      “I was not crying.”

      “Loki, your back is turned, and your hand was at your face. That usually means someone’s crying.”

      “… I had a cut, from when I killed that guy, I was hiding in my hair… That was a terrible lie.” Loki admitted, now looking at her.

      “It sure was.” Cody said, shaking her head. She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

       Loki sighed, “Thank you for your hospitality.”

       “You’re welcome.” She said quietly.

       He walked out of the house, and Cody closed the fridge door. She sat down on the couch, “I’m gonna go buy some food.” She said to herself. She grabbed her wallet and walked outside.

       Loki was already on the roof, sitting down and looking at his helmet. “Why am I like this…? WHY?!” he threw his helm off the roof.

       Cody jumped a little as the helmet almost hit her, “Loki!” She picked up the helmet and looked at it.

       He buried his hands into his face and shook his head. He started crying again, “I’m terrible… I hate myself…” he got angry all of the sudden and screamed.

       Cody sighed and looked at him, “Come on Loki.”

       Loki sighed and jumped off the roof, walking over to Cody and taking the helm from her. “I’m sorry you had to see me like this,” he said, dignified as he put the helmet on.

       “You’re alright. Everybody goes through emotions.” She replied, walking away from the apartment.

       “I’m supposed to be perfect though. A god.” He replied, staying in the same spot.

       Cody shook her head, “Never mind.” She continued walking.

       Loki hesitated, but followed her.


Cody entered the store, and Loki followed, still in his Asgardian armor. She turned to look at him, “Why are you wearing your armor?” she asked.

        “I’m too lazy to change.” Loki replied as he shrugged.

        She rolled her eyes and continued walking towards an aisle. “Yeah whatever.” She said.

        Loki followed her, looking at various people who were staring at him. Cody sighed and glared at the people before grabbing a couple boxes of bars and things.

         “Hey Coooooody,” Loki started. “Can I do something?”

         She turned to look at him, “Depends on what ‘something’ means.”

         Loki smirked, “Well it’s kind of dramatic.”

         Cody rolled her eyes, “What is it?”

         He climbed up on a shelf, staff appearing in his hand. “Kneel before me!” he stamped his staff, loosing balance. “Oh cra—“ he fell off the shelf.

         She smiled and laughed, “Wow Loki. It’s not every day you see an all-time villain mess up on appearance.”

          Loki glared at her, “Shut up.”

         Cody sighed, “Whatever.” She walked to the cash register and paid for the groceries. And then walked out with Loki; the two walked for a couple minutes until Cody turned to look at Loki.

         “Here,” she said, tossing him a bag. Loki glared a purposely didn’t catch the bag.

         “I will not carry your food items.” He said.

         She rolled her eyes and picked the bag up herself, “Fine then. Starve and stay out on the streets then.” She continued walking.

         “I’ve got my Stark Tower plan, remember?” he smirked.

         “Okay good luck with that. Stark will be happy to use his new weapons on you.” She chuckled and continued walking.

        “I’m smarter than that, Midgardian.”

        “Okay and I don’t really care.” She said, entering her apartment. She slammed the door with her foot and started putting the groceries away.

         Loki stood there at the door, “I need directions to Stark Tower.”

         Cody sighed and opened the door, throwing a map at him. “Catch.” She closed the door again.

        He caught it and looked at the map, “I’m going to need a taxi.”

        She groaned and opened the door, “Call it yourself.”

        “How?” he asked.

        “I don’t know… walk in front of a taxi and say ‘Stop. I’m Loki, and you’re going to take me to Stark Tower.” She jokes, chuckling a little.

         “…Okay…” he said.

         Cody nodded and closed the door, and Loki walked up to a taxi.

         He knocked on its window, “Take me to Stark Tower.”

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