True Identity (On Hold)

By LunaLightandAmeeba

174 4 0

It was a day like no other. With clear blue skies, the bright luminescent sun shining down on all the eye can... More

True Identity
Chapter 1: Morning

Chapter 2: Bullies

62 2 0
By LunaLightandAmeeba

We pulled into a parking space at our school, Northwest Whitfield High School, home of the mighty Bruins. But to be honest the Bruins' just looks like a big cuddly grizzly bear. The three of us got out of the car and started walking to our usual spot in the courtyard, next to the cafeteria. The courtyard is one of my favorite places in the school it just has that majestic beauty to it with the Eastern Redbud trees and the Blossom trees all over the courtyard providing shade during the hot days of the year, and the woodland iris flowers partially around the edges of those same trees. The American coral bells lining all along the edges of the bricked sidewalk of the courtyard and the swamp milkweed flowers showered sporadically across the grass. The trees and the milkweed flowers are my favorite cause butterflies usually go to them and they make for amazing photos. Surprisingly enough this is all situated just outside the cafeteria.

            As always though everyone was staring at us and by us I mean Heather and Anna. And by everyone I mean any male or female in the vicinity of us including the teachers.

            Honestly, I don't blame them I mean my sisters are drop dead gorgeous. Any guy would be lucky to date them. I don't mean to say that because of their looks but because my sisters are very careful on whom they date. A lot of guys only want to date them for their looks which will easily get you kicked to the curb and in Heather's case also the balls.

            I mean look at them. Heather has long wavy red hair that flows to the middle of her back and looks almost on fire when she walks. She has dazzling dark hazel-green eyes to match her olive white skin. She looks even more amazing since she is wearing crimson red skinny jeans, a black top, with her black leather knee high boots, and red lipstick. Anna looks just as beautiful in her black skinny jeans, a dark blue flowing sleeveless top, black dress blazer and heels. It looks awesome on her. Her hair looks just as amazing today in its short wavy blonde curls and light blue-green eyes.

            They both look like rock-stars and me well I just like this, ordinary and plain.

            So, the three of us sat down at our usual table under a blossom tree. As we did so my sisters began talking about the pageant, so I tuned out. I hate pageants, they are so boring and the contests are usually stuck up snobs who think they are better than everyone.

            As I begin tuning out my phone buzzes. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see who it is. I look and it's Rain.

Rain: Hey, I know it's not 1st period yet but, I couldn't wait to tell you that you look beautiful.

Me: Thank you. : )

Rain: You're welcome. : D

Me: So, does this mean you can see me right now?

Rain: Yes

Me: So, that means you're in the courtyard?!

Rain: ha-ha. Yes. : D

'           I smile brightly and really big. Then, put down my phone and look around the courtyard for any guy with a cell phone or laptop, who also happened to be starting at me. But, as I looked around no guy had a laptop in sight or a cell phone in hand. They were all chit-chatting with friends. That is everyone except Oliver Black who was starting straight at me.

            Oliver Black, oh what can I say about him? Well, one thing is for sure he is drop dead sexy, 100% all hunk. But I'll keep that to myself because if my sisters knew that I thought that they would flip out. I guess you could say they aren't his biggest fans. He is nineteen years old, with straight jet black hair and luscious brown eyes. He is at least six feet tall and did I mention he is the school's resident bad-boy? So, obviously very few people like him. Especially, with his cocky attitude, and his arrogance, but, they have to admit he is very clever. Since he does get himself out of a lot of trouble scotch free. How he does that no one knows. Oliver tends to get into a lot fights and I mean A LOT! But to be frank with you all the guys he fights with deserve it. They all were perverts, disrespectful, and degraded women. So, I think it's great that he is taking the initiative to beat some sense into them, literally.

            I shake my head mentally trying to stop making myself think of how amazing he is. Although I do wonder why he is looking at me. He tends to do that a ton. It's not like I'm anything special. Hmmmm. Maybe, one day I'll ask him. I turn back to my phone and message Rain:

Me: Have you ever noticed how much Oliver Black stares at me?

Rain: Yes.

Me: Can I tell you a secret?

Rain: You know you can tell me anything.

Me: I know but, what I'm about to tell you, no one knows not even my sisters.

Rain: Not even your sisters? Why not?

Me: 'Because they would have a field day. So, promise me you won't tell a soul.

Rain: I promise. : )

Me: I think Oliver is hot. Like drop dead gorgeous hot!

Rain: Really?!

Me: Yea.

Rain: Well 1) I wasn't expecting that and 2) May I ask why you even like the guy? I mean he is a cocky prick. (No offense.)

Me: None Taken. Yea, he may seem that way to everyone else, but I don't know. I get this feeling that there is more to him than meets the eye. You know? Like to me he gets in fights yes. But, the fights he gets into are with people who deserve it. Like an example: Jake Short tried to force himself on Andrea Smith last year and the when Oliver found out the next day he got into a fist fight with him telling him that it wasn't cool to force himself onto women. Another example: Matt Jones physically abused Natasha Andrews earlier this year and when Oliver found out about that he fought him saying "how does he like being a punching bag." That same day he apologized to Natasha which in turn ended their relationship then signed himself up for rehab so he could get some help.

Rain: Ok, ok I see your point.

Me: I just don't think he's a bad guy like everyone portrays him to be. And he's not dumb like everyone thinks either. If he was, he wouldn't be able to take AP English and AP Biology.

Rain: How do you know he takes AP classes?

Me: Because we have the exact same class schedule.

Rain: You do? When did you notice that?

Me: Yes and the first week of school.

Rain: Now, Victoria I know this is going to sound weird but whatever happens, no matter what she says don't listen to her. Be strong. She is just jealous.

            As I read the text I was completely confused. That is until I noticed it was absolutely silent, not even the birds were making a noise. If I dropped a pin onto the brick pathway right now you would be able to hear it clear as you see the shining sun pop up out of the sky in the early morning. But sadly, I didn't hear anything. All I heard were three pairs of footsteps walking towards my table. I finally look up at my sisters faces and they looked pissed. I knew right then just by the looks on their faces who it was walking towards us even before I turned around to see for myself who it was. And as I turn my stomach drops because my assumptions turned out to be true.

            It was Chantel Evans and her two minions Selena Sterling and Celeste Harmon. The three girls stopped right in front of me and my sisters were at my side in a nanosecond almost literally. All I could think about was how Rains' text message finally made sense. Then veering me out of my mind blabber Chantel spoke, "So, it looks like the ugly duckling decided to come to school today." She started laughing her maniacal laugh.

            Then Anna sneered, "Oh shut it you jealous cow and leave my sister alone! What has she ever done to you?" Chantel instantly stopped laughing and stood a little taller all high and mighty almost like she had a giant stick up her butt.

She was wearing an almost skin color sleeveless sequined top with black cut off short shorts that had her butt showing a little, paired with skin toned criss cross wedged heels, various gold rings on one finger, a giant rose quartz and gold bracelet, with a thin multi-stranded necklace. If I wasn't her enemy I may say it was cute but from my angle she just looked like an evil whore.

            Chantel got up really close to my face, so close I could smell her dragon breath. And god did it smell horrible, like garlic mixed with sardines or dirty gyms socks. While still in my face she smirked and replied, "Because I am Queen Bee and the sooner she and her little group realize that the better. Besides she deserves ever bit of hate I throw at her for what she has done." She said that last part with so much anger I felt her spit go into my face. Which by the way is gross. So, I wipe my face as she stands back up straight again. I was seriously growing tired of her antics. Her hatred towards me, always bringing me down and making me feel like nothing. It was making me so angry that my hands had formed into fists and had a weird tingly feeling to it. Probably because I wish I had the guts to punch her in the face. Chantel must have noticed I was angry, and saw me clench my fists into balls, because she started laughing again like a crazy person. Then while laughing said mockingly, "Oh, look girls, we're making the ugly cry baby angry. Ha-ha. What are you going to do? Huh? You going to hit me?" She moved in towards my face again and said, "We both know you won't. You don't have the guts; you don't even have the guts to speak for yourself. Not to me but to anyone for that matter. You're just a weak pile of shit. You always have been and always will be."

            My sisters wrapped their arms around me and tried reassuring to me that Chantel and her henchmen were wrong. But I didn't hear them, all I saw were Chantel, Selena and Celeste laughing at me making fun of me in front of everyone for the millionth time since high school started. I mean at first it didn't bother me it never used to bother but soon it did and what they said felt true to me and still did. I pushed my sisters off of me, I didn't want their pity or reassurance, all I felt was anger. So much anger. Then they started singing, "Victoria is weak! Victoria is weak!" And that is when I had, had enough of it. Enough of all of it, enough them but more importantly enough of Chantel and her bullying. I stood up and looked her straight in the eyes. She stared back at me and said in a baby voice, "Aaw look she's going to run away and cry again. Just-like-always!"

            Chantel said it so triumphantly like she had won. So I did the bravest thing I had done in awhile I stood up to the three girls and yelled, "Just shut the hell up! And while you're at it get yourself a god damn breathe mint because you have dragon breathe so bad that people all the way in China can smell it. You could probably kill everyone here with how bad it smells. But just to be on the safe side you might want to have more than one mint. In my opinion you need more like a few hundred boxes of them." Everyone in the crowd that had been watching started snickering at my comment of Chantel's breathe.

            I turned away from her to pick up my backpack to put over my shoulder and grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. Face her again and say, "And one last thing, I'm not weak, if I were I wouldn't have been able to kick your ass in 4th grade for abusing Heather and won. Not, just then but on several unfortunate occasions. Oh and I'm sorry two things. And even if I was weak at least I am not a dumb bitch like you and have to sleep with my teachers to get a decent grade." As I finished that last part everyone looked at me with both shock and exultance. Like I had done something amazing. Me, well I don't think I did anything amazing. I just felt sick to my stomach because I can't believe I just did that considering I know I just made things worse.

            A ringing suddenly came from my phone but I ignored it. I continued to walk away off towards my first period American Government class taught by Coach Baron. When I got there the room was empty just as I hoped it would be. I take my usual seat in the very far back right corner, sit down, and pull my phone out to see who it was although I know the message is from Rain.

Rain: Did my eyes deceive me or did you just stand up to Chantel and her clones?

Me: Ugh. I did and part of me wishes I hadn't. I think I just made things worse, a whole lot worse for myself. :'(

Rain: Don't worry everything will be fine I promise. Are you ok?

Me: I doubt that. And sort of.

Rain: Sort of?

Me: I'm glad I did it, I finally told her off told her to suck it like we always talked about, but scared worried 'cause I think I made things worse for myself.

Rain: Everything will be ok. You did the right thing. I'm very proud of you. : )

Me: Thanks. Did you see how everyone looked at me when I stood up to her? It was uber creepy and scary. Plus everyone was almost dead silent.

Rain: That is because you don't usually speak out like that, let alone talk to anyone besides your sisters. And because you usually tend to be the bigger person and not do anything. But, everyone is proud of you, they thought the dragon breathe part was funny. Ha-ha. As did I. Did her breathe smell that bad?

Me: You have no idea! Lol :)

            As I finished my text I get into my backpack and pull out my laptop. I open, and then turn it on. And start playing pinball with my headphones on. In the middle of my first game second round I notice in the corner of my left eye that someone has walked in to the classroom and is now sitting in the seat next to me. I look away from my game and see that it's Oliver Black. Who is once again staring at me. I look at my game and notice that it's still going. So I finish it off with a whooping 6,932,596 points which makes a new record for me. I slide my headphones down to my neck. Look at Oliver and ask, "Why do you always stare at me?" He smiled and countered, "Why do you always stare back?" I thought about what to say for a second and replied, "Because I find you intriguing."

            He smirks and says, "Then there's the answer to your question." I looked at him kind of puzzled and said, "How do I of all people intrigue you? I'm a nobody who is going to die by the wrath of Chantel." I laugh.

            Oliver smiles and says, "I doubt you're a nobody. Just about everybody at this school looks up to you." I looked at him and laughed while saying," Next you're going to tell me I'm the freaking Easter bunny!" His face suddenly became serious, more serious than I have ever seen before and I abruptly stopped laughing.

            Oliver says with conviction, "You are more important to everyone than you realize. You may be shy and quiet but you still show great strength. Strength not many have. Everyone in this school including the teachers are proud of you. Proud of you for never letting Chantel get the best of you but also for standing up to her today and telling her enough is enough."

            I frown and look down sadly at my feet almost crying and whisper, "But she has gotten the best of me every single time! And as for standing up to her. Well, that was a mistake. A horrible mistake." A tear started rolling down my cheek and I wiped it away before he noticed it.

            Oliver said concernedly, "I never knew she got to you that much. Your sisters said you stopped worrying about it awhile ago."

            I laughed dryly and said, "My sisters only think that because I refuse to let them see me cry over Chantel's bullying. I still cry over it hence why I walk away afterwards. No point in telling them, if they are just going to tell me how wrong Chantel is and don't listen to her and blah blah blah. Its stuff I already know, I have heard them say it so many times I could recite it with them." I breathe a short breath out and say, "I don't even know why I'm telling you this, it's not like you care anyway."  I wipe my eyes, pack my computer and headphones into my bag and as I stood to get up I felt a hand on my wrist. I look down and it's Oliver's.

            I ask, "What are you doing? What do you want from me?"

            He replies, "I do care, more than you know. Just please, don't leave." I look at him confused and sit back down in my chair slowly, at which he releases my wrist. And I ask harshly, "Why do you care? You barely even know me." He smiles that cocky grin of his and answered, "I have my reasons. But please don't leave." I laugh and said, "I'm sorry but the way you said that and with that grin of yours it was just too cute." He then smiles the most genuine smile I have ever seen on him. It literally took my breath away at how much that smile lit up his face. I ask, "Why do you keep saying that?"

"Saying what?"

"For me to please don't leave."

            He ruffles his hair and while slightly blushing and says, "Well, depends do you want the truth?" I look at him and say, "It would be a hell of a lot better than a lie." He laughs and counters, "Well, that's true. Ok, here goes nothing." I looked at him waiting to hear his answer.

            "It's because I wanted to get to know you better." When he said that I was totally shocked. I never would have guessed he would have wanted to get to know me. But at the same time worried that maybe his getting to know me was not what I thought it meant. I mean come on he is a high school teenage boy after all.

So I ask, "Get to know me how exactly?"

"You know as friends' maybe. That is if you are up to having a crazy bad-ass friend like me."

I laughed at his bad-ass remark and said, "Why not, I could use more friends besides my sisters. Plus then I can figure out why you're so intriguing to me. But warn you I am a bad-ass myself rumor has it that I took on a dragon and lived to tell the tale." We both laughed. "But in all serious-ness Oliver you should be warned my sisters aren't, let's say your biggest fans." He smiles, "Eh. Who in this school is? Besides they don't scare me." I laugh, "Well then Mr. Black that makes you brave, very brave."

As the bell rings my sisters walk in to the classroom then stop immediately at the site of Olive sitting next to and talking to me. I look at Oliver, smile then whisper, "I told you so."

He replied while laughing, "Damn you weren't kidding. If looks could kill I would be dead god only knows how many times by now."

Heather and Anna slowly walk up glaring daggers at Oliver. As they get to my desk Anna asks, "Is this douche bothering you?" I look at Anna disapprovingly. Which by the look in her eyes shocks her. I then stand and look both her and Heather in the eyes and say angrily, "That 'douche' is my friend. And I would appreciate it if you didn't call him that." Heather and Anna stood there looking at me dumbfounded. They couldn't believe what I had just said.

Heather immediately starts off by saying, "How can he of all people be your friend? He is just as bad a Chantel! He bullies someone at least once a week." Once she said that I became soo angry at Heather that I felt my hands tingle again. I screamed at her saying, "Heather, you have no clue what you are talking about! If you notice he only does that with people who deserve it. Like Jake Short who tried to force himself on Andrea Smith and Matt Jones who abused Natasha Andrews! But of course you don't know that or even notice it because the two of you rather believe all the trashy rumors and gossip that is spread around this school, which about 97% of it is false. Instead, of actually facing the facts. You two say I have changed, but in reality it's you guys who really did the changing. I may have been quiet and shy but I never lost who I truly was. You want to know how I know that? Because all you two do is judge a book by its cover instead of by who they really are. So, before you tell me what to do. Why don't you go look in a mirror because all I see is two future minions for Chantel!"

As I finished I had realized the final bell had already rang and that all my classmates were in the classroom. And quite stunned by my second outburst of the day. Wow, I must really be on a roll today. I mean first Chantel and now my sisters, I seriously have no clue what has gotten into me. I feel like for some reason I can't control my anger as much as I used to anymore.

I sit down in my desk and tried to calm myself with deep breathing, and relaxing my hands. Considering, when I get this hot headed that is what helps but this time it's taking me a whole lot longer to cool off.

Coach Baron said awkwardly, "Ok class, please take you seats. I have a surprise for you all." Everyone sat down in their seats quietly. And some of them were staring at me, my sisters and Oliver. Then Coach Baron passes back a packet for us students and says, "This is the big surprise. A group project that is worth 50% of your overall grade for the semester." Everyone groaned and a random student from across the room I believe his name was Rick retorted, "You call this a surprise?"

Coach Baron laughs and says, "Well, if you all will stop groaning and let me finish. You would have known that the group with the highest grade will win a prize." At the word prize everyone in the class became excited. "So here is the deal. Everyone needs to get into groups of three or four. And if you look at the packet that has been passed to you all, you will see that you and your group will be creating your own country and yes you may chose your own group. Also this project will be due in two months which will be plenty of time for you to get this done. So, I don't want any excuses as to why it is not done. If it is not 100% done points will be deducted and if you don't bring it in you will receive a zero. Now if for some reason a member of your group has the project and they are out sick that day then I will allow you to present it the day that they are back to school and no points will be deducted. With that being said you may find your groups, then let me know who you are working with, and then begin working on your project with your group."

Anna turns around and looks at me excitedly and asks, "Hey sis, what do you want to do for our country?"

I reply, "I don't know what you and Heather are doing but Oliver, Zach and I are debating between a monarchy and a dictatorship."

Anna shocked said, "But we always do a project together just you, me and Heather."

I snap back, "And now I'm doing one with Oliver and Zach. Now please excuse me my group and I have work to do."

I turn my desk away from my sisters and towards Zach and Oliver so that my desk was touching their desks. And ask the boys, "So boys' monarchy or dictatorship?" Zach smirks then laughs. Oliver looks at me with guarded eyes and says, "You know you don't have to do this. You can do the project with your sisters I don't mind."

I reply, "I know I don't have to. I want to. Plus it gives us a chance to get to know each other better."

Oliver stares at me then over my shoulder at my sisters and asks, "Are you sure?" I grin and leaned forward on my desk with my arms and say teasingly, "Why Mr. Black do my ears deceive me or are you trying to get rid of me from this group? Or is it because you're scared of my sisters back there." I said, pointing to the desks behind me.

Once I said that Zach busted out laughing so hard he had to clutch his chest so he wouldn't fall over from laughing so hard. While he was laughing I smiled a playful smile towards Oliver while he got defensive and said, "No! I just want to make sure that you want to work on this project with us."

"I'm sure."

"Ok then."


 After Zach had stopped laughing we all had agreed to do a dictatorship and low and behold, they made me the dictator. Oliver was the Commander in Chief for the military and Zach is our economic official/advisor. Which to me is a little odd, I thought he might want to have Oliver's job in this project since he loves weapons so much but I guess you can never judge a book by its cover.

In forty minutes of class time we have decided our country's name would me Night, the flag would be dark blue with a full moon in the center and thirteen starts circling the moon to represent the thirteen districts of our country and how they are united as a whole. The weapons for the military will consist both of modern day weapons (such as: AK47, tanks, atomic bombs, grenades, sniper rifles and a few other things) along with weapons that aren't used in the military anymore (such as: bows and arrows, catapults, cannons and etc.) since we are too technologically advanced now. We also decided that our country's flower will be the Osirian Rose. This in my opinion is the most beautiful flower in the entire universe. And have also decided that we are going to dress up for the presentation of the project. Which I plan on making our clothes myself. Well at least mine and Oliver's, Zach says he may just go buy a suit since all he is, is a politician.

"Alright class, we have five minutes until the bell rings. So, if you would like you may put your things away and talk amongst yourselves." Coach Baron said.

I put my laptop and binder away into my school bag. Then realize I haven't gotten a message from Rain since the Chantel outburst before class. So, I take my phone out of my pocket and text him:

Me: Hey, how's your class going?

I wait for a minute to see if he replies but he never did. Which is odd considering he always replies back to me and almost instantaneously too. But not this time. I frown slightly and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Hey what's with the long face, superwoman?" Oliver asks.

I smile slightly at his superwoman reference and say, "Nothing, just waiting for one of my close friends to message me. Usually we text all throughout the day especially during this class. But, I haven't gotten a message from him since before class."

"You worried about him?"

"No, just curious as to why he is ignoring me; I hope it's not because of what happened with me and Chantel earlier. I would be really sad if it was and if he let that get in the way of our friendship." I lay my arms down on my desk and rest my head on them.

"It sounds like you really care about this guy. Who is he?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah. He is one of the closest people I know in my life and his name i-"

Annabeth starts laughing loudly and says harshly, "Oh please, Vic, really one of the closest people in your life."Annabeth laughs harder and says snidely, "You don't even know his real name or what he looks like. He is just some stalker freak that is obsessed with you!"

Heather just smirks and nods in agreement with Anna. I look at them and say venomously, "Oh for once in your pathetic lives just shut the hell up already; he is not some obsessed stalker freak! He goes to our school for Christ's sake. Now just because you two are jealous and you don't like that he is drooling and crushing all over me instead of you two doesn't mean you can be hateful bitches to me!"

"We are not jealous! We are just trying to have your back and show you what's best. I mean you don't even know him, and never even met him. I mean how do you even know he goes to this school with us?" Heather yells.

Snidely I reply, "In translation you mean you want to control my life by telling me what I can and can't do and who I can and can't talk to. And just because I have never met him doesn't mean I don't know him because I do know him!"

"Oo-oo and let me guess your instincts told you that right?" Anna says sarcastically while laughing with an uncanny laugh that resembled Chantel's.

"As a matter a fact they did. And if there is one thing I have learned it's to always trust my instincts 'cause they will never lead you astray. But by the looks of things you two ditched your own instincts and traded them in for lies, gossip and rumors and pretty much conforming to Chantel's thinking instead of your own."

The bell rings signaling the end of first period. So, I grab my backpack look at Oliver who has a sexy grin on his face and ask, "You want to hang out today? Like all day during classes and maybe after school?"

Oliver replies, "Yeah, sure sounds fun to me. Will you need a ride home?"

I looked at my sisters shocked expressions and turn back towards Oliver and reply, "Yes."

"Sweet, let's rock n' roll then." Oliver smirks at my sisters.

As I leave the classroom I see the looks on my sisters' faces which portray both anger and betrayal. I could care less however. All I can think about is how angry they are making me and this seriously weird tingling in my hands that won't seem to go away.

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