Resisting temptation (sequel...

By Screamin_to_be_heard

101K 1.1K 190

in the ending of 'my life as Aubrey' Aubrey got pregnant. in this story it tell's about her daughter Delilah... More

Resisting temptation (sequel to my life as Aubrey)
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15 one problem down
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36 the ending

chapter 16

2.5K 28 3
By Screamin_to_be_heard

Thanks for voting, commenting and fanning guys!!!!

and a big thanks to xxRandomxThoughtsxx for updating on her next chapter!! if you guys haven't read 'his unmarked territory' you need to, badly!

 anyways, get to readen!!!....

Chapter 16….

“So what are going to do?” Damon asked me.

I sighed chewing on a chip. I leaned back on my palms on the dock. I swing my feet over the lake. I glanced up at him but he was looking off at the lake.

“I honestly don’t know.” I finally told him.

I came here after I stormed out of my house. Not long after Damon found me.

“Well sorry to tell you this but you have to know.” He said hitting his shoulder with mine.

I throw my head back and look up at the night sky. “I know.” I said then blurted, “I just can’t believe she’s so willing to just forget about it!”


“Mom?” I asked her putting a hand on her arm.

She finally looked away from him and I could see different emotions running through her at once. Surprise, confusion, sadness, anger, rage, happiness.

She looked back at the man and said the most shocking, jarring thing. “Delilah, this is your grandfather.” She said.

I looked from her to the stranger on the front porch.

“what.” I said shocked. At first I didn’t even know what to do or say but then everything my dad said to me the other night came back and rage ran through me.

“Why the hell are you here?!” I screamed at him.

He flinched back confusion coming over him but then realization came to his eyes.

“I know what-“he started but I interrupted him.

“No. answer the question. Why are you here?” I asked him slowly.

I think dad heard my outburst because he came down the hall at that moment.

“Delilah, who are you talking to?” he asked opening the door further open but then paused.

I glanced behind me at him and saw exactly how I felt. Rage.

“Mr. Livingston.” Dad said. “What can we do you for?” he asked.

“That’s just what I was asking, dad.” I said truing back to my ‘grandfather’.

“Okay, guys, let’s just calmed down, okay?” mom asked. She turned back to her ‘dad’ and said, “Would you like to come in?” she asked.

“What?!” I asked outraged. “You want him to come inside? No!” I exploded.

Dad rested his hands on my shoulders and said, “Come on, Delilah, if your mother wants him to come in then he can.”

I take a step out from under his hands and turned to face him. “I thought you would be the one to back me up on this. I thought you would be the number one person to not want him to come in here.” My anger was building and the next thing that came out of my mouth I knew I was going to regret. “Did you forget what he did to her? What he put her through? Do you even remember how she looked or how she acted because of him?” I shouted at him.

I saw hurt, sadness and most of all anger. And I don’t even think it was directed at my ‘grandfather’.

I turned and pushed my way out of the front door and down the steps.

“Delilah!” I heard mom scream.

I broke out in a run and I pushed my legs to go faster.

I ran until my legs started to ache and my side started to get a pain in it. My breathing was coming in and out in gasps. And the next thing I know I am at the lake. I slowly walk to the dock and sit down. After a moment I lay on my back and look up at the sky. All I see is blue and some white clouds.

I lay there already regretting what I said to dad. I know he could never forget what happened to mom, I know he probably wanted to slam the door in my so called ‘grandfather’s’ face and probably wanted to do a lot more than that to him but what he said just caught me so off guard and it pissed me off.

I remembered hearing my mom scream my name and I know I should have stayed, that she probably needs me right now but I just can’t stand there and pretend that he didn’t do anything of those things I picture every day. I feel wetness on my check and I lazily use my hand to whip it away. But when more wetness came after that one I realize I was crying.

Which brought more round of tears because I have no idea why I am crying. I sigh sitting up. I pound my fist on the dock as hard as I could and then cried out in pain. I shake my hand trying to get the pain to go away.

“That was smart.”

I heard someone say behind me. My heart soared and my stomach was filled with butterfly’s in a second.

“What do you want, Damon?” I asked without turning around.

I could hear his boots clumping down the dock towards me then finally he lowered himself beside me. I quickly whipped my checks.

He sighed then out of the corner of my eye I saw him stretched his arm towards me. I looked over at him and saw he had a bag of chips in his hand. That made me laugh, I shook my head at him.

He shook the bag, making the chips raddle inside. I rolled my eyes and stuck my hand in the bag bring out a chip.

“Now, why are you here?” he asked me.

“I needed some air.” I told him nibbling on the chip.

“You’re a terrible lair, Delilah.” He said.

I glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. “I’m not lying.”

He looked back at me. “No but you’re not telling the full truth.” He pointed out.

I looked out across the lake and shrugged. “So.”

“Fine you don’t have to talk about.” He said leaning back.


I eventually told him everything that happened that day. Starting with breaking up with Jake and I think I saw a hint of a smile during that. Then I told him about meeting my ‘grandfather’ and then ending up here.

“She probably didn’t forget, Delilah. Just because she invited him inside doesn’t mean she forgave him. She’s probably being polite.” He said.

I let out a frustrated sound and threw my hands in the air. “But she shouldn’t be polite! What he did to her, she should have yelled at him and slammed the door in his face!” I yelled.

“Well, I don’t know what he did so I can’t agree with you but it’s not up to you whether your mom forgives him or not. It’s up to her. And if she does she’s going to need you on her side.” He told me.

I glanced at him. “When did you become Dr. Phil?” I asked.

“Huh, I don’t know.” He said then looked at me. “Maybe it’s you. We really need to make out more. Your making me think too much.” He said.

And to my surprise that actually made me laugh. I shook my head. “I should probably go home, huh?”

He nodded. “I think that might actually be the right thing to do.” He stood up and took my hands helping me up. I shivered in the night air. He shrugged off his jacket and helped me into it.

“Come on, I’ll give you a ride.” He said leading me to his bike.

We climbed on and he sped off towards my house.

Comment, vote and fan!

I hope you like it!

Sorry for the long wait, been busy. I hope it doesn’t take me a week to update again!

thanks for reading guys!

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