Not What It Seems (A Harry St...

By dead_accountx

4.3K 71 2

Summer vacation just started and Alex and Katie couldn't be more excited! What's better than spending the sum... More

Meeting the Characters
Chapter 2: Getting Suspicious
Chapter 3: Suspicions Confirmed
Chapter 4: Taken (no, not the Liam Neeson movie)
Chapter 5: Getting Worried
Chapter 6: State of Panic
Chapter 7: Car Rides
Chapter 8: Your New Home
Chapter 9: Waking Up In Hell
Chapter 10: Meeting 'Them'
Chapter 11: Meeting Harry
Chapter 12: Feeling Hopeless
Chapter 13: Adventures in Funderland
Chapter 14: Zayn's Visit
Chapter 15: Repairs
Chapter 16: She's Different
Chapter 17: Escaping
Chapter 18: Cleaning Up
Chapter 19: Group Chat
Chapter 20: Punishment
Chapter 21: Worried
Chapter 22: Cocoa Puffs
Chapter 23: "We need to talk"
Chapter 24: "but I never told any of you"
Chapter 25: Unanswered
Chapter 26: "He's changed."
Chapter 27: It's becoming dangerous
Chapter 28: Chatting with Faye
Chapter 29: Chatting with Faye (part 2)
Chapter 30: Other Side Of The Line
Chapter 31: Other Side Of The Line (part 2)

Chapter 1: Finally Out

158 3 1
By dead_accountx

*RIIIINNNGGGG* The school bell finally rang and the whole auditorium started shouting and celebrating. At the end of every school year, right before summer vacation starts, the whole school gets together in the auditorium for a 'goodbye' assembly.

Anyway, students were running out the doors by the hundreds, screaming, hollering, some were even singing. Haha, I'm gonna miss some of them, but not all of them. Not everybody liked me, but it's not like I really gave a shit, all I need is Katie and I'm fine!

Speak of the devil, here she comes.

"Ahhhh oh my god we're gonna be juniors," she shouted, jumping up and down. Excited much?

"I know," I shouted back. Only 2 more years left at this shitty school and then I can finally leave. Well, it's not that the school's shitty, it's the annoying-ass people that attended.

I just wanna punch some of them right in the face half the time. Between the guys who are obsessed with 'swag' and the girls who practically wear bikinis to school and get away with it, I'm more than ready to get away from them for 3 months! Plus my birthday's in August so yay for that too!

Katie and I decided to walk to the local cafe to grab a coffee and head home to start our summer (which would most likely consist of Twitter, Tumblr, and pizza).

On our walk to the cafe, I noticed a white van out of the corner of my eye, but I just shrugged it off and kept on my path to the cafe because, after the day I've had, I'm in desperate need of a coffee!

(A/N: Hi everybody! I hope you liked the first chapter. I promise the story gets better. I'm new and I'll gradually get better at writing, you just have to bare with my amateur writing the first few chapters ! Have an awesome day, my lovelies! -AllieCat816)

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