Kidnapped by Bring Me The Hor...

By sun_bean_

67.6K 2.1K 512

Jasey is a normal girl who will not talk. She can talk but she choses not to which is kind of difficult consi... More

Chapter One: Kidnapped
Chapter Two: Eating's For The Living
Chapter Four: The Test
Chapter Five: Mmrs
Chapter Six: The Great Escape
Chapter Seven: The End
Info On Sequel

Chapter Three: Scars

7.4K 289 113
By sun_bean_

I sighed and leaned back into the bathroom wall. Scars covered my body. Some were from the car crash, some were from my father, some were from myself. When I stopped talking, I resorted to cutting. It was what I thought I had to do. I heard a knock on the door and I stood up quickly, very aware that the red stood out on my skin. I shoved myself against the door and groaned. 

"Are you alright, Jasey?" asked Jordan's voice. What a stupid question. I gritted my teeth and felt the door move a little from behind me. "Jasey, let me in, please?" 

I grunted and stared shaking my head. He couldn't see me, but I know he understood I was saying no. 

"Jasey, I have clothes for you. Come on, please?" 

Reluctantly, I slid away from the door. It creaked open and I hid my arms and legs. I saw Jordan eye me carefully, then he sighed through his nose. "Here's some clothes. This is Oli's sweater...these are my sweats." 

Underwear. I signed. I need underwear.

"Alright, hold on." He muttered, turning pink. He turned around and shut the door, then he came back, holding a pair of boxers. "Here. Will these do?" 

Bra, you idiot. I need a bra. I watched as he sighed. 

"We don't have anything like...wait...hang on." He turned around again. I grunted and slowly slid on the boxers and then the sweatpants. Any other situation, I would be giggling like a maniac, but this time, I was seriously regretting ever wanting to go to Warped Tour. 

"Here." Jordan said happily. "I found this. Someone threw it to Lee and he kinda kept it. You can have it if you want...I hope it fits you." 

I raised an eyebrow at the lacy bra that was in Jordan's hand. He smiled grimly at me and handed it to me. I frowned deeply and made a face. He chuckled. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He told me, shutting the door behind him. I pulled on the bra and then shoved the sweater over my head. I stared at myself in the mirror and instantly began to cry. The sobs wracked through my body and I started to shake. I wanted to go home...HOME. I wanted to go home. I was homesick. What were they going to do to me? Were they going to kill me? They killed that other guy without even meaning to! Were they going to do the same thing to me?

I gasped loudly and curled into a ball, my heart racing slightly faster than usual. I was so fucking scared. The door opened and a hand wrapped around my arm. 

"Get up." said the voice. I looked up and saw Matt frowning at me. He looked concerned and a little annoyed. I started signing to him furiously. 

Let me go! Let go! You're hurting me! Stop-Matt pulled my hand down to my side and stared at me in the eyes. 

"I have no idea what you're fucking saying." He leaned his head a little to the left and smirked a little bit. "I don't even think you're a real mute. I think you can talk, but you're too much of a pussy to do it." 

I bit my lip and let a strangled groan escape my lips. Matt had a smug smile on his lips and he dug his fingernails into my wrist. I gave a weird screeching noise and ripped my arm away from him, skin tearing. I could already feel blood coming up quickly. Matt's eyes widened slightly as he stared at the cream colored sweater I was wearing. 

"Is that blood?" He whispered, taking a step towards me. I shook my head and took a step back. "Stop." He warned, holding out a hand, but I turned and bolted. I opened the door, trying to stay out of Matt's grasp. It never occurred to me that it looked like I was escaping. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!"

I ran, not looking for an exit, just looking for a way to escape from Matt. 

I saw Jordan's tall figure, leaning against the wall talking to Lee and Oli. I stumbled into Jordan and buried my face into his chest. 

"What's wrong? How'd you get out here?" He whispered, pulling me back a little bit. I shoved him away from me and started signing. 

Matt hurt me-Jordan cut me off and grabbed my hand. He turned it over and stared at the cream colored shirt turning a crimson at my wrist. 

"What is this?" He questioned. 

"Jordan, we should get out of the halls." Lee muttered. Jordan nodded and pulled away from the walls, holding me carefully. I started sniffling again. We went back to the room and I saw Matt sitting on the bed with Vegan. 

"You're not that smart, Jasey." Matt said, thinking I was trying to run away from him. I bared my teeth at him and started to sign to him, but gave up, knowing he didn't know what I was saying. I could talk to him. I don't want to. 

"Shut up, Matt." Jordan sighed. He pulled my sleeve up a little bit and took a small glance at the marks. What the fuck is this, Jasey? he signed to me, looking angry. I shook my head. 

Nothing. I promise. I replied, shaking. Why should you care? If I never saw you kill that guy, you wouldn't have cared any ways.

Jordan drew a sharp breath and shook his head. 

"You're wrong." He said aloud. The others looked confused, but he never looked away from me. "You're wrong. We all would have still cared." 


Jasey, please don't be like this. Jordan's eyes went up a little bit, staring at my hair now. I frowned. 

Be like what? I just want to go home.

You will go home. As promised. Jordan made a small noise in the back of his throat. I promise you'll be able to go home.

I nodded once and we all resumed into silence. 

"We have to play tonight." Vegan sighed. 

"Who's going to watch her?" Matt muttered. 

Leave me here. I suggested. Trust? I'll show you I can earn it

"I may be nice, but I'm not stupid, Jasey." Jordan scolded me. I blushed and looked away. 

"We can...well...We can knock her out." Oli offered, sounding sick to his stomach. "And just tie her up in the closet or something." 

"That's our best bet." Lee said, his eyes looking away from mine. My jaw dropped. 

Knock me out? I shoved Jordan a little bit making him lose his balance slightly. Are you fucking serious? You're not serious, are you? You won't let him do that to me. Will you?

I'm sorry, Jasey, but it's our best shot. Jordan looked guilty. And like we said before, trust is earned.

I didn't run when I could have! I stamped my foot a little bit and signed with aggression. When I ran out of the room, I ran to find you. I could have left the building. I could have shouted for help! I could have said something!

Then fucking speak! Jordan stared intently at me with his greying eyes and I flinched back. We stared at each other, anger coursing through my veins. He sighed and shook his head. 

"Alright. We have some sleeping medication. We'll give her a bunch of that. Make sure you don't kill her." Jordan sighed and pointed to the bed. "Sit." 

I slowly did as I was told as Lee fished around in a bag and pulled out a bottle. 

"This shit knocks me out when I take four." Lee told Oli, handing him the bottle. "It takes me about two minutes to sleep with five though." 

Jordan shakily tied my feet together with a tie and then did the same to my hands. Great. Now I couldn't communicate with them. 

"Give her five, then." Vegan said, grabbing me a glass of water. Oli walked up to me and took the water from Vegan. 

"Open your mouth, Jasey." he whispered. I silently did as I was told. Oli placed two oval-like pills on my tongue and allowed me to take a drink. I swallowed the pills with no problem. Then he told me to do it again, and then once more. I finished the glass of water and I frowned slightly. Lee was right. This was really strong medicine. I could already feel drowsy. Fuck. 

I grunted and slowly laid back, my eyes closing slightly. I carefully signed with my fingers. Jordan...

I felt a hand on mine and I slowly tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy. 

"Sleep, Jasey." He told me. I frowned. Fine. I'll sleep. 


Goddamn it, I fell asleep again. I opened my eyes and was greeted by darkness. I felt a body next to mine. They were breathing heavily. I let my eyes adjust and I flinched back, almost falling out of bed again, but I hit another body. Great. I was in between two bodies. But who's? 

I leaned over and tried to see the face of one of the people. Matt. Lee was on the bed on my right. I grunted and rolled over, and saw Vegan on the other side. I bit at my lips and sat up slowly. Jordan was sprawled out on the couch, his mouth open slightly. I felt like crying again. Oli and Matt were in the other room. I sighed and fell back into the bed again. I felt the breathing next to me hitch. 

"Jasey? Are you awake?" whispered Vegan's voice. I just pretended to be sleeping again. I heard a soft sigh and felt Vegan relax next to me. I rolled my eyes and closed them hoping for morning. 


I basically said fuck it. I'm going to write this anyways. I don't really care. :)

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