The Book of Lost Stories

By EA3112

900 47 57

This book is a collection of short stories formed from the mind of a teenage girl (a.k.a me). It consists of... More

Twice as Innocent*
Mystery Boy
The Shadow*
Missing Cookie Dough and Smiling Orphans
A Soundless Battle ~ Not Another Fairy Tale
A Soundless Battle ~ Twice as Shattered
Murder of My Beloved
The Reunion
Deaths Impact
The Unseen
Animal War
Can't Handle The Beauty
Writing Contest
What Do You Think?
Aisha Bint Abu Abkr
Living in the Country
The Mystery in The Big Apple
Finishing Up
Alternative Ending: Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

The Bummer of Being a Presidents Daughter

33 2 4
By EA3112

My dad has just given me my freedom. I can now go anywhere within a five mile radius of our house. The first thing I wanna do is get some ice cream. I love my dad but he can be a bit over protective. I can handle myself. Its not like I'm gonna get kidnapped or anything.

I walk in haste with my toffee and caramel ice cream. I have to be home by sunset. Which is in twenty minutes. I here foot steps behind me. They are soft, but I can still tell they're coming from a big person. I whip around only to be grabbed by my auburn hair.

"Hello there, Crystal." He speaks. A hand goes behind his back.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? Get off me you creep!" I might have taken a bit self defense. But it definitely wasn't for some thrice my size. This dude has got a serious addiction to the gym.

He takes a cloth and places it on my nose. Be for he can I hold my breath. It takes about I can't hold it very long. I end up holding it from so long that I pas out without the help of the chemical. Some help that was. I thought as I fell into the darkness.

I wake up in what looks like an unkept basement. The walls are stained a and filthy. The air is stale. I see the stairs that lead up hurriedly, I begin climbing them. My body aches in pain with every movement. I'm almost to the top when it gives way and I go crashing down ten feet, hitting the floor hard with my back. Wood splinters prick my arms and legs.

The door above reveals the same man that took me. He is actually quite handsome. Although true beauty comes from the inside. Which he obviously lacks. Funny thing is, I've seen him before. Not sure where though. He's like one of those people everyone hears about but their forgotten anyway. 

I stare at him as he puts down a latter and climbs down. He walks towards me and stands about three feet away. He doesn't speak. He stands there, almost as if to study me. I give him a steady glare in return. His foot lifts off the ground before he takes a fast step forward. I blink at him slowly, not at all surprised by his sudden movements.

"Ah, fearless are you?" It's not a question, simply a statement.

"No," I shrug. "Just observant."

"Interesting. So, what would you want in exchange for secrets?"

"It depends on the questions, and the prizes." I say with a smirk. 

"Give me the more humiliating secrets of Justin Keith, and I will get you anything who desire?"

"Do you really think that I'd  give a creepy guy like you top secret info on my own father?"

"Surely you must spite your father in some way. Every teenager does at one point." He says.

"Well, hate to break it to you; okay not really, but I'm not even close to a normal teenager." 

I rush towards him, my right fist meeting his face. I push him to the side while he's stunned. This causes him to lose his balance and fall to the floor. I then climb up the ladder as swiftly as humanly possible. I stop to take in my surroundings, but only long enough to figure of that I'm in the kitchen of an old house. The front door is painfully obvious. No, really. There's a sign above the door that reads 'Welcome to the front door.'  Who does that? No matter, I better get going. 

I rush out the door and scan my surroundings. Surprisingly I'm only about a twenty minute walk from the city. Ten minutes while running, which I need to do if I wanna escape. I take a deep breath a begin running. I step into the streets panting, only to be pulled back into the shrubs. I fight with my attacker for a good three minutes. Suddenly I am hit in the head from behind. I sigh, here we go again. 


I awaken to the noise of a loud city and a polluted sky. Best place to wake up in the world.  My kidnapper comes into my view and hoists me on my feet. A rope binds my hands behind my back in a most uncomfortable position. He drags me to the edge of this flat roof. I see the door open below and out walk Justin Keith, president of the United States of America. I tend to stick with dad. 

As he reaches the podium my kidnapper shouts to him, "Mr.President! You're Justin time to watch!"

Okay that was just bad in general. My father looks up non the less. "William Haze, good to see you again," His voice shows no joy what so ever. "What exactly is it I'm supposed to be watching?"

"It's quite an interesting show. I like to call it, The Death of Your Daughter." He laughs, shoving me forward. 

"Crystal!" My father shouts in horror. Gasps are heard throughout the crowd, who had merely come to here the President speak. Creep- I mean, William smirks. 

"Tell everyone in the world your biggest secret or the girls gonna have a real short life!" 

"I don't have a big secret! I never did! Besides, what did I ever do to you?" My father pleads. He really doesn't have any secrets, unless you count where bunny slippers in the morning. 

"I should have been president! Not a pathetic scum like you!" He exclaims.

"How was it my father's fault you didn't pass the mental examination?" i mumble

"What did you just say!" William roars.

"I said, how the heck is it his fault that you could pass the mental examination!" Now I'm getting really frustrated. 

He growls at me. Maybe it wasn't a very good idea to insult him. I could practically see the steam coming from his ears. Luckily I got the rope untied, now all I have to do  is find away to slip behind him. Seeing as I'm right in front of him, it might not be that easy. Since I obviously can't keep my mouth shut I just had to say something. 

"He's gonna blow!"

"Criss? Maybe you could keep the insults to a minimum?" My older brother calls from below. 

"Really Chance? Captain Creepman over here kidnapped me and is threatening to toss me off of a building. And you want me to stop insulting this pig-headed lunatic?" I shout back. 

Chance literally face-palmed before shaking his head. William stiffens, his breathing indicating  his raging mad temper. I wonder if his mother is a bull. "That's it! No one talk about my mother like that but me!"

Oops, thinking out loud again. Wait, he talk about his mother like that? He shoves me forward. So close that one nudge could send me hurling to the ground. I say this a lot, but this time; I'm dead. 

A movement catches my eye. A boy, no younger than thirteen stares at me. When I make eye contact with him, he lowers his head as if ashamed. I study Him. Come to think of it, he looks a bit like the lunatic threatening to kill me. He looks at me again. Please I mouth to him.  

He looked at who I'm guess is his father, his eye glazing over with fear.  A helicopter appears in the air. Based on the cameras, I'd say it was the news. When I turn back the boy is running full speed towards us. He jumps on William's back, cause him to stumble backwards. 

I use the distraction to do a back flip away from the roof's edge. William has the boy by his shirt. Just I go go to assist him, he slips out of his shirt to get away. He quickly runs away and comes to s stop near me. I stop, completely stunned. The amount of bruises and scars visible around is torso are unbearable. 

My anger hits it's peak. "How dare you!" I yell, charging towards the abuser. I send punch after punch flying his way. Suddenly his fist slams into my jaw. The metallic taste of blood coats my tongue. William raises his first once more. I hold out my arms, awaiting impact. It never comes. I open my eyes just to see the boy go flying to the ground. A thump and a groan sounds as he hits the cement. 

I rush to him just as the police appear on the rooftop. While William is getting apprehended, I help the boy to his feet. He looks at me with a worried gaze. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah wh-" I fall to the ground as the world begins spinning out of focus. 

"Crystal!" He cries, kneeling beside me. 

"I'm fine little guy. Just fi-" I fall into darkness, again.


I wake up to the beeping of my alarm clock. I sigh, time for school. After my usual morning routine, I head down for breakfast. "Morning Chance, morning Gabe." I say as I walk into the kitchen. Dad is probably already at his office.  Gabriel  is the name of the boy who helped me back on the roof. 

My father was so thankful that he decided to adopt him. We never told him about Gabe popping out of the bushes and hitting my in the head with branch. Some thing are best left in the pass. Non the less, Gabe had to heal even more than me. Physically we healed about the same. Mentally, he needed some help with. 

For months he would flinch at sudden movements. He wouldn't allow anyone to touch him either. On rare occasions he would touch me if he wanted to. When something happened and made him upset, he always came to me. If he couldn't find me, he had a panic attack. 

He later told me that whenever he has one it's even worse than his beatings from the past. He explained that after a while of be beaten he would go numb, making it bearable. The exact opposite was to be said about his panic attacks. He said that it felt like a noose was around his neck, slowly tightening. His gasps for air were like please. Each minute that laughter of his father echo in his head as it tightened even more. 

After his horrifying description, I always made sure I was close to him. If we had to go far, like to different classrooms for school, there was a watch on his wrist that would alert my watch. One day, father just decided to pull us out of public school all together. We were then enrolled in online school. Because I was the only one at home, I used to be against it. 

Now, Gabe is with me too. Even Chance decided to take his college chef classes at home through Skype. Ever since our mother died, Chance has always been there for me. The best brother you could ever ask for. Sure we had our fair share of squabbles, but what siblings don't?

I'm just glad that everything is back to normal, along with our new addition to the family. There are some great advantages that come with being the presidents daughter. Getting kidnapped and nearly killed, isn't one of them. 

A/N: I'VE FINALLY UPDATED! Please don't stab me, it's pretty long right? I got some more idea's going on so I should have some more up in the next week or two. Can't wait to see what you think!

- Ezmar

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