Here the Shadows Lie

By RachaelRose16

9.2K 276 99


Here the Shadows Lie chapters 1-2
Here the Shadows Lie 5-6
Here the Shadows Lie 7-8
Here the Shadows Lie 9-10
Here the Shadows Lie 11-12
Here the Shadows Lie 13-14
Here the Shadows Lie 15-16
Here the Shadows Lie 17-18
Here the Shadows Lie 19-20
Here the Shadows Lie 21-22
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 23
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 24
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 25
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 26
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 27
Here the Shadows Lie chapter 28

Here the Shadows Lie chapters 3-4

768 22 5
By RachaelRose16

Chapter 3 What Am I?

I felt like a real teenager for once, it was truly a miracle. Lori was going to be furious at me since it was almost eleven thirty, I had a guy or close to it waiting in my bedroom, and I might actually get grounded for the ticket I had just received! Surprisingly, I was for the first time, in my life, truly happy with myself. Not including that weird, creepy power stuff. I finally parked in my driveway at about midnight, and Lori, knowing her, might have even called the police by now. I got out of my car, and picked up Valerie from the backseat where she slept. I took a deep, drastic breath, and prepared for the absolute worst.

Lori jumped off the sofa right when the door creaked open," Alexa Lilith Marter!" she bellowed which wasn't normal for her," Where in God's holy name have you been? Did you have any idea what time it is? I could have called the police!"

I just nodded, but knew enough not to explain anything to her. "Damn it Alexa! The mall closes at ten!"

I could feel sweat pouring from my face," My car got towed," I whispered, and shielded myself.

"Got towed!?" her eyes boggled out of her head," give me your keys, Mark take Valerie up to her room," she commanded us both. Mark gave me a nasty glare, and took Valerie out of my hands. Lori sat down on the recliner, and held her head,

"You're grounded, and it's your responsibility to pay for the ticket," she leaned back clearly frustrated," Just go to your room I have nothing else to say to you."

Ok maybe being a real teenager didn't have a lot of advantages, it sucked!

"Whatever, and just so you know I'm glad this is my last year of high school, because I don't think I could stand another year in this house!" I screamed, hoping the neighbors would hear me.

I rushed up the stairs before Lori would respond to my nasty comment, and slammed the door behind me. A crisp chill went off of my spine as I turned around, and there he was again leaning against his usual spot near the window.

"Problems with parents?" he stuttered trying to find the right words.

"You are so lucky you don't have to deal with them. They don't understand anything, and the worst part is I'm just so much different from them!" I spilled unknowingly. He stared at me with large, crystal eyes. Then I had realized how stupid I sounded.

"Whoops...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to release all my anger on to you. I don't have anyone else to vent to."

He glided to sit on the edge of my bed, which startled me," It's alright, it's not your fault that your different. Though these are the things I wanted to explain to you."

I nodded, but didn't move from my doorway.

"Ok, well I'm not really authorized to be telling you this, but I think you have the right to know to an extent about yourself."

I strolled to my window, and sat on the windowsill," Wait; before we start can I at least know your name?"

That's the one thing that really bothered me these last couple nights. He rubbed the back of his neck," My name is Damian, and I'm what you technically are."

I raised my eyebrow," Which is what?

He exhaled," A shadow," he whispered like someone was listening to our conversation.

I shot off from the window," So the red eyed thing was right?! I almost shrieked. Damian... (What an interesting name!) took me by my shoulders, and sat me back down.

"Shh... they'll hear you," then he looked shocked," wait, what do you mean the "red eyed thing"?"

I sat back down, and noticed how close Damian was to me, his facial features were very clear now, his white, glittering skin and not an age to it. I snapped out of my trance, and tried to explain," Tonight, before you met me at my car, I was trapped into an alley by this...guy who resembled us. I'm guessing he was a shadow. He had blazing auburn hair with these red eyes, and he pulled Valerie and me into an alley. He told me things like I'm not human, but my sister was; oh, and something about a master guy trying to take me or something close to that."

Damian's face look mortified and worried at the same time," Sage..." he growled bearing his teeth. Then he glanced at me again," Are you alright?"

I nodded, but he never answered my question. "But was he right?"

His face filled with guilt stared me straight in the eyes," Yes, he was right."

I got up again," What am I though? I mean what is a shadow?" And with that Damian began his story.

"Back before the Earth dimension was even established there was the shadow dimension, which the darkness follows. At that time the Shadows lived in peace with one another, but that was before...he came into power."

I interrupted," Who's he?"

Damian didn't give me any eye contact," His..." he shuddered," name is Kairos which means soul demon.

Kairos successively gained power over the nation, and he made many followers, but he was not liked by everyone, he was more or less hated. That is when the rebellion started to form."

I interrupted again," So, this was like our Civil War?"

Damian smirked," Yes, much like a Civil War."

"Soon war broke out, and it was the rebels against Kairos and his minions. Kairos, though strong, could not fend for himself against the rebellion soldiers, and was forced to perish in the lightest part of the dimension. They were never heard from again until..." he stopped.

I gazed at his troubled eyes," Until?"

He bit his lip," Now, Alexa, he's come back for you."

And of course, before I could ask him a question, he vanished.

"Ugh...I hate when he does that!" I complained. Besides that, I was trying to grasp all this exotic information that had been added to the weight on my shoulders. For starters I wasn't human. Big surprise there! I was a Shadow, except I had no clue what it was. Then there was the conflict, because some guy that I don't even know is after me for who knows what. I guess it's just something to add to my unusual life.

I lied on my bed staring at the ceiling and occasionally at the window for the rest of the night. A whole new world was opening metaphorically speaking, but then again physically too. I wondered about the shadows, were they like me? Or was I different there too? Too many questions were to be answered, and most likely Damian wasn't going to be the one answering them.

Then my thoughts revolved around Damian, such a mysterious name, yet I could read him so well. By his cautiousness I could tell that something in his past had scarred him. He was so distant, and all I wanted was to become closer to him, though there was a whole other side of him begging to be released, or maybe to be hidden.

"Wait!" I thought. Who was Damian? Who exactly did he belong with? Was he with Kairos or the Rebellion if that even existed anymore? What if he tried to kill me for that Kairos guy?! So many ideas were flooding my mind, and it was unbearable to have unanswered.

Chapter 4 Kairos

His eyes burned for the light radiantly glowing off the inside of his lair, which he was sent many years ago. Each moment of the night he could feel his power coming closer to him, she was becoming closer. He could taste the power that would rejuvenate his soul, and his old crippled body. Kairos would do anything or that power.

The council, oh how those made him inferior, but not for long, their precious Alexa, their savior would be his, because he knew something they didn't.

"Sage should be coming any moment with her, where is that boy?" he growled under his breath, which was raspy from the dry air.

Zeke, one of his faithful servants replied," He should be switching dimensions now, my lord."

Kairos nodded to Zeke, motioning him to stand next to him to greet Sage after a successful catch. Just as Zeke had ,said, a loud screech filled the room, Sage had returned, but not as successful as he would have hoped.

He kneeled before his master, knowing eye contact would not be necessary for this accord," Where is she?" Kairos asked angrily.

Sage, the blazing auburn, hesitantly lifted his bruised, black eyes to him," You were wrong my lord, she has found her powers. I fear she knows more than we thought."

For the first time in many years, Kairos stood off his throne in frustration," The council should not have seen her yet!" he bellowed loud enough for even who was present to cringe with fear.

Zeke, knowing his master was weak, helped him sit back down," You must not get aggravated my lord. You are yet too weak. Let me find the girl, I am much more powerful than Sage and her."

Sage let out and annoyed huff, while Kairos put and old, weak hand on Zeke's," Do not under estimate her powers, yes she is young, but she has powers that are unlike any other, and if you get a glimpse of her eyes they are not red like ours, or blue like the council's or even black like the rest, but a light purple. Do not under estimate her Zeke." Kairos warned, and coughed hoarsely.

Zeke did not completely understand why Kairos was so afraid, but he felt much obedience, and he would do what he asked. "I will be timid, and cautious my lord."

There was a slight screech, and Zeke's red eyes met his master's no more. He was off to find the girl.

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~~~ (Cover art isn't mine!!!)