Save Me

By Urban__Hood

686K 32.3K 5.6K

No place to call home, falling into the wrong arms when you felt all alone , living a life you never imagined... More

It Aint Easy Ch.1 Insert.
Love Me


8.7K 420 137
By Urban__Hood


"Go roun' ta the side do' " I said to Chris, he nodded taking his gun out as he crept toward the back where you ca see a female through the window  sittin' onna couch next ta who I'm assuming is Navaeh  lighting up a crack pipe. Shaking my head it was a good thing she was sleep.

"What the fuck are you doin!? " I turned around but before I could react  I was staring down the barrel of a gun.
  Smirking, I looked up to meet the eyes of Devin's ex wife.

"Nice seeing ya again Dana" I said. She narrowed ha eyes squeezing the butt of the gun in between both her hands whilst standing a good distance away from me.

"What the fuck are you doing at my house Yungin" she said.  Sighing, I opened my mouth to speak but before I could get a word out, I heard the pop  and I swea' ta God it was like the shit went in slow motion as I watched the bullet whizz past my face and grazed my shoulder..

I didn't flinch a muscle as I stared at this bitch like she was crazy.

"Ohh ya gotta do betta then'nat " I chuckled

" BITCH! " I said as I back handed the fuck out ha. She hit the ground so hard the gun flew across the grass into the next drive way.

She whimpered as I snatched ha up by ha hair and dragged ha inside the house.

Pow pow pow!!

I walked past Chris who had just killed Tasha-- which is Devin la sista. Then he picked up Navaeh and she opened ha eyes, looking around at us she started ta cry but I left Chris to  handle her as I handled this BITCH.

She started to scream and beg fa ha life as I dragged ha into the dining room.

"Please don't kill me, I won't tell I promise, I'm sorry for trying to kill you I-I was just scared" looking down at Dana crying as she begged for her life I clenched my jaws ta'gether. She fucked up when she pulled that fuckin trigger. Dana a shady bitch and I knew betta ta take ha word and let ha go.  people will say anything to save they own asses then be quick to go to the pigs. I couldn't have that, I'm only thinking about me and mines just like anybody else would.

Looking back at Chris who rocked Navaeh as she held onto him tightly with ha face in the crook of his neck.

"Aye man take ha outta here " he nodded and walked out the door.

"Ya know who baybeh that is?" I asked.

"Y-Yes, it's my ex's child, he asked me to--"

"Wrong das' my child that he kidnapped and from the looks of it. You wa'nt eem takin care of ha.. nah see most people who know me, know that ion fuck around when it come ta my family,I hate fa them ta be fucked ova by anybody cause that mean that person gotta feel my wrath... Ya feel me? With  that being said--"

Pow! Pow!

I let off two rounds in ha dome then walked out.

Once I got outside I took the gas can from my truck and walked back in through the side door, I pulled Tasha body next  to Dana's then poured the gasoline ova both they bodies and everything around them,  I lit  a match and dropped it on ha waiting fa the flames to catch both they bodies before disposing of my black leather gloves and running out.

"You did that? " Chris asked as I walked towards the truck that was his in the alley way. I nodded and hopped in.

"You already know my nigga" I grinned,  He chuckled and burned rubber as he swerved down the street before anybody could come outside since it was the middle of the night.

We eventually ended up watching in the distance as it took four fire trucks and two hours to put the shit out, but by then the house was damn near ashed.

I looked back at Navaeh, who just stared at us quietly with a curious look on ha face. I smiled and reached back pinching ha cheek.

"Les' get  cha home, whea' you belong la baybeh "


I laid on my bed with Moni on one side of me and E laying at the foot of the bed while Royalty lay cuddled into my side sleeping. I looked down at her and sighed while lightly pushing her curls out of her face. Her nose scrunched up and she turned her head causing me to chuckle.

"Moni I'm scared" I said as I slipped my hand under my t shirt and rubbed my stomach slightly. She lifted up and raised her eyebrows.

"Why baby girl what's wrong? " she asked her voice laced with concern.

"Wha-what if something happened to them? It'll be all my fault. Or-- what if he's on his way and she ends up hating me,I couldn't live with that. Yes she's only a child but still... I feel like I'll fail her more then I already have. I can't do this, I'm not meant to be a mother "

I  swallowed the lump in my throat as I sat up some voicing the thoughts that rushed through my head as the time got later and August took longer to come.

"Awwe baby don't say that, once you see her again it'll be like she never left your arms. She'll love you so stop doubting yourself, you did what you had to do for her and if you know my brother like I do. You should know that he's gonna make sure not a hair on her head is harmed. Trust me Jay, you gotta walk by faith" she said. I looked up and nodded.

"Uh" we both looked at E who has finally turned her attention from the movie and was looking at her phone funny.

"what's up E" I asked. She gave a sheepish smile then hopped  up and put on her bunny slippers.

"I'm gonna go check On Mel nem before they burn August's house down" she said.

"Y'all wanna come"

"No I think I'll just stay and watch lady  bug she shouldn't be out this late." I said shaking my head.

"You sure Jay, do you want one of us to stay with you" Monica asked. I waved her off and  stood up to walk them out.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I got it. Now  go ahead before his ass ends up having to live with me. " I chuckled lightly.

They nodded and headed for the door.

"Ohh and tell future brother in law I'll meet him soon " I said.

"Will do!" E grinned then shut the door behind her. I locked all four of the locks and set both alarms before walking  back upstairs.

Guess I'll just shower and cook some food

I thought to myself.

Going into my room, I checked to make sure Royalty was still sleep-- she was, so  I went straight into the bathroom and cut the water steamy hot, adding dove raspberry  bubble bath I let the tub fill up while I got clothes.

I took out my purple bra and panties along with some black  Adidas spandex shorts and a random white crop top, gathering everything I rushed into the bathroom just in time. The tub was filled almost all the way.

I took my curly hair out the two buns, And it fell halfway pass my shoulders.  
  I dimmed the bathroom lights then stripped out of my clothes and stepped in the water. It burned like hell for a second but my stress filled body immediately began to relax. I sighed closing my eyes and dipping my head under just to wet my hair.

Accept God into you baby girl and all things will be alright in your life.

The words of my mother played in my head like she stood right next to me speaking them. Before I met August, I would say that I stopped believing in God.

Well not actually  believing in him, I just questioned him which is not something that I should have done. Me being in a dark place though, I couldn't help it. I was always surrounded with evil and in someway.. I began to lose hope in him.

I felt  tears fall from my eyes feeling ashamed of myself for doubting my father. 
after a long while, I opened my mouth to speak.

"God--- I-I know I haven't talked to you in a minute  but right now I need you.. I'm calling on you God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time accepting hardships as the pathway to piece. Taking as he did this sinful world as it is, not as I would have. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to his will. That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with him forever  in the next.  Help me do that God, I believe in you, I put my trust in you.. I put my life in your hands from now on  Amen"

Opening my eyes, I wiped the tears and grabbed my loofa soaking it with my dove body wash and leathered my body thoroughly before washing my hair then rinsing off.

  Once I finished, I towel dried my hair and put it in a bun on top my head and wrapped a towel around my body.
I made my way in the room and grabbed my twilight wood  lotion and lotioned my whole body before putting on my clothes.

I then slipped on some no show socks and my Nike slides then grabbed royalty carefully placing her in her car seat with a blanket over her so I could take her with me  into the kitchen to cook.  I sat her car seat on the counter then  began to take ingredients out to make some tacos as a late night snack.
  It was a little too quiet so I went around the island and turned on my beats pill that was already hooked up.

Dondria's You're The one for me began to play lowly from the speaker.

" I don't believe that you know how much I miss seeing your pretty smile
Of course we had our ups and downs
But I gotta have you around"  I sang lowly while making my way around the kitchen.

As I was mixing up the ground meat with the taco seasoning the doorbell rang. Must have been Moni and E coming back. I looked through the peep hole and it was just E. Opening the door she stepped in and took off her shoes and went to grab royal.
She made her way towards the couch and I just stared at her questioningly.

After she didn't say anything for a minute, I walked back into the kitchen.

"You think that Duke still loves me? " she asked. I frowned and looked up at her over the counter.

"Of course he does, why?" I asked curiously. She shrugged and sighed.

"I don't know, I mean when we were over at August house chilling with Mel, Chan and the girls I was just thinking. When will I have that. Or will I ever?  Do he even sees himself with me? We don't even spend time together anymore  Ya know " she said looking down. I chuckled while shaking my head.

Placing my hands flat on the counter top, I looked at her with a grin.

"He loves you babe, trust me Duke is crazy about you. Stop thinking about all of that so much, you're still young so don't rush marriage and kids.. enjoy yalls freedom cause once kids and marriage comes everything will change for the better of course but still it won't be like it is now " I said. She nodded biting her cheek.

"I guess you're right--" as she was speaking someone knocked on the door

"hold that Thought " I said putting my finger up as I rushed towards the door.

It was 10:30 at night and I was hoping that was August, the knocking soon turned to a beat and I rolled my eyes with a chuckled. That was definitely him.. I felt so nervous opening this door, like it literally felt like I was about to determine my faith once I opened it.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the door open and he stood there looking down at me with a grin on his face.

"Ya missed daddy?" He asked. My smile widened as I jumped on him and kissed all over his face. He chuckled and held onto me.

"Ohhh I was so worried baby" I said hugging him. I put my face in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply. He smelled like Cologne and something else... blood.

I picked my head up as he let me down.

"Oh my gosh,  you're bleeding! Are you OK" I asked frantically trying to check his shoulder. He pried my hands of him and raised his eyebrows I amusement.

"Baybeh I'm straight chill out, There's someone who wants to see  you" he said causing my heartbeat to speed up. I clasped my hands together tightly  as Chris stepped in the door. He was covered in blood but that wasn't what caught my attention. It was her, she lay with her face on the crook of his neck.

I tucked my lips as I stared at her.

"You wanna get her?" Chris asked. I nodded slowly as he lightly shook her causing her to lift her head. He said something and she turned to me.

I gasped and covered my mouth as tears hurriedly escaped my eyes,  she stared at me with her  big brown eyes that were tear stained. She was so beautiful but she looked so much like  him. She clutched Chris's  shirt in her hand looking scared.

"Its-Its OK baby girl" I said soothingly as I held my hands out for her. As if hearing my voice  brought back something in her mind her bottom lip trembled and she reached for me. I grabbed her and held onto tightly like she would disappear right before my eyes.

"Sshh mommy's here baby " I  said as she cried while wrapping her little arms around my neck. I walked off into the back towards my room forgetting about everyone and everything..  I got my baby back. That's all that mattered in this moment.

"You OK in here?" I looked in the door way at August who scanned his eyes over my worry filled face.

"Something's bothering her, she keeps dozing off to sleep but will jump up and start to cry " I said looking down at my baby asleep in my arms.

She frowned in her sleep then began to cry. Sighing, I shook my head and lightly hit my head against the head board. Seeing her like this had me wanting to cry. But I couldn't, I didn't want her to Ever see me cry.

He walked towards the bed and opened his arms.

"Can I? " he asked I nodded and handed her to him, she opened her eyes a little and stared at him. He made her lay her head on his shoulder then swayed side to side while rubbing her back soothingly, closing his eyes he began to sing. 

" Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true"

I watched him for a long time with a smile on my face as he danced slowly around the room singing every song he could to her. It was so beautiful, I didn't wanna disturb him because he seemed to be in his own little world. She wasn't even sleep anymore though, her head laid on his shoulder and she played with a string of his hair while her other hand rubbed his back.

I slipped out of the bed and went to check on E and Chris.

"Aye yo Jay, you mind if I shower and crash here the night I don't wanna take my baby out this late" Chris asked.

"Sure, I don't mind here come fix you something to eat too" I said. He nodded then stood up.

"'Preciate it Jay, lemme go home and get us both some clothes first imma be back" I  nodded as he grabbed his keys.

"Hey Chris." I said.


"Thank you for helping him get my baby back. " I said. He nodded with a smile.

"Fasho ma, anything for you, you fam" he said then walked out just as Duke was walking in. I looked to see that E was sleep with Royalty on top of her.

He looked at me and I shrugged and grabbed my plate and two water bottles.

"Night night " I said.

"iight big head" Duke said. I laughed and made my way back to my room.
When I got in there, August was laying on my bed with his under shirt on and basket ball shorts. His bloody shirt was sitting in the corner on the floor along with his pants.

"How is she?" I asked. He looked up from her and smiled.

"She straight nah, come on lay next ta us" he said. I smiled and climbed into my bed cuddling up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you so much baby, I don't know how I'll ever repay you" I said looking up at him. He looked down and licked his lips.

"Lettin me get the chance ta love and protect both of y'all would be payment enough" I smiled and pecked his lips.

"You know.. " I said after a moment.

"You'd be a good R&B Singer " he only laughed and shook his head.

"Naah, ion think so. I'm too much of a street nigga for that mama"

"Correction, you were a street nigga. Now you're a family man" I said jokingly.

"You right baybeh" he said seriously as he rubbed on my stomach. I Immediately felt butterflies.

"So when was you gonna tell me.?" He asked quietly. It was like my heart skipped several beats cause I knew what he was talking about.

"H-How long have you known?" I asked. He chuckled and sighed.

"I've known since  before you found out at the hospital when you were denying it" he stated.. 

"But how?" I asked. If I didn't know and it was my body, how could he.

"Because I know you.. ya eating habits changed, you getting thicker then a snicka,  you sleep a lot more then usual, you haven't complained to me about massaging ya back with that warming body oil, you haven't been  wanting warm pineapples and hot chocolate in bout two months which you do when you get ya cycle and plus ya too Moody " he said.

"Damn" I mumbled.

"I didn't know you paid attention to all of that stuff "

"Of course I do, what kind of man would I be if I didn't know my woman?"

I'm going to be skipping ahead a few months in the next update. Just so y'all don't get confused.

Ohh and Im working on a new book with my other bae Chris Breezy.. it's not out yet but soon.

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