Flustered By Destiny (Anakin...

By Asmita1404

24.5K 582 77

'You are fighting your fellow padawan (for training). "Not this time", you grin. You turn around and see him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Very Important A/N
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

2K 56 9
By Asmita1404

"Hey! (Y/N)! Snap out of it. We are nearing ground FAST! (Y/N)!" you hear Anakin scream in evident terror. You immediately snap out of the vivid, yet all to familiar, flashback. You quickly snap your neck to the front, stiffening it as you do so. You slowly pull back the rudder, in order to pull back and land. Anakin quickly presses a button which is supposed to eject the landing wheels. As the ground nears you, you pull back further. You sneak a quick glance to the side, just to find a rather terrified Anakin holding onto his seat for dear life. You lightly chuckle as you hear the familiar 'thud' of the landing gear touching the smooth, but supportive sand. You pop the top off and both of you get off the speeder.

You stand there for a moment, taking in the breath taking view. The sand seemed to glow, as if made out of gold. It appeared almost silken like, the smooth dunes of all different widths and heights covering the landscape. You slightly bend your knees and reach down touch the sand. Your fingertips slightly brush the grainy substance, and then you stand back up. A few granules stuck to your fingertips, so you slowly rub them between your fingertips, feeling the familiar coarse substance.

"Erm....Don't mean to interrupt anything, but why did we come here. You haven't come here in ages! No jedi has", Anakin starts. "There is nothing to do on Jakku-"

"Other than visit your family? Don't give me that expression! I didn't want you to come with me in the first place", you say. With that last line a flash of hurt seemed to mask your companion's face. This time you soften your tone. "You can stay with the speeder if you wish".

He shakes his head and after a few moments he speaks up again, "Do you know where you want to go?"

"Yes. I know Jakku like the back of my palm. I am going to my 'home'. It's in the Goazon Badlands, where we are now. I am just hoping my father didn't decide to switch fighters", you explain.

"Switch fighters? What are you talking about?" he asks. You then give him a knowing expression, while raising both your eyebrows up. "Oh..." realization seems to hit him, "You mean your home. I'm sorry..." he trails of awkwardly.

"Don't be. It's always fun living inside an imperial fighter", you smirk. "Follow me".

You start walking forward, as if there was a path marked with big, flashing lights in front of you. In reality, there was nothing. When you said you knew Jakku, you were true to your word. You really did know Jakku. Soon enough you reach the doors to silver, malleable imperial fighter, Anakin hot on your heels. You reach your hands out and separate the flimsy cloth flaps that act as a door. You poke your head in and scan the surroundings. Nothing had changed, and it was apparent that your father still lived there. "Excuse me? Hello?" you ask, uncertain if anyone was hiding behind the clutter of junk. You step in and scan the area, no one was there.

"Who is that?! How dare you enter my living space!" you hear an all-to familiar voice say. You widen your eyes in shock and turn around to find a man stepping in. "Jedi? Have I done anything wrong?" he says, unable to see you as you are blocked by Anakin's well built figure. You step out from behind him, tears threatening to fall. "Dad?" you mutter.

A look of realization hits his face. Soon masked by happiness. "(Y/N)!" he says excitedly. He opens his arms and you run and jump into them, welcoming your father's warm embrace. You inhale the familiar scent of your father, and finally the tears fall. "I've missed you", he whispers in your ear. You finally break apart the hug. "The feeling's mutual", you say with a slight giggle, tears of happiness staining your face. To your surprise, his face was stained with tears as well, but you knew your father never cries. He must have really missed you.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So...How as training been?" he asks, once all three of you had settled down on the sand outside.

"Good", Anakin says for you. "She has been doing extremely well. The force is very strong with her".

"Good, good... ummm....Can I see your lightsaber?" he asked nervously.

You let out a hostile laugh. "You don't have to ask so nervously", you say. Handing him your lightsaber, you realize that the strong, close bond between you and your father was long gone, replaced by a hostile, nervous one. He switched it on and a white light shot out. "She is one of the only jedi to have a white one", Anakin says, switching on his own, revealing a blue light. He returned the lightsaber to you, and an awkward silence seemed to fill the air. "Ummm....Let's take a walk", Anakin says, sensing the awkwardness and attempting to break it.

"No, it's too dark. Look, the sun is already setting. It will probably be dangerous.", you say.

"I agree with her", says your father. As the words left his mouth, and awkward silence took over the air once again. "You know what", your father starts, "Screw it".


"I still think it is a bad idea that I left my lightsaber back at home", you say.

"It was the only way to get you out of jedi mode", your father counters. Though it was true, you hated to admit it. The more you weren't in jedi mode, the stronger the relationship with your father became. Anakin decided not to come so that both of you could get some 'father-daughter' time. You look around you. You were far away from the Goazon Badlands, no civilization in sight. Darkness had taken over the desert planet of Jakku, making the golden dunes appear a shade of purple. You slowly tread through the sand, feeling the calmness of the desert.

Suddenly you feel another presence. You turn around hastily. Your breath hitches at what you see. Your father shoots you a questioning look, but soon seems to catch on. He turns around to see a shocking sight. There were three men standing there. Two of them wearing all black wear standing on the far ends. The third man, who was standing in the middle, wore a full body metal suit, a mask covering his face. "Uh-uh...Who-are you?" you stutter, terror evident in your voice.

Your father answers for them, "Jango Fett. Jabba's people".

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