Girls Gone Wild! Spanking Sto...

By Psparkle022

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The story of the professional troublemaker Jessica Anston and her now stern and overprotective teacher Paul D... More

Chapter 1: Sleeping with the enemy Pt. 1
Chapter 2: Jessie's relapse Pt. 1
Chapter 2: Jessie's relapse Pt. 2
Chapter 3: The aftermath
(Sneak peak) Chapter 4: Phone prank gone wrong
Chapter 4: Phone prank gone wrong
Chapter 5: Whinning a little too much
Chapter 6: A night to remember Pt. 1
Chapter 6: A night to remember Pt. 2
(Sneak peak)Chapter 7: Driving messes
Chapter 7: Driving messes
Chapter 7: Driving messes Pt. 2
Chapter 8: The dangerous stranger
Chapter 9: For your safety only
Chapter 10: Being sick
(Sneak peak) Chapter 11: The two troublemakers
Chapter 11: The two troublemakers Pt 1
Chapter 11: The two troublemakers Pt 2
Chapter 12: Charlie's Angels 2017
Chapter 13: Cats and dogs fight
Chapter 14: The F** word
Chapter 15: A Thanksgiving tale
Chapter 16: Taking responsability
Chapter 17: The old crew Pt. 1
Chapter 17: The old crew Pt. 2
Chapter 18: Two in a row Pt. 1
Chapter 18: Two in a row Pt. 2
Chapter 19: Our darkest places Pt. 1
Chapter 19: Our darkest places Pt.2
Chapter 20: Tattoo trouble Pt. 1
Chapter 20: Tattoo trouble Pt. 2
Chapter 21: The last one Pt. 1
Chapter 21: The last one Pt. 2
Holidays special: Fathers day

Chapter 1: Sleeping with the enemy Pt.2

13.3K 130 53
By Psparkle022

-Did you hear?

-Who would do this?

-Pst, who do you think? Only she could do something so awful.

That's all I could hear next day at school as I made my way through the hallways. I could feel all eyes on me but for the very first time in my life I didn't know what I had done. Those were full of hate, disappointment and disgust eyes on me. I reached the corner of the hallway and was met with a huge painting all over the lockers that read "Cassie worthless BITCH". This was her part of the building so there was no way she could have not seen it. Crap, I know she's the class snitch and always got everyone in trouble but who'd be so mean to write those hurtful words on her locker?

-Anston you suck!

I turned around and saw a few freshman shouting stuff at me being encouraged for one of Cassie's friends (yes she does has some of those). I kept walking trying to find my group but when I did I wished I'd never found them.

-Jessica how could you?, Jazz asked me with hurtful eyes. Probably they never thought me capable of something like this, and that was because I so wasn't.

-Wow, wow, wow. I didn't write that stuff, I pointed at myself with an astonished look but nobody wanted to believe me.

-Jess I know you haven't been yourself lately, and pranks were fun but Cassie's crying her eyes out in the bathroom. That was just... mean!, Valerie frowned at me now.

-I told you I didn't do it!, I said getting extremely angry and frustrated.

-Whatever. We have classes, let's go, Jason said with an irritated tone of voice I had never heard of him, not even when we used to fight.

I was left alone with an empty feeling of rejection and... hate? I knew who had done this, it was the only possibility. But how to prove it? I had nothing on her and it'd look twice as bad if I tried to accused her. I was just hoping my friends would eventually come back to their senses and believe me.

I was surprised I hadn't seen Jace all morning long. She ditched a couple classes but I knew she was around. That painting was fresh, she had done it early that morning. Then why wasn't she coming to classes? Probably didn't want to face VIII century opera with Paul. I knew I didn't want to do that, but on the plus side he had graded our first papers of the year and what was best: he hadn't read mine before I handed it, so he'd be amazed with my work. Told you I wanted to make him proud this year!

Something went South while Paul was taking a final look to the papers pile right next to him. I was the only one paying attention to him, and I saw his look go from curious to pure anger. I saw him clenching his hands in fists and doing his best to control himself. Dear lord, what had he read that made him this upset? Well I would have asked him, but I didn't have time before he rose on his feet and called for silence. A dead kind of silence.

-I'll be brief. I want the responsible of writing these stuff down on these papers, he said with a low scary voice that made everyone in the room stop breathing.

-We umm...we don't know anything about that Mr. Davis, Carton peeped quietly when Paul's dark orbs posed on him. He had a killer look that had my friend instantly cowering.

-One of you do, and nobody is going anywhere until the responsible comes to the front of the class and admit what they did.

-But Mr. Davis...

-I said quiet or it's detention for all of you. Nobody talks, nobody moves until the person responsible for this atrocity shows up. I honestly thought you were better than this, but I guess I was wrong. I'm very disappointed in you.

We all gulped in our seats as Paul took his back. I knew he was hurt, which had me wondering what in the world was written in those papers. Who could have possibly messed with the most beloved teacher in the entire school?

Suddenly I felt my cheeks heat up and saw red. That redhead bitch! She had picked on Paul with the single purpose of messing with me. Oh she has another thing coming now. I'll show her nobody messes with people I lov... care about.

I saw Valerie tilting her head asking me if I had any clue what was going on. I gave her the yes sign and then indicated I need to get out. She swiftly threw a paper ball to her boyfriend and pointed at me and the door with her head. Matt smiled at me and signalized everyone else. Everybody knew that if I didn't know by now who had done that to Paul, like hell I'd find out. And being Paul the most admired teacher in the class, everyone cooperated with me to get me out of the classroom. We had a plan.

-Mr. Davis? Carton wrote those stuff on your papers, Allen stood up from her seat on the front and pointed at Carton on the back.

-What are you saying? It wasn't me!

-Oh yeah? Then who was it?

-Wen did! I saw her around the teachers room.

-You're insane!

Little by little they dragged Paul's attention far enough for me to swiftly sneak out through the door. Now I had to find Jace and make her fess up for everything she did this morning. I'd make her pay.

I wandered around the hallways thinking of a good hiding spot when I reached the third floor. It was awfully empty during the morning classes, so I checked one by one until I reached the 308. The door was open so I pushed it and left myself in.

-Shut the door, would you? Or is it that you want to get caught?, Jace greeted me harshly but not as harshly as I treated her after that.

-It was you, wasn't it? What did you write on Paul's papers?, I demanded and she laughed in my face.

-You are crazy, hasn't anyone told you Anston?

I shut the door forcefully and locked the door before charging after her. I pushed her against a wall and kept my face inches away from hers. She was a coward and I knew she'd confess soon.

-Let me the fuck go!

-Tell me what you did! I know it was you!, I shouted and kept her pressed on the wall.

-Of course it was me! Why? Are you mad because I made your dear teacher a little upset? You're nothing but a teacher's pet!, she smirked at me and I swear I wanted to punch her. But I wouldn't, I'd earn nothing with it.

-Only you could be so mean and hurtful. What were you trying to prove huh? Or you just did that out of anger because Paul won't buy any of your tricks?

-You better shut the fuck up, she said wiggling her way out of my grip and pushing me to the ground.

-No! I'll tell on you. Paul will believe me.

-Oh please, why would he? Everyone hates you because of what you did to Cassie. Am I not a fucking genious? In just a week I managed to have all teachers at my feet, turned your friends against you and made little Paulie cry. And all I needed was a can of red painting.

And that's when I saw red. I charged against her but a pair of strong arms stopped me dead in my tracks. Unable to understan what was stopping me I kept on struggling in that strong grip until I realized I wasn't going anywhere. My breath was awfully fast and Jace's face had turned pale.

-Enough, enough Jess. She's not worth it, calm yourself down, I heard Paul' reassuring voice right into my ear. It's all it took for me to calm down again.

-You're fucking crazy Anston!, Jace shouted at me but shut up when Paul posed his cold like ice orbs on her.

She had pissed us off, both of us.

-If I hear you one more time to address to another student like that I'll make sure you get expelled, he growled at her but nothing seemed to scare this girl.

-Oh please, you and what army huh?

In that precise moment the door opened and my mouth dropped. For a second I thought I was seeing double, but no. Another man around Paul's age entered in the room, a bit more shy looking, and stood in front of us looking completely puzzled.

-Yes?, Paul asked the man in front of him as he hadn't said a word.

-Yes, sorry. I was looking for Jace because it's around time for our classes together, the man spoke as the other readhead in the room rolled her eyes.

-You're Jace's tutor?, Paul asked as I followed the conversation really quiet. I was absolutely freaked!

-Yes I am. I'm new here too. Come on Jace, let's go, he said already hurrying through the door. The redhead groaned in annoyance but knew it was better to deal with her own tutor than Paul.

-Hold on a second. I think we should have a talk about what your student Jace has been up to recently.

-Man, Jace groaned again but the new guy frowned for her to shut up.

-What do you mean?

-Are you aware that your student has been playing pranks all week long? Not to mention she wrote some extremely offensive words on a girl's locker and my papers and was willing to let the entire class pay for it.

-Jace is that true?, the other man demanded and Paul's gaze dared her to lie.

-I... I mean... it was just a stupid joke!

-Oh my God Jace. What am I gonna do with you? Everyday it's something new, the man frowned at my classmate as she just shrugged his accusation away as if nothing mattered.

Paul looked at the desperate man for a second before asking him to wait up a second. He turned on his heels and walked straight to the small closet the 308 room had. I smirked at his antics as the other man and Jace were puzzled to his actions... well until he got out a large cane he's used on me multiple times. Then is when both pair of eyes widened, especially Jace's.

-Here. I think you're gonna need this, Paul said handing the cane to the speechless man.

-What? But... no! I can't do it. I just can't, he mumbled as I glanced at Jace almost smirking in relief. Almost.

-Yes you can and you will. You're responsible for this girl and if she hasn't been responding to your other methods then you must try something new, otherwise you're just neglecting your job. Look at Jessica: she used to be as mischievous as Jace is.

-Hey!, me and Jace shouted at the same time.

-Anston? She doesn't seem too bad for me, the man shrugged with the cane still in his hands and Paul smiled at him.

-You figure out why. Now if you both excuse me, I have to deal with a troublemaker myself, my tutor said while dedicating me a cold stare and I gulped. Crap.

-Yes, I guess I have to do the same thing. Let's go Jace.

-But Mr. Denise...!

-Enough. I don't want another word from now on. You're already in a world of trouble.

I swear that before my eyes and in just a couple seconds the entire demeanour of Mr. Denise switched to a more stern and cold one. I saw Jace scared for the very first time since I met her as she hurried out of of the door of the classroom. I was still in shock for the encounter and wasn't able to say a word until Paul looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

-Why are you looking at me in that way?, he asked me as I was amused with the situation.

-You didn't notice?!, I asked not being able to believe he hadn't noticed his clone standing right besides him.

-Notice what? What are you talking about?

-You and Mr. Denise being exactly the same!, I said adding a "duh" at the end of my sentence. Anyone could tell.

-Me and that guy? Please we have nothing in common, he said while rolling his eyes with a huff.

-Your last names pronounce the same, you're both in your late twenties, dark brown hair, cold blue eyes, same height, same way to move, same way to talk...

-Both tutors with troublemaker pupils, he said while dedicating me a stern look and I shrinked. Crap, let's not touch that subject.

-He was acting the exact same way you used to when you first got here, I smirked knowing this would annoy Paul a little.

-I wasn't that naive... was I?, he asked me and I giggled.

-I don't know. Was I as bad as Jace is?, I asked now and Paul smiled sweetly at me.

-You're many things Jessica Marie Anston but you're not cruel. I knew it wasn't you the one who wrote those awful things on Cassie's locker. Nor you or do your classmates would dare to pull off something like that.

-How did you know we were here?, I raised an eyebrow feeling way too curious. I didn't even know where I was going when I sneaked out.

-Well the little trick your trouble crew pulled off didn't last long. I noticed Jace was missing and now you, so I figured I'd start looking for the places that are always empty. The third floor is known for being the sneak out place for students. Turns out I was right, he frowned at me as he crossed his arms on his chest and I gulped.

-I'm sorry Paul. I just wanted to help I swear, I pouted with an innocent look my tutor didn't buy by any chance. He knew what I was after.

-No, you did not. If that's what you wanted you should have come to me and told me. What you wanted was revenge. That is what went down this week with all the pranks, is it not?, he asked and I couldn't just blatantly lie to his face. Something in the way he looked at me made it impossible to just lie my way out.

-Kinda... I didn't mean for it to happen, I swear I tried to ignore her but... I don't know. I just didn't like her being around my friends, I said thinking in a particular friend I did NOT like her being around.

-Well nothing can excuse the behavior you displayed this week Jessica. I thought you were done with pranks, but it looks like we have a long way to go. Lucky for us, we have the entire afternoon for ourselves so we can sort this problem out, he said and walked by his desk, pulling out the blessed chair I hadn't faced in months.

I think I had even forgotten what a spanking feels like.

-Paul please, I said I was sorry. And she started it!, I whined in my spot thinking just how embarrassing and painful it'd be to go back to spankings. Besides Jace was the bad of the movie, not me!

-She started and you followed. She gets punished, you get punished. End of story. Now come here Jess, he said sitting down and looking at me expectantly.

Against every single one of my thoughts my legs started moving in his direction. I know I didn't want a spanking but I also knew I'd not get away of it even if I tried. Somehow it was too hard to just resign myself to it, but I still managed to lay across Paul's lap and waited patiently for the torture to begin.

-I'm disappointed in you Jessie. I told you to ignore her, I told you to let it go... and what did you do huh?, he asked me and I shrinked under his look.

-I did not, I mumbled starting to shift to find a comfortable position. It was so awkward to be laying like this after all this time.

I heard his hand flying through the air before connecting with my poor bum. The slap reverberated around the room and soon another slap came, and another, and another. Each smack seemed harder than the last one and just when you thought he'd run out of force he somehow brought his hand even harder on my vulnerable butt. In just a couple minutes I couldn't stay still anymore and was squirming around on his lap trying somehow him to miss his aim.

-Would you stay still Jess? We're just getting started, he said while aiming three hard smacks to the middle of my butt.

-Eeouch!, I squeaked and made my best attempt to stay still, but after no more than ten spanks I was struggling again.

-You earned this now you take it Jessie. Or you want me to move to your thighs?, he raised an eyebrow at me while his hand gave my poor butt no break.

-Noo OWW. I can't, I'm sorry. I am, I said kicking my legs slightly to get rid of the pain.

-Fine, as it pleases you then, he said before grabbing my wrists on my lower back and lifting my blue school skirt.

After this his actions made my eyes wide open. He trapped my legs with his and brought me closer to the floor, exposing my seat spots and thighs. Ughh noo. I'm not ready yet.

-I told you SMACK SMACK to stay still SMACK but you didn't listen SMACK SMACK did you? SMACK SMACK Why you never listen Jess? SMACK SMACK You like getting a spanking like a disobedient toddler? SMACK SMACK SMACK

-Noooo, I whined while struggling against his grip, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

-Then you better quit SMACK SMACK this childish behavior you've been displaying SMACK SMACK You're not a kid anymore SMACK SMACK SMACK

-OWW yesss I promise I'll stop, pleease Paul, I begged as a few tears made their way to my eyes.

-Somehow I don't believe you... yet, he said before giving my throbbing but one last smack and then helped me to stand up.

I looked at him with a pitiful look but I found no mercy in his. He was really pissed off because of the pranks and wouldn't wrap up this spanking so fast. He walked to the dreaded closet and I feared what he'd get from there.

-You're lucky I gave Mr. Denise my cane, but I'll improvise, he said while getting out a round ping pong like paddle. Come on! Was it necessary after all?

-Is that really necessary?, I sheepishly asked and drop my look to the floor. The answer would be a yes for sure.

-Well let's see. On your first week of school you managed to get in trouble way too many times. You assaulted a classmate and played pranks all week long, you snuck out of detention and you proceeded to assault the same student again. Now what you did you can't undo, and what you did calls for punishment, he lectured me slowly while tapping the threatening looking paddle on his open hand without taking his eyes off me.

He didn't need to say anything else. With a groan of annoyance I went back to lean over his lap. He lifted my skirt again and placed the paddle in the middle of my for sure about to be toasted butt. I cringed when I felt the paddle lift only to be brought harshly on my sit spots. OUCH.

-Man that huuurts!, I whined a my hands flew back to protect my bum on fire.

-Have you forgotten? It's supposed to, he said while bringing down the paddle again, this time a little lower.

-YEOOUCH, but you don't have to be that hard!, I cried out while kicking my legs up in pain. He really set my butt on fire with that paddle.

-Oh but I do have to SMACK SMACK otherwise your trouble side doesn't cool off SMACK SMACK Been there done that Jess.

-I'll quit, I'll quit I swear, I started bawling promises as the paddle kept coming down at a steady pace but every smack was just as forceful as the last one.

-You will?, he asked me while rubbing my throbbing behind and I appreciated it a lot. It still made my cheeks flush red but the thought of just being Paul calmed me down a bit.

-Yes, yes I promise. Please no more, it hurts so much, I cried pathetically and begged for mercy. I had been so stupid to fall into Jace's game, but that'd happen no more. I'd stick to my promise to Paul to be good this year.

-Okay I believe you. Now to reinforce the fact that I want no more trouble from you young lady, I'll give you ten of the good to keep you in line.

-Nooo, please. Let's call it off Paul, I said while turning around to meet his cold look with my innocent tear filled baby blue eyes.

-I wished we could Jess. You know I don't like doing this to you but you need to remember you are the only one to blame for being in this position right now. If you hadn't followed into Jace's game you wouldn't be here. The gym assault I let go with a warning because I know she provoked you. Now the paintball guns prank... and you hacked the school system to change lunch? That was one step too far.

-What makes you so sure about the lunch thing?, I rubbed my arms nervously seeing if I could at least get off the hook with that one.

-You're addicted to tots Jessie. Only you could have done it, he said before landing a surprise smack to my left seat spot, then another to the right one.

-Owww I'm sorry! I just wanted my friends back, I said with tears rolling down my cheeks while laying limp on his lap.

-That's ridiculous Jess, we all love you for who you are SMACK SMACK You don't have to cause trouble to call our attention SMACK

-I'm sorryyy I really am, I cried harder when I realized I had acted like a spoiled child... again. Dammit!

-I know you are SMACK SMACK You're not the same girl that crossed those doors first time last year SMACK You've changed and I expect you to continue this way SMACK Let's not have a repeat of last year please SMACK

Finally it was over! I hadn't felt this relieved in like forever. I was extremely in pain but at the same time I felt better Paul wasn't mad at me anymore. And I felt less stupid because I knew I wouldn't make this mistake twice. Actually when everybody learns what Jace did to Paul I don't think I'll have to worry about her stealing the attention anymore.

He helped me to stand up and wrapped his arms around me, whispering nice things to my ear so i'd drown my crying to small sniffled. Nobody could calm me down better than him, that was for sure.

-You... love me?, I asked with my red puffy eyes on him and hiccuping a little. He chuckled a bit at the view and ran his fingers through my redhead locks.

-Of course I do Jess. You've become more than just a student to me. You're special, he smiled softly and a smile tugged at my lips as well.

-I love you too. Thank you for taking care of me Paul, I said before running into his arms wanting nothing but to be held by him, the only person that has stuck around and cared for me all this time.

-You're welcome trouble, he said and I guessed him smirking down at me.

So the nickname would stick but I'd try to tone down my trouble self... a little. I promise! It'll be a good year, I could feel it. After all summer had sucked so it could only get better, right?

-There she is!

All of sudden as I was walking peacefully right into the cafeteria I was greeted by tons of cheering, whistling and clapping. I looked around and saw my classmates in our usual table making noise and yelling for me. Well I was happy as hell to have them back, so I quickly made my way to sit with them.

-What the hell is all this?, I asked them as the other people there kept cheering.

-Didn't you know? Everybody found out what happened today. How you made Jace confess. Your name is again clean, Valerie said and high fived me with a smile.

-Yeah Anston! You rule!, I heard on my back.

-This is insane, I said not being able to believe what was happening.

-Well think about it Jess. Paul is the most adored teacher in the entire school, by both students and teachers. When they learned you had caught red handed the one responsible for those awful pranks... well everybody loves you now, Carton explained slowly to my shocked state.

-Teachers loving me? Pst I don't think so.

That couldn't be right. After all, from where I'd get my fun if all school loved me now? I bet the Spanish teacher still keeps me numer one of her hate list.

-Whatever. Awesome job trouble. You really made it this time, Jason congratulated me while taking a seat right next to me.

-Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without you guys. That idea was awesome Matt!, I smiled to my friends and after that I cannot tell you what we talked about. Not because it's a secret or anything, but because we were so excited to be together again we'd talk all at the same time.

I gained back my friends, my trouble crew, Jason... well that's another story to continue later. I had broken my no trouble promise to Paul, which sucked but at least I felt relieved. Now I'd be able to create master trouble without holding to a promise and with no consequences... well a girl can dream right?

By Psparkle022

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