Don't Leave (L.H)

By _thatrandomgirl123_

608 61 7


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By _thatrandomgirl123_

It's been 3 days. 3 days since we spilt up. And 3 days since we spoke. Every time I bumped into him in the hallway he would just roll his eyes and keep walking.

"Matilda." I heard Luke call.

It was 03:45 in the morning so I crept out my room and went into his room. He was on the floor drunk and crying.

"What's wrong Luke?" I asked worried.

"Everything. Wait who are you?"


"No you're not I broke up with her."

"Ok Luke what's wrong?"

"I miss her. Matilda."

"I'm sure she misses you too."

"I'm such a dumb jerk why did I have to break up with her? She's just been moping around. I love her and nothing will change that I don't want to be with anyone else she's so pretty much prettier than you. And she's small and skinny not that it matters and absolutely the most beautiful person I've seen I love her. She thinks I'll find someone on tour but how can I if I love her?" I laughed then sighed.

"She's very much in love with you too she just doesn't think she good enough for you."

"She's more than good. In fact I'm not good enough for her I'm just awkward and shy. The thing is when I lose her I'm not just losing someone I love my girlfriend I'm losing my best friend too. We promised love wouldn't get in the way of our friendship but we lied to each other."

"You're more than good enough for her and I think she misses the friendship part too."

He stared at me with those big blue eyes and I leaned in too kiss him but he pushed me away.

"HEY I have a girlfriend well I don't it's complicated ok. I love Tilly and I'm not ready to kiss other girls. Not that I'll ever be but no please leave now. I wouldn't cheat on Tilly like that even if we aren't together."

"Luke I am Tilly. And you're drunk."

"I may be slightly drunk but I can't make any sort of mistakes."

"Ok." I laughed.

"You need to go to bed." I said helping him up.

"Ok night t- wait what's your name?"


"NO IT'S NOT." He shouted. I shushed him.

"Ok it's Beth?" I said completely making a name up.

"Wait Beth why you in my room?"

"Oh I just came to drop off Jacks book that he left in the library the other day." I explained completely making shit up to please him.

"Oh thanks ok night."

"Goodnight Luke." I said closing the door and going back to my room.

"Doctors in tomorrow." Megan said. She came over and I told her what happened with Luke last night.

"Ugh do I have to go."

"Were you sick this morning and feeling dizzy?"


"So yes you do need to go to the doctors."

"Well the appointment is at 3:00 tomorrow."

"Ok I need to talk to Luke about last night before he goes." I said.

I walked out and his door was open him room looked so empty and he was on the floor trying to zip up his suitcase.

"Need help?" I asked.

He looked up confused and shook his head.

"Em no thanks."

"Luke about last night-"

"What about last night?" He cut me off.

"What you were saying?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did about how you miss us and how you wished we never broke up."

"I think you were dreaming Til."

"You said that Luke."

"No I didn't I was at Calum's last night."

"You were here you called for me so I came in and you were drunk."

"Matilda your imagining things that never happened i would have remembered talking to you. I wasn't that drunk. Now please can you leave I need to pack."

I turned around and walked downstairs where I saw 3 suitcases.

"Where's everyone going?" I asked Liz.

"Andrew's going away for a business trip. I'm going with Luke and Ben is going to England for collage. So just you and Jack. I left money in both your bank accounts for going out. Food and essentials. And here's £400 for whatever you need."

"Liz thank you so much but I can't take this."

"Why sweetheart we're the ones leaving I just want you to be safe and healthy while we're gone. Besides you can't live without any money."

"Thank you so much. I'll pay you back one day." I said hugging her.

"I'm gonna miss you Tilly."

"I'll miss you too."

I helped carry all the suitcases into the car. We all got in Jacks car and went to the airport.

We got there and got all the luggage out and they checked in though security and we all went with them. I saw Michael and ran over to him hugging him.

"I feel like we haven't spoken in ages." Michael said smiling.

"I know." I mumbled.

"I'll look after Luke for you by the way I know you're not together but it's clearly you both still have feelings for each other."

"Thank you." I whispered.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said facing him.

"I'll miss you too T."

Calum and Ashton came soon after and we all had a group hug.

"Flight 1684 is now boarding. Please have your passports and boarding passes available thank you." A flight attendant called over a speaker.

"Guess that's us." Calum said hoping up.

Megan and Michael went into a full on make out session in the middle of the airport as I said bye to Ashton and Calum.

"See you later Luke." I said as he stared at his shoes.

"Bye Tilly."

They all headed out the gates and I held Megan as we both cried.

Luke kept looking back so I let go of Megan and ran over to him.

"I'm gonna miss you Lucas." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Excuse me sir. I'm sorry dear but you're the last one to board you need to get on now." An old women said who was checking the passes

He didn't say anything back he just walked away without another word.

No cliche kiss in the airport no getting back together just nothing.

"I love you." I whispered as he jogged up the ramp.

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