Demigods at Hogwarts??

By Kimslyx

252K 5.5K 2.9K

The story of the seven, Thalia, Nico, Clarisse, Katie, Chris, Reyna and the Stolls (Will and Calypso come lat... More

Chapter 1- A New Quest.
Chapter 2- The Exchange Students
Chapter 3- Run Through a Wall
Chapter 4- Hogwarts
Chapter 5: Lessons
Chapter 6: Training
Chapter 7: Halloween
Chapter 8: A Not So Secret Date
Chapter 9: Snow!
Chapter 10: The New D.A.
Chapter 11: Quidditch
Chapter 13: Back to School
Chapter 14: The First Story
Chapter 15: The Stories
Chapter 16: The Rest of the Stories
Chapter 17: The First Quest
Chapter 18: Powers
Chapter 19: Everyone Needs to Wait for the Combat Lesson
Chapter 20: The Combat Lesson part 1

Chapter 12: Capture the Flag

11K 257 23
By Kimslyx

Chapter 12

I wasn't really used to celebrating Christmas, I mean I'd celebrated it just after Leo had rescued me off my island but whilst I was on the island I had no one to celebrate with plus I never knew if it actually was Christmas. Well, this morning I was woken by Leo jumping up and down on my bed like a two year old. He dragged me outside to 'our' common room where everyone but Percy and Annabeth were. They told me that we were all going to go into Percy and Annabeth's room together and wake them up. "Why?" I wondered if it was because none of them actually wanted to wake them or because they treated them like parents. "Because, we're gonna get them, open our stockings in there and then go and find Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione to open the rest of our presents!" I nodded so we all went in to visit them, when we saw them they looked adorable all cuddled up for about 2 seconds before Jason, Leo and Thalia jumped on them. They both shot up and reached for their weapons faster than anyone could say merry let alone Christmas. They had the three of them pinned to the bed before they were properly awake and I realised the flaw to our plan. In that single moment we had forgotten about everything that had happened in the past. As soon as Percy and Annabeth realised who it was that had jumped on them they let them go and apologised profusely. We were al, rather shocked and wondered what they must have been through. All that Percy hand been through for Annabeth was one of the reasons why I didn't blame him for the gods not letting me off my island.
After we had finally all opened our stockings which were mainly filled with sweets and chocolates we decided to head to the wizard's common room to find the others. When we got there they were all sat on the sofas closest to the fire waiting for us. We each handed each other presents which were all amazingly thought out and individual to each person before heading down to they great hall for breakfast. Leo completely stuffed his face and had an eating competition with Thalia which he obviously lost. Suddenly Percy jumped up and ran around screaming "Look outside!" at the top of his lungs before leaving the room. We all followed him and saw what had caused all the excitement, it was snowing really hard again. We decided with the Wizards that were there for Christmas that we would be on one team and they would be in the others do we were going to play capture the flag with snow instead of just another snowball fight. We headed to our rooms to get suitable clothes on and devise a battle strategy. Annabeth was obviously in charge with Percy helping. We were to split into offence and defence. The defence was going to build large walls to hide behind with the flag whilst the offence was going to try to get past the other teams defences. We had decided that no magic was allowed but Percy had managed to make Annabeth agree to him using his powers which would out us at a huge advantage. We all headed back to the main entrance once we were sure that everyone knew what they were doing. Once all the wizard and gathered we started. They had obviously not devised a very sensible battle strategy, it seemed to consist of them throwing snowballs at us in an attempt to distract us basically forgetting about their flag. We could have finished the game in the first ten minutes but we were having to much fun and wanted to carry on. In the end we decided to end the game after about an hour. Whilst our defences were barley touched they had no defences left at all and a lot of the younger ones had given up. We went up to them and agreed that next time it snowed we would split ourselves between the teams to make it more even. I could tell straight away that there was going to be an argument about who was on Percy and Annabeth's team because we all knew that they weren't going to split up.
We all went inside for hot chocolate before heading up to our common rooms. We were asked many times who we knew such good battle strategies, for this answer we looked to Annabeth who just said, "We play that game a lot." All in all it was a great Christmas and I loved spending it with all my friends instead of alone on my island.

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