Losing Mr. Maxwell

By AngieTheTurtle

5.4K 160 44

Sequel of Loving Mr. Maxwell, Azura Valentine was forced to leave Vincent Maxwell and move away. Now forced t... More

Chapter One - A Fresh Start? I Think Not!
Chapter Two - Wonderful
Chapter Three - FML
Chapter Four - Soon
Chapter Five - Sour and Sweet
Chapter Six - Family
Chapter Seven

Losing Mr. Maxwell

1.8K 27 6
By AngieTheTurtle

One Year Ago, Graduation Day


"Congratulations, Ms. Valentine." said Vincent smiling. "I guess red does suit you guys for a gown color."

"The guys thought they looked awesome because they're in black." I said with a chuckle.

"Come, let's leave. I heard some people were pulling a prank."

I nodded and we hurried off. As we walked out of the grand doors, we heard footsteps behind us. I turned around and gasped. There stood my 'father.' Except, he wasn't fat. He looked muscular in a suit and had his hair curled. What's up with curls now?

I instantly narrowed my eyes. Vincent turned around and glared at him, both of us suddenly upset.

"Now, now. This isn't a time to be upset." his voice was a lot more deeper too, "How are you, my dear Azura? Congratulations on graduating, I'm proud of you."

He took a step forward and I took a step back.

"You better run off to your little hole before I fuck you up." growled Vincent.

"A teacher shouldn't talk to a guest like that. His job could easily be taken away." said my 'father,' his eyes narrowed and voice cold.

Not able to handle enough, I nudged Vincent's arm and turned around, walking off without another glance.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?"

"Young lady?!" I spat, still walking, "You should choose your words carefully, old man."

"How disrespectful, did my brother not raise you well?!"

"What do you m-"

I swiftly turned around and took another look at this man. Never had that man been so muscular and tall. No, this isn't real. I looked over at Vincent, shock clearly written on his face.

"Who are you?" spat Vincent, confusion replacing his shock.

"Is it not obvious?" said the man with a chuckle, "I am Azura's biological father."

"Well that escalated quickly..." mumbled Vincent.

My father, my real father. It can't be real, this isn't happening. I analyzed his face. His eyes were a piercing blue, that's the first thing that I noticed. He had a straight nose and thin lips. His skin was pale and he was about 6'2. He was a little muscular, which was noticeable through his grey suit with a white shirt and black tie. His hair was peppered at the sides and I then notice d that I resembled my mother more than him.


An unknown feeling slowly crept inside of me. I felt it being mixed with nothing but anger and rage. I clenched my fists and took a deep breath, trying my best to soothe it. Vincent looked down at me and he frowned.

"You'll come with me now." said my biological father as he approached me, "And attend colleg-"

"Are you mad?!" I snarled, the anger concoction rising to the surface.

He flinched and I bit my bottom lip. His face held confusion that was replaced with amusement. This seemed to anger me more.

"Where were you all this time?!" I yelled, my anger building up by the second, "And I'm eighteen, I don't need to go anywhere with you!"

A group of people began to stare and I clenched my fists. Vincent, my 'father' and I walked behind the school. It was completely empty, we don't need anyone filming or watching us.

"Now, now, d-"

"Don't you come any fucking closer!" I snapped.

I couldn't help the side of me that was clawing to get out. At this point, I didn't give a shit what he thought of me.

"You think it was fucking easy getting beat by that pathetic excuse of a father for over seventeen years?! You think all of the broken bones, cuts and bruises over the years was worth you coming here on my day to say I'm leaving with you? I don't even know your name, your name! Do you know how many days I starved for? Locked in a fucking closet: Choked, beaten, abused?! You could've been there to save me, you could've helped me, you could've actually raised me to be a better person. I fucking hate myself because of the scars that I have on my body! I can't go outside without worrying about these scars and what others think about me! Don't you dare walk closer to me you little bitch. You think I'm going to follow behind you like a fucking sheep? Well guess what, father. You can fuck off and go right back in the hole you crawled out of."

With these words, tears were streaming down my face. He stared at me with the same unreadable expression and I sniffed.

"Piss the fuck off!" I yelled.

I grabbed Vincent's hand and began to walk away.

"Azura." said Vincent, "You're smart, you're beautiful and I love you. You're so honest... I love you. Don't let him get to you. Let's go home... I'm close to my breaking point."

About two blocks later, I realized the poor excuse of a father was following us. I grit my teeth and turned around to face him.

"You look so much like your mother. The way you snapped at me, even the way you walk. The words you speak are the words of a true fighter. You'll get over it."

Vincent and I glared at him.

"You should watch who you're looking at, boy. Your eyes might roll to the back of your head."

"Are you fucking insane?!" I snarled, "Are you aware of what's happening? Do you understand what came out of my mouth?!"

"I am well aware, I know the terrible habits of my brother." he chuckled, "But it was for the greater good, my dear."

"The greater good? The greater fucking good?! How about I lock you in a fucking closet for three days and two nights, I bet it'll be for the greater good!" I yelled.

My throat began to hurt from all of the screaming but I ignored it. Vincent only stood there in shock. His hand squeezed mine until it began to hurt and I squeezed his back. I knew just how he felt and I knew it was his breaking point. I looked up at Vincent and gasped. His face was completely calm.

"And you never did anything?" questioned Vincent, his eyes still fixated on the man.

"Of course not. Azura knows how to handle herself well because of her experience."

Vincent laughed. As he laughed, he squeezed my hand even harder and I winced.

My 'father' looked down at our hands and raised an eyebrow. The man was about to speak but I didn't see, no, expect, what was coming. Vincent pushed me back and had my biological father on the floor. I stumbled and caught my balance. Vincent threw punch after punch at his face. He grabbed the man's collar.

"You're nothing but a little low life piece of shit." said Vincent as calmly as possible.

His voice was so calm and neutral, it scared me. I only stood there and watched as Vincent landed another punch to the man's face as dark red blood poured out of the man's nose. Usually I would stop him, but I made it special for this man. I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to feel how I obtained my 'precious' scars and bruises. Still, Vincent didn't stop, he was out for blood and only blood. Vincent paused for a second and sigh.

"What do you say to Azura?" asked Vincent.

Two seconds passed and Vincent sighed.

"Too late." he mumbled, "This is for the greater good."

Licking his knuckle, he punched the man square in his jaw and he fainted. Vincent looked back up at me, his face scarily... calm. I kneeled down next to him and hugged him tightly to my chest. His breathing was normal but he was extremely tense.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear.

Vincent never responded, he only looked down at my... father in disgust.

"That's compared to nothing she's endured because you weren't there." he spat, "You piece of shit."

I held him up and we both stood up.

"Come, Vincent. Let's go home."

Thanks for reading the first chapter, guys! Welcome to the sequel of Loving Mr. Maxwell! I have no idea how this will end, nor what the next chapter will be. For those of you who stuck around for over a year, hello there, sexy. I might change the title... I thought of it on the train ride home today. I'm a lazy bastard lol. I'll post chapter one tomorrow ^_^

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