College Story

Par paige569

70.3K 2K 583


College Story (chapter 1 )
College Story ( Chapter 3 )
College Story ( Chapter 4 )
College Story ( Chapter 5 )
College Story ( Chapter 6 )
College Story ( Chapter 7 )
College Story ( Chapter 8 )
College Story (chapter 9)
College Story (Chapter 10 )
College Story ( Chapter 11 )
College Story (Chapter 12 )

College Story ( chapter 2 )

6.5K 243 53
Par paige569

okay so here's chapter 2.. i dont know why this just made me laugh.. i'm not one who usually laughs at my own jokes, but me and my sis were cracking up i hope you guys like this story because i'm really enjoying writing it

please comment and bvote you guys!!! :))))))

love you all fans non fans whoever reads :)))

ch 2

After the hell that is calculus class passed I scurried out of the room as fast as she said class dismissed. I was still a little embarrassed from practically drooling over mystery boy and didn't want to deal with any unnecessary face to face time. Though I doubted that he was going to run over to chat with me anytime soon.

The entire duration of the class Melissa Miller had all but given him a lap dance. Tossing her blond hair over her tiny frame and laughing relentlessly at any little thing he said. It was so pathetic and disgusting the way he seemed to fall for her pathetic antics in attempt to catch his attention.

I knew what she was doing though, her conniving little brain was spinning its evil wheels and plotting how she was going to make him hers and in the process letting us know he was off limits because she had claimed him for herself. Well good riddance was all I had to say.

I mean sure he had the most perfect lips and there was the way his cheek bones looked masculine and rigid under the slight stubble that covered his face making him look utterly sexy with a fierce edge, but that didn't mean I was going to reduce myself into throwing myself all over him.


I mean I was better than that and it's not like he would ever go for me anyway. Guys like that liked girls like Melissa Miller and that was just the way it went. It was a lesson you learned when the high school prom comes around and your date falls through so last minute you end up taking your cousin Harold instead.

I let out a long sigh at the memory. Yeah definitely not a highlight of my glory days that I'll be sharing with the future grand kids that's for sure.

I went into the bathroom to freshen up splashing cold water on my face. I pulled a hair tie off my wrist and threw my hair into a messy pony tail. I glanced in the mirror and began studying myself. I was alright, I suppose. I had dark brown hair and fairly light colored skin. I was blessed with my mother's bone structure and my cheeks always had a natural glow about them. My eyes were the one thing I truly liked about myself. They were big and brown framed with long dark lashes that saved me money on ever having to buy mascara.

The only difference from me and most girls was I didn't fancy myself up in lip gloss and heavy liner, it just wasn't my style. I didn't spend an hour getting ready or pay a fortune for my wardrobe, I....-

My thoughts wre interrupted by a stream of squealed giggling coming from outside in the hall.

I knew that high pitched laugh and it sent a chill down my spine like nails on a chalk board. I walked out of the restroom and of course there was Melissa Miller standing in front of hot new mystery boy practically pinning him against the wall.

He glanced up and met my gaze and I quickly averted my eyes and walked in the opposite direction.

That was so typical. Of course they were getting along so quickly. No matter how much I liked my eyes, I'm sure they were in no competition to her ass that was hanging out of her tiny shorts.

Forgetting all about them I made my way down the creepy hallway to the even creepier library. Not only had Mrs. Limpkin made us do nearly three-hundred problems in class, she also assigned another two-hundred for homework so it was going to be a long night. The assignment wasn't due till next weak, but I wanted to just get it out of the way.

I pulled my book out and went to get a water bottle from the vending machine when reason number three for hating this school came scrambling towards me.

Why me? I said silently while looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey Laney?" God he smelled like corn nuts. How do you even manage to smell entirely of corn nuts? It's so weird.

"Hi Steve." I said with a forced smile. I didn't encourage him, but I didn't have the heart to be mean to him either.

I had met Steve my first day here and hadn't been able to dodge him since.

Steve combed his light brown hair to the side in a very neat I'm from the fifties fashion. He then topped it off with thick glasses that did nothing for his face and made his eyes look at least twice as large; which was kind of unsettling.

I know what your thinking, poor guy right. Well it gets worse. He's in the chess club, on the math team and no matter what wears Dockers and a crisp tucked in shirt.

Steve is the stereotypical class A nerd . His super sweet, but frankly a little bit annoying.

I took some change out of my pocket and pressed the button for a water.

"So can I help you with anything Steve?" I asked with raised eyebrows. Like I said before I wasn't going to be mean to him, but I wanted to get the message clear that there was no way in hell anything would ever happen between us.

Completely ignoring my tone he replied eagerly, "Well I was wondering, if you wanted to ... maybe go to the cafeteria with me later on and... get something to eat?" he was looking at the ground and nervously shuffling his feet together.

He was almost cute in a lost puppy sort of way. Only imagine this lost puppy was missing a leg and no matter how cute and sorry you feel, it's just too hard getting pass that missing leg.

"Sorry Steve, I already ate. Maybe another time." Shit why'd I say that.

As soon as those words left my mouth I instantly regretted it. His face went from disappointment to utter enthusiasm in seconds.

"Yeah, any time just let me know." he smiled broadly.

I grimaced back and told him I had a lot of work to do and would see him around.

I would worry about that later. In the mean time, I really did have a lot of work to do.


I woke up groggily to the loud thrumming of a vacuum. I looked around notcing i was surrounded by book's and a wierd janitor guy who was staring at me strangely. I must have fallen asleep in the library i thought.

I reached for my phone while yawning and saw that it was 2:30 am.

Shit I had to be up for class in four hours.

I gathered my belongings and headed out the back entrance of the library and towards the dorms.

It was extremely dark out and the only light that guided my way in the dark and towards the dorm was the flicker of the dancing street light each about 15 feet away from each other leaving a small gap of darkness in between.

I was halfway there when one of the street lights started sparking. It must be a fuse and just as I was thinking that, every street light went out one by one.


My heart began racing in my chest when I heard leaves crunching behind me.

Oh my god, I knew it, I was going to die. This was how it was all going to end. Just like in one of those cheap scary movies.

College student falls asleep in the library, on her way back the lights mysteriously go off, she hears the sound of approaching footsteps and decides to make a run for it, but of course the killer is always faster and before you know it. You're dead.

Well I'll be dammed if I'm going out like that! I could still hear the footsteps coming closer. Every crunch of the leaves hitting me like an explosion.

So I did what I had to do.

I turned around to face the culprit head on and ran towards him at full speed.

I crashed into him sending us both falling to the ground. He grunted something like what are you doing, but I paid no mind as I fought to keep him pinned down.

I was going to be a hero.

That's when all the lights came back on and I saw that I was staring face to face with Mr. Mysterious.

Holly mother of god!

"Your not a serial murderer are you?" I asked already knowing the answer.

Still straddling him I might add.

"No I'm not." he laughed.

Reason number four for hating this school, watching one too many scary movies and imagining non existent serial killers coming after you in the night.


Well, I told you I had an over active imagination.

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