Hood Love 1

By NaeBbyXo

2.5M 56.4K 17.1K

Janiyah is young and wants to enjoy a carefree life. No worries at all. She's books, beauty, and brains. She... More

Hood Love 2


73.3K 1.8K 177
By NaeBbyXo

Niyah P.O.V

"Is there anything irregular about your pregnancy? Any new symptoms of any kind I need to know about?"

My OBGYN asked rubbing a cool gel onto my stomach. This was our second time trying to figure out the gender of the baby. I hoped that he/she was positioned correctly this time so that we could know. I was tired of waiting. I needed to know what this baby was going to be.

"Not really besides the slight back pain I told you about." I admitted honestly.

She glided the handheld tool across my stomach until a clearer image of the baby popped onto the screen. Trevan leaned across me to the point where I could barely see myself.

"You are having..." she squinted her eyes as she tried to focus on the screen. I felt my heart rate increase as I anticipated her next words.

"A boy, congratulations." The doctor smiled looking over at me.

Trevan looked down at me with the brightest smile on his face. He wanted a boy since the day he found out I was pregnant. He explained to me that a girl would be too much on his mental and that he would go crazy trying to protect her from any and everything.

I was excited to be having a beautiful baby boy. I couldn't wait to meet him and hold him in my arms. I only had three more months to go until I would be blessed with his presence.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at the doctor as she wiped the gel off of my stomach.

"You're welcome love. He looks healthy but if there are any problems or complications call me immediately." She stressed as I pulled down my shirt.

I nodded sitting up in the hospital bed as she began taking off her gloves and throwing them in the trash. Trevan helped me down from the bed and grabbed my coat.

"Alright. You two have a good rest of your day be safe." The doctor said her goodbyes before leaving out of the door.

I slipped into my coat as Trevan zipped his closed.

"We having a boy." He smiled.

I laughed shaking my head.

"That was just music to your ears huh?"

"Hell yeah. I can't wait to meet my baby boy. I'm gone teach him everything about everything." He pulled me close rubbing on my belly.

I couldn't help but smile at him. I was nothing but happy with the man he had become in just these few months. Making sure I had everything I needed was his priority, and he kept me spoiled with everything I wanted.

He zipped up my coat leaving me to simply grab my purse. Grabbing onto his hand we made our way out of the hospital. As soon as we exited the building a cool rush of cold air froze my body. I immediately wanted to get inside the car because it was snowing as well. Trevan hurriedly rushed us to the car and opened the passenger door making sure I was inside safe. Once I was in he went around to the driver's side to get in. The heat was immediately put on full blast which I was grateful for.

"Shit it's cold." Trevan sighed blowing into his hands and rubbing them together.

After the car got a chance to warm up we pulled off and I got comfy in my feet. I was a little hungry but didn't really know what to eat.

"Where you trynna go now?" Trevan asked driving with one hand on the wheel.

I looked over at him as he drove. If my pregnant ass wasn't so big I would ask him to pull over so that I could just love all over him. Instead, I remained seated and decided to answer his question.

"Um, I wanna go shopping because we don't have nothing for the baby," I answered honestly. We had two extra bedrooms in the house which we agreed to use one as a nursery for the baby but hadn't even got started. I knew exactly how I wanted it to look but it was going to take some work.

"Ight that's cool. I gotta call dude about the paint and shit."

Before I could answer him I heard my phone ringing from the inside of my purse. Pulling it out I saw that it was my mom.

"Hey, ma," I answered putting the phone between my shoulder and ear to look through my purse. I could have sworn I threw a Rice Krispy Treat inside earlier.

"Hey, baby. How was the appointment? What are we having? Everything okay?" I laughed at her continuous questions and the fact that she asked what are we having.

"Yes, everything is fine. We found out were having a boy." I smiled feeling excited about baby Ayden. I heard my mom squeal making me cringe at how loud she was.

"Aww, a boy. You know me and your father thought that you were a boy."

"Really?" I laughed and finally found my Rice Krispy.

"Yes, your name was gonna be Jayden." I shook my head taking a bite out of my little snack.

"Wow, so you guys had to change it to Janiyah."

"Yup. I can't believe my baby is having a baby." She cooed making me sigh.

"I know mama I can't either. I'm excited though."

"I am too. Just don't be trynna keep my grandbaby away from me when the time comes. I just know he is gonna be so handsome." I giggled promising her I wouldn't. I knew that I would need a break and I knew both the baby's grandmothers would be more than willing to help out. This baby was going to be spoiled rotten.

After talking to my mom a little while longer, I promised I would call her once I got home. We had arrived at the mall but were looking for a spot to park in.

"Damn, it's crowded today." I groaned looking at all the cars parked, trying to see if anyone was about to leave so that we could steal their spot.

We found a park and quickly exited the car to hurry into the mall. I was glad I was dressed comfy today in a white Nike Jogging suit and grey mini UGG boots. My hair was slicked into a neat bun on top of my head. I had on light makeup with a little bit of clear gloss.

The first store I wanted to look inside of was Macy's. From my knowledge, they had a lot of cute baby clothes and that's what I was here for. Making my way inside Trevan grabbed a buggy and we went to the baby section.

After an hour of looking around the cart was stuffed with all kinds of stuff. Socks, onesies, hats, little gloves, bibs, etc. Some stuff I knew I would order online, such as shelves and a crib. I wanted everything perfect for my baby. After checking out Trevam grabbed our bags and we headed to Kids Footlocker.

Trevan wanted our baby boy to have every shoe in the damn world it seemed. Once we entered Kids Footlocker he ended up buying 30 pairs of shoes for our baby boy. He had Jordans, Air Max, Air Force One's, Timbs, Nike's, and all types of shit. I just shook my head and watched as he spent his money. I already knew this little boy was going to be dressed like a grown man.

"I gotta use the bathroom." I let him know as we headed out of Baby Gap. We had now been shopping for 3 hours. I still hadn't eaten since breakfast and the little snack I had in the car.

"Ight c'mon fat mama." Trevan grabbed my hand as he held his phone in the other. I walked off from him once I saw the women's restroom sign. He waited outside while I went in.

The bathrooms were surprisingly clean which I was thankful for because I hated public restrooms. I went into the stall and began wrapping the toilet seat as much as I could. Just because it was clean did not mean I was sitting my bare ass against the toilet seat. It felt uncomfortable to squat being that I was so fat now.

Once the toilet was covered up I used the bathroom and wiped myself clean. Throwing the tissue and cleaning up behind myself I flushed and came out of the stall. Washing my hands I tried not to touch anything. I dried my hands with a paper towel and exited the bathroom completely.

Looking in the direction where Trevan was last standing I spotted him but he was not alone. There was a young girl entertaining him. She looked to be about 18 or 19 years old. She was pretty none the less but why was she in my man face? I took my time strutting over to them so that I could hear their conversation. Trevan hadn't realized I was even back from the bathroom yet.

"Yeah, she pregnant as hell but that ain't that point. I don't want you girl." He stressed looking her dead in the eye.

I walked up to him making him stop and look down at me. He shook his head and tried to say something but before he could I began talking.

"How may I help you?" I asked the girl looking at her in her face. She shook her head before walking away. I shrugged and looked up at Tre.

"Were you having fun?" I asked before walking around him. I was tired, hungry, and ready to go home.

"I wasn't even talking to shorty ass." He frowned walking beside me carrying all of our bags. I'm surprised his arms weren't tired because they did look heavy as hell.

Pulling my buzzing phone from my pocket I saw that I had 3 missed calls from Kiera. I made a mental note to call her when I got home. Trevan's phone began to ring and he quickly declined it making me look at him frowning.

"Who was that?"

"Nobody." He shook his head and I left it alone. There hadn't been any secrets between us so far so why would they start now. I decided not to create a problem out of nothing.


Trevan and I had just made it home an hour ago after stopping to get something to eat. I kept all of the things we purchased inside the bags because I had nowhere to put them. I wanted to start working on the nursery first thing tomorrow. I knew it was going to take a while to make it all come together so I wanted to start early.

I begin stripping off my clothes as I yawned. We had stopped and got Wendy's before we came into the house and I ate in the car. Now I was full and the only thing I needed to do was take a nice hot shower. I started the water as I continued taking off all of my clothes.

Since it was winter time me and Tre left all shoes downstairs in the hallway between the front door and the door of our home so that we wouldn't track snow or wetness inside of our home. I peeled off my socks, joggers, tank top, and bra before stepping into the warm shower water. I closed my eyes allowing the warm water to cascade down my body releasing any built up tension I had.

"Bae," I heard Tre call as he entered the bathroom.


"I gotta make a run right quick. I'll be back in an hour." My face immediately went into a frown before I pulled back the shower curtain so that I could see him.

"I thought you had nothing to do today?" As I recalled everything was fine and Trey was watching shit while he spent the day with me since I had a doctors appointment today.

"I know baby I know but some shit just happened. I promise I'm gonna be back."

I shook my head closing the shower curtain back and not even responding to him. Why was it so hard for him to spend one full day with me? It was as if we never had the chance to just relax as just us for a couple of days. He always had to leave out real quick or make a run somewhere. I was becoming annoyed with this shit.

"Baby I promise I'm gone make it up to you don't be mad. I'm coming right back home." I heard him close the door meaning he exited the bathroom. I tried brushing off the entire situation and continued enjoying my relaxing shower.

After washing up twice and rinsing off my body I stepped out off the shower and wrapped up into my dry towel. In the winter my skin would get really dry so I lathered up in lotion while my skin was still damp. Once I was all lotioned up to the point where my skin was literally glowing I slipped into a pretty nightdress from Victoria's Secret that stopped mid thigh and got up under my covers.

I sat up and grabbed my phone from the dresser so that I could facetime Kiera. I knew she also had to be home alone if Trey left. I waited as it rung before she finally picked up.

"Hey boo."

"Hey, baby mama. Ooh, look at you trying to be sexy!" She exclaimed making me laugh.

"I try girl I try. Too bad my knucklehead ass baby daddy not here to love all on me." I pouted.

"I swear. Your ugly ass cousin left me all alone in this house."

I shook my head. Tre and Trey were one in the same.

"What were you doing all day?" She asked looking as if she was moving around.

"Remember I told you I had a doctors appointment?"

"Awe yeah. What they say? Wait hold on." She dropped her phone leaving me to look up at the ceiling of what looked like her kitchen. I waited until she came back to the phone.

"Bitch what are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to make this damn oreo cheesecake I seen on Facebook."

I laughed watching her crush oreo's in a plastic bag. She was literally banging on the bag with a large metal spoon.

"Anyways, I'm supposed to be having a boy."

She smiled brightly at me while dancing.

"Ayeee. Trey owes me a trip to the Bahamas. We bet on you."

I smacked my lips.

"Y'all is not supposed to be making bets about me and my baby."

She laughed and I watched as she struggled to make this cheesecake. I stayed up with her until she finished and she told me it was really good. Trevan still wasn't home by that time so I tried texting him but he didn't respond. We joked and talked on the phone until I fell asleep.


I awoke again to the sound of glass breaking. I jumped up immediately and got up from the bed. Peeking outside my door I could hear someone curse from downstairs. It sounded as if the noise was coming from the kitchen. I eased down the stairs quietly, I knew that one of Trevans guns was hidden in a cabinet right next to the staircase. I just had to get to it.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped in my tracks once I saw the burglar clearly. It was Trevan who looked as if he couldn't even stand on his own two feet. He stumbled towards me and all I could smell was the alcohol on his breath.

"Trevan what the hell," I frowned in disgust.

"Hey, fat mama. I-I missed ya." He smiled stumbling into me. I extended my arms so that I could catch him before he fell completely. Sighing in exhaustion I grabbed his arm and we slowly turned towards the stairs.

"I told alllll them niggas I wasn't trynna get f-fucked up." He slurred. I ignored him and continued taking my time up the stairs. I could barely get upstairs myself and now I had to help him too. Making up it up the stairs one by one we finally made it to our room. Looking down at his feet I saw that he still had on his boots which pissed me off even more. Trevan was going to clean this whole damn house tomorrow. Tracking all of this snow in here.

He sat on the bed as I bent down to take of his boots. It was hard as hell but once I finally got them off I sat them to the side.

"Tre take off your pants." I panted sitting beside him on the bed.

"You must want some dick." He leaned over to me and put sloppy kisses on my neck. I pushed him off of me and watched as he fell back on the bed laughing. I shook my head and decided that it didn't even matter. There was going to be clean sheets put on this bed tomorrow, all of the glass was going to be swept up downstairs, and he was going to mop the floor downstairs and the staircase.

Laying down next to him I felt him grab me and pull me closer to him. His hand caressed my thigh and I felt myself drifting off to sleep once again.

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