Of Fire, of Water, of Wind, a...

By InfinityExpanding

190 19 17

After a rather boring rest of the year last year, Emerald wants to spice school up a bit. There hasn't been a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Five

16 1 1
By InfinityExpanding

"Mrs. Hemlock's a bitch," Emerald reassures Droplet. "She hates everyone."

"She's more than a just a bitch," I add. "She's, like... The bitch of all bitches in the entire universe!"

"Well that's not true..." Emerald said. "I've had a teacher that's more of a bitch than that."

"Anything to add, James?" I ask him. He's been sitting by us, arms crossed and glowering at nothing in particular. That class really ticked him off. Emerald's face takes on a closed expression and she glares at nothing in particular too.

"I'm not contributing to a conversation Emerald's in." he snaps. Well, that's the end of that! Emerald obviously isn't going to join in a conversation James is in, either. I want to hurt Mr. Garner. It's really quite amusing to listen to Emerald and James bicker. When they start up, my first thought is, Going to make popcorn now! Pause the movie til I get back!

"Lunch is in five minutes. We'd better go." Droplet says.

"We're going to Marcus Fletcher's funeral-thingy-ma-bob, remember?" James says.

"Oh yeah," Droplet and I reply. Emerald says nothing, but grimaces slightly. Only I notice.

So we go. There's nothing to it. It's long and boring and long and boring and long and boring... Did I mention that it's long and boring?

At any time you can get up and go to the back for food and drink, but you have to be careful and make no noise, because then the whole thing stops and you're escorted out of the room. I almost was escorted out of the room but then I said I'm a Holder-to-be or a Holder-in-Training, whichever you prefer, and the man went all polite and sweet and innocently gentle and kind. It was sickening.

It ran a little late, cutting into my next class: Eagle-riding. It's how we learn how to ride and control our eagles, the natural Wind pet and mount, and how to take care of them. But mostly how to ride them.

Our familiars are NOT our rides. They just enhance our magic and make good company. Eagles are frigid and proud, and though Winds love 'em, they do NOT make good company. Don't invite one to a tea party.

I'm ok with being late to this class. It's boring. The Eagle I've been assigned is really old. Next year we'll call our Eagles, the ones we'll have for the rest of our life, and train with them. But for now we use school Eagles. The beat-up and battered school Eagles.

My Eagle is named Majorang, pronounced Ma-jor-ang. You say the j like the sound your dishwasher makes. Sounds Chinese to me.

He's really uptight with me, and only flies in tight circles around the room. He stops after three circles and I have to kick him really hard before he goes up in the air again. He also only listens to the instructor.

Feeding him is even worse. He won't take food from my hand like the other Eagles and he'll only eat or drink from his bowl if I'm on the other side of the room. He also won't go and find a river or catch his own food out in a forest like the other Eagles will do. You have to give him his food or he just won't eat.

And when I'm riding on him, I can't make him change directions. He goes either straight or in a circle widdershins, which I hear is dark magic, unless of course the teacher says otherwise. And he never changes his height: so close to the ceiling I have to bend over his back inside or just above the trees outside. He doesn't land like the other Eagles, either. They go at a slant going forward or going gently spiraling down, but Majorang HAS, just HAS to drop. Without warning, too. One second you'll be flying slowly in circles and the next second you'll be plummeting to the ground, watching the ground rush up to meet you. I hate him.

The teacher won't let me get a different Eagle. I've tried my "I'm going to be a Holder some day," approach to a short and final "No" and even tried putting a spell on her. She blocked it, though, and and gave me a detention for trying to put a spell on a teacher. I won't tell you the spell though. Let's just say, I got it from Emerald and James. 'Nuff said.


Now I'm in the library with James, Droplet, and Veronica. I still won't talk to James; we send each other messages through the other two and sometimes even Monica.

"Emerald," Droplet says slowly.

"Yes?" I ask, looking up from my laptop on the library table. We're all gathered around a circular table, while I search my computer for prank spells and creating an Elemental website for my jewelry business, Emerald's Gems. I decided to bring all my tools, wire, beads, earring pieces, other equipment, clasps, charms, and of course, already made jewelry, to school. During the summer I run it in the mortal world, but I decided I could still run it at school... for students.

"I need help."

"On what? Pranking someone?" I say, eyes lighting up and paying extra attention.

"No. What do YOU do to get respect from everyone else?"

Our heads whip around to look at her so fast we could have time-warped. Which is a probability, considering we aren't in full use of our powers.

"Who isn't respecting you?" James asks sharply.

"They better say their prayers now, coz NO ONE messes with OUR friends!" I say. James and I have forgotten we aren't talking to each other. We crack our knuckles and narrow our eyes with identical looks of battle on our faces.

"No, no, it's not that no one's been respecting me!" Droplet protests hurriedly. "It's just that no one really pays attention to me. You guys make people look around and say hi and want to be your friend. I just... Blend in. I like being your guys' friend, but you guys also have other friends."

We look at each other.

"Not really." Veronica, James, and I say in unison.

"I don't really want other friends." Veronica says.

James and I agree. "Just the four of us is enough for me," I tell Droplet. Veronica and James nod.

"But you guys also command other's respect, and people do what you say. Everyone knows you'll be great Second-In-Commands and Holders, and people will listen to you and look up to you, and they already do. I hear them talking about it. But no one says that about ME!"

"You just have to be more outspoken and commanding. Let people know you're THERE." James advices.

"But that's not in my nature!" Droplet groans.

"Droplet, it's ok." I say. "I'm like that in the mortal world if you're someone I don't know." They all look at me in shock. I shrug. "It's true. It's just not my territory and it shows. But I belong here, in the Elemental world, and I let people know it. Droplet, you just have to be at home here, at school, in your own skin, with your own people. You have to recognize your heritage and your job. You're a role model. You're smart and pretty and funny and those who know you love you! It's just an issue of confidence. Are you nice to people?"

"All the time," Droplet moans.

"Hmm." I pause and think for a moment. "Maybe you need to also show more battle-skills. You've got to be good at battle, inside. Find what you're comfortable with. It makes people respect you, I find. And kicking but. Maybe you should also show people you aren't going to be all soft, not someone you can push around. Push back. Someone makes fun of you; retaliate. Don't mind if you get a detention. People respect that, too."

"If you're a Fire, you have to have a minimum of 17,000 detentions in all of your school years combined to become a warrior," James puts in mildly. Droplet looks horrified. "But detentions will look bad on my academic records!" she wails.

"Just follow our advice," I say, turning back to making my website. Veronica moves her seat to be closer to me so she can take a look.

"Can I help in your business?" she asks.

"Sure." I say. I'm currently setting up an information page. Phone number, home address, dorm address(es), website email address, other email address(es), who's manager, etc.

"Should I change the name for the business here?" I inquire.

"Yes." Droplet says at the same time Veronica says, "Most definitely."

"Then what to?"

"How about, 'Holder-in-Training Jewelry?'" James puts in.

"Frank, but good enough." I say, typing madly.

"I'll help with the selling and take care of the money." Droplet says.


"I can help sell too." James says.



Contact Us


Manager, Seller & Jewelry Maker: Emerald Green; (school) Green Apprentice Girls' Dorm, Earth Common Room; (home) 22017 E. Hempington Road Phoenix Arizona 83050; (site) h.i.t.jewelry@gmail.com; (regular) emeraldg1532@gmail.com; (home) 602-513-4289; (cell) 480-539-4250.

Seller: Veronica Willow; (school) Green Apprentice Girls' Dorm, Wind Common Room; (home) 10987 Ermine Street Burbank California 5327; (site) h.i.t.jewelry@gmail.com; (regular) winds.above@gmail.com; (home) 501-225-2427; (cell) 213-214-2152.

Seller & Treasurer: Droplet Spring; (school) Green Apprentice Girls' Dorm, Water Common Room; (home) Main Street, Springfield Massachusetts 70786; (site) h.i.t.jewelry@gmail.com; (regular) silverwaters@gmail.com; (home) 708-323-6507.

Seller: James Flame; (school) Green Apprentice Boys' Dorm, Fire Common Room; (home) 22015 Hempington Road Phoenix Arizona 83053; (site) h.i.t.jewelry@gmail.com; (regular) tricksterflame@gmail.com; (home) 602-513-5390; (cell) 480-213-4286.


Emerald Green's Holder-in-Training Jewelry is handmade with care and made to be durable and gorgeous. Thinking of giving your mother, sister, or maybe even a friend a present they'll love? Or perhaps you want a little gift for yourself? Search no more! Earring, pendants, and key-chains are always a good choice (and cheap at only $5!), but right around the corner are also full-out necklaces and bracelets at $10!

We may come cheap, but you're getting more than your money's worth when you buy from Holder-in-Training Jewelry! With bright, vibrant colors and original designs, our jewelry makes you say "Wow!"

Our sellers can deliver our gorgeous products to your room, and even to your house if you so choose! Shipping and handling is free. Don't have money at school with you? Don't worry about it! We can always send a note to your house explaining. There will be tables with pre-made letters to your house asking for money. All you need to do is fill it out, put it in the envelope, fill out the envelope, and we'll send it!

You can order your jewelry on our website, at the tables in the hall (we have ordering sheets!) or find Holder-in-Training Employees in the hall, in between classes, in our Common Rooms, or even at lunch! We're always ready to help!

Thank you for your service, and good day!

"You're good at this," Veronica says, reading over my shoulder.


"We're going to be busy if you didn't lie."

"Well, I think my work is beautiful and stunning, so technically, I'm not lying. And they ARE that cheap. And they ARE original."

Droplet comes over with James and they start to read what I've written.

"You aren't going to be able to 'blend in' now, Droplet," I tell her with a grin.

We laugh. It's true, though.


I'm stopped in the hall by a nervous-looking Purple Apprentice girl. "Hi, um... Are you, uh, Emerald Green?"

"Yes," I say.

"Oh, I was looking at the posters on the wall..."

We'd made tons of posters with the description from the information page on the website and big letters saying "HOLDER-IN-TRAINING-JEWELRY" with our names underneath. I'd drawn pictures of earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, and key chains. We'd done a border of green vines with large red roses in the corners, my style. There was also lots of glitter (Roni's idea), which made them pop. They looked good.


"And I was wondering... Do you make rings also?"


"And do you take custom orders?"

"I can, but don't go around telling people that, or they won't buy the stuff I've made already." I joke. She grins nervously.

"Can I stop by sometime and, uh, look at what you have and the beads and wire and decide what I like or if I'd like to have a custom one?"

"Of course. What Element are you?"


"After this class do you have a free period?" I inquire. She nods. "I do too. Come by then, ok, and I'll see what I can do for you."

She grins at me. "Thanks. I'm Samantha by the way. See you then!" she waves and runs off. I stop at all my tables in the hall before heading to class and gather all the orders on them, and the notes for their parents asking for money.

This class is Earths-only. It's where we learn how to ride, control, and take care of our Griffins. I bet Veronica explained it for Eagles, so I won't bother. It's just like that, but with Griffins.

My Griffin is named Kiwi, because it likes kiwis, the birds and the fruit. I didn't know there was a kiwi bird, until I said "Oh, the fruit?" to the teacher who had told me her name and why, and she said, "And the bird." I hope Kiwi doesn't like eating kiwi birds.

Kiwi is very cooperative. She goes as high or low as I want her to, follows all my instructions, lands nicely, eats out of my hands, catches her own food, finds her own water, and eats and drinks out of her bowl. Ok, maybe she's a bit TOO cooperative. I'd rather have one that's a bit of a challenge...

Anyway, the class is over pretty quickly. I hurry over to the dorm I'm in and start sorting out all the orders. I send all the letters for money to their addresses with a quick spell I'd researched and start picking out pendants, key chains, full necklaces, bracelets, and earring that match the orders, and making more to fit the orders if I don't have them already. Then I attach notes to them saying "Thank you for doing business with Holder-in-Training Jewelry" and send them off with the same spell as before. The orders all have money attached.

Droplet comes in, with Samantha trotted behind her. "Hi Emerald. I came to help out, but I was held back a bit in class which is why you're probably done. This little one was waiting at the door waiting for someone to say the password. I don't know why she's here."

I'd forgotten to give Samantha my password. "Oh, I promised Samantha she could come and look, Droplet. Sorry, Samantha, I forgot to give you the password. My mistake. Sit down, both of you. I've just put everything away. Droplet, can you take out all the ready-made jewelry? Thanks. Just a moment, Samantha."

I put big checkmarks on all the orders, take the money off, and stick the orders in a folder. Then I take out a box, unlock it, put the money in, and relock it. I turn back to Samantha and Droplet, who's already taken out all the pre-made jewelry.

We empty out all the little pouches and start sorting them into groups, then laying them out so each one is showing. Then I bring out my wire, beads, and charms.

"That's all of it." I say, indicating all the stuff laid out on the floor in front of my bed/alcove. It goes several feet in front of my bed/alcove and out sideways to halfway in front of the beds next to mine. Samantha stares.

She picks up one of my favorite pendents, crazily twisting black wire that seems to lead somewhere while going nowhere, with a sudden vibrantly pink diamond-shaped glass bead not QUITE in the middle. "It's beautiful," she says. I have to agree. I don't like pink, but it pops out and yet also calls attention to the dark metal all around it. Like a sudden rose in the middle of thorn bushes as far as the eye can see. "Thank you."

She sets it down and picks up one of the only ten rings I've made. Thick silver and navy wire, twisting around each other, with a sky-blue genuine pearl stuck on. "However did you bend the wire?"

"Wire is not always as easy or hard to bend as it looks. Those wires were super-easy, but I wouldn't try bending them now for all the worlds." I wink cheekily. "I always try to bend the rings after I've made them, and that hurt like klen and worse when it snapped back at my fingers."

Samantha puts it down again and looks at it all, like she's searching for something. "Anything you like?" Droplet asks. She picks up a silver chain necklace with a pendant of just bluish-silver wire twisting lazily and calmy around, under, in, and over itself, smooth and rough, calm and crazy. It's really pretty. "This one Emerald made especially for Waters. The chain's handmade too. Crazy, right? You'd think it was done by machine. She said I could have it if it wasn't bought by the end of the month, because I like it so much, but you can have it."

Samantha looks tempted. "It just needs something else..."

I sigh as I look at it. "I know, right? I just can't figure out WHAT though..."

"I know! It needs either a very dark navy or a black bead right there!" Samantha points to a spot near to a side but close to the chain. "A sphere."

I sort through my beads and find a bead that would suit. It's black, and glints and shimmers. It would go perfectly. "Like this?" I ask with a grin. She nods. I don't feel like working with the wire so I just magick the bead onto the correct spot.

"Perfect." Samantha says, and I hand the necklace to her. Droplet looks at it. "I dunno, I don't like it anymore... I think the bead ruins it. But whatever."

"Well, that's fine, because Samantha's buying it," I tell her snootily. Then we look at each other and giggle at my haughty tone. "Samantha, would you like to work for me?" I ask. She looks delighted.


"Yeah. You can come and help me figure out what some of them need. Unfortunately, though I have a great eye for colors and design, if I do say so myself, I sometimes can't figure out what some of my work NEEDS. You can help me with that, and help sell if you like. We're all sellers. None of the others are good at the color and design thing, which is why they are sellers and Droplet is also treasurer."

"Yes I'll help! But I don't want to be a seller." Samantha exclaims.

"Cool. You're hired. I'll magic that onto the posters and add it onto the website." I take down the box with the money, and the key, and give it to Droplet. "Droplet, this is the money box. I'll give you the money from all the orders once I'm done with them and you'll put it in there. Then on the last day of the month, split it all into five piles. Then take a fifth of Samantha, Veronica, and James' piles and put them in mine. Take none out of yours. You also have to deliver to the money to me, Samantha, Veronica, and James."

"Why do I take none out of mine but some out of theirs'?" Droplet asks while Samantha says, "I'm getting PAID? Thanks!"

"Droplet, you do more than they do. Unless you want to take a fifth out of yours and give it to me."

"Yes, I think it's fair."

"Well, you're basically the accountant/treasurer, and a seller, while Veronica and James are only sellers and Samantha only helps me. I get more because I sell, make the stuff, and run the thing. I think the more you do means the more money you get."

"I want to get the same amount of money as they do."

I shrug. "Okay. I guess that's your deal. Though if James and Veronica ask why they don't get as much money as they'd thought, tell them that we come cheap and THEN tell them what I told you. Waters have the same free periods as the Earths, right?"

Droplet nods.

"Okay then. You two come here every free period unless I tell you otherwise, and if you're doing something else that time, tell me beforehand. Also I need to set up schedules for working hours and days off."

We just chat the rest of our free period.

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