Chapter Eleven

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I barge into James as he comes out the door he disappeared into just a few minutes ago. I felt Emerald's anger like a white, hot burning in my mind and got Veronica from History of Magic class and told her something was up. Then we hurried to the garden/orchards door just as James came out.

He puts his arms out to steady himself and I stumble backwards. "Where's Emerald?" I pant.

"Probably drifting off to sleep thinking of a billion new ways to kill a male named James," James says. Veronica snorts behind me in laughter. "Awesome. What's up?"

James looks up at the ceiling. "The roof, and then the sky, then the universe, I suspect." he muses. I glare at him, a feat for a usually pleasant and kind Water.


"Okay, okay, Murky. Don't hurt me! And Monica and George and the gang." He hangs his head in ACTUAL SHAME. A FIRE! SHAMED! I'm laughing.

"Greeeeat. There's about thirty of them!" Veronica says. James shakes his head. "Nineteen. Suma took care of them for us."

I perk up, interesting in how a small turtle can defeat nineteen sixteen- and seventeen- year olds. I mean, I know she can get bigger... But she's usually so calm and self-constrained. Like me. But not always, like Emerald. "Really? How?"

He rolls his eyes upward again. "She was the size of Mount Rushmore. Ok, not really. But giant."

"Hmm. Where are they now?"

"In the infirmary out cold, courtesy of Suma. Her old friend belongs to a Purple Apprentice and took them to the infirmary."


"Not really."

I wave bye to James and Veronica and head off back to class. I am NOT missing my next class for the world: Pet Training. Waters have unicorns and they're ADORABLE. Plus really sweet and obedient.


I wake up in the middle of a night to bangs down in the Common Room. I throw clothes on over my pajamas because it's freezing (it's almost Winter where I live, so duh!) then hurry downstairs. I get to the bottom of the staircase just in time to see Murky walk out the door. Or try to, at least. I can spot a tripping spell when I see one, thank you very much. Looks like he doesn't know how to block spells, though.

I run after him, trying not to make any noise but not trying too hard. He looks over his shoulder and shoots a spell at me. It looks like blue lightening. I quickly set up a protection spell. "Segrio!"

"Frick you!" he yells over his shoulder. I grin at him and give him a cheeky little wave. I notice his tripping spell's worn off. I quickly mutter "Tripos!" and watch him fall over. Then I slap a cage over him before he can get out with a short "Cageous trapous morgous!" and a dull thud as it falls down around him out of nowhere. He curses.

"Murky, Murky, Murky," I say, wagging a finger at him patronizingly. Us Waters are unnervingly good at being patronizing. "You didn't really think I wouldn't catch you, right? Because that would be INCREDIBLY stupid, even for YOU. But then again... You 'snuck' out. Tip for next time: Don't try to sneak anywhere with a tripping spell on you. Especially with a future Holder nearby."

"Look, girlie, I'll make a deal with you," he snarls, clutching the bars of the cage. I say nothing my incline my head to show him that I'm listening. At least a little bit. Mostly I'm listening for the people he's supposedly meeting. I suppose it's the others that were in the infirmary with him. I'm surprised they got out so quickly, but they were only unconscious anyway, I guess.

"You let me out and I won't hurt you."

I laugh. "You seriously think I'm going to agree to that? Just how stupid do you think I am, Murky?"

Of Fire, of Water, of Wind, and of Earth: Holders-In-TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now