Unspoken Words

By bri2795

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So I wrote this story a while back . Its inspired by true events and the other parts are events I came up wit... More

Chapter 1: An unlikely friend
Chapter 2: Wait What?!
Chapter 3: Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 4: You're entering WHAT?!
Chapter 5: Don't go crying Now
Chapter 6: Is it the end?
Chapter 7: Yes I remember
Chapter 8: Of course mother
Chapter 9: The new life
Chapter 10: Speechless
Chapter 11: Love me not
Chapter 12: Imagine You and I
Chapter 13: Never let me go
Chapter 14: Mistakes
Chapter 15: Loving you
Chapter 16: Always been my heart
Chapter 17: A Living Nightmare
sequel now available

Chapter 18: Left unspoken

2.9K 124 153
By bri2795

Okay this is the end of the story. This was a hard chapter to write.  Thank you all for reading, I trully appreciate it.

One week later

Emma's funeral was full of people who were crying at the ceremony. However Regina felt she had no more tears left.

The room was filled with pictures of the blonde. And Regina could recall all of them by either experiencing it with Emma or by the stories Emma shared with her.

Once the ceremony was over it was time for the burial. The U.S. military set a touching ceremony for Emma. But all Regina wanted to do was run to the casket not wanting her love to be six feet under. Once they removed the flag on the casket they folded it and handed it to Emma's old foster family.

As people began to leave once she was buried. Katherine hugged Regina tightly as well as Mary Margaret and David. They didn't get any reaction from the burnette. She only slowly twirled a single red rose in her hands.

Until her eyes meet a distraught Killian Jones in front of her. She glared at the man who gave her hell.

"Regina I.."

Regina didnt let him finish and  slapped him across his face. The sound caused people to turn to see what happened.  Regina's hand was beginning to turn red from the hard hit.

Killian nodded his head as he turned back to her.

"Okay..I deserved that" he said quietly

Anger boiled in Regina and smacked him once again. The side of Killian's face was turning bright red. He lightly put is hand on his cheek from the pain.

Regina leaned in and pointed her finger in his face.

"That was for making my life a living hell! " She said in a tone that was never heard before.

Killian gulped from the tone of  her voice.

Regina raised her hand once again but before she could slap him. He raised his hands foward.

"Wwait wait! Regina please! I'm here to apologize. " He said quickly.

The burnette slowly put down her hand. And Killian relaxed.

"I'm sorry love, I trully am, I'm sorry for everything that I did. I knew Emma deserved better. You were that better. You and Emma had a connection we never had ...and I was jealous of it.  And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Regina. " He said whole heartedly.

Yeah but that connection and  everything I had is gone!!

Regina's eyes watered and she raised her hand ready to strike again.

"For what it's worth, I think she loved you too" he said not looking at Regina's hand raised. But Regina's eyes.

Slowly her hand came down and looked away from the man. Killian took that cue to leave Regina alone.

He thought Emma loved me too?

Regina was speechless. In a matter of fact she hadn't talked at all during the whole funeral. Once everyone left it was only Robin and Regina standing near the grave.

A hand lightly touched Regina's shoulder.

"Dear it's getting late. I know she meant a lot to you but we really should get going" he said softy.

Regina didn't even look at him. She just kept staring straight ahead.

"I need a minute...." She said quietly.

Robin nodded and walked back to the car. Leaving Regina alone with her thoughts.

Slowly Regina looked down to the headstone.

"I don't even know where to begin..." she said sadly.  Regina half heartedly chucked at her statement.

The cold wind blew against her hair and it helped calm her.

"I'm sorry I didn't give a big touching speech at your ceremony....I just wanted what I had to say between us."

She paused and stared at the head stone that read Emma Swan Beloved Daughter and Friend. Regina closed her eyes taking a breath and slowly reopened them.

"I'm so sorry Emma. I should've told you since the beginning how I felt about you.....I could give you hundreds of excuses and thousands of reasons of why I didn't tell you..... But it won't bring you back.... I was just so scared of losing you..."

She touched the top of the headstone.

"And now I lost you forever, with you never knowing I was in love with you. And I will never know if you felt the same..." her voiced cracked and a tear fall down her cheek.

"I'd rather have just told you and lost you as a friend. Than rather the world losing a bright shining star...."  Regina wiped a tear away from her eye and sniffed.

"Not only did I lose someone I was in love with. I lost my friend....who will I call when I buried dinner or what I did last week....You  probably have a thousand miss calls because of me already.." She sadly smiled at the comment.

Tears began falling down her face. She re gathered her thoughts.

" It's just so hard....it's so hard losing you .....and forever living with this regret........ I will never forgive myself from keeping this secert from you..."

She took anothet pause trying to wipe majority of her tears away. She thought she didn't have the ability to cry anymore. Apparently she was wrong.

"I want to thank you Emma....for always be there. For all the wonderful memories we shared...You were the best part in my life..."

She sighed and closed her eyes.

"You once told me you wanted to name your son after my father. Because each time you would say his name you'll think of me.....Well now...each time I say my son's name Henry,  I'll think of you......"

"And I hope he's at least half as wonderful as you were. I will make sure and tell him all the great memories we had. And mostly tell him about you...I will keep your spirit  alive through the stories I share...."

She sniffed and once again wiped the tears away.

"I ....um ..have something for you"

Regina reached in her pockets taking out the now bent envelope with her handwriting.

"Its..uh it's a letter I wrote..but never sent... I really think you should have it ...I'm sorry I didn't give this to you sooner."

She sat the letter against the front of the tombstone. And took a deep breath.

"Emma you taught me many things throughout the years..You taught me what it means to be a friend and the true meaning of love....And I will make sure my son learns to express his true self. To express everything he feels or he might regret it for the rest of his life...And if he finds someone he truly loves.....Keep them forever and never let them go...."

"From now on Emma, I won't hold back anything. I will no longer live in fear of myself. Thanks to you I've learned that nothing must be a secert. And I will no longer be living my life as a lie. I will change not only me but everything in my life"

She lightly touched Emma's name on the stone.

"Emma Swan I will never love someone as much as I loved you. You were the greatest friend I've ever had. You were my everything. My whole heart..... And I will regret it the rest of my life for never telling you the truth."

A single tear fall to the stone and rolled down to the dirt.

" ...Perhaps we'll be together in another life or in another world." she whispered.

Regina kissed the red pedals on the rose she still carried. And placed it on the grave next to her letter.

As she turned to away to walk back to the car.

She stopped and looked back at the stone. And the world around her faded away. As she remembered the first time they met.

"Hi I'm Emma and apparently I'm the new girl in the group" She extended her hand toward her.

Regina said nothing. She was memorized by the beautiful blonde.
Katherine elbowed her stomach knocking the air out of her. It brought her back from her daze. And she shly smiled.

" I'm sorry,..Hi I'm Regina .....Regina Mills and welcome to this crazy group" she said taking the hand Emma offered.

"Pleasure meeting you Regina and I find this group quite interesting " she said with a wink.

"It was nice meeting you. Will I see you around?  " the blonde said

"Yes of course!"

Emma reached forward a moved a piece of stray hair behind Regina's  ear.

"See you around Regina" she said with a grin.

Regina stood there in shock as the blonde walked away.

Her flashback ended as her eyes once again watered. That day they said their first hello and first goodbye to each other. And Regina knew her life would be forever changed by just that simple crush.

Regina sadly smiled in remembrance.

"See you around Emma " she whispered.

A light breeze hit her face brushing away the wet tears. As if Emma was brushing them away herself.

Regina smiled at the thought. And lightly laided her hands on her pregnant stomach. She turned back around and began walking to the car.

The light breeze brew around the grave site. But the letter and rose never moved out of place.

Fade to black...

The End.

So that is the end of Unspoken Words it's pretty self explanatory of why I named it that. Please let me know what you think.

I'm sorry about this ending but I would like to write a sequel called If I Knew. Which will be based on Emma's point of view. If you want the sequel please comment, or fav  this story and let me know if you would even want it. The sequel will also have some new parts not told in this one and you never know it might have a few surprises as well. ;)

Anyway thank you for reading my story once again. And I will be working on Be my Hero and Deal with the Devil etc. I'd appreciate if you took a look at those.

So once again, please if you want the sequel let me know. I won't write it unless you guys would like to read it. And I hope you enjoyed my story and share it with other people.

Thank you!❤

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