Purple Dragon (Yona of the Da...

By SilveriaRose

110K 3.1K 344

Alya was born with the powers of the purple dragon, as a child she was abused by the people of her village un... More

The New Dragon
It Has to Be This Way
Troubled Heart
The Northern Mountains
Through the Tunnels
Double Perspective
End of the Line
And the Winners are....
The Return
Shared History
Help Me
Return to the Surface
Down Time
Gathering Allies
The War Begins
The Stronghold
The Time of Reckoning
We Ride at Dawn

The Day They Came

12.3K 388 61
By SilveriaRose

Alya's P.O.V

It was late when I returned to the cabin with the medicine, the sky was darkening so I hurried up the mountain. Only somebody who grew up on these mountains could climb them in the dark the way I do. The day Tamara took me away from the village was the best day of my life, she and her husband Hibiki raised me like their own daughter. When I was twelve Tamara died and it was just Hibiki and I, I'm fifteen now and Hibiki is sick so I go down to the village to get medicine. They never sell it to me so I have to resort to stealing it but I don't tell Hibiki or he wouldn't take it.

As I was walking up the mountain my chest started to ache, I had never felt anything like it before. As the purple dragon I have power over fire, I can breath fire, hold it and manipulate it however I want. My power comes from my lungs. But as long as I've been alive I can't remember ever feeling this ache before. When I got back to the cabin I rushed into Hibiki's room with the medicine.

"You're too good to me Alya, I'm surprised you haven't gone off on some grand adventure like Tamara did." Hibiki said while I spooned out the medicine.

"Don't be thick, you might as well be my dad. I couldn't just leave." I said. He smiled at me.

"Someday your master will come and you'll have to leave me." I looked at him in confusion.

"The crimson dragon hasn't come yet, why would he come now?" I asked. Tamara had always told me about the crimson dragon king but I have my doubts about his existence. I was making lunch a couple hours later when I found we were all out of grains, I can get meat and vegetables in the mountains but grains I need to go into town to get.

"I'll be back in two hours." I told Hibiki grabbing my bag. He nodded and I grabbed my bag making my way back down the mountain. I've made several trips down the mountain in a day before, a second one was nothing. When I reached the base of the mountain I slipped a mask out of my bag and put it on. I don't care about hiding my face all that much, it's the fact i don't like making eye contact with the villagers and I don't want them to see my scar. The last time I was down here without my mask they all looked so smug about what had happened to me so i never go without it. I nimbly climbed onto the roof of one of the houses and jumped from house to house in order to stay out of the public eye. I was crouched down watching the market, I needed to find the right time to make my move.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you knew anything about the purple dragon." I froze and looked down to a group of strangers. Four of the people were the other dragons, there were two other guys and somebody in a hood I couldn't see. The white dragon tapped the person on the shoulder and SHE turned, I caught a glimpse of her and suddenly it felt like my blood was trying to expand out of my body.

"The purple dragon? Yeah I know about her. She's a curse on this village, she killed her mother and robs this village every chance she has." The woman they were talking to said. Fury built up inside of me, my mother killed herself because she couldn't live with the "shame" of being the mother of the purple dragon. As for being a thief I wouldn't have to resort to stealing if they would just sell to me, I try to leave money behind when I can. I jumped off the roof and rushed up to the woman until I was an inch from her face, it all happened in seconds. She screamed and I jumped back. The people all stared at me and I grabbed a bag of grain from the stall and took off.

"THIEF! THIEF!" The woman screamed. I turned briefly to lob a ball of fire at her feet and she screamed even more as I ran out of town and back to the mountains. As I reached the base the green dragon landed in front of me. I paused.

"Well hello, my companions wish to have a word with you." He said bowing. I walked up to him.

"Bug off green." I said and charged past him, it would be harder for him to use his special leg while surrounded by trees. I got back to the cabin quickly and started making bread, that encounter really freaked me out. Though is it possible that girl is the master Tamara told me about? 

I shook my head, no way the crimson dragon isn't coming and I'll be stuck here until the next purple dragon is born just like Tamara. She wanted adventures and went traveling, she came back here with Hibiki so she could take care of the next dragon (me) once she was born. She told me once she felt guilty, guilty she hadn't gotten to me sooner but I told her the fact she took me away from my family at all is all that mattered. I got Hibiki his lunch and "forgot" to tell him about the encounter in the village. He fell asleep a little later and I started my afternoon cleaning before I went on my hunting trip. As I was collecting my game bags somebody knocked on the door. I grabbed my mask and slipped it on, I palmed a dagger and pulled the door open.

"Hello purple dragon." I froze, the crimson haired girl smiled at me and it still felt like my blood was flowing backwards. I gripped the dagger tighter.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my voice was stiff, for the first time since Tamara saved me I was genuinely scared.

"I would like to have a proper conversation with you." She said. I glanced back seeing Hibiki still asleep, he wouldn't wake until I came back from my hunting trip.

"Fine, not here. I'm going out hunting. If you want to talk you'll have to come with me." I said. I grabbed my weapons and game bags and closed the door behind me. As we walked the white dragon started asking questions.

"Why did you run earlier? Surly you felt the connection to her." He said.

"Surely you must realize you were probably the only privileged child among the five dragons right?" He looked surprised by what I said but it was true, the purple dragon has another rarely used power. I can connect all the minds of the five dragons so we can work as a far more efficient team. When I was younger I would spend entire days in the minds of the others to see if their lives were better than mine, the blue dragon lived in practically the same situation as me. Yellow and White didn't have it too bad, well white was practically worshiped as a god and once he joined the pirates green had it good as well. I forced myself to stop living their lives, it wouldn't change anything for me. I told myself that I would never have their lives, I had to live with mine and accept that we were all insignificant. But now they're telling me we have a purpose and it's hard to comprehend.   

"I can't imagine how hard your life has been." White said. I turned to him glaring.

"That's right, you can't. Now if you don't shut up you'll scare all the game away." I snarled and sprinted into the trees, I could hear them following me despite how quiet they were. I felt the need to follow that girl yet... could I leave Hibiki alone and go off with this odd group?

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