Saving Aden

By LoudSkies

27K 363 209

"We were supposed to protect humans. They were complete tools, really only used for blood and babies. So how... More

Saving Aden (1): Never Be The Same
Saving Aden (2): Hello Fascination
Saving Aden (3): So Cold
Saving Aden (4): Same Blood
Saving Aden (5): Fire in Your New Shoes
Saving Aden (6): Start Again
Saving Aden (7): Blurry
Saving Aden (8): They
Saving Aden (9): Say It Right
Saving Aden (10): Falling Down
Saving Aden (11): Pumped Up Kicks
Saving Aden (13): Panic Switch
Saving Aden (14): The One That Got Away
Saving Aden (15): Requiem On Water
Saving Aden (16): She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty
Saving Aden (17): This Is Not The End
Saving Aden (18): You Might Have Noticed
Saving Aden (19): Lullaby
Saving Aden (20): We Found Love

Saving Aden (12): How To Love

1.1K 16 14
By LoudSkies


Hey y'all. All I can say is, HOLY WAH. I've gotten so many votes within the past few days, it's CRAZY. I think we're up to like, almost 120 votes for this story or something like that. And it's just...awesome.Every time I notice that someone votes for Saving Aden, or adds it to their library, I a happy dance. Quite literally. I read an alert that I get from Wattpad that somebody fanned me and I like, started dancing around my room. That's what y'all do to me. But it's why I love you.(;

So. I'm trying really hard not to get too caught up in my schoolwork so I can still update Saving Aden pretty regularly, but it's not really working...if you haven't already noticed. Between friends, my boyfriend, schoolwork, and some other personal shit, my thoughts have been pretty clouded and I haven't found the will to update this story. But I'm working on it, I promise. I'm thinking I'll try to update at least once every week to a week and a half. I know that isn't a fast rate..but I said AT LEAST. That means there might be two if I really get going on a chapter!

No guarantees, but whatever. 


THANK YOU SO MUCH. I love you all. 

Here's chapter twelve. Enjoy.(:


Chapter Twelve: How To Love

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Gage shouted. He darted around my chair and slammed his hands down on Dane's desk, his fangs fully extended. "We just got back the information Brooke stole! How could you let this happen?! Do you have any idea how many lives are at risk now? Are there any suspects?!" Gage grabbed Dane by the collar, and pulled him up out of the chair so they were nose-to-nose. "This is what I've centered my entire life around, Dane." Gage's tone dropped to a calm whisper. "And you spend more of your time flirting with the female Guardians than actually doing your job."

I gnawed on my lip as I watched them argue, silently going through the list of Guardians in my head. Megan? No, she's too sweet. Eddie? He's too nice. Tom? Possibly. Rhea? Yeah, I could see her doing it...

Dane's hazel eyes widened in shock. "You're barely ever here anymore, Gage! I can't keep my eye on everything all at once! Give me some credit here, I'm trying!"

"You aren't trying hard enough, obviously!" Gage yelled, shaking Dane by the shoulders. "Otherwise we wouldn't this spy wouldn't have gotten past you!" 

"You can't expect me to do everything, Gage! We're supposed to be working as a team!" Dane screamed back. Dane's hair was a disarray of blonds and reds--no longer gelled and styled to perfection--and his eyes were now bordering on an angry crimson color. 

"I would have never let someone who was working for me do such a thing!" Gage growled, releasing Dane so he could push the hair out of his own face. 

"You already have!" Dane hissed, his fangs digging into his lip harshly. "Don't you remember with Brooke? She worked with us, right along side us for as long as I can remember, and you let her slip by!"

Gage pulled all the way back, looking ashamed. 

"That was a low blow, Dane," I said, getting to my feet. My hand tightened around my drink. "Completely uncalled for. At least Gage recognized his mistake, and made up for it by fixing it."

"He didn't fix anything," Dane snarled. "It's barely even been a day since we got the stolen info back, and already it's been leaked again!" He tuned his attention back to Gage. "Maybe if you weren't still caught up with Arianna, you'd actually be here more often!"

My jaw dropped, while Gage winced. 

"You shut your mouth, Dane," I hissed. "You don't even know what you're talking about."

Dane's eyes flitted to mine, and a smirk slowly spread its way across his mouth. "You don't know, do you, Arianna?" His grin grew wider.

"You'll hush up if you know what's good for you, Dane," Gage threatened through a clenched jaw. "You can't come back from this if you cross this line."

For a moment, Dane seemed to consider his options. As for me, my confusion and curiosity continued to gnaw at my insides impatiently. I wanted to know what was going on, but it didn't seem like I was going to find out anytime soon. 

"Gage?" I asked softly, reaching out to touch his arm. "What is he talking about?"

"Nothing," Gage answered quickly, his narrowed eyes never once leaving Dane. "Absolutely nothing."

I looped my first finger through the gauge in his ear closest to me, and pulled Gage's face to mine. "Tell me what's going on. Now."

"I told you," Gage grumbled, twisted his head away from my grasp. "Nothing's going on. Dane is just sticking his nose where it doesn't belong."

With a sigh, I decided that I needed to resort to my last option. Dane. 

He met the gaze I turned on him levelly, and his smirk suddenly returned. "Gage loves you," he told me simply. 

My throat constricted uncomfortably at his words, and I nervously rubbed my thumb into the silver ring on my first finger, my body aching for relief from my anxiety.

"W-what are you talking about?" I struggled to ask. 

This can't be happening, my insides screamed in frustration. First Aden, now Gage? Fuck. My. Life. Hard.

"Of course he loves me," I said quickly, trying to justify his words. "He's my creator. We're friends."

Dane clucked his tongue, shaking his head at me with his grin still in place. 

"Bastard," Gage muttered, ducking his head so his face was turned away from me. 

"You don't understand, Arianna," Dane murmured, disregarding Gage's comment entirely. "Heloves you. Always has, and probably always will." He paused to let his words sink in, and then watched the realization dawn on me. 

"Fuck," I mumbled to no one in particular. 

No, no, no, no, no, no, I chanted internally. This isn't happening. I'm dreaming. 

But in a way, it all made sense. Since the day Gage and I had met, and he'd saved me from death, he'd always been there for me when I needed him. Even when I didn't need him, Gage was still always there, watching over me. 

"Why do you think he sent Brooke with you?" Dane continued. "I mean, his plan was shot to hell since the bitch double-crossed us, but his intentions were still good. I've known Gage for as long as I can remember, so I know him pretty well. He never looked at someone like he does you. He never protected anyone--except humans, of course--like he does you. He never loved anyone like he does you. He never--"

"Stop!" I snarled, slamming my fists down onto Dane's desk, my actions startling all three of us. 

"Babe..." Gage grumbled, his voice thick with emotions. 

I couldn't help but flinch at the endearment. Whenever Gage had called me that before, it'd seemed natural. But now I just didn't know how I was supposed to take it. 

"I've had an extremely busy day," I told them both sternly. "I got chased by three executioners, insulted by Aden's mother--yet again, I just learned that yet another Guardian is double-crossing us, and now you're telling me Gage loves me. This is just too much for me to handle." 

Not to mention I kissed Aden, and found out that we both have feelings for each other. But I knew it wouldn't be smart if I told Gage and Dane that little bit of information, especially after learning Gage loved me.

"You two need to come up with a plan to deal with this shit, and fast. Another two weeks is too long to waste on finding the spy, when there are Executioners all around our humans. They out number us by quite a bit, but we at least stand a chance when we're paying attention. So fix the problem so we can get back to focusing on our jobs as Guardians." I turned my attention and words to Gage alone. "I'm going downstairs to get Aden so I can bring him home before his mother freaks out. Then I'm going back to our apartment to take a bath and relax before I go back to Aden's to check up on him. You two are going to stay here in this very room until you agree on an efficient way to track down this spy, and you're not to leave until you do so." I shifted my eyes to Dane, and then looked back to Gage. "Do you understand?"

They both nodded. 

"Good," I said, my tone turning cheerful. "I'll send Eddie up on my way down to make sure you stick to our agreement."

Dane groaned, but the glare I shot him on my way out shut him up pretty quickly.

True to my word, I stopped by Eddie and his brother on my way out. 

"Hey Eddie, wanna do me a favor?" I asked, batting my eyelashes with a small smile. 

He gave me an easygoing grin, his stance relaxed since Gage wasn't with me. "Sure, little lady. What do you need?"

"Gage and Dane aren't allowed to leave the main office until they figure out something, will you make sure they stay in there for me? It would mean the world for me, and I'd definitely owe you if you did this." I touched the upper part of his arm lightly as I spoke, and gently ran it up and down the length of it. 

"S-sure. No problem." Eddie nodded his head at Martin. "You got this little brother, don't you?"

"Yeah, we're all fine down here," Martin replied with a chuckle. 

"Thank you so much, Eddie," I said, stretching up to kiss the Guardian on his stubbly cheek. "I owe you one."

I found Aden right where I left him, sitting at the bar, engrossed in his phone. 

"Hey," I murmured as I reached him. 

Aden looked up, closing his phone, and gave me a warm smile. "You ready to leave, little vampire?"

I nodded, and he slid off the bar stool, snatching my hand on his way down. 

"Sorry you weren't able to come up there with us," I told him softly, trying to wiggle my hand out of his grip. I couldn't risk Gage catching us on the cameras holding hands, especially not after his littleconfession

Aden's eyes melted into a confused green, but he kept his jaw set. "It's fine. I had some stuff to take care of anyway." He quickly gave up on trying to hold my hand, and headed for the doors. "Am I just dropping you off then?"

Fuck, now I"m screwing this up too, I thought miserably. 


"Alright then, let's get a move on." Aden gestured to the main doors, keeping his face hidden so I couldn't read his expression. "I have homework."

I frowned to myself, but slowly made my way out into the parking lot and to Aden's car. 

The ride to my apartment was nearly silent, not to mention awkward. Aden didn't speak barely at all, and I hated it.

"You sure you don't wanna come back to my house with me?" Aden asked as he pulled into the parking garage.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I replied, spinning the rings on my fingers uneasily. "I have a few things I want to take care of, but I'll be back at your house to check on you as soon as I'm done."

He nodded his head in response, and continued driving until we reached my floor. "Can I ask you a question?"

"I guess...?" I answered cautiously, my hand frozen on the car door handle.

"Why wouldn't you hold my hand? Back that the bar I mean." Aden shifted his gaze to me, and I thought I might just shrivel up into a ball. "You aren't regretting agreeing to go to the art show as my date, are you? 'Cause if you are, I'd totally underst--"

"That's not it," I mumbled, cutting him off. "Gage just can't know." Aden cocked his head, a questioning look on his face. "At least not right now."

"Why? I thought you liked me..."

"I do," I reassured him. "But...things are complicated when it comes to Gage. I have to break the news to him my way. He can't just find out on his own by seeing you hold my hand or something. He'd be pissed."

Pink tinged Aden's cheeks. "That's understandable. You're quite beautiful, so I'd understand if he had feelings for you too."

I turned my face away from him, swallowing harshly. "That's n-not it."

Aden smirked. "Yes it is, and you know it."

I ignored his comment. "I should really be going if I'm going to make it back to your house in time."

"Okay, you're probably right," he agreed.

"So I guess I'll--"

I was cut off by Aden pressing his mouth to mine. The venom from the human blood I'd just drank raced in my veins, mixing with the vamp blood in me. My body tensed at first, but then slowly relaxed as I kissed Aden back. 

I felt him grin against my mouth, and then touch the back of my neck lightly with his fingers, before he pulled away. 

I blinked in surprise, lifting a hand to my mouth to touch my lips. "Um...I have to go. Thanks for the ride. Bye."

Not waiting for his reply, I pushed open the door and crawled out of the car before making a run for the main doors to my floor. 

What the hell was that?! I demanded of myself. 

My hands shook as I fished my keys from my back pocket, and it took me several tries before I could finally get the door to unlock.

I shoved open the door with most of my strength, and then slammed it closed once I was inside.

"Why the hell is this happening to me?" I muttered to myself, clenching my eyes closed and letting my back rest against the door as I slowly sank down to the floor. 


 I stared up at the bathroom ceiling blankly, my head completely submerged under the water in my bathtub.

My thoughts continued to race--they hadn't stopped since Gage's confession. I didn't know who I wanted, or what I was even supposed to do about it. Gage, I obviously loved. He'd always been there for me. But there was this strange, unknown attraction I had with Aden that I secretly craved. 

With an internal groan, I sat up in the bath and reached for the shampoo. There was a loud bang from the living room, and I instantly froze upon hearing it. 

"Hello?" I called out uncertainly. 



Wow. I can't believe all the love my story has been getting. It's been great, and almost overwhelming. When I wrote this story, I didn't think anyone would enjoy reading it, but now I have so many people who are voting and commenting and just...I really just wanna say thank you, and how much I appreciate all of you. 

Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait for all of you. I know it didn't answer your questions about who's the spy, and that there wasn't a WHOLE lot going on in this chapter, but I still hope all of you enjoyed it. 

The song:

How To Love; by LIL WAYNE

Yeah. I normally don't listen to him, but I still just love the song. Hehehehe. 

ANYWAY. Thanks for reading. 


Oh yeah, don't forget to subscribe/check out my blog:


I post teasers to chapters and little bits about my life on it. SO CHECK THAT SH*T OUT! (There's a link in the side, I think...?)


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