His hidden sister

Por Lilystone3

209K 4.2K 1K

The host know almost everything about Kyoya or they think they do. Tamaki his best friend knows just about ev... Más

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23

Part 21

4K 93 0
Por Lilystone3

Three days, all I had to do was wait three more days until the party where it would be made to the public that Takashi and I were going to get married. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. After that man tried to attack me in the court room I had given my statement to the judge and jury. They all looked horrified when I told them what he had done to me. I think the prosecutor as well as the defense attorney didn't realize just how bad his crimes before his escape had been. The day I went back to school I was questioned by several of the boys about if I was seeing someone and the girls asked me about my brothers blushes on their faces. It was a little embarrassing. "Hey Kiku our mom said we were going to a party at your house in three days. Any idea on what it is all about?" Hikaru asks as he sits next to me, Kaoru sitting on the other side. "It's a party. Father didn't exactly tell me what it was about but he did ask your mom to make me a dress. I think she said yes. I'm supposed to go try it on today after school." I say and they give each other a wicked looking smile. "You can ride home with us. You could help us with homework once your done." Kaoru says giving me a wide smile and I give a small sigh. "Sure I guess I can help you with homework." I say and they leave me alone, talking to Haruhi over different things. At lunch I sit with Mori who looked a little uneasy making me worry a little. "Mori are you ok?" I ask and he looks down at me before smiling softly at me. "I'm fine. Just a little uneasy. Another girl confessed to me today." Mori says and I frown a little at his words. It was just Mori, Honey and I having lunch together today. The others were off doing their own thing. "Ohhh, I see." I say as I look away from him and he sighs softly before reaching over and placing a hand on mine making me look over at him again.

"I turned her down like all the others. No need to look so sad." Mori says and I nod before I go back to eating. "Takashi is uneasy because Tama-chan was asking your brother about the party in a few days when Kyo-chan was talking to us about something else." Honey says before he to frowns a little. I had no idea what he was talking to Mori about but whatever it was must have made Mori worry. "I see, the twins were asking me questions about it this morning as well." I say and Mori gives a sigh as he relaxes a little. "See Takashi she was asked questions to." Honey says and Mori nods before we go quiet as we eat the rest of our lunch together. Like most days once lunch was over Mori walks me to my class, his arm in my grip and he gently pats the top of my hand. "Something is on your mind. Want to talk about it?" I ask as I look up at him and he gives a small sigh before nodding his head slowly. "Let's talk later." He says before giving a sigh. "If that is what you want to do Mori." I say then looking away from him to the ground. "Thank you Kiku." Mori says and I glance up at him to see the soft smile on his lips before letting me go now that we were in front of my classroom.

After classes were over I walk to the club room with the twins and Haruhi. "I heard you were going to be having a party. I hope you have fun." Haruhi says and I give a soft sigh. I wanted to have Haruhi there but father wouldn't let me do so, I was going to talk to Mori about us telling Haruhi the day of the party. "Thank you. I really wanted you to come but father was in charge of the guest list." I say pouting a little making her laugh lightly before she rest takes my hand in hers. "It's alright Kiku I don't mind. Just have fun." She says and we go quiet and keep walking the rest of the way to the club room. The twins had been very quite as we walked, almost as if they were trying to figure out what the point of the party was. Then again father had invited a lot of people to the party, important people he had contracts with and such. "You know that party your having at your house in three days Kyoya, my father isn't going to be able to come." Tamaki says as we walk into the room and that only makes my brother give a small sigh before shaking his head a little. "Its fine Tamaki." Kyoya says before he looks over at me and walks over. 'This isn't good.' I think as he stops in front of me before looking into my eyes. "Kiku once club is over you are going to be going shopping with the twins and I. It would appear that father asked their mother to get everything ready for you in regards to the party." Kyoya says making the twins smile widely at me.

Club goes on like normal, I get an hour alone with Mori. We decided to take a walk outside away from the guest and the club. Somehow we ended up in the rose maze under the gazebo. "Want to talk now?" I ask as I sit next to him and he nods his head a few times before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer to himself. "I was just really worried about you after the trial and interview and stuff. I know it's been a couple week since then but I still can't help but worry over you." Mori says making me give a small sigh before resting my head on his shoulder. "Thank you for worrying over me Takashi. But I'm ok, I feel much better now. Like he is never going to hurt me again and I wouldn't have been able to do that without your support as well as nii-chan's." I say and he gives a small sigh then rest his head on top of mine, his body relaxing a little. "Takashi, can we tell Haruhi before the party? She can't be there because she isn't rich......I really wish she could come." I say and he gives a small sigh before moving away from me a little and gently tilting my head up so we were looking at each other eye to eye. "If it's important for you to let her know then yes we can tell her. Anything you want my princess." Mori says before he gently presses his lips to mine for half a second then pulls away slowly.

"Thank you my knight." I whisper earning a small smile from him. We sit there for a little longer before we walk back up to the club room. Mori looked more relaxed now, like he had a weight lifted off his shoulders. I was so glad that I could help him feel that way. The twins somehow got a hold of me the moment I walked into the room and pulled me away yelling over their shoulders at my brother. "Wait." Kyoya calls but the twins didn't slow down or stop at all, in fact they went even faster before throwing me in a limo that takes off. "Now we get to give you a make over." Kaoru says as he sits next to me. "Your going to look great once we are done." Hikaru says as he sits on my other side. I was a little worried as we went to wherever it was we were going. "Just don't cut my hair." I say making them give a small sigh before they get a mischievous look in they eyes. "Fine we won't cut your hair but you have to try something new." They say at the same time. I nod in agreement, before relaxing a little. I trusted the twins but at the same time I knew my brother was going to yell at them later once he saw them again.

When we got to their house the twins lead me to their mom who gives me a smile the moment her eyes land on me. "You must be Kiku. The twin have talked a lot about you. Would you like to see the dress I made for you?" She asks as she motions to a room off to the side. I hang back a little my nerves suddenly kicking in so I gran Kaoru's hand making he give me a shocked look. His eyes soften a little before he gives a sigh and grips my hand a little tighter. I could feel Hikaru looking at me as well but he grabs my other hand and we start to walk. Their mom look over at them a unreadable expression on her face as she watches the twins. "Hikaru, Kaoru I don't need your help." Their mother says and I tighten my grip on both their hands. "You may not need help mom but Kiku does." Kaoru says before he gives her a smile and she sighs before nodding her head. We walk into the room and I gasp a little when I see the dress that she had made me. "Wow." Hikaru mumbles. "Mom this is an amazing dress." Kaoru says as he looks it over before he looks at me. "Your going to look amazing in that." They say at the same time making me blush lightly. Over the next few hours Hikaru and Kaoru played with my hair, I tried on the dress twice and now they were putting make up on my face. "She would look much prettier if we move the hair out of her face." Their mom says as she places the dress on the doll again before she fixes a few things, she had been shocked when she saw my scars. Thankfully Kaoru had taken over helping me with the dress. "She always has her hair this way. It's kind of her signature look." Hikaru says as he gently tilts me head up and to the side as he looks over what he was doing. After about another hour or two the twins were walking me out to the limo that they get into with me on my way home.

~Time Skip~

Finally it was the day of the party and I was a little jumpy over every little thing. It was getting near the end of club so I walk over to Haruhi who smiles brightly at me. "Something wrong Kiku?" She asks me and I give a small sigh before giving a small sigh. "I was hoping we could talk a little. You don't mind do you?" I say and she shakes her head no before standing. We start to walk, I was taking her to an empty classroom so we could talk without the fear of the others hearing us talk. Before we leave the room I glance over at Mori who nods his head. I guess he was going to come help me. This would be the first time I told anyone about the engagement without Mori and I would feel much better if he was with me. I was about to walk into a room with Haruhi when Mori falls into step on my other side making Haruhi glance over at him shock on her face but it was gone quickly. She must think that Mori was playing body guard like he so often liked to when I was at school. We walk into the room and Mori hangs back by the door as if making sure no one would walk in before he gives a small sigh. "Kiku your not being bullied again are you?" She asks me making me look at the ground. "No, not really. No bullies. I wanted to talk to you about something else." I say now nervously pulling on my fingers. Mori sighs before he walks over and wraps his arm around my shoulders before pulling me closer to himself. I relax a little in his hold.

"Haruhi keep this a secret for a few days please." I say as I close my eyes a little before taking a deep breath. "I promise. Kiku what's going on your making me worry." Haruhi says as she takes a step closer to me and I breath out slowly. "We're getting married." Mori says and Haruhi stiffens a little before looking between us. "Congratulations." She finally says as she gets closer and takes both my hands in hers. I blush lightly and stare dumbly at our hands making Mori sigh before he gently tightens his hold on me. "Thank you." I whisper and she laughs a little before nodding her head. "I'm glad it was something happy you were telling me. I was really worried that something bad had happened." Haruhi says before she gives me a soft smile and I relax a little at her words. We walk back to the club and we each grab our things before leaving. "You should smile a little more Kiku, tonight is an exciting night." Kyoya says as he glances over at me and I give a small sigh before I nod my head a few times. "I am excited but at the same time I'm really nervous about the party. I mean it's not like people have known I'm part of the family for less than a month and now I'm going to tell them that I am engaged to Takashi. I....I'm worried about what people will say or think." I say as I pull gently on my fingers as I look down at them. I didn't really want to look at my brother feeling a little sick at the idea of him being upset over it. Kyoya sighs and he moves closer to me before gently tilts my head up so I was looking into his eyes.

"No need to worry over such a thing. You truly love Moir, I can see it every time I see you two together. He loves you again I see it all the time. This whole party is merely for father and Mori's father to make it look political, an arranged marriage so that it looks good on the company's but know that father as well as his father are happy to see you both so in love. Now give me a smile." Kyoya says as he smiles softly at him. I smile a little then nod my head as soon as he let me go before I hug him. "Thank you nii-chan." I say softly and he gives a small sigh but hugs me back as well. We let each other go before falling quiet. The twins and their parents were coming over early, the twins mom was helping me with my dress but the twins insisted on doing my hair and make up. I was a little shocked that Kyoya and father were allowing it. "I will be watching the twins as they help get you ready. Father doesn't really want you alone with any other man that isn't Mori or myself and our brothers." Kyoya says as we get out of the limo and start heading into the house. "I understand." I say making him give a small sigh before shaking his head a little. "Father is having some samples brought over to taste for the party tonight. He would like us to chose what is best for it." Kyoya says then gives me a smile. I stay silent, I wasn't sure what father was thinking but if that is what he wanted to do then I would. "I'll meet you in the kitchen in a moment." Kyoya says as he takes my bag before he walks off to his room making me sigh softly before I walk slowly to the kitchen. I was trying to take as much time as I could in doing what father wanted only because Kyoya wasn't with me. "Kiku what are you doing?" Father asks as he walks into the room and his eyes land on me. I freeze in place before looking at the ground. "I was heading to the kitchen like Kyoya nii-chan told me to." I say and father gives a sigh before walking over to me and grabbing my wrist. I flinch a little at how tightly he was holding onto me and pulling me from the room into the kitchen.

I try not to pull away from my father, flashes of that man crossing my mind as he pulled me around to 'teach me' how to do things. Once in the kitchen father pulls me over to a chair where he forces me to sit before he lets me go. I was shaking a little, almost afraid of what he would do to me but I knew my father meant no harm to me. Sometimes he would forget that I wasn't normal like I used to be. Seeing as how both my hands were free I clasp my hands together tightly letting them rest in my lap as I look at them. "Your not to walk around alone in the house unless it is from your room to your brothers' rooms. I don't want you getting in the way of the preparations for tonight." Father says as he to takes a seat then drums his fingers on the counter in front of him. We stayed silent as we wait for Kyoya to walk into the room. The cooks that were working start to set difrent things on the counter in front of father as they finish cooking them. Father gives a sigh and when he goes to ask them a question Kyoya walks into the room. "Good afternoon father." Kyoya says as he takes a seat next to me making father look over at him before giving a small sigh. "Finally now we can start." Father says as he sits up straighter before the cooks start to tell us what was what and we taste them. After almost an hour of that I was lead to my room by Kyoya who gives a small sigh.

About an hour and a half before the party the twins arrive with their parents. All four were ready for the party and their father ends up talking with mine as their mom helps me change into my dress as the twins talk with my brother. "There a perfect fit. I have to say you will be the most beautiful girl in the room tonight. It's so much fun making dresses for you." She says and I blush lightly at her words mumbling out a "Thank you." to her before she leave the room to meet up with her husband. "Ready to get started?" Kaoru asks as he walks into my room with Hikaru right behind him and Kyoya. Kyoya stands off to the side and watches as the twins brush, curl and pull on my hair until it was the way they wanted it before they start on my make up. "You two better be done soon. The party starts in five minutes and we need to be there." Kyoya says making the twins give a small sigh. "Just hold your horses Kyoya, just one last touch then we are done." Hikaru says as Kaoru pinches my lips a little as he places lipstick on them. "And done. Well what do you think Hikaru?" Kaoru asks as he spins me so I was looking at his twin as well as my brother. "Perfect. Let's go." Hikaru says as he offers me a hand to help me up. I take it and walk over to my brother who sighs. The four of us walk in silence down to where the party is going to be held. I look around the room we were using. I had never seen it set up like this. Soon people were showing up all of them saying hello to both Kyoya and myself before they go off to find our father. I was so excited when I see Mori walk into the room and he walks over giving me a smile. "Hi." He says before kissing the back of my hand making me blush a little. "Kiku father wanted to talk with you once Mori got here. Why don't the two of you head over there?" Kyoya says and I take a deep calming breath. "Alright Kyoya nii-chan." I say before doing as he asks. Mori and I walk side by side over to where my father was. The moment his eyes land on the two of us he excuses himself from his conversation before walking over to us. "Takashi it's nice to see you have made it. We will make the announcement soon so please be ready and stay together until then." Father says as he shakes hands with Mori who nods his head a little. I had to give Mori my engagement ring back so he could propose to me in front of everyone. I think it was silly but that is what father wanted.

Kaoru's pov.

I smile a little when I see Mori and Kiku walking around together. She looked like a princess, we told our mom that Kiku kind of was the princess we liked to protect. I would never say it out loud but I did have a small crush on Kiku at one point, but seeing her with Mori and the way he would open up to her and only her. They were talking to some other people. Tamaki was hanging close to Kyoya asking him question after question about the point of the party but that only made Kyoya smile softly as he thought about the answer but he wouldn't say more than "Just wait a little longer then you will see." only causing Tamaki to wine more over nothing but for the most part he was being well behaved because this was a social party where his father was involved, not that his father came. About an hour and a half into the party, all the guest were here there was a clink of glass making everyone look over at Kyoya and Kiku's father. "Thank you all for coming to this party. Forgive me for not telling you the point behind it but I felt it best that my daughter Kiku and Takashi to do so." Their father says and soon the room had their attention on Kiku who was holding tightly to Mori's hand. She looked almost like a rabbit that was cornered by a hunting dog. Mori sighs before glancing at Kiku then over to his own father. 'What in the hell is going on?' I think as I watch the events playing out before me. Mori pats Kiku's hand as he lets her go before looking at everyone. "T....Takashi and I...." Kiku starts stumbling and stuttering over her own words, her cheeks turning several shades of red. Thankful Mori stepped in to save her by turning her to look at him and everyone could see Kiku relax almost instintly. "Kiku and I have been dating for a while now. I wanted to ask her an important question." Mori say and there were murmurs that run around the room at Mori's words. "Is he doing what I think he is?" Hikaru whispers in my ear and I nod my head. "I think so." I say and the room goes quiet as Mori gets on one knee in front of Kiku taking her left hand in one of his a ring in the other. "Kiku Ootori will you marry me?" Mori asks and Kiku's face, ears and neck go red. Tears were running down her face as she nods her head, a smile on her lips. "Yes." She says and Mori smiles up at her before he slips the ring onto her finger before standing next to her.

I wasn't really expecting that to happen. I was expecting for them to tell everyone they were dating and that was it. I though that was the whole point of the party not them getting engaged in front of all these people. A lot of people swarm over to the two congratulating them but Kyoya stands back watching every person who talks to his sister, shakes her hand, looks over the ring or give her a fake happy smile. "I wasn't expecting that." I say as I turn to look over at Tamaki, Kyoya and Hikaru. Honey had been following Mori and Kiku around and he was talking to his brother. I guess his brother and their father had come to an agreement to not fight here for the sake of Kiku and Mori. "Kyoya..... are you alright with this? Your sister just got engaged in front of a ton of people and your not going all protective older brother on him." Tamaki says as he shakes Kyoya a little making him sigh before look over at Tamaki. "Because I already did that when he asked her the first time. This was for the public, for father and his reputation. The two of them have been engaged since Halloween." Kyoya says as he pushes up his glasses and we all give him a dumb found look until something clicks in my head. "That ring we were looking for when that game of kick the can was over was her engagement ring." I say as I point at him making Kyoya give a small sigh. "Yes it was. It was our father's chose to keep this held back for so long. Now you three should go say something to her. Kiku has been a nervous wreck trying to make sure her friends had fun at the party tonight." Kyoya says and I sigh before grabbing my brother's hand and pulling him over to where Kiku and Mori were standing. We wait our turn to talk to them and I smile gently at Kiku truly happy that she was this happy. "Congratulations Kiku, Mori." Hikaru and I say at the same time making them both blush a little and look away for half a second. "Thank you." Kiku says in a soft bashful tone, Mori just nods his head a little before he glances over at Kiku a blush returning to his face.

"Ohh I guess we didn't really need to add that much blush to her cheeks when we did her make up. If I knew she was going to be blushing like this after a simple question for Mori then I wouldn't have put any on at all." I say in a teasing tone making Kiki's face turn an even brighter red and she huffed a little. Mori smiles a little at her reaction as Hikaru gives a small chuckle. "We should do her make up and hair for their wedding." Hikaru teases earning a blush from Mori who shifts his weight a little as if he was suddenly uncomfortable with the way this conversation was going. We were shewed away so more people could talk to them. Tamaki goes over to talk to them, he was very respectful but I got this feeling that at club tomorrow he was going to go over the top with them. 'Wonder how Haruhi will take this? Maybe we should tell her? No it's something Kiku and Mori need to do.' I think before looking over at Hikaru who was leaning against the wall watching people. Some people were dancing, others were eating and drinking, and some were talking, mostly business if I had to make a guess. Honey was talking to Mori and Kiku, making her relax a little and after a few minutes of them talking Mori walks with them over to us. Kyoya glances over at his sister before giving a sigh, two men stopped them and one of them offers his hand to Kiku. She looks unsure about it but nods her head and lets him lead her over to where the others were dancing. Mori and Honey walk over and stand next to my brother and myself. "Who is that dancing with Kiku?" Hikaru asks, a scowl on his face as he watches them. "Her older brother." Mori says in a blank tone.

He didn't take his eyes off Kiku who was spinning around with her brother but she looked stiff as if she wasn't comfortable with dancing with him or at all. "I almost forgot that Kiku has other older brothers with the way Kyoya takes care of her." I say as I to watch Kiku but glance over at Kyoya who joined us as well as Tamaki. "She looks so uncomfortable dancing with him." Hikaru says as he leans closer to me and I nod my head quickly. "Kiku isn't very comfortable with many people." Kyoya mused as he glances over at his brother and sister who were dancing or even looking at the other man who had talked to Kiku and was watching them as well. Once the dance was over the other man walks over to Kiku and with shaking hands she takes his hand. "Excuse me." Kyoya says in a cold tone before he walks over to the man who just stopped dancing with Kiku. "I think Kyo-chan is angry with them. Takashi you should go dance with Kiku." Honey says and Mori nods his head before walking over and tapping the mans shoulder before he motions over to Kiku making the man frown at him but he walks over to where Kyoya and his brother were. Now that Kiku was dancing with Mori she had relaxed and had a bright smile on her lips. "She's an amazing dancer. To think Kyoya taught her how to do that." Tamaki says and we glance over at him before nodding our heads agreeing with him. "Do you think she would be that happy dancing with any of us or just Mori?" Hikaru asks and I feel a small stab of pain in my chest thinking of dancing with Kiku. I guess I really wasn't over the small crush I had on her like I though.

Mori's pov.

After last night and the party I felt a little lighter but at the same time I couldn't help but look at the amazing girl walking next to me holding my hand. Many people were looking at us, pointing and whispering as they point at us. Kiku had a small blush on her face and she refused to make eye contact with anyone unless it was Mitsukuni or myself at the moment. "I can't believe Mori is getting married to Kiku." A girl whispers loudly as we walk past causing Kiku's blush to get darker and she moves just a little closer to me. "My father said it was best to keep out of the affairs of the Ootori's. He told me that I should leave Mori alone as well." Another girl whispers before she looks away from us. "Dude I can't believe we lost out to Morinozuka." A boy says as he punches his friends shoulder. The boy blushes a little before nodding his head a few times. "She is so pretty. I never got the chance to make a confession to her." His friend mumbles and I try hard not to glare at them so instead I pull Kiku a little closer to myself. "The fair starts today. Are you going to be very busy?" Kiku asks making me glance down at her before shrugging a little. "The club is doing something for it." I say before looking down the hall as we walk. Mitsukuni had walked to our classroom a few minutes ago so I had a little time alone with Kiku. "I see. Do you think we can meet up later and maybe do something together?" She asks her cheeks turning an even brighter red making me sigh softly before smiling softly at her. "If that is what you want then yes." I say blushing a little as well.

This morning I had to help teach the others how to drive the house drawn carriages which reminded me. I could always take Kiku on a ride alone, let her sit up front next to me as we ride around or have one of the other host do it for us, maybe one of the twins or Kyoya. "Kiku do you want to come with me somewhere?" I ask suddenly and she looks over at me confusion entering her eyes as she does so. "Go where?" She asks and I smirk at her. "To see the horses. I thought you might like that." I say making her smile brightly. "I'd love to." She says as we start to head that way. When we were about to pass Haruhi, Kiku lets my hand go before grabbing Haruhi's hand, her ring catching the light making it shine and several girls that were around look enviously over at my princess. They to whisper, the few people that had been at the party had spreed word around the school like wild fire not to mention the tabloids talking about our marriage. "Haruhi we're going to have fun at the fair together right?" Kiku asks her making Haruhi laugh a little before nodding her head. "Yeah we will. Oh Mori-senpai, Kiku my dad told me to tell you both congratulations on your engagement. He say the article in the paper this morning on his way home from work. "Thanks." I say as I rest my hand on Kiku's shoulders. Kiku was blushing madly before smiling softly. "Please tell him thank you for us. It's sweet that he wanted to say such a thing to me." Kiku says and I sigh softly. We both knew we had to play the part given to us by our father's. Kiku's father had flat out told her that to the world he was going to make it look like this has been a planned marriage for a while, my father agreed to it but we got to stick to not knowing each other until we had met her at school.

We excuse ourselves from Haruhi and head over to the horses only to find that one of the twins was getting them attached to the carriage. "Mori I was just about to go looking for you." He says and I sigh before nodding. I didn't really think over telling the twins apart right now more focused on teaching, Kiku was sitting quietly in the carriage agreeing to come only because she had never done something like this before. We run into the others in the club. Kiku moves so she was sitting between Mitsukuni and the other twin as the others sit across from her. Tamaki was talking about what we as the club was doing. "Kiku you will be a guest of the club today. Although after last night it would look bad on you to request any of the host that are not Mori or myself." Kyoya says making Kiku give a small sigh. "I remember father's words well nii-chan. Is Yuuichi nii-chan and Akito nii-chan coming to the fair?" Kiku asks and I glance over my shoulder to see her tugging at her hair gently and she looks over at me. "I'm not sure. No need for you to worry over such a thing. Just enjoy the fair." Kyoya says making her sigh. The bell rings signalling opening ceremony was about to start so we head to the club room where we were changing for the fair. Even Kiku was changing into a different dress, something the twins mother had made. I guess she asked Kiku to make the wedding dress. When Kiku walks out I was struck speechless. Her dress was elegant, it hugged every curve that Kiku had as well as cover all the scars on her arms that I knew she hated people seeing, it was a deep blue, matching the color rose Tamaki always said I should have with me. She even had on make up and was looking at the ground before walking over to me then gives a small curtsy to me. "You look stunning." I say as I bow to her and she blushes darkly. "Your handsome looking." She says and I rub the back of my neck before licking my lips a little nervously. "Kiku your going to go meet father." Kyoya says as he walks over making Kiku stiffen a little before she nods and leaves us alone. "She'll be alright." Kyoya says. I'm not sure if it was to reassure himself or me. "Yeah." I say as I watch her leave the room. I felt my heart beat wildly in my chest. I knew Kiku would come to the club later but she needed to walk around and see the rest of the fair, maybe next year when I came back we could spend the whole time together, then again next year we would be married.

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