Pain For Love

By HoodiniClown

70.1K 2.4K 728

Evan. Or poor Evan. You're chilling after a day of video games with your friends in your regular Canadian hom... More

Mr. Canada
Passing By
Hooter at Hooters
Doctor Vanoss
Keep Me Safe
Waking Up
Hello There
Singing Loud
Shots Fired
Wake Me Up
No More Tears


2.8K 113 33
By HoodiniClown

Delirious's POV:

Blackness. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't smell anything. Then, a bright ass light. I had to shield my eyes. When I removed my hand I saw a black object standing over me. Drip. Drip. Drip. "Ew what the-" I tried my best to not scream like a bitch. It was an alien, but not just any alien. The one from Alien Isolation. I yelled and got off the metal bed I was on. I had no clothes on. The alien looked me in the eyes and stook out its long ass tongue. I ran down the hallway. I turned around to see the alien jumping off the walls. When I looked forward again I saw the sky. I tried to stop before falling off but slipped on the slick floor. I fell out of what looked like a spaceship. I yelled in horror as I started falling in the night sky. I noticed I was still in PA. There was snow everywhere, but I wasn't cold. As I was falling I started hearing voices along with a song. A specific song. "Sleepwalking." I whispered when a bunch of voices started talking. "I'm gonna kill you clown!" I smiled as I noticed the voice. "Vanoss fucking gaming." As I said his name I started falling slower. "Come 'n get me bitch!" I noticed my voice and laughed. Our voices echoed in the snowy night. "Get the fuck off of him!" I noticed my voice again but much more harsh. "Jon get the hell outta here!" I heard Vanoss yell but it sound sort of muffled. "He's mine and you're never gonna get him!" I've only heard that voice once. Mike... "You fucking shit!" I screamed out loud. I knew what was happening. I didn't want to hear it anymore. "Stop! No! Don't do it! Leave him alone!" Vanoss started yelling over and over again. "He's all mine Jon. You lost your chance." "What?" I heard myself stutter. Closer and closer to the ground I got I heard a gun loaded and ready. "NO! MIKE STOP!" Vanoss's screams were loud in my hearing. "Any last words?" Mike asked. I heard myself sob once. "Yes." I said with a crack. "I love you Evan Fong." As soon as I hit the ground everything went black and a gunshot went off.

I sat up screaming. I looked around my surroundings. The ground was dirty. I walls smelt like shit and piss. "I'm in a fucking basement." I said out loud. All the pipes had mold all over them. I got up of the disgusting floor and wondered around. I wandered out into a hallway that had pinkish lights at the end of it. I snuck towards it and almost puked when I saw what it was. An underground strip club. There were three private chairs for of course private dancing. I looked around to notice Mike. That asshole that helped them. And the boss. I peeked around and saw they were waiting for someone. "Come on out here baby!" Mike yelled. Oh shit... Someone walked out from behind the curtains. "Aw, baby, you look so good. Too bad you didn't wear it the last time we told you." Mike said in a sad, pouty voice. I looked at the person and my cheeks instantly turned warm. I leaned back against the wall. I put my hands on my knees. I shook around a bit to fix the "extra extension" between my fucking legs. I looked around again and noticed Vanoss. He looked extremely uncomfortable. "Here baby, let's go to the back." Mike tugged Vanoss's hand as he got up and went towards where I was standing. I ran back into the room I woke up in. I slowly peeked my eye open as Vanoss and Mike walked by. I saw Vanoss look into my room with a concerned glance. He really shouldn't be the one concerning. I should. I stood up just in time to see Mike and Vanoss walk into a room. I heard Mike say a few things and then I heard a thump. Like Mike threw Vanoss into something. I ran to the room I saw them go in and I listened. I heard Mike giggle. "Ew..." I whispered. "Stop! Stop it you fucking perv!" Vanoss yelled. "Oh come on baby." "No! Knock it the fuck off! Get your hands off of me!" I heard something rip and some of Vanoss's muffled yells. "Oh shit!" I whispered-yelled. "Good. That'll shut you up." Mike said. It was quiet until I heard bed movements. I ran back against the wall and ran forward. I broke down the door to see two figures under a blanket. One with a piece of cloth around his mouth and one smiling not noticing I bursted in. "WHAT THE HELL YOU FUCKER!?" I screamed as I pushed Mike off off Vanoss. Vanoss grabbed the blanket instantly. Blocking his naked body like he was caught having sex with someone else and his parents walked in. I had Mike pinned on the ground. "Okay, you little shit! What the hell do I have to do to keep you off my friend here?" I yelled. I hit Mike in the face multiple times. After I stopped his nose what black and purple and bleeding. He held his face as he curled up into a ball. I turned around and noticed two men walked into the room. The "boss" and another asshole. The smaller asshole ran into me and put his hands around my neck. Pushing me to the wall he started choking me. I saw the boss go towards Vanoss. Vanoss acted quickly and grabbed the belt off of the "outfit" he was wearing. He swung it with all of his arm muscle across the boss's face. He fell to the ground. Vanoss ran over to him and kicked him multiple times. As for me I had my hands around this guy's neck. He started pushing harder. My vision started to blur. I saw movement in the background. His head bounced forward and he fell to the ground. I shook my blurry vision to see Vanoss. He smiled through all the shit that just happened. He walked closer to me and hugged me. I squeezed back, that was until I heard a gun cock. My eyes widened as I turned around and saw Mike pointing a gun at me. I pushed Vanoss away. He smirked at me and slowly he pulled the trigger. In a very fast moment Vanoss moved and dived in mid air. He fell to the ground with a thud, just as Amy and many other police reinforcements came into the room and put Mike to the ground with the rest of the men. I immediately fell down beside Vanoss. He looked up at me and smiled. "Fucking hell." Was all he said as he put a hand over the wound in his chest. I put my hand on top of his. I swallowed hard trying not to cry. "Fucking hell's right man..." My voice cracked as I slowly started crying. "Ey now. I thought Mr. H2O didn't cry and he was the "oh-so" strong man who would go through the world in power armor with a hockey mask and his owl partner and whoop ass. Not cry." He said with pain and humor in his voice. I smiled through the tears. "Well, "Mr. H2O" would definitely cry if he lost his owl partner." I said crying even harder. I was crying so hard I hadn't notice Amber came over to looked at Vanoss. She was in tears as she looked at me. "Jon we need to take him to the hospital ASAP." She said softly as she rest a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't stop staring at the hole right through Vanoss's chest. Another police officer came over and lifted me up. I looked at Vanoss one more time. "You're running out of time." He said in my head. I started crying again as I walked out of the room and into an ambulance with the police officers and a few paramedics.


Okay.... that was sadder than I thought... (Yet another one on the docs)

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