Dawn Hollow

By urstrulynatti

104K 5.4K 397

"Do people that love each other always stay together?" Demetrius Salvador is an older successful CEO of LANG... More

Just another day...
Early bird
And they meet
Lake water, memory lane, and Coffee Problems
Welcome to Haven
Heels over head
And through her kindness he sees her soul.
Hope to meet you again... Through better circumstances of course.
Miss Sly Fox
From A Closet In Norway
I need you...
And so it begins
The Gang unites
One loyal friend is worth a thousand relatives
Pie Makes Everything Ok
Why Wait For Someone Who Has No Thoughts Of Returning.
I miss you...
And they meet again
Rainy Day
My Crush, I'm Crushed
Dont Go
Live In The Moment

Road Trip

3.1K 197 26
By urstrulynatti



Wow this story's reached 12k readers, I'm really happy that you guys are enjoying this book! My grammar is horrible lol but I love the comments!!! Thanks guys sorry for not writting much been busy with school and my internships, but here is a new chapter hope you guys like it :)

They were basking in the sun and the warm summer wind blew through their hair. Mae's phone was their GPS, they got out of town and hit the highway. It was beautiful the road was along the Lakeshore and they were accompanied by the beautiful blue waters. During the ride Mae nagged Demetrius to stop for pictures and snack breaks even thought it wasn't long since they got on the road. As they passed the vinyards and farms they entered Niagara. Mae adored Niagara On The Lake it was the perfect picturesque tourist town.

"Isn't this town beautiful." She whispered Demetrius looked around and nodded. As they drove along the countryside but then dark clouds started to form, Demetrius noticed and asked.

"It's suppose to rain today?"

"The weather lady said it was going to be blue skies all day." Right when Mae finished her sentenced it started pouring. Demetrius quickly pulled over both runing to pull up the car roof top.

"It's stuck!" Mae shouted. Demetrius pulled harder but it didn't do much. Mae looked around and saw a small open shed like structure in the fields. So they grabed their things and ran to the shed. They were soaked, Demetrius cursing under his breath Mae bursted out laughing. 

"And whats so funny?" He gave her cut eye but she couldn't stop, she pulled out a beach towel from her bag, went on her tippy toes and started drying his hair still laughing like crazy. She tried to calm herself down.

"Sorry it's just-" She laughs again 

"You look so mad" Faces just inches apart, he watched her as she laughs. He couldn't help but smirk and flicked her on the forehead 

"ouch!" He took the towel and threw it at her. Moved her to a bench under the protection of the roof from the rain. They sat and he started drying her face as she was still trying to calm herself. Some moments past as they dried themselves with the best of their ability. Mae looked out to the sky as the rain fell and took a deep breath and smiled from ear to ear. 

"The smell... The sound..." Losing herself in her thought she closes her eyes. Demetrius couldn't help but stare at her, Mae whispers. 

"Everyone talks of leaving the suburbs and heading to the city, but  for some reason my dreams are in the small town. " Demetrius thought to himself he was just like her before Noah died 

"Can I ask you a question?" Mae opened her eyes and turned to him, He quickly looked away.

"No" Mae made a face but kept quite, he rolled his eyes.


She smirked "Did you always want to work at an ad agency?" 

She spoke softly. Demetrius stared back he realised how close they were again. He looked straight into her eyes, it was still raining but the clouds cleared and the sun was shinning. There was tiny holes in the roof so little rays of light spilled through making her brown eyes sparkle and her skin glow. Without looking away he spoke in a soft voice too.

"No..." silence 

"I'm a middle child, My older brother loved business, he was kind, funny and everyones favourite. My younger brother Nathaniel was weak, always got sick when he was younger but still extremely energetic. I on the other hand didn't speak much, I didn't have much friends either I just hung out with our nanny really" They laughed. 

"She's the best cook I've ever met, so I begged her to teach me how to cook and she did. My father didn't approve we didn't get along, Noah was his favourite but it was my passion. One day I packed my stuff and left home, no money just one luggage and my cooking skills." He smirked

" I applied to small jobs at reasturants here and there and worked my way up... My goal was to open up my very own" He paused 

"Then I got a call that day and..." He paused again

Looking away Demetrius trailed off for a moment with rain being the only sound.

"-and I packed everything and went back home. The next day I attended my older brothers funeral." 

Mae could see the pain in his eyes, he was shaking a bit. Without thinking Mae took his hand and intertwined it with her own. Mae felt like she could feel his pain, his sorrow. She always noticed how tired he was, not the sleepy tired but the tired of life tiredness that drains your body and soul. Even though he was a complete jerk Mae knew he was a good person. Mae noticed how he would look at her and her heart would always skip a beat, she felt at ease when she would be near him. Mae began to be deep in thought again. A gust of wind blew, blowing strains of her damp hair to her face. Demetrius using his other hand brushes them away. Gently stroking her cheek to her neck sending shivers down her spine. Her face hot she moves a tad away. Shocked by his action Demetrius smirks at her reaction. 

"What's your dream?" 


"What is your dream?" Demetrius repeats annoyingly, about to flick her forehead but she moves.

"missed me" She grins, she takes a moment 

"In all honesty I have no idea. I use to have multiple goals for myself but they never end up going as plan. So I've decided to let go and let God. Just doing the thinks that I love and going from there. "

Time goes by as they continue talking, Mae finds out about his childhood and embarassing moments and Demetrius listens to her stories about her family trips and her horrible awkward moments. The rain lasts longer then they thought, he notices Mae shivering and puts his arm around her with the beach towel.

"Don't get the wrong idea, at this rate you'll freeze to death." Too cold to argue Mae leans in and moments later falls asleep on his chest. Making sure she's really asleep he lightly strokes her hair, he loses himself in his thoughts. A couple of hours later the rain stops and the sun starts to set. He decides to let her sleep a bit more but the silence wakes her up. 

"Oh it stopped?" Mae rubs her sleepy eyes. They get up pack their stuff and head to the land rover, Completely wet they spend some time drying it out. They start again on their trip and a half hour later they arrive. Pulling in Demetrius could see a woman run towards them with a german shepard and a toddler in her arms. They get out and Mae runs to the woman hugging her. 

" Ethel! omgosh Ella you're so big!" 

"Finally you're here honey!"

A man comes out of the house towards them.


"We've been waiting forever!" 

"Sorry the rain cornered us and we had to wait till it stopped." 

"We?" They look behind Mae

"Oh sorry,  this is Demetrius Salvador ... my partner in crime." Mae grins

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