By RavenBryanna

411K 8.2K 962


Chapter One -- Dre
Chapter Two -- Omanda
Chapter Three -- Charlotte
Chapter Four -- Brown
Chapter Five -- Misty
Chapter Six -- Dre
Chapter Seven -- Omanda
Chapter Eight -- Brown
Chapter Nine -- Quadir
Chapter Ten -- Omanda
Chapter Eleven -- Brown
Chapter Twelve -- Charlotte
Chapter Thirteen -- Dre
Chapter Fifteen -- Misty
Chapter Sixteen -- Omanda
Chapter Seventeen -- Charlotte
Chapter Eighteen -- Quadir
Chapter Nineteen -- Dre
Chapter Twenty -- Brown
Chapter Twenty-One -- Misty
Chapter Twenty-Two -- Charlotte
Chapter Twenty-Three -- Omanda
Chapter Twenty-Four --- Dre
Chapter Twenty-Five -- Brown

Chapter Fourteen -- Brown

11.4K 330 30
By RavenBryanna

No matter what happen, I won't give up. I can't give up.
-- Brown

"Aye, ya'll heard about those two crackheads that tried to rob Oink's last night?" Griff asked from the side of me with a big grin on his face.

Racho, a nigga I went to high school with, shook his head, "Nah, I didn't hear 'bout it" -- he smiled -- "They finally got 'dat bitch-ass nigga, Asad, huh?"

"Hell nah!" Griff loudly denied. "Asad got they ass! They showed 'dat nigga on the news with a big-ass shotgun! Who ever set that shit up had to be fucking retarded, everybody know that Arab in Oink's trigga' happy!"

My blood began to boil as loud laughs began to surround me. They didn't know it, but they were all laughing at me right in my face. I don't know who I should be more mad at, Omanda or myself. Omanda for not showing up at the motel and losing the key or myself for coming up with that dumb-ass idea that crackheads could pull off a decent robbery. Now I'm right back where I started with lint still in my pockets.

I had my back slightly turned away from the crowd of laughing niggas when a loud bass filled Bond Richmond Park.

Aw shit.

I watched as Dre rolled his car through the park slowly, as usual, making almost every nigga show some sign of hate on their face, and every bitch lips curl into a smile.

"What the hell Mack doing wit' Dre?" Griff spoke with a frown as he rode closer.

Everybody know how picky Dre can be when it comes to his car, so seeing Mack in the passenger's seat was a surprise.

Nobody bothered to answer Griff, including me, as the Chevy stopped in front of us, right in the curve. I felt the urge of not wanting but needing to smoke a cigerette as Dre and Mack got out of the car at the same time.

"What up?" Dre greeted half of everybody with a quick dap as Mack headed off in the opposite direction to the parked ice cream truck across the way. Damn, do this nigga ever stop eating?

"Shit... we was just talkin' 'bout that weak-ass hit up at Oink's Gas Station," Griff said with a grin.

Dre shook his head with a smile on his face, his two gold slugs gleaming in the sunlight. "Mack was just tellin' me..."

As Dre continued to talk, shid I used that as my way to leave without being seen. I turned my back swiftly, so swift, I heard the wind rush by ears. I put one foot in front of another, and another foot in front of another foot. Finally, something is finally going my way.




I stopped and put on a smile before turning around. "What's up, man?"

The men part like the Red Sea as Dre walks through them and over to me. "Fuck you runnin' for? Boy, you must don't have my money."

Not a cent of it. I shake my head with the grin still on my face, "Nah, ain't nobody running, fam. I-I-I just had somethin' to do right quick, you feel me?"

Dre watched me through darkned eyes. "No, nigga. I don't feel you. I'ma ask you this one time, and one time only" -- he lifted up his shirt where a .38 was sticking out of his waistband -- "WHERE. THE FUCK. IS MY. MONEY?"

It felt like a million eyes on me as I kept my eyes on the iron. I'm scared as fuck, I'an gon' lie.


I snapped my head up to Dre's twisted face. "I'an g-got it, bruh," I told him. "J-just give me a couple mo' days--"

"A COUPLE MO' DAYS?!" He shook his head and chuckled in a evil-ass laugh, and a few #TeamDre niggas behind him joined in.

As they were busy, my mind's wheels started turning. All Dre had to do was turn his back for a second and I was gone.

"Oh, shit! He leaving!" Somebody hollared.

When I started to cut thru' trees and bushes, gun shots started coming at me, but all they were hitting was the tree. My new Jay's stepped thru' mud and it even smelled like it was dog shit out here, but I don't give a fuck. I was close to the gate that closed and seperated the back of Richmond from the neighborhood surrounding it.

I began climbing the gate, thankful that it wasn't a barb wire across the top when I reached it. When my feet hit the side walk on the other side, I wipped the sweat off my forehead and tried to catch my breath. But then I heard that loud-ass music. I looked to my right, and the shiny red Chevy was just bending the corner coming full speed ahead.


I ran like I was back on the track in high school except this time it wasn't for a win -- it was for my life. I looked over my shoulder right before I saw Dre pull 'dat iron back out and point it at me.


I bent a corner between two small buildings right before he let one go. I know the Chevy can't get through here, but I still kept it moving.

It seemed like forever when I made it to a unkept neighborhood. It's obvious people still living in the houses 'cause their cars is parked in the drive way. I started walking down the broken-in-most-places sidewalk while trying to do that catch-my-breath thing again.

Man, it feel like my heart about to beat out of my chest. Every car that came down the street I was watching they ass until I couldn't see 'em. There was a few people outside in their yard -- children playing, women talking to other women, niggas chilling without a job that didn't have shit else to do -- this was just a hood with houses instead of projects.

Suddenly, a li'l girl on a pink three-wheeler rode her bike onto the side walk in front of me. I was so gone, I almost stepped on her li'l ass.

"Dang, nikka! Watch whea you goin'!" She yelled, looking up at me with missing front teeth.

I noticed the yard she came out of was the only house on the street that had the grass cut. They even had a flower bed -- and a little red Toyota.

The screen door to the house opened, and me and the little girl both turned to look at it.

"Jasmine, you better not--"

Omanda stoped. She stood in the door looking like she's seen a ghost.

"I better not what?" The li'l girl asked on the side of me before smacking her teeth. "You ain't my momma!" She pedaled off on her bike.

I trespassed into Omanda's yard with a mug on my face.

Omanda threw her hands up. "Brown, I can explain."


A/N :

Cliff hanger... I know, I hate them too. Please don't forget to vote & comment!

Thanks for reading :-)

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