Satan's Wrath

By XXrogueXlucyXX

107K 5.2K 426

Defeating a shtriga. There's one thing off the bucket list. Now the hybrids. Isabella Knight is now shtriga f... More

:Chapter 1:
:Chapter 2:
:Chapter 3:
:Chapter 4:
:Chapter 5:
:Chapter 6:
:Chapter 7:
:Chapter 8:
:Chapter 9:
:Chapter 10:
:Chapter 11:
:Chapter 12:
:Chapter 13:
:Chapter 14:
:Chapter 16:
:Chapter 17:
:Chapter 18:
:Chapter 19:
:Chapter 20:
:Chapter 21:
:Chapter 22:
:Chapter 23:
:Chapter 24:
:Chapter 25:
:Chapter 26:
:Chapter 27:
:Chapter 28:
:Chapter 29:
:Chapter 30:
:Chapter 31:
:Chapter 32:
:Chapter 33:
:Chapter 34:
:Chapter 35:
:Chapter 36:
:Chapter 37:
:Chapter 38:
:Chapter 39:
:Chapter 40:
:Chapter 41:
:Chapter 42:
:Chapter 43:
:Chapter 44:

:Chapter 15:

2.5K 118 15
By XXrogueXlucyXX


"What's for dinner?" Andrew asked as he skipped into the room. Mom turned around while she put the spoon down. "Spaghetti and meatballs." Mom answered as she continued stirring the noodles. Andrew nodded. Walking over to me he sat down. Orchid later followed in after him. "Do you know where Isabella went?" Orchid asked as she sat down next to Andrew as she straighten her red knitted dress.

"She went on a job to get an Alpha through here safely." I said looking up. Orchid nodded. Orchid then began shimming into Andrew's side. Andrew wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. Mom looked at them and a slight smile lit her face.

"I need you Dalton to distract Isabella on her birthday." Orchid said looking at me seriously. "Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "She told me not to throw her birthday party so I said yes but secretly I'm throwing her a surprise birthday party." Orchid said with a smile. "Can I take her out to eat?" I asked. "I don't care what you do, but don't bring her to your house." Orchid said pushing her fiery red locks from her face.

"Ok, what time do you want me to bring her back?" I asked tilting my head to the left. "Around five." Orchid said as she jabbed her index finger into Andrew's side. "Mother freaking, mash potato, lamb face, dog butt swamp, freak show!" Andrew yelled. Orchid looked shocked. Mom simply smirked. Andrew then began kissing down Orchid's neck.

"No stop it, it tickles." Orchid said pushing on Andrew's neck. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. "Maybe you shouldn't of poked me darling." Andrew said his voice getting dark at darling. Orchid turned red. Andrew then picked Orchid up and left.

"Get a room!" Rory yelled from the living room. Now then I laughed. "You boys are gonna kill you're mates of embarrassment someday." Mom said looking at me with a smile. "Hey Isabella embarrasses me, she called me Dolly and now her brothers call me it." I said. "Your Dad did that to me when he nicknamed me Ella and I got called Cinderella for the rest of high school but then your Dad became my price charming." Mom said with a smile as she remember her love life.

I smiled at her. "That's cute." I said. Mom nodded. "Honey can you get me a strainer?" Mom asked as she turned off the stove. I nodded as I began searching the cabinets for the white strainer. After grabbing it, I set the strainer in the sink. "Thanks sweetie." Mom said as she walked by and ruffled my hair. 'Motherly instincts these days.' 'Her wolf is just like that with you.'

Ash shut up after that. Ash could be a huge mommies boy sometimes. That was not an insult. If you openly call any of my brothers a mommies boy in front of Mom she shows the Alpha blood running through her veins. My Mom and Dad are both Alpha's from different packs.

Mom was the daughter of Christopher Whiteford and Donna Whiteford, the Alpha's of White River. Their still in charge until Uncle Clay takes over with his mate Jessabelle. Jessabelle was your pretty country lady. She was born and raised in Austin, Texas. Auntie Jessabelle insisted on spoiling us anytime she came over. It was like Christmas all over again with her.

"Dinner!" Mom yelled. I instantly grabbed a plate and began loading it with spaghetti and sauce. My brothers began running through the doorway each grabbing plates. Mom literally jumped out of the way. "No pinching Noah." Mom called out. "Alex no teeth." Mom called out again. "I think I'd rather have you for dinner." Dad said opening the door.

"Dad!" Alex yelled jumping into his arms. "How's my buddy doing?" Dad asked ruffling his hair. "Awesome, how was word, did you beat anyone up?" Alex asked. "Nope just helped the hunters get an Alpha through the territory." Dad answered. "Cool, Dalton's gonna be just as a good leader as you are." Alex said as he turned to grin at me.

Dad smiled. "Not for awhile though, we have to let Dalton have a life." Dad said as he put Alex down. Dad practically pranced his way to my Mom. "Oh yeah Isabella told you to go to her house tomorrow something about math homework and if you don't she'll send Ryne to bring you kicking and screaming." Dad said with a hint of a smirk. "Noted." I said sarcastically as I sat at the stool.

"She still hasn't finished her school work?" Nico said sitting down. "I'm surprised she's in honors." Nico said sitting down. "She's just like me, we're smart but only when we chose to be." Andrew said sitting next to me. I shook my head as I began eating. "What Alpha did you help the hunters get through." Mom asked as she leaned into Dad. "Surge McCoy." Dad said as Mom handed him a plate of spaghetti.

Orchid looked at me and pointed to my cheek. Reaching up I wiped some sauce off. Orchid smiled before going back to her food. Orchid was here a lot. Or Andrew was at Orchid's. But they always seemed to be with each other. It was cute that my twin had a loving mate. I just got a tad bit jealous of them sometime.

But Isabella has gone from yelling to agreeing to being my friend. It was a huge step-up. It made me happy though. At least my mate didn't hate me. 'Isabella would never hate us.'

I smiled at the thought of Isabella. Tomorrow I have to help her with her work. Not that I cared, it meant spending time with Isabella. "Dalton after you're done with the whole work thing, I need help with the stables." Rory said looking at me as he pushed his dark brow hair back up.

You know those bad boys every girl seems to fawn over. Rory is that bad boy. He has the whole I'll fight you if you punch first motive. But Rory gets good grades like the rest of us. His mate was in for a handful when they met.

"Max, I got a phone call from your teacher." Mom said with a evil smile. Max went pale. "She said she's been trying to get a hold of me for weeks but I never answered," Mom started. "Apparently the day before school closed for the rogue attack you set two boxes of crickets in the library." Mom said her fists tightening.

Rodney and Rory burst out laughing. Andrew followed shortly after. Max bit his lip holding in laughter. "The library is quiet, crickets are not." Max said with a smile. Noah high-fived Max. "I gave him that idea." Andrew whispered to me.

I smirked slightly. "Oh you two Noah, your teacher called me saying you superglued her to her chair and superglued everything to her desk." Mom said waving her hands up. Dad attempted not to laugh but he did anyone. "Jackson." Mom said. "Hey you have to admit its funny." Dad said. "You wanna know what's funny?" Mom asked. "Yeah." Dad said. "You sleeping on the couch." Mom said.

"What, no way, I'm sleeping with my mate." Dad said as he tugged her to the house. "Would you like me to buy an indoor doghouse for you?" Mom asked into Dad's chest. Andrew smirked at them. I do not want to know what's going on inside his head.

"Nope, just know I will be next to you tonight." Dad said as he began devouring his food. Mom had some more food than usual. I mean she was eating for two. Mom didn't look pregnant really, she gained a couple pounds but not a lot.

"I have garlic bread in the oven." Mom said looking up. Alex grinned. "Is it cheesy?" Rodney asked as he tilted his head to the right. "It's cheesy like you." Andrew said. Rodney rolled his eyes. "Yes half of them half cheese, the other half doesn't." Mom said pushing her platinum blonde hair aside.

If a normal human looked at us, they'd probably think we're a bunch of teens hanging out with a little boy. Mom and Dad barely looked a day pass twenty. Werewolf genes, they do miracles. There was a loud beep. "And the garlic bread is done." Mom said as she jumped up.

She practically skipped to the oven. I focused back on my food while Mom got the delicious garlic bread from the oven. "I heard Kadan got Alana pregnant." Mom said. Angel dropped her fork on her plate. "Alana's pregnant." Rory said shocked.

"Yeah, Isabella was lecturing him today about it." Andrew said. A hint of a smirk lit Noah's face. "So there's gonna be a mini Alana and Kadan." Noah said as he crossed his arms across his chest. Dad cracked a smile.

"Three days until Valentine's day." Orchid quietly sung. "That's right and I have all the Valentine's day stuff hidden from you people." Mom said looking at us. I didn't do any moaning or shrugging. I simply got my brothers some stuff then I went crazy on Isabella. I know Isabella at least got me a small piece of chocolate. She's not heartless.

"Come get you're garlic bread." Mom said as she set down the hot tray on the counter. With that we all jumped at the food except the girls.

And BAM! 1557 words in this chapter. I wanted to make it longer but I didn't think you guys wanted to just read about them eating and making jokes towards each other. But wanna know why I made this chapter so long????

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