Dawn of a New Day || Stefan S...

By X-Lisa-Anne-X

120K 2.4K 225

Olivia Gilbert, the twin sister of Elena Gilbert has a secret. One that began a month before the crash that k... More

1.1 - A Hard First Day
1.2 - The New Boy in School
1.4 - A Brother Returns
2.1 - A New Start to the Day
2.2 - Damon Salvatore?
2.3 - A Lonely Comet
3.1 - A Harder Morning
3.2 - Dinner Plans
3.3 - Awkward Gathering
3.4 - The Death of Coach Tanner
4.1 - To Make Plans
4.2 - The First Try
4.3 - The Founders Party
5.1 - Quiet Separation
5.2 - Making up for Mistakes
5.3 - Sexy Suds Car Wash
6.1 - Mystery Uncovered
6.2 - Conversation Between Two Sisters
6.3 - Transitioning into a Vampire

1.3 - Party at the Falls

9.4K 218 32
By X-Lisa-Anne-X

Vampire Diaries Fanfic | Dawn of a New Day | 1.3 - Party at the Falls

It felt like da-ja-vu when Olivia found herself in History again, listening to the worst teacher this School has every employed. Mr. Tanner was once again going over the same material they went through yesterday – who could obviously see how painful it was to listen because he just loved to torture his students.

"The Battle of Willow Creek took place at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls." Mr. Tanner paced around his desk, his eyes darting around the room to find his text target and evident victim. "How many casualties resulted in this battle?" He questioned before his eyes set on Bonnie, "Miss Bennett?"

Bonnie jumped in her seat, her head springing up - her attention going from the doodles in front of her to Mr. Tanner. "Uh ... a lot?" She winced seeing the teacher's eye twitch. "I'm not sure, like a whole lot." She tried to be cool, and even though it got several chuckles from her fellow students, Mr. Tanner didn't look amused at all.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Miss Bennett." Mr. Tanner retorted, breaking her 'playing it cool' façade. It was slightly surprising that no parents have reported him for some of the things he's said to his students over the years.

Olivia had to clench her fists, unknowingly snapping her pencil at the same time – one day that man was going to go to far.

"Mr. Donovan." Matt began his next stop; he looked up to see the teacher staring at him, almost a smirk playing on his lips. "Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your jock stereotype?"

Matt waved him off coolly, "It's okay, Mr. Tanner." Matt smirked to himself, "I'm cool with it." This definitely got a lot more laughs from the students, but they tried to hide it not wanting to face the wrath of Tanner.

Mr. Tanner finally looked over to Olivia finally with a smirk, thinking she wouldn't know the answer. Olivia never tried to participate in his classes, especially now that she was a vampire who could snap his neck at any wrong word. "Olivia." He drawled, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Olivia was still looking at him, not turning away. He didn't scare her.

"Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most historical events."

Olivia took a second to answer but she could feel everyone looking at her, it made her feel uneasy. "346 casualties unless you're counting the civilians too." She said in a stony tone.

Tanner smirk faltered only slightly, but it returned when she said the last part about civilians. "Well, it's a good thing you're not using your summer excuse for not catching up with the homework. But, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle."

Olivia was just about to retort with a stony glare when Stefan took over, defending her statement, "Actually I agree with her – there were 27 in total." Tanner's head snapped over to him, his eyes narrowing as Stefan continued, "Confederate soldiers fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons."

Everyone in the room was now looking between Stefan and the teacher, and if Olivia didn't know better, she'd have though steam was flying out of Tanner's ears. She suddenly snorted under her breath at the thought, looking down to hide her smile – the tensing fist now loosening.

"But they were wrong," Stefan was staring at Tanner, almost daring the man to make a counter attack. "It was a night of a great loss."

Suddenly everything went silent.

"And you name is-?" Tanner narrowed his eyes, never seeing the kid before. If he had, the boy would have been thrown down a peg or two before today.

"Stefan Salvatore." Stefan answered, not looking bothered. It looked like he had some more left in him.

Tanner's eyebrows then raised in surprised, "You're related to the original Founders?"

"Distant." Stefan was vague, but then finished what he really wanted to retort and he knew everyone would love it. He didn't really like this teacher either after some of the things he's said – especially when it seemed like Olivia was trying really hard not to smack his head off in front of the class. "For more information you should check out the Founder's achieve in the Civil Hall – especially if you need to brush up on your facts ... Mr. Tanner." He internally smirked at the look on the teachers face. If a glare could kill someone ... he'd be dead, again.

As Tanner shifted uncomfortably, several mutters and giggles echoed in the room at the comeback. Stefan looked over to where Olivia sat, she was looking down with her hand covered over her mouth, her shoulders shaking – when he realised she was trying her hardest not to laugh, he smiled secretly to himself with pride that he could make her feel better.

~ 8 ~

"You need to wear something cute, Liv." Elena told her sister, rummaging through the cupboard in her twin's room. Lucky for Olivia, she had hidden the mini fridge under the bed after realising what Elena was going to do, it was a tight fit, but it worked. Elena had been so close to finding it – and that thought alone was disastrous.

Olivia was sat on her bed, arms wrapped around her legs as she watched her twin dive into the clothes storage. "Why can't I just wear what I usually do?" She questioned, it was bad enough going to that party - why couldn't she just wear clothes she was comfortable in?

Elena huffed in annoyance, grabbing a skirt. "Because..." She drawled, "...Stefan Salvatore is into you – he likes you! Even a blind person could see it!" Although in reality, they really couldn't see anything.

The thought of Stefan alone made Olivia smile and suddenly, she couldn't wait to see him at this party. "What have you got?"

Elena smirked to herself in the victory. She threw over a black jean skirt that went down to Olivia's middle thigh and a blue satin sleeveless top that would be loose on her sister's figure. "Now go get ready, Bonnie's going to be here any second."

After sighing in defeat, Olivia did just that and got ready as fast as she could – without using her vampire speed.

~ 8 ~

Olivia wasn't feeling good, she didn't have a pleasant feeling as they were driving to the party – and now, standing in the middle of a crowd of drunken teenagers, she still didn't feel good. Her nerves were ticking, so many things could set her off. She was trying very hard not to crush the bottle of beer in her hand either – breaking that would raise a couple of questions, especially with this being a thick bottle.

"Just admit it, Liv." Bonnie was saying, bringing her back to reality.

"He's pretty, come on, even you have to think so." Elena pushed, nudging her sister in the shoulder. Neither of them really seemed to get that she wasn't really acting herself.

Olivia licked her bottom lip nervously, swallowing before trying to focus her attention back on the conversation. "Saying he's pretty makes him sound like a girl." She commented, think back to how she first reacted to seeing him back in the hallway. "I'd go with ... hot." Her lip quirked despite the situation she's gotten herself in, just a little when Bonnie and Elena nodded their heads, impressed.

"He has that romance-novel stare." Bonnie continued before clearing her throat, making it go deeper as she semi-quoted a story line she read the other day, "Stefan looked deep into her eyes, piercing her very soul." Olivia started to chuckle a little with her sister, finding it a little easier to let herself go – she still glanced around her warily, though.

"I wonder where he is?" Elena inquired to no one in particular, looking around to see if she could notice the Mystery Guy in the crowds.

"Maybe he's just late." Liv suggested, shrugging it off. This area could become quite the maze if you didn't know your way around – sometimes it's even where she had to hunt to make sure no one would see.

"Oh," Elena's eyes lit up, looking to Bonnie. "You should try those psychic abilities – maybe you can see something?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Olivia frowned, "Psychic?" She's never heard anything about that before, but then, she's been secluding herself from the group for the last couple of months.

Bonnie had only just realised that it had never been mentioned to Olivia, so she started to explain, "Grams has basically full-on told me I'm Psychic and a Witch."

"That's ... cool." She replied, slowly. She didn't have a good feeling about this. This whole night seemed to be a bad feeling after another.

"You can use Liv's bottle as the crystal bottle."

"Right." And before Olivia could do anything, Bonnie had wrapped her hand around the bottle clutched in her hand – both Elena and she were startled when Bonnie's face went completely blank, void of emotion. And after a couple of seconds, the dark-skinned friend gasped back, acting almost as if she had run out of air. Elena was looking at her best friend with concern, wondering what had been seen.

The sisters could see the fear in Bonnie's eyes.

Olivia, on the other hand, was also starting to fear what was seen, and by the way Bonnie seemed to be looking at her – it scared her.

"Bonnie, what is it?" Elena questioned, seeing the girl in question staring at her sister.

Bonnie didn't answer, "What happened to you?" She breathed, staring at Olivia completely differently. And as if nothing had happened, she seemed to snap out of it by shaking her head and blinking in a confused manner. She looked between the sisters, inching away from them, "I-I'm gonna go get another beer."

"Bonnie!" Elena yelled, watching as Bonnie hastily started to walk away from them. She stared towards the retreating figure, confusion completely covering her face.

Olivia felt a pang in her heart – what had Bonnie seen? She seemed to be very Psychic to her.

Elena looked to her sister with a sigh, "I'm gonna go find Bonnie, you okay here on your own?"

Olivia gave her a fake smile, just wanting to leave this place honestly, "Yeah, sure, go ahead." Elena nodded before running towards the direction Bonnie had gone, leaving her sister alone in the middle, surrounded by several dozens of drunk kids. Olivia hadn't even touched her beer yet. She was so busy watching her sister run away, she hadn't even noticed, again, Stefan sneaking up on her from behind.

"Hi." Stefan's voice was enough to make her jump, spinning around to him. She looked at him startled with bewilderment. How the hell does he keep sneaking up on me? She asked herself. It's almost a replica to how she sneaks up on her sister in the mornings.

As she finally recognised him standing there, she couldn't help but forget what had just happened and smiled a little. Happy that he had actually stuck to his word and come. "Hi."

Stefan seemed to realise he had startled her, "Sorry, I did it again, didn't I?" Referring to how he came out of nowhere.

Olivia nodded, relaxing a little, "Yeah." She chuckled slightly. But then what had just happened before popped back into her mind unwillingly, making her smile fade away – something of which Stefan could definitely see.

"You upset about something." He noted, watching as her happiness dimmed. He didn't get the chance to overhear what had been said for the last couple of seconds, Caroline had pulled him away to give him some very good advice on Olivia. He was grateful for the blonde but was now very interested in what could have upset the brunette.

"It's nothing, really." Olivia sighed, tiredly. There was so much going on with her lately that tiredness was actually getting to her, and she was a vampire now! The sound of a bottle smashing made her jump, she turned towards the noise, only to realise it was several yards away where a normal human shouldn't have been able to hear it. She tensed, again – this was getting ridiculous!

"Did you want to go for a walk?" Stefan suggested, seeing her tense up again. He knew what she had heard since he could hear it too – not that she knew that. He wanted to tell her, to help her but he was afraid that the moment he told her what he was also, that she wouldn't want to be near him.

Bloodlust was the hardest thing about being a vampire to deal with (other than the heightened emotions) – even he had to deal with it every single day.

Olivia loved that suggestion, she really had to get away from all these teenagers before she ripped a throat out. "God, yes."

~ 8 ~

Stefan walked her away from the party towards a small bridge. He was strolling by her side as they started making their way over a bridge suspended over the falls themselves.

"You know, your kind of the talk of the town." Olivia teased, feeling like she could actually breathe again. The party was far enough away so she could rest a little, and with Stefan being beside her, she realised that the thirst to bite his head off wasn't there. She wasn't interested in his blood – did that mean something?

Stefan chuckled, smiling over at her, "Am I?" It felt nice to talk to her, especially when she felt a lot more at ease around him and away from that party. Back at 'The Grill', he had seen something spark in her eyes when Caroline spoke for her and said that she'll go. He knew exactly what it had been – just seeing how she reacted to crowds both there and at school was enough to give him the answer.

From what he could tell and find out for himself – she's been a vampire for only a couple of months. He reckoned around the time she went on that trip to Chicago as it was about the same time she started acting differently around everyone.

"Mm-hm." She nodded, having the same look on her face, "You're the 'Mysterious New Guy'."

"You seem to have the 'Mysterious' thing going for you too." He countered, looking interested. He did see her smile dimming a little, "But twinged in sadness."

It took a moment for her to reply, but eventually she did, "What makes you think I'm sad?" She questioned, not touching the 'mysterious' part. "You barely know me."

"Because I can see it in your eyes." He told her, giving her a sad smile as she stared back at him, letting him continue. "And I guess, I'm just good at reading people, especially you."

They stopped in the middle of the bridge, looking over at the falls. "It's not exactly party chitchat." Olivia warned carefully, she didn't know why, but she felt like he could be told anything. She wasn't about to tell him her biggest secret, but, there was just something about him.

Stefan didn't seem to mind, "Well, I've never really been very good at chitchat." Olivia leant against the wooden bar of the bridge with a despaired sigh, twisting towards Stefan with a pain in her eyes he could actually understand. He did similarly the same in stance but placed his hands in his pockets – ready to listen and be there if she needed him.

"There's just been a lot of crap going on lately," She laughed humorously, turning back to the falls as even the laugh-less laugh ceased, "Last spring ... my parent's car drove off of a bridge into the lake." She started to explain, "Elena was in the backseat – she had snuck out to a party, much like this one actually," She scoffed, "She survived and they died. No one knows how Elena was able to get out of that car, it was like someone had pulled her out before she died along with our parents. "

Suddenly it felt like tears were starting to appear under her eyelids, "And about a month before that, I got the chance to go to Chicago and it was amazing." She breathed at first, for the first week it truly had been spectacular. Until, that time came. "But then it was ripped away from me, and something happened that I couldn't run away from, I'm still having a hard time dealing with it." Her voice slowly drifting into a mumble response.

Finally, after a moment, Olivia looked up to Stefan and he was still standing there much to her surprise. She kind of thought he'd realise how much baggage she really had and would walk away, never to talk to her again. But she was proved wrong and he wasn't leaving, he was just gazing at her with a sad but understanding look.

Stefan wanted so badly to hold her, to tell her everything was going to be okay. In his whole life (both human and undead), he's never felt a strong connection like this to anyone. And the more he found out about her, the more he got to know her – was the more he wanted to see her.

"You won't be sad forever, Olivia." He told her softly, almost as a comfort to her. "And whatever you're dealing with, it'll get easier. I'm sure of it." He would do anything he could to make that happen.

Olivia sent him a small but thankful smile, "I hope your right." Wanting to believe with all her heart that his words would come true. And being here beside him, it almost felt like it really could.

~ 8 ~

Olivia and Stefan were still on the bridge together a little while later, just talking.

"Caroline seems like a good friend." Stefan noted, thinking back to the advice and pointers the blonde had discreetly given him. And a threat saying that if he were to hurt, very bad things would come for him.

Olivia couldn't help but smile at the mention of Caroline, "She's the best friend anyone could ever ask for in my opinion."

Stefan discreetly gestured over to the side where he saw a familiar figure, "Matt also can't seem to take his eyes off us." Matt was standing around with Caroline, Bonnie and Elena – but he was indeed looking over to them.

Olivia looked over her shoulder to see this and she smiled a bit wider, "Yeah, Matts he's-" Trying to find the words to explain their relationship. She turned back to Stefan to explain, "Matt's always been like this protective figure for me, I guess. Like a non-related older brother ... if that makes sense."

Stefan just wanted to double check, "So you and he never..."

"No way." Olivia shook her head immediately with a grimace, not being able to think along those lines. She never, ever thought about Matt like that, and never will. "He dated Elena until she broke up with him after the crash." She still couldn't' imagine them not being together, but it was her sister's choice – there was nothing to be done about that.

She suddenly glanced down at her watch and she stared at it in surprise, "Oh, wow, it's really late." Past midnight actually. Time had really flown.

Stefan looked at her curiously but a bit of disappointment sunk into his stomach - he didn't want her to go, "You have to get home?"

"Not really," Olivia shook her head – it was a Friday night so technically they could stay out until the early hours of the morning, but Jenna really didn't want a drunk Elena and Jeremy being brought back. She turned to Stefan with a sigh, not wanting to go ether now, but should probably do so. It felt weird that only a few hours ago she wanted to flee this place, but now she wanted to stay – with Stefan.

Expanding her hearing, she couldn't seem to pick up either Elena or Jeremy from where they were on the bridge – where had they got to?

"I should probably go find my brother and sister, though, especially Jeremy before he gets himself into trouble." She really didn't want to go back into that crowd, but unfortunately, she must brave through it. The quicker she went in, the quicker she would get out.

Stefan nodded, looking a little saddened but kept it under wraps, "I'll help you find them."

~ 8 ~

"They must be here somewhere." Olivia mused to herself, pushing her way through the crowds with Stefan beside her. She put all her effort into trying to hear or either smell one of her siblings. Mostly so she didn't have to focus on the groups of fresh bodies around her. But she couldn't seem to get a hook on either sibling. A little fear started to crawl up in her gut.

And just then, she finally picked up both her brother and sister's scent. But she also caught something else too, something that completely overpowered them by miles. Her hand shakily went over her mouth and clamping against it as the smell filled her senses, she stumbled back – she forced herself to not sprint towards the tantalizing smell.

Fresh ... warm blood.

Stefan tensed up beside her but he didn't react as much to how she was – he looked over to her, and he knew immediately that she needed to get away from this place ... and fast. He could start seeing small black veins crawling under her eyes ... this wasn't good.

"Somebody, we need help!" Elena's voice was shouting in panic, "We need some help over here!"

"Vicki? Vicki! What the hell?!" Matt's voice hit them. A lot of talking went on, but the one thing neither Stefan nor Olivia missed was 'It's her neck ... something bit her ... she's losing a lot of blood.'

Even Stefan was having a hard time controlling his own bloodlust at this point, there was a lot of it judging by the thickness of the smell – but he didn't care about himself right now. He needed to help Olivia. He moved in front of her, "I'm gonna get you out of here." Grabbing her gently before guiding her away as quickly as he could, pushing past everyone who were trying to get a look at how Vicky looks.

"S-Stefan, y-you have to run." Olivia stuttered out, not being able to run away from him, she couldn't hold on much longer. She's never been that close to warm from the vein blood, especially that vast amount since the first time she turned. The is just ... delicious. She wanted it so badly.

As soon as he was able to get Olivia as far away as he could, he moved to her front, grasping her cheeks gently, trying to get her to look at him properly and focus. She wasn't able to focus – she was trying so hard to hold on, not wanting to hurt Stefan, the only guy who's only ever really started to become interested in her.

"Hey, hey, look at me." Stefan spoke softly again, trying to gain her attention. Her face had full-on reverted into her vampire features, the black veins under her eyes were very dark with hunger. He knew exactly how to help her – showing her the ways Lexi had taught him.

Olivia was able to gain just enough control to do just that and what she saw made her gasp. Familiar little black veins were crawling down from his eyes, his eyes turning a deep shade of red and his parted lips showed fangs slowly getting longer.

"Y-You're a-" She tried saying, but she could still smell the blood and she clenched her eyes shut, her hands coming up to his and grasping them tightly. Tears began to gather in her eyes; it was becoming painful for her to fight this hard.

"Don't worry about that right now." Stefan told her, getting her back to point. "Just breathe and tell yourself you don't want that blood. When you feel that blood rushing to you, you tell yourself you're gonna get through it, that you're strong enough."

Olivia couldn't stop it, she started to cry and the dark veins got deeper. "Olivia you are the strongest person I've ever met – any other vampire your age with little help would have never been able to get through what have done." He stared into her eyes, "Trust me. You can do it, Olivia. Bury the bloodlust ... watch me."

Olivia slowly opened her eyes back up, tears still streaming down her face, wanting to stop what was happening to her. She watched as he let out a soft breath and the veins started to fade away. "Just deep breathes."

Olivia shakily took in a deep breath before expelling it, telling herself she didn't want that blood. She could feel it working as her breathing began to labour, "That's it." Stefan started to smile, pushing her to succeed gently. "You're almost there." And slowly but surly, the veins and fangs on her face began to disappear and those beautiful hazel eyes he knew returned.

'Oh, god'. She thought horrified when her reality struck her, 'I had almost –' What had she turned into?

And suddenly, still being in Stefan's arm, she broke down. Everything that she's been keeping hidden inside, buried deep with to ignore was finally breaking down the dam. Seeing this, Stefan pulled her into his arms without hesitation, hugging her as she broke down against his shoulder. He tightened his grip around her almost protectively, wanting to share the burden she's now having to forcefully live with.

"Everything's going to be okay." He told her, letting her sob, "You're gonna be okay, Liv."

Note: So, that turned out differently from the episode, huh? I hope you guys loved it, though!

Follow, Fav and Review!

P.S - I LOVE knowing what everyone thinks of my stories! Wink, wink ... nudge, nudge... lol

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