El Clasico [Lionel Messi]

By Lovemessi

86.9K 2.1K 528

Ever wondered how Antonella and Lionel Messi got together? Well, it wasn't as simple as two Argentinian best... More

Chapter 1: El clasico
Chapter 2: Gated
Chapter 3: The Janitor's Assistant
Chapter 4: A Normal Girl
Chapter 5: Confusion and Embarrassment
Chapter 6: Take Me Back
Chapter 7: Spying Around
Chapter 8: Hi?
Chapter 9: Rafael
Chapter 10: Ice Cream
Chapter 11: Danny
Chapter 12: Neymar and Alves
Chapter 13: Number
Chapter 14: Friend to Friend
Chapter 15: Sleep Over
Chapter 16: Messi
Chapter 17: Guilt
Chapter 18: Getting Ready
Chapter 19: Antonella Roccuzzo
Chapter 20: Colors
AN: 100 votes!
Chapter 21: Interuption
Chapter 22: The Start
Chapter 23: The End
Chapter 24: Plan
Chapter 25: I love It
Chapter 26: Change
Chapter 27: Stole my Heart
Chapter 28: Uneasy
Chapter 29: Cheers
Chapter 30: Tears
A/N Hello all!!
Chapter 31: Fame
Chapter 32: Set Up
Chapter 33: Locked Away Memories
Chapter 34: I missed You
Chapter 35: By the water
Chapter 36: Screaming
Chapter 37: Reverse Step
Chapter 38: Falling
Chapter 39: Boyfriend
Chapter 40: Rafael 2
Chapter 41: Something Else
Chapter 42: Pretty Little Mind
Chapter 43: Neymar
Chapter 44: Talk
Chapter 45: Passion
Chapter 46: Truly Madly Deeply In Love
Chapter 47: Do I love him?
Chapter 48: I'll Lose Her
Chapter 49: Door
Chapter 50: Gloomy Days
Chapter 51: Sorry
Chapter 52: Emilio + Kate
Chapter 53: Drunkin Love
Chapter 54: I Love You
A/N: 1K Votes!
Chapter 56: Thread
Chapter 57: Score
Chapter 58: Thinking About You
Chapter 59: Passion
Chapter 60: Friendships and Love
New Book: Golazo- Messi Fanfic

Chapter 55: Lovers

1K 20 8
By Lovemessi

Enjoy xx

I take a shower at Leo's place and I borrow one of his Barcelona cotton t-shirts and a pair of sweats. I tie my wet hair into a fresh towel, throw on my t-shirt and roll up my sweats so that they aren't too long.

When I come outside the washroom, the bed I was sleeping set and there is a nanny in Leo's room dusting off the furniture. I climb down stairs where Leo is sitting on the couch watching TV.

There is the smell of food coming from the kitchen and when I go to the kitchen there is an another nanny cooking food.

I go over and sit beside Leo and without any hesitation Leo throws an arm over my shoulders and pulls me into his arms.

"Your mom called by the way," he says as he switches the channel.

Shit! I forgot all about mom... and Kate! She must be worried sick!

I pull away with my eyes wide, "oh my god! Did you answer?"

"No I didn't," he says.

I get up and run upstairs to get my phone.

36 missed calls and 21 texts from mom

She is going to murder me when I get home!

13 missed calls and 50 texts from Kate

I quickly dial in Kate's number because I know she got me covered.

I wait from 2 rings and Kate answers, "Anto?! Oh my gosh, I've been worried sick! Where the hell are you?!?!" She's practically screaming into my ear.

"Don't worry! I'm okay," I answer.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?!"

"I got drunk out of my minds," I grin.

"And you think that's funny! What happened last night?! Where are you!"

"Leo's house," I say.

Theres a silence and I know Kate is smiling.

"But I'll tell you all about it when I get home," I quickly say before Kate asks, "did mom call you?"

She grins, "you gotta tell everything when you get home and yeah duhh your mom called me."


"I told her you're at my house and that you fell asleep and that your phone is dead."

I let out a breath , "did she believe you?"

"Yeah she seemed to have believed me. She told me that you have to be home by 12 in the evening."

I groan, "whaaat? It's already 11:30 and I wanted to hang out with Leo."

She chuckles, "are you guys back together now?"

"If kissing each other counts as being together then I guess we are," I laugh.

She laughs along, "I'm so happy for you!"

"Yeah... this time, I'm really in love Kate. I am so in love," I say shaking my head as my mind drifts of to Leo.

"Awwh! This time you have to bring him over for dinner and everything," she says.

"For sure!" I say, "I'll talk to you later though, I got to call mom."

"Wait! And tell Leo to drop you off at my place so I can drop you off home so your mom doesn't suspect a thing."

"I gotta hand it to you Kate, I didn't even think of that," I smirk.

"I got you girly," she grins, "okay now go chill with your boyfriend before its time to go."

I laugh, "we're not officially official yet."

"A kiss means your official," she says over the phone.

I smile, "alright then, I'll see you in a bit."

"Yeah! Later," I answer back and with that I end the call and dial in my mom's number.

A few rings later my mom picks up the phone, "hello?"

"Hey mom, it's me," I say.

"Why didn't you charge your phone before leaving home! You had me worried sick!!" She immediately shoots back.

"Sorry," I answer.

"We'll talk when you get home. Are you with Kate right now?"

"Of course I am," I sigh.

"Give her the phone. I need to talk to her."

I blink, "uh, she's actually in the washroom right now mom and why on earth do you need to talk to her?"

"To thank her for taking care of a silly girl like you," she answers.

"Mom, I said I'm sorry! I'll charge my phone next time," I say as I roll my eyes.

"It's like I said, we'll talk when you get home."

"Okay, bye," I mumble as turn off my phone.

When I go back downstairs Leo is sitting at the breakfast table and a nanny is talking to Leo as she places the food on the table. When he sees me, he waves me over and I come and sit beside him.

"Anto, I want you to meet Ariana Abello. She makes all the meals around here and she's pretty good at what she does," I catch Leo's gaze fall onto my body before meeting my eyes again.

I feel myself fluster at the sight of Leo and then I look up at the middle aged lady and smile at her and we shake hands, "a pleasure to meet you," I say.

"The pleasure is all mine dear," she answers back, "now tell me: would you like an omelette or traditional Canadian pancakes."

"Canadian pancakes sounds interesting," I grin.

"Oh yes they are," she nods, "maple syrup tastes a lot better than honey when it comes pancakes!" She walks into the kitchen and I turn to look at Leo who is enjoying himself with an omelette with a bowl of fruits and glass of orange juice.

"As much as I'd like to stay over at yours all day, I have to go home after breakfast," I cross my arms and lean forward against the table.

He takes a sip out of his juice before nodding, "Ah yes! I'm sure your folks are worried sick."

I roll my eyes, "you have no idea. My mom is going to give me the biggest lecture of the century when I get home."

He laughs, "did you tell her you got drunk?"

"Oh hell no! My parents would literally kick me out of the house," I laugh.

"Then you'd know where to come," he winks.

We both laugh and soon enough my pancakes are at the table. We eat up and chat about all sorts of random things, joking around and having fun.

"Thanks Mrs. Abello," I say as we both get off the table, "the pancakes were phenomenal!"

"Call me Ariana," she winks as she washes the dishes, "and thank you for joining! I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around here a lot."

I grin and Leo throws and arm around before placing a kiss on my cheek. When he pulls away, he grins at Ariana, "you will definitely be seeing her often."

I feel my cheeks heat up as he leans in again to kiss my forehead this time.

"You look so amazing right now," he whispers in my ear as he walks me towards the front door.

I chuckle, "I literally look like a sloth right now," I say as I point out my baggy cloths.

He stops me by placing both his hands on my shoulders, "do you realize how much I like it when I see you in my cloths?"

I look away from his beautiful and unbearable eyes but he lifts my chin with his index finger, "you take my breath away," he answers for me.

I smile and he leans in to give a kiss on my lips and I kiss him back. His hands travels down my shoulders and grab a hold of my hands. He pulls away but I take a step towards him kiss him back. I just want to stay close to him and just kiss me because nothing excites me more than being by Leo's side.

When we finally step away from each other, Leo slips into a pair of flip flops and I stare down at Kate's Louboutins. I think I'm just going to carry them with my dress then.

Leo chuckles as he watches me step outside barefoot, "hey, you wanna borrow a pair of slippers?"

I shrug, "sure but I'm going to leave them in your car."

He tosses me a pair and soon enough we're on the road.

"By the way," I start, "you need to drop me off at Kate's house."

"Who's Kate?"

"Don't worry, we're not in love," I tease, "she's my best friend."

He laughs, "I was generally asking. I don't care!"

We both laugh and then he reaches for his GPS, "okay so where's her house."

"It's literally like 2 blocks away from house. Don't worry, I'll show you. The GPS is not needed," I reply.

"Okay then," he answers, "the GPS is annoying anyways."

I grin, "soo... when's the next time I get to see you again?"

"This week is going to be pretty busy," he sighs, "but I'm definitely free Friday."

"That's like... 4 days without you," I frown.

He laughs, "you're going to come to the game this Friday, right?"

"Hell yes," I grin, "isn't like the most important game of the season after the El Clasico?"

"I'd say this game is even more important than the El Clasico because if we don't score enough goals this game, we're out," he frowns.

I watch him and his I realize how tense he is.

"Hey," I touch his shoulder, "it's going to be alright."

He rolls his eyes, "have you seen my performance for the past month? It sucked."

I smirk, "that's because pretty boy over here was love struck and lonely."

His face heats up and he laughs.

"This time I'll be there watching you though," I whisper as I watch him intently.

"That makes things a whole lot stressful," he jokes.

I laugh, "I don't care if you win or lose. I just want you to believe in yourself like you always have."

He nods.

"Now make a turn to the right," I say as I see Kate's street.

He makes a turn and I tell him to slow down as we get near Kate's house.

"Okay," I say, "I'll get off right here."

He parks the car, "well then... I guess we go our separate ways now."

I laugh as I playfully punch his arm, "don't be so dramatic!"

He leans in and before I even realize it, his lips are on mine and my lips are pressed against his.

He pulls away slightly, "hmm... you smell so divide."

I feel my cheeks heat up and I just crush my lips against his again. His arms wrap around my waist and he scoops me up onto his lap. He pulls away and our eyes meet. He runs his fingers through my washed hair and then he tucks a strand behind my ear.

"I just want to tell you how crazy I am for you," he whispers.

I chuckle, "I know you are... and I'm pretty damn crazy for you too."

"No... it's just... I've loved you since childhood Anto and..." His eyes drop and he runs a hand throw his hair before meeting my eyes again, "and this is like a dream come true. I just... just need to know that you really do love me."

My heart melts at his sweet words and I take his hands in mine, "I may not have known if I love you or not a month ago, but now? Just the idea of being without you for a minute drives me crazy. It's more than just your kisses Leo... I really do love you. You're honestly everything a girl could ask for. Your kindness, care,... patience and love... it means a lot to me, you know?"

I pause and look down at my lap, "Rafael and Danny could never be that. Raf was short tempered and always had ways to make me feel bad about myself, and Danny was just plain out ignorant. It hurt me to love him and overtime I say him I just wanted him to love me back. I was so desperate..." I shake my head, "I never realized how much I wanted someone to just love me. And then you can into my life and I took you for granted and I shouldn't have because you, you put all the other guys to shame," I chuckle, "you really put them to shame. You loved me like no one else and most importantly, you never gave up one me... even when you thought you lost me forever in this foreign country, you still remember me. I can't thank you more for that. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again... you were right here the whole time and I didn't even realize how ungrateful I was being then," I whisper as I lean in towards his face. He rests his head against the car seat as I hover over him. After a moment of silence, I don't hesitate for even a second as I lean in to place my lips against him. He kisses me back but our lips are gently against each others. Soft and comforting, and oh so lovely.

He breaks away shortly, "you should probably go now," he whispers as he kisses me at the base of my neck.

I feel my face heat up as I pull away, "yeah... you're right," I grin as I get off of him and roll into my seat before opening the door.

"I'll see you soon," I say and he takes my hand in his and places a kiss on top of it.

"I'll be waiting my love," he winks and my heart melts.

I grin, "well aren't you all romantic now."

He chuckles and I quickly place a kiss on his jaw before climbing out of the car.

I'm over at Kate's for a while and soon enough after all the bickering, she drops me off to my house. I tell her about everything and I tell her that Leo and I basically back together. Official or unofficial, I've gotta tell you, it's the same freakin thing when the man kisses you out of your mind.

"So how are things between you and Emilio?" I finally ask.

"We're working towards it," she tries to smile, "he's gotta make the next move. I'm all in but I don't know about him."

I laugh, "I'll tell him you said that."

"No you won't! That would be awkward!" She takes my hand right before I'm about to get out.

"Okay kay, i won't tell him, jeez, let go of me," I say.

She lets me go and lets out a sigh.

"Wait," I frown, "you're not telling me something..."

She tucks her hair behind her ear before resting her head back, "I just don't know how he feels about me?"

I laugh, "what?! What do you mean you don't know? He kissed you!"

"I know, I know! But like, I'm always the one making all the moves... I just feel like he doesn't love me as much as I love him" she looks at me.

"I'm gonna tell him to make the next move and I'm make sure he loves you just as much and if he doesn't I'm going to kick his ass and your going to find another guy," I say with determination.

"No!" She stops me, "that's exactly what I don't want! I want him to figure it out on his own and do what's best and if really cares he will do something."

"So I can't be Cupid?"

She rolls her eyes and I laugh.

"Okay," I say with a different plan, "I'll just ask him how things are going between the two of you and I'll let you know what he says, cool?"

"He's gonna think I told you to do that... too desperate!"

"What?! Girl, there's nothing desperate about that," I roll my eyes, "I'll ask him and let you know, okay?"

She sighs, "fine... tell me everything!"

I grin, "he loves you... that's what he's gonna say."

She punches me in the arm, "seriously Anto!"

"Okay okay! I'll ask him!"

When she finally lets me go, I spend about 30 minutes at home getting a huge lecture on charging my phone and then I start getting questions about my outfit.

"And who's cloths are these?" My mom points at my outfit and when I look over at Emilio his face is completely tense and his eyebrows are narrowed while Agustin gives me a smirk.

I roll my eyes, "mom, these a Kate obviously. I was at her place."

"Kate's outfit, my ass," Emilio mutters sarcastically as he rolls his eyes at me.

"What's your deal?" I narrow my eyes.

"She doesn't even wear baggy cloths," he says.

Is this him trying to snake me out in front of mom?!

"She's taller than me genius," I shoot back, "you should know that considering the fact that you love her so much."

His face heats up and mom spins around to look at him, "you and Kate are...?"

"NO!" He replies angrily, "I don't know what the hell she's talking about!"

"So you don't love her?" I cross my arms.

"No," he shrugs, "I could care less."

"Oh yeah?" I feel anger boiling through my body, "what if she loves you?"

"I don't care," he gets up and walks out of the living room and my heart sinks for Kate. What on earth is wrong with him anyways?


****IMPORTANT: ****

okay guys so I'm really really thinking about starting a story with Kate and Emilio cuz I ship them so hard! So if anyone is interested, let me know because I might actually work on it starting April. 

This book is still going for a a few more chapters. It could be 5 more, it could be like 15 more, who know? I just write along the way and see how things go. Let me know what you guys think. Do you want more or you want this story to end soon? 

When I finish this book, whenever that will be lol, what are your opinions on a CR7 novel?? Let me know about that as wellll 


I'm honestly so sorry for being so late with my uploads! I can't stress to you how badly school is taking over my life lol. 

Anyways, for those having mid terms right now, GOOD LUCK!! 

Okay, byeee I love you alll!! :D

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